Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2043688-A-New-Journey
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2043688
When a women finds out the truth of her life what happens. Will life ever be normal again
Jessica Ledger

One day Katie Malone was walking home from her job as a kindergarten teacher at St. Rosemarie's Academy. As she was walking she began to hear the sound of fighting in the woods that surround her cabin. Puzzled, Katie began to walk in to the forest as silent as possible, and for someone who has lived in the forest for seven years that is dead silent. Stopping at the edge of the clearing where the fight apparently was happening, Katie climbed up a tree to see what was going on. Once Katie was far enough up she went out on a branch that hung over the clearing. Looking down she saw a child on the ground against a tree crying with a bunch of men fighting around her. Looking closer Katie recognized the girl as Princess Sara Evans. The men fighting were her guards and some men wearing masks. Princess Sara is one of the students in Katie's class. By the looks of it the attackers were winning and Katie immediately knew what to do. Tying back her blonde hair and taking off the sunglasses that hid her intelligent emerald green eyes Katie jumped out of the tree right onto one of the attackers. Katie quickly knocked the man unconscious. Turning she saw that one of the guards was lying on the ground motionless and the attacker he had been fighting was making a move towards Princess Sara. Running Katie tackled the man in to a tree where he hit the tree and fell to the ground. By the time she got to back to the fight all of Sara's guards were not moving and three attackers remained. Lunging Katie started to fight.
When all of the fighting was over Katie and Princess Sara were the only ones still able to move. From what Katie could feel she most likely had a black eye, possible concussion, and she was bruised all over. If she didn't get some ice on her head she could possibly pass out. Limping over to Sara Katie sat down and hugged the young girl. Sara looked okay other than the fact that her brown eyes were bloodshot and her curly brown hair was very messy. While she was hugging Sara, Katie figured out what to do next. Katie handcuffed all of the attackers to trees and propped up all of the guards on other trees and then she took out her cell phone and called the number she had been ignoring for the past seven years.
"Katie, are you okay? Why are you calling I have been trying to reach you for the past seven years, but you never answer?"
"I am fine, and why would you care Your Majesty?" said Katie bitterly. Katie had hoped to never hear this voice again. It was Sara's father King Kyle. He and Katie had some history that Katie did not want to bring back into the light.
"I think the real question is why wouldn't I care Katie. I don't know if you remember but once I was able to care about your well being. I never stopped lovi..." Kyle said
         "Your Majesty, just stop. What happened then is over we have both grown up. I called to tell you that your daughter is with me right now because her guards were knocked unconscious by attackers who are now knocked out and handcuffed to trees. You may want to send someone to take care of that. I will bring the Princess home immediately. Now I must go so I can get her home before I pass out from my head trauma." Katie said almost in tears from the memories of the past that flooded out of the depths of her head out the sound of his voice. Katie hung up before he could respond. Taking Sara's hand they began the walk to the huge mansion that Sara lived in. After about fifteen minutes of torture on Katie because of her injuries they arrived at the mansion. Walking up to the door Katie rang the bell and waited, but she began to feel dizzy. Right as the door opened Katie collapsed and all she saw was the chocolate colored eyes of her love as he caught her.
         When Katie woke up she looked around and had no idea where she was. She was lying in a large bed with a dark purple comforter covering her. The rest of the room was richly decorated with tapestries and curtains covering the wall. Looking over she saw a set of glass doors leading out on to a balcony. Katie walked outside to see where exactly she was. When she stepped out on to the balcony she heard a voice
         "Katie you're awake!"
Turning she all she saw was a blur of brown hair before she was wrapped in a pair of strong arms. Looking up she saw the eyes that belonged to someone she was hoping to never see again.
         "Hello your majesty. I hope that your daughter is safe." said Katie coldly as she pulled out of Kyle's arms her eyes filling with tears, both from the pain of her injuries and the pain of seeing him again.
         "Please Katie, I don't know why you left but I still love you." said Kyle voice full of despair.
         "Ha! Oh my gosh that is hilarious. You love me. Since when, because that letter you sent me on my sixteenth birthday begs to differ. You broke my heart once and seven years ago I promised myself that I would not let it happen again. So please just leave my heart alone."
