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Jazmine Carter felt like she's a lost soul since her life was turned upside down long ago. |
Prologue Walking down the stairs in her house, Jazmine Carter could hear the tv on in the living room. As she got down stair she walked into the dark living room where the tv was on, there she found that her fiance John Lavigne had fallen asleep on the couch. She walked over to him and brushed his hair gently with her hand. She felt a sharp pain in her chest. Knowing that they had been together for 12 years and in a week they will be married. She should be happy about their wedding but yet she was still feeling this pain. She knew the reason that she was feeling this pain in her chest, but she didn't want to admit it. She has held on to a secret about herself for the past 12 years, never telling him due to the fear that he would leave her. They had been together since they were 13 yrs old, they were childhood sweet hearts. Even back then she was afraid to tell him what happened to her after a couple of months that they had gotten together. She didn't want to lose him back then, to this very day she still didn't want to lose him. Now that they are 25 yrs old and they are about to get married. She loved him so dearly and wouldn't know what she would do without him. She as been faithful to him since they had been together and nothing will ever change that. That is what she is hoping for at least. She had a feeling that her secret will cause issues for the future because it was already causing issues for them. She slowly moved away from him and picked up her jacket off the chair and slowly put it on she looked at the time on her watch and it was 10:30pm. She quitely walked out of the living room to the front door. She slowly opened the making sure that he would not hear her walking out once again. As she closed the door quitely looking out to the street, trying to get in to the mind set of her secret life. She is a Night Huntress, who fights demon at night sometime during the day as well. This was her secret that she never told John. The fear that he would think that she is crazy is why she never told him. She didn't want to endanger him as well because these demon tend to go after loved ones. She watched a red car pulled up to the house on the street she walked to the car to see her friend Jessica Summers who is also Night Huntress. It was time to go to work on protecting the city, little did she know that as they were leaving, John had followed her watching her leave with Jessica. As they were heading to downtown Denver. There was a long silence between Jazmine and Jessica. They had been friends for a while with little in common, but she knew that Jessica was the leader of the Night Huntresses. Some of the Night Huntresses stay close to Jessica and then there are some who would argue with her or they would avoid her. Jazmine was not sure if was in fear or if they just didn't like her at all. The only thing that Jazmine knew is that Jessica was the most powerful one of the Night Huntress and not every one like it. Right now it didn't really matter because there was a demon that they have been hunting that was found in Civic Center Park. Jazmine was still trying to get into the right mind frame for this fight but yet she was feeling a sharp pain in her chest. It was the same feeling that she was feeling when she watch John sleep on the couch at home . "Your quite tonight." Jessica said breaking the silence between them. "I just have a lot of things on my mind that is all." responding back Jazmine was looking out the window. "Well it is to be expected, your getting married next week." Jessica replied back. "I just have a bad feeling right now that I am not able to shake off. I feel like I am going to lose something and I don't know what it is." Jazmine said as she kept gazing out the window looking at the lights that they keep passing by. "Don't worry about it. Thing will be fine Jaz, what you are feeling will pass." Jessica reassured Jazmine trying to make her feel better. With what she was feeling, Jazmine hoped that Jessica was right that the feeling will pass. But she still couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen. She knew that she needed to focus because the demons that they are looking for is Fomorians. They may look like look human, but they are very deadly. Even in their human form they have their true form strength that can put any man in the hospital or even cause their death. If they transform to their true form will cause fear and panic to anyone who watches their transformation. She personally never seen one in true form and she didn't want to. As they found parking, the pain that she was feeling was growing stronger. It was not normal, the fear that she may die was creeping up on her. She didn't want to think about it, she tried to keep thinking that she will make to her wedding. The moment as they got to the Civic Center Park she could hear a woman screaming. She then ran towards the scream only to find a dark haired man holding a woman by the neck in the air. "Hold it right there!" Jazmine said as she was rushing to the woman's aid. "You put the nice lady down and back away from her." "Your not my bride to be." the man said to the woman that he was holding. Then he turned looking at Jazmine."Well if it isn't the little mouse." Jazmine froze in her tracks stunned by the man that tossed the woman on the ground. Jessica ran to help the woman as the darked hair man slowly walked to Jazmine. Jessica looked in the direction where Jazmine was shouting to Jazmine to fight. But theJazmine couldn't move, her past just flashed before her eyes. This man was the one that turned her into a Night Huntress 12 years ago. She was frozen in terror and could not move as the man walked over to her. She could bearly hear Jessica scream to her and she couldn't move. She watched as the man kept walking towards her as something