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Rated: 13+ · Article · Community · #2040652
An article on my veiw of how things are.
World Of Chaos

         Today, we live in a world that has supposedly come so long with many things. Which I can not lie it has but there still are some things that are still as behind as they ever have been it's just masked by other problems. Everyone knows that there are still race problems in this world, I will admit it may not be as extreme as they once where but it's still in this world. Now I normally don't stick my nose in these kinds of things but I think its time I say my piece. So many people act as if nothing is wrong and everyone acts like no one knows what its like to feel racism but truth be told everyone does to some extent some think its not like what they've experienced but it doesn't matter it's still racism. Every race and ethnicity gets criticized for something weather it be big or small, it still happens. I know there's been a lot going on with these shootings, but I must say I don't agree with either side. And I'm not just talking about recent events I'm talking all events. If where living in a world that's supposed to be moving forward no one is helping that happen. People that are being racist need to get over it, I don't care what you've been taught times are changing and you need to keep your comments to your self. If you honestly don't like someone just because of there color just keep it moving there is no need for slander or dirty looks just move on with your life and don't talk to them its as simple as that. There no need to make a bigger deal out of something so little and non relevant. And everyone on the other side I'm sorry but your not helping either, you either fight back literally or with words. I know its rude, irrognat and yes even hurtful. But if where trying to make this world better and helping it move forward this is not the way to do it. And I know people are going to tell me I'm wrong and that I don't know what its like. You are very very wrong, I've had many issues growing up. But that's another whole story but even with everything that's happened to me I don't let it affect how I see people. People need to open there eyes and realize that one bad person doesn't make everyone bad. If we truly think like that nothing good can of it, but sadly this is not the case. Everyone has one bad experience with a teacher and all teachers are bad, someone has one bad experience with a restaurant and the whole place is bad even if they've been there many times before with no problem, people have an issue with a cop and there all horrible, I will admit there are some bad cops but that doesn't make them all bad, you encounter one racist person than everyone is racist. And I'm sorry but when you say your not racist and saying people need to move forward with the times and then are continuously posting stories and saying things about another race that does make you racist and your not helping anyone move froward. You may think that your helping but your not and your living in the past just as the others are. You may think that your supporting and yes you may but your also saying that everyone is like that, when you know its not true. I get your all trying to prove a point that something horrible has happened but still living in the past is not what is going to help the world move forward. I understand that someone was killed but leave it at that a poor kid was killed don't bring race into it. Look at the murdered boy don't look at him as white, Hispanics, black or Asian. The race of someone should not matter the crime it self is what is important. And if anyone truly cared for this murder it would not have to be like that. And I understand that what the cops did was wrong but it truly should have anything to do with race. And I do have one question for everyone, why is that when someone is killed of another race its automatically racism. But its okay when it's a killing of the same color it's somehow okay and no one is out raged. There are many killings that go unnoticed and unsolved and there's no problem with that. It shouldn't be about the color of someone's skin, we should be out raged about the murder and trying to stop and prevent all murders. And one last little rant that I have to put in, If so many people have a problem with cops that why don't you go to school and do something about it. Get the education and get the badge and begin to change things yourself. Sitting at home bitching that its not right and that nothings being done, get up and do something about it start helping making things right. Okay, I'm done. I don't want to make this thing extremely long. I'm sure that this article is all over the place and doesn't make any sense but I just needed to get it out.
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