         "What on Earth are you talking about? I never wrote you a letter! You sent me one saying you were leaving and that you never wanting to see me again."
         "I WOULD HAVE NEVER SENT YOU THAT LETTER! You were my first and only love! When I got your letter I nearly killed myself after everything that was going on in my life. Did you know Kyle that not only did I hear you didn't love me I found out my father was dead and that my mother was kicking me out because she had never loved me? She was just like you. I also lost my twin sister when my mom kicked me out I didn't talk to her until our 18th birthday. If you are trying to make me seem like the bad guy Kyle than you can just let me leave." Katie said furious and she tried to leave but Kyle grabbed her and pulled her back.
         "Wait Katie this explains what I heard my mother say into the phone few weeks before she died. She said 'thank god I got rid of that little brat with those letters. Now my son can finally be happy.' After that I couldn't hear anymore. She wrote you that letter and the letter I got. I swear to you Katie since that day when I first met you when you were reading on the bench in the schoolyard in high school I have loved you with all on my heart. If you would just give me another chance."
"Fine Kyle I will give you one chance. But if you even think about breaking my heart I will kill you. Do not push me Kyle, I promise you I will not let you hurt me." Scared from Katie 's deadly serious tone Kyle backed up a step almost falling over the railing but before he could fall Katie grabbed his shirt pulling him back away from the edge, but she might have pulled him a little to hard because he crashed right into Katie sending them both crashing on to the floor in a heap. When Katie tried to get up she found she was stuck under Kyle and something about the situation was funny to Katie after seven years of loneliness. Katie started to crack up laughing and soon Kyle joined in to. Soon they were both rolling around on the ground laughing like they were teenagers again. After they finished laughing they had tired themselves out and fell asleep together on the floor of the balcony. They both slept better than they had for the past seven years. The next morning as the sun was rising both Katie and Kyle woke up at the same time. As they ate breakfast Kyle got a thoughtful expression.
"Katie if all of Sara's guards were knocked unconscious then how did the intruders get handcuffed to the trees and how did you find Sara?" he asked.
"Well I now live in a hand built cottage in the forest near here and on my walk home from work I heard fighting in those woods a little before the area my house is in. I went to investigate and saw the fight with Sara cowering by a tree. I knew I had to do something because her guards were not doing too well. So I jumped out of the tree I was in and attacked. About six years ago I taught myself to fight out of information in books I found and so I knew that I would be able to handle myself and protect one of my students." Katie answered.
Kyle was impressed that Katie had protected his daughter better than her guards, so he offered Katie the job as Sara's nanny so they could see each other more often. Katie said she would take the job and she left to go home for a while. When Katie walked into her house she knew immediately that something was wrong. The lights were on inside the house and Katie always makes sure to turn off everything. Grabbing they umbrella from by the door Katie began to search through the house for the intruder. When she walked into the kitchen she saw a man standing at the window.
"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"
The man turned around but before Katie could get a could a good look at him there was a blinding flash before everything went black.
         When Katie could finally see again she was in a room that brought on a wave of deja vu. Katie knew that she had been here before but could not remember when or how. All she knew was it brought up memories of her father before he died. Walking to the door of the room she opened it up to reveal a long corridor filled with tapestries of what looked like Queens and Kings. Katie began walking looking at each of the tapestries hoping to see someone she recognized so she knew where she was. At the very end of the hall where the current ruler would be she found someone she recognized but it was someone that Katie would not have expected. Walking through the doors in front of her Katie found herself in a large throne room. The throne was beautiful, it was golden with red cushions on it. The most mesmerizing part was the top it had an assortment of gems placed in the shape of the letter M. The throne was raised of the ground with a set of stairs leading up to it. All of a sudden a previously unnoticed door just behind the throne was opened and the person who walked out brought Katie to her knees in shock.
"Daddy?" Katie asked in a small child like voice. Just the thought of her father being alive made Katie cry tears of joy.
"Yes my dear daughter it is me. I am sorry for leaving you with your mother, only to have her kick to out." said David Malone Katie's father.
"Wait, you purposely left? If you had to leave couldn't you have left any other day than my birthday? For gods sake, you faked your own death who does that?" Katie said angrily.