started moving on his forhead it looked like it was an eye opening up. She was still frozen in her tracks as he got to her lifting her head up to look at him. She felt that she was in a trance because of that third eye. "You don't remember me little mouse." the man spoke as he drew closer to Jazmine." It is I, Balorian little mouse and I came to claim you as my wife after all these years." "No, I am not your bride." Jazmine said with tears coming down her face. Trying to fight what was going as Balorian came close to her kissing her. Not realizing that John was there seeing what was going on she pushed Balorian back with a blast of ice. Found herself on the ground as John came up to her upset. "What is going Jazmine?" John asked asked her as she was getting up. Shocked on that John was there standing by her. Looking at him, tears came down much faster. Her secret was out and she was caught. "Its not what you think John." she said as she tried to get close to him. "It is what I think it is." he said upset "I am not good enough for you." Not seeing that Balorian was getting up and walking towards them. Jazmine was too focused on John and the thought of being caught as a Night Huntress. John backed away as Balorian was getting close to Jazmine. "Little man, what do you want with my bride." Balorian said as he walking towards Jazmine and John. Jazmine turned to see that Balorian was coming. She got ready to fight with the thought of protecting John. The pain that she felt was no longer there, the only thing that she was anger. Her anger consumed her as she stood there, she felt something in her was changing. "You can have her." John said as he turned and started walking away. Not seeing that Jazmine was going through a transformation he was too upset with what he saw when he got there. The woman who he loved for the past 12 years was kissing another man. He could hear Jazmine telling him that they will talk about it when she gets home but he kept walking away from her and the other man. He felt betrayed by Jazmine and nothing could change that fact. "I don't be long to you and I am not your bride." Jazmine said to Balorian. Her hair was white as snow she gathered all her strenght and started freezing Balorian. Jessica watched as Jazmine transformation took place. Everything around Jazmine started freezing as some vampires tried to stop Jazmine, Jessica could see that the vampires were frozen sold. Never before had Jessica seen Jazmine so upset and angry. Jazmine could become very dangerous if she is not put in check. Jessica threw her sia at Jazmine to see if that would get her attention but it seemed like nothing was able to do it. Then a cloud of black smoke surrounded the Fomorian and the vampires, as the smoke cleared up Jazmine stopped and looked around only to find no one was around but Jessica. The woman that they tried to protect was also gone. Jazmine fell to her knees and started crying. Never before did she feel like her whole world was crashing down around her. The feeling of pain that she was feeling earlier was her fear coming to life. She didn't know what to except when she got home, but she was worried that it was going to be bad. All that she wanted to do was just run to John and apologize to him letting him know that he got it all wrong. She was not sure if he would even listen with they way that he was upset. She asked Jessica if she could take her home so that she could work things out with John. When she got home she could hear John upstairs and saw that he was gathering up his stuff. Her heart started breaking even more, she wanted to fix it but she didn't know how to fix it. She slowly walked up the stairs as John was grabbing clothes and tossing them down it was his clothes. She knew that this was the end of a 12 year relationship that she had with John and with the way that he was acting. She knew that he was over reacting but didn't know who to tell him that. "What are you doing." she said as he kept gathering up his clothes in the room. "Are we going to talk about this." she kept watching him as he shook his head. "What is there to talk about?" he said as he walked back into their bedroom."It is clear on why you keep sneaking out at night. It was to be with him." "What are you talking about." she said puzzled by his words. " You have it all wrong, John. Let's sit down and talk about this." "I saw you kissing him. What more is there to talk about." he said as she moved aside for him to get through."All this time you sneaking out to be with him." "You have it all wrong, John." She said, "Would you please just listen to me. I told you it is not what you think it was." "I saw what I saw and you were kissing him." John said as he kept moving around Jazmine. Jazmine was getting upset and to the point it didn't matter how hurt she was John was not listening. They kept arguing to the point she started heading downstairs as he was calling her names. The final straw is when he called her a good for nothing whore. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs and then turned to look at him. He was half way on the stairs when she finally responded back to him. " Fine if this is how it is going to be, then I don't want to marry an asshole like you. We can say that the wedding is off. You have your head so far up your own ass that you can't see past your own shit." she said as tears streamed down her face. "I don't know why I ever stayed with you for these past 12 years. If this the kind of treatment I will be getting because you don't even want to listen to what I have to say then I don't want to marry an asshole like you. I don't know what I ever see in you in the first place. I wish that I had never met you." John could see the pain in Jazmine's eyes. He never seen her blow up like that before. He knew that he went to far with his words and he regret what he said to her. He saw the tears flowing down like a waterfall. Before he could stop her from walking out