"I had to leave Katie on that day or this planet would have had no one to rule it."
"Wait, planet? Where in the Hades am I if I am not on Earth. Maybe you aren't even my father. Maybe who ever was in my kitchen drugged me and I am having some incredibly vivid dream, because the father I knew loved his daughters enough to never do something this idiotic."
"Katie I promise you if I had the choice I would have never left you or your sister. But the sad truth is I had to sometimes in life you don't get a choice in what happens in your life. You need to learn that or your life will never be happy."
"You dare say I don't know that I won't get to choose what happens in my life. I know can't or I would have chosen for you to never leave. I would have chosen that Kyle's mother would not have sent the letter. The thing I would have chosen to happen the most would be that I would have never been taken from my house, because I don't particularly like the man in front of me, claiming to be my father. Now tell me where I am or send me home."
"I know you have gone through much pain while I have been away and I am so sorry for that. On that day my mother appeared in front of me and told me what I had to do. She had faked her death to to come rule here. That's one thing about us Malones none of us have pleasant childhoods."
"For the last time what planet is this?"
"You are on the planet of Osiris. When you were six years old I brought you here to show you where you would one day be forced to save or rule. That day is here my dear. Since the beginning of time the Malones have ruled here but the princes and princesses are all born on Earth and when their parent that left them is dying they call upon them to come rule. Each of the princesses and princes are twins. One is destined to be the next ruler and the other is called upon early to attempt to retrieve a talisman that is the only way to keep Osiris alive, you are the retriever. Legend states that this talisman is a crown that when placed with the scepter of Osiris will reveal that person who will some how save this planet. If you can't get the crown then this planet will disappear along with all of its inhabitants."
" Ok I will leave at once. Where must I go?"
" Go to the lowest dungeon in this castle and there will be a wall with writing on it you must figure it out before you can go inside. If you figure it out you will find a skill that is your only chance of surviving. Before you leave you must know that every day you are on this planet is half a year back on Earth so if you take too long you may be gone from your life for years. Goodbye my beautiful daughter I hope to see you again."
Before Katie could respond David ran out tears falling down his face. For Katie this was unsettling she had never seen her father cry except for the day he left. Going over to a table with parchment and pens. Katie began to write letters of goodbye to all of the people she loved, because Katie was sure that she would die. Katie knew that she was not an adventurer, she was made to be someone quiet and calm like a librarian. The hardest letter for her to write was the one to Kyle. It said
"My Dearest Love,
         Isn't life cruel? Right after I got you back I left again. I am sure right now I am not in your highest favor, but if life had given me a choice I would have never left your side. Sadly, my life had other plans for me. By the time you get this letter I will be dead. I am far away from home right now and I am about to go on a death defying mission just like I always said I would. You know I love you right? If you didn't I do. You are the love of my life and I hope that you will be able move on from my death. Just know that my love will always be there when you feel sad and alone. Tell Sara that I loved her like she was my daughter. I don't know if I will be able to shoulder all of the pain I am causing by doing this. Forever and always Kyle I will love you. Goodbye my love.

Katlyn Ann Malone"

         Leaving all the letters on the throne with a small note to deliver them if she hadn't returned within six days of her departure. With that Katie started to make her way down to the lowest dungeon to begin her journey to that would most likely result in her death and Osiris's. When she reached the wall her father told her about she read what it said
         "To reach your goal you must forget what you thought was true about the supernatural. If you do not truly believe in the impossible when you try to pass you will die. To pass you must renounce your past life for now. Release any vanity you have. Once you accomplish this imagine in your head the wall disappearing and if you a true then it will fall, if you are false you will die."
Katie immediately knew what she had to do. Going back to the bathroom she had seen on the way down Katie found an electric razor in a drawer of the counter. Katie began to shave her head. Katie's one vanity was her hair, and without her hair she rid herself of her vanity. Just traveling to this planet had caused Katie to believe in the impossible. Walking back to the wall Katie imagined the wall disappearing and all of a sudden it was gone. Wanting to test the magic Katie imagined a bottle of water in her hands and it was there. Ready to go Katie used her magic to conjure a sword in case of danger and boy was that a good idea because about five minutes after she enter the cave she reached a cave. Inside the cave it seemed empty at first until the minotaur lumbered into Katie's line of vision. Startled by its ghastly appearance Katie almosted passed out before she realized this was another test. This was a test not just of bravery but a test of intelligence to. The minotaur had brute strength but not much else. To beat him Katie would have to use wit to outsmart him before he kills her. Quickly Katie comes up with a plan that is idiotic but just might work.
Running straight at the minotaur Katie ducked under his legs and quickly jumped on to his back. Sword in hand Katie climbed to where she knew the heart would be. Katie knew that it would be almost impossible to get to the heart from behind. Before Katie could change her mind she stabbed so with so much force that it went straight into his heart. Leaping off the minotaur before he fell Katie landed right on her shoulder. Crying out at the pain in her shoulder Katie began to hear muffled sobs coming from the area where the minotaur had emerged. Katie ran over to where the sobs were coming from, but it was too dark to see anything. After noticing the difference in lighting Katie began to look for the source of the light. The light seemed to be coming from the walls. Going back to the dark place Katie imagined a lantern in her hands and once it appeared she walked towards what ever was making the noises. From what she could tell the noise was coming from a small room hidden at the back of the alcove. Katie carefully walked over to the room and inside she saw a terrible sight. Inside the room was a little girl who by the looks of it could not have been older than six years old. She had been starved and had scars that looked like the minotaur had tortured her.
" Oh my gosh! Are you okay sweetie? Come here let me give you something to eat." said Katie.
"Thank you. No one been kind to me before." said the little girl in an adults voice.
"Who are you and how did you get here?"
"I am someone who people should be kind to," all of a sudden there was a glowing light that surrounded the girl and she was all of a sudden a beautiful women "and I can be anywhere I want to be. My name is Hera and I am the queen of the gods. I have heard much about you Katie."
Katie sank to her knees had towards the ground in a sign of respect towards Hera.
         "Your majesty, I had no idea that you were the little girl I am sorry for not showing more respect towards you."
         "Rise Katie, for you have done nothing wrong. You are important in your own way. The Greek gods rely on Osiris. This planet is the life force of all supernatural beings, without Osiris we would all disappear. All that have killed the minotaur before you have just kept going along with their missions instead of helping me. Before you ask about how the minotaur has died before and you just killed him, it is because when a monster is killed after a period of time it appears again. Now you must hurry on your mission, but before you go let me heal you and take this necklace. It will help you face another test that is ahead that you must be strong through. Just remember it is not really who you think it is."
         With that Hera disappeared in a blinding flash of light and a tunnel opened in front of Katie. Katie's shoulder no longer hurt, but instead of moving on she decided to stay there for the night so tomorrow she would be more awake. Katie made a cot appear and layed down to rest sword on the ground next to her just in case. When she awoke she began to walk again but before too long the tunnel began to go down wards steeply and the ground became slippery. After a few minutes of trying to keep her balance Katie just sat down and began to slid down the path. As she began going down she began to go faster until Katie could no longer control it. Before she knew what was happening Katie flew right into a pit hitting her head causing her to go unconscious not knowing how far she was going to fall.
         As soon as Katie was conscious she noticed two things. The first was that her head hurt like crazy, and the second was that whatever she had landed on was too soft to be cave a cave floor. Opening her eyes she saw a familiar ceiling. Katie sat up and almost screamed, she was in a place of her nightmares. It was her old room. The room she sat in crying for hours about her father and Kyle, before her demon of a mother barged in and told her to get out. The only difference from the room then and the room now were the pictures. There were pictures of Katie and her mother at different stages of Katie's life, and they were hugging each other and smiling in all of the pictures. The most recent looking picture could have been taken yesterday, but Katie and her mother would have never taken any pictures like that. Looking at more of the pictures Katie began to see pictures of her and Kyle together, but one of them stood out the most. It was a wedding picture of Katie and Kyle. It was the wedding they had always planned to have. Looking down at her hand Katie saw that she was wearing a ring. It was the ring Kyle had shown Katie, that his grandmother had given to him. So that when he wanted to marry a girl he could. It was a gorgeous ring with an intricate gold band with a diamond nestled between two sapphires. Just as she was staring at the ring there was a knock at the door startled Katie turned just as the door opened. Standing there was her mother, her father, and Kyle.