the door it was already too late. He rushed down the stairs and out the front door only to find that she was gone. Her car was still there but she was no where in sight. He rushed out to the street hoping that he could see her but again she was no where in sight. He didn't know where she could have gone. He was so hard on her about had happened earlier that he didn't see what her reaction to his behavior was. She was right he was being an ass. She never once had cheated on him and he jumped to the conclusions that she was. She was the most kind hearted person the he knew and she was always honest with him. She never hid anything for him, what did he do. He needed to fix before it is to late but he didn't know when she will get back. He went back inside and put everything up, he gone back downstairs in the living room to wait for her to come back before he knew it he had fallen asleep. John woke up the next morning only to find that all of Jazmine's stuff was gone. It was shocked to see that the only thing that was left was a picture of them. He was a light sleeper but yet he slept though her moving completely out. He was a fool for fighting with her and now she is gone. He wanted to apologize to her but it was hard when he couldn't even get a hold of her. She was not answering his calls and he didn't blame her for not answering his calls. He did say some very hurtful things to her that night that they fought. He tried to contact everyone that she knew but they didn't know where she was or where she could have gone to. Everyone was shocked to hear what had happened between them but no one knew where she was. He had to cancel everything for the wedding and still for weeks no one knew where Jazmine was nor did they hear from her. Their fight was the last words they ever said to eachother and it would be the last. He couldn't stay in Colorado anymore not knowing what is going on with Jazmine or where she was. It was already 3 months since the fight and no one knew where she was or had heard from her. She just took off and didn't look back when she left, she had no contact with everyone that she knew including her parents. Chapter One 10 years later. Jazmine stood at the bar by Jessica just talking away about her missions that she has had. She had kept quite about her past and there were only a few who knew what had happened. She ran from her past and still has been trying run from her past for years. She never though that her past would catch up to her until she saw her first love John walk through the doors of Vinyl the other day. She knew that he had left Colorado 10 years ago and now he was visiting because of a friend of his who just moved to Colorado a month ago. She never though that she would see him again after their big fight a week before their wedding day. During that fight she called off the wedding and he moved out to New York 3 months after their fight. They never spoke to each other after that day until that Monday when he walked into Vinyl and saw her standing talking with Jessica. When he said her name that day all emotions came flooding back to her and it was still too much pain for her to bare. She felt herself choke on her words as he walked up to her and she was at lost on her words. How can you talk to someone that you haven't spoken with in 10 years even after you called off the wedding? The only thing that she could do was say "Hi" then walked way. Never had she felt so hurt until that moment not knowing what to say after 10 years. At that point she didn't care about how John was feeling as well. It was just to painful to see him there again. Jazmine found herself going to the one place that she was able to some thinking which was at Prospect Park in Wheatridge, Colorado. There was something about that park that calmed her down. As she sat on the table looking at the lake, she wondered what her life would be like if she had never gone out that night when she was 13, would John and her still would be together to this very day and would have gotten married 10 years ago. With all these questions rolling around in her head, she didn't hear someone coming up from behind her. " I knew that I would find you here." a female's voice from behind her. Jazmine jumped off the table ready to attack only to find it was Jessica Summers coming up to her. " Jess you shouldn't be sneaking up on people. " Jazmine said as she lowered her guard down." I howlered out to you but it seems like you didn't hear me." Jessica stated. " I am sorry, I was lost in thoughts." as she turned to look back that the lake, "Why is that we have something that always brings back old memories from the past." " Ok what brought this on, Jaz." Jessica asked as she was look in the direction that Jazmine was look at. " In my experience there is a lot of the things that can bring back memories good and bad. It just depends on the person on how they want to deal with those memories." " I see. I was just thinking. When I saw my ex at Vinyl, it brought all the bad memories that I tried to forget. He was talking with Kynderyn when they walked in on Monday. I couldn't stay I just had to leave." Jazmine said as tears came down her eyes. "Things ended badly 10 years ago now he is back here acting like nothing ever happened." " I may not know what happened back then, but right now I need you to be on your best game." Jessica said to Jazmine with some concern in her voice. " With everything going on we are so close to find the Crystal Soul and our enemies are not that far behind. Some times the past is best left alone and forgotten but there is time that we have to face our past as well." " I don't want to face my past because it so horrific and I had done stuff that I wish I didn't do." Jazmine stated. " I am really needed any ways in this fight. It is not my fight in the first place Jess." " Yes, you are needed in this fight because you are a Night Huntress." Jessica explained. " Because all of the Night Huntresses