         Smiling Katie's mother Tasha walked over to Katie and thinking Tasha was going to hurt her Katie flinched back,but Tasha just hugged Katie.
         "How are you Katie? That fall you took was pretty bad. You've been out for two days, but the doctor said you would be fine." said Tasha looking sincere.
         "What fall and how did I get here? Why are you being so nice to me, mother?" asked Katie confused. Kyle walked over Katie and wrapped his arm around her waist.
         "Are you alright darling? You have never questioned how nice your mother is before. Did you lose your memory when you slipped on the staircase?" He asked.
         "My mother has never been nice to me before so I had no reason to question how nice she was. I will ask again why am I here?" said Katie
         "Katie we came over for dinner like we do every week. Lana and Hailey are at home with their nanny." said Kyle.
         "Who are Lana and Hailey?" asked Katie.
         "They are our daughters remember?" said Kyle
         "Ha! I knew this all was fake. The real Kyle and I talked about what we were going to name our children when we were kids and neither of those names were what we decided." Katie said. Hatred towards what ever creatures tried to trick her boiled in Katie's viens. A dark red light filled the room. It seemed to come from Katie's necklace from Hera. The room looked like it had been soaked in blood and it all began to disappear. The creatures that had tried to trick her disappeared with the room. When everything was completely gone a different room. It looked like a throne room except everything was black and dark red. The throne was the only object in the room, other than Katie that was a different, yet it was the most unsettling partially because of who was in the throne. The throne was made out of bones with cushions that looked like they were made with human skin. Sitting in the throne was a man dressed regally in a totally black outfit. He wore a cape of sorts that upon closer inspection Katie saw was swimming with the faces of the tormented. On the mans head sat a warriors helm except it like the rest of his outfit was as dark as night. What Katie noticed the most was that the man literally radiated fear. Katie immediately knew who he was. Dropping down Katie bowed and said "Greetings to you, Hades lord of the dead."
"So you are the legendary Katlyn Malone. Word of you helping Hera has spread enough for even me to hear. Rise Katie for you are the savior of the gods. None have ever made it out of my simulations. The only truth in all of that was that you have been out for days, four to be exact. I have been told to inform you that your letter was sent to that king. Kyle isn't it?" said Hades
"My father sent it like I asked, good. I needed to let Kyle know that I probably won't be back."
"But in your letter you said that your were dead. Not that you probably won't be back. You are basically telling him to give up on you. He received your letter today and was crushed. Watch."
An image appeared on the wall showing Kyle at his desk holding a picture. The imaged moved so it was behind him and Katie could see that the picture he was holding was of them. It was the day Katie and Kyle had their reunion and their separation.
"Three years. It has been three long years since you left again Katie." Kyle said in a monotonous voice. There was a knock at the door and Cynthia the maid set the mail on Kyle's desk, but she handed him one of the pieces of mail. On the envelope it said "To My Love Kyle" and Katie immediately knew what was going on. As Kyle read the letter his eyes filled with tears and he looked like he was about to freak out.
"My beautiful Katie dead. Her musical voice singing muted by the darkness of death. Remember Katie my sixteenth birthday party, you sang that beautiful song and all of the guests couldn't believe that you were only fifteen. That was the night you told me you loved me and I told you the same. Life was so much easier back then before our lives began to really matter to those around us." With that Kyle began to sob and Katie along with him.
" Hades, where must I go next I must hurry so I can go home." said Katie. Hades lifted a hand and pointed at a previously unnoticed door at the side of the room. Katie bowed once more at Hades and then walked out of the room into a long stretch of cave.
After about an hour of walking uphill Katie emerged into a brightly lit room full of treasures, but lying in front of treasure was a huge dragon. The dragon's scales were a beautiful golden color with bits of red and purple in different spot on its body. As Katie tried to sneak around the dragon it awoke and boy was it mad. Instead of trying to attack Katie, it began to change. When it was done changing, it was a woman with glowing golden hair and a handful of knives instead of claws. Looking around Katie saw the crown and she willed it to her, but instead of landing in her hand as she wanted it to it floated up and landed on her head. Right before it landed on her head Katie felt an intense pain in her abdomen. Looking down Katie saw one of the dragon lady's knives sticking out of Katie's abdomen. Blood gushed from Katie's wound and the crown landed on her head. As soon as the crown made contact with her head a glorious white light blasted out of her. Katie knew what she had to do. She picked up a dagger from the closest pile of treasure. Holding the dagger by the tip Katie pulled back her arm and threw. The dagger spun through the air and hit the dragon lady right in the heart killing her instantly. Katie knew that she was the one that was supposed to save Osiris and she already did. The light that had blasted out was magic, and it had gone out to all the people of Osiris. That was why Osiris was dying. Without magic the planet could not survive and Katie returned magic to everyone on Osiris. Katie began to feel dizzy and looking down Katie saw a large pool of blood at her feet. The last thing Katie was able to do was teleport herself to her father, and as soon as she saw his face in front of hers she embraced the darkness.
Kyle sat on the balcony where he and Katie had spent the night four years earlier. It had been on of the best nights of his life. Even after a year Kyle still couldn't get over Katie's death. Looking out at the quiet courtyard of his mansion Kyle remembered another on his favorite days. It was back when Katie was a freshman at his high school and he had been a sophomore. Kyle had been tired of all the chatter and gossip in the lunch room and he was looking for a quieter place to eat. Kyle had walked out into the courtyard of River Valley Academy and sitting on a bench was the most beautiful girl Kyle had ever seen. He remembered that it was the middle of Autumn yet the weather was still warm. The leaves fell around her in a multicolored waterfall and the illuminated the golden color of her hair. Kyle studied her wondering why she would be sitting out there all alone. It was then he saw the tears running down her face as she read the book in her lap. Walking up to her he mustered up his courage and asked "Are you ok? Why are you crying?" Katie looked up startled that this sophomore, the prince to be exact, was wasting his words on the likes of her.
"I am fine." Katie said defiantly. Kyle looked into her eyes and saw what others didn't. He saw pain, regret, sadness, and most surprisingly was compassion. Katie started blushing as Kyle stared at her, and as soon as he saw her blushing Kyle looked down at his feet. Before he look at the ground he noticed her arm. On the pale skin of her arm he saw three scratches. Kyle realized that they were not scratches they were cuts. Grabbing her arm he turned it so he could see it better.
" Who are you and what on earth would make you do something like this?" exclaimed Kyle.
"My name is Katlyn Ann Malone. I cut because no one would have cared. Everyone just thinks I am a nuisance. Thats why I made these cuts and thats why I attempted to overdose." said Katie and her hands flew up to her mouth. For a moment Katie looked scared like Kyle was going to ridicule her, but he was in shock at the force of what she said. Then Katie turned around and ran. Kyle remained in shock for about a minute before he took off to find Katie. It was in that moment Kyle realised that she wasn't like other girls and the Katie was the woman he wanted to marry one day. Kyle was startled from his memories by a large crashing sound on the patio on the ground below the balcony and he went running towards the sound.
Katie awoke to the white walls and beeping of machines only to be found in a hospital. Daniel Malone was sitting by her bed almost asleep but as soon as he saw her eyes open he shot out of his chair.
"Katie, you're awake! You have been unconsious for two days, but the doctor said that since the knife didn't hit any organs you could leave as soon as you wake up. I am sure that you are ready to go home to your love." he said
"Yes daddy I would love to go home." said Katie standing to hug her father, but as soon as she stood Katie was sore.
"Ok my dear," her father said while hugging her " all you have to do is do the same thing you did to get back to me after your adventure. You can come back and visit any time now that we have magic back to do so. I love you."
"Good bye father." With that Katie left. When she was able to see where she was she fell into the table next to her causing a huge rucus. All of a sudden Katie was pulled into a huge hug by the love of her life. After hugging her all Kyle did was get down on one knee and say "Katie will you marry me." Kyle pulled out a box with a beautiful diamond ring in it.
"Yes Kyle!"

© Copyright 2015 JessicaL (jessel2000 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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