are in danger of Maro and what destruction he can bring to the world. Until we defeat him no one is safe." With being said Jessica walked way leaving Jazmine there on the table with more to think about. As Jazmine turned to look where Jessica was going, she only found that she was the only one there and Jessica was no where to be seen. Getting off the bench walking to the parking lot of the park looking for Jessica but Jessica's car was no where in sight. Puzzled Jazmine looked around but the only car was her car in sight and there was no sound of any other vehicles leaving or coming. She knew she was talking with Jessica but now she was starting to feel may be she was just talking with herself. As the sun was setting she could feel the uneasiness in the air, the sense of danger was coming. Looking around preparing herself for a fight the sense started getting stronger. Walking to her car she felt that someone was watching her, as she got to her car to go her phone rang. It was Jessica calling her and yet they just spoke only a few minutes ago. " Jess." she answered, "What do you want now?" " What do you mean now?" Jessica responded back." I only calling you to tell you get your ass up to Morrison Rd. Siara and K just ran into some unfriendly demons by Bandimere Speedway and you are the only one that is close to them." "Ok, I will go but just to let you know we are going to talk about your little disappearing act you did later." Jazmine said to Jessica " I have some questions in regards to that little act you did about 10 minutes ago." " That is fine but get your ass there now, there are innocent people that is there that will end up getting hurt." Jessica said and then hung up. Jazmine put the phone on the passenager seat next to her. She was only 10 minutes away from where she was needing to be. As she started to head out of Prospect park, she turned on the radio and Taylor Swift Blank Space came on. As she started singing with the song, she started thinking about John, knowing that she still had strong feeling for him. After their break up she never been with any others. She tried to dating other guys but none of them was able to fill that void that she was feeling inside. The only time that void was filled was when she was with John. Still listening to the radio the Meghan Trainor "Dear Future Husband" came on and still singing along with the songs that came on as she got to Morrison Rd. As she got off the exit on Morrison Rd, that is when she saw people running down Rooney Rd. She pulled off into the dirt parking lot that was on the right across from the gas station. With all the commotion she prepared herself for the worse. She knew Kyndeyrn was there and that he was strong as a demon, but she didn't know Siara all that well yet. As she walked to up the parking lot where Bandimere was she found that there was several demons that was there fighting with three people. From what she was able to see it was Kyndeyrn and Siara fighting along with another person. She couldn't tell who that person due to the fact that she only saw the back of the person. When that person turned she saw that it was John and she couldn't control herself that she immediately rushed into help. She felt her heart tearing apart as she saw him fight not knowing what she should do but only to protect him. Her secert that she kept from him for the longest time was now about to be revealed to him but she didn't care. As she got to John's side, he was about to attack her until he realized that it was her. He looked shocked as she froze the one demon that was about to land a blow on him. He then turned to see that the one demon that was about to attack was frozen solid. She rushed at the frozen demon and smashed him with one blow. John was amazed at the sight of Jazmine coming to protect him but yet he was also puzzled about her as well. Was this what she meant 10 years ago that he got it all wrong when they had their fight. Was this why she was sneaking out all those times fighting demons? He knew that he said some hurtful things to her and he knew that she kept something from him all these years and now he finally knew what it was. She was a Night Huntress, just like his friend Siara. All this time he never knew but now that he knew it started making a lot of sense of what she was hiding from him all the years that they were together. When they were together she was always so secretive with him, always leaving at night without a word on what was going on. They fought that night in regards to her cheating on him with other guys all because of her actions. He never knew that she was living this type of life and realized that it must have been really hard on her when he accused her all this time that she was unfaithful to him. It was her actions that made him think that she was cheating on him with other guys and recalling the one time before the wedding he saw her with another guy who kissed her. He really didn't know what to think but at this point her secretiveness came out this time on what she was hiding from him this whole time. Was she trying to tell him this whole time that night and he wouldn't listen. Jazmine turned to look at John and the emotion took control of her as she walked up to him hugged him and kissed him. Then she turned to start fighting once again. John looked at her puzzled with questions running through his head on what is going on. He never thought he would be fighting with demons like this. He knew that he was nothing special but just a regular human but the woman that he once loved was some type of supernatural being. Jazmine then turned to Kyndeyrn to see if he needed help. " K, can't you tell them to back down." Jazmine said she kept freezing the enemy. " Sorry, they are not my kind. They won't listen to me." Kyndeyrn said as he disintergrated a vampire that started to attack the group. "Vampires are not my kind, neither is seraphims. So do get me mixed up with these demons." |