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A story done 7 years ago when I first started out writing. Enjoy. |
Paradise found The Renamon was tall, lithe... encompassing what a perfect Renamon would look like in all of her beauty. Standing at about 6 feet tall, with her sleek yellow fur, the creamy white fur running across her chest and down over her groin, under and up her tail. She differentiated herself from other Renamon, calling herself Mist. Today as it happened, Mist was walking down one of her favourite paths, a very familiar place to her, one that she always felt calm as she walked the serene forest paths. Passing through this area so much she knew it like the back of her hand... which is why she became interested in the plant that had suddenly appeared on the side of the path. She looked at it interested, bending down to examine it closely, taking one of its Bright orange petals between her fingers and rubbing it lightly. "My... you will grow to be a beautiful flower... I can't wait to see you blooming along this path..." she said in a musical voice before standing up again and with a little nod walked away... It was a few days later that Mist once again walked the same path when the thought stuck her to look at that plant again. She was interested in the flower. As she approached where she had found it, she spotted a squirrel rooting at it. She gasped out and ran over to him, scaring him away quickly. She watched him turn around and squeak loudly, his bushy tail standing on end before he turned around and bolted up a tree. Mist looked down at the flower with a saddened face. Some of the petals and been pulled away, and it was oozing a clear liquid. She cooed lightly kneeling down to the plant. "aw... hun... no worries now... we'll have you fixed up as soon as we can..." she purred lightly to the flower and rubbed it's petals lightly, before standing and heading home quickly, returning at a run, being so worried about the flower. Nothing had happened to it while she was away and she had returned with some chicken wire and a little canister of water. Mist went about surrounding the flower with the chicken wire so that nothing could get at it again, all the while cooing at it with affection and how pretty it would become. She then stood and poured some of the water onto the flower and smiled as it seemed to brighten slightly, the flower seemed much healthier now and nothing would be able to really hurt it now. Mist sat by the flower for another half hour or so before standing and walking away, telling the plant she would return soon. Had she looked back, she may have noticed the ever tiny tendrils that lifted from the flower squirming about... almost waving her off... Mist would begin returning to that spot every second day, to check up on the plant. She was astonished at the rate it grew, going from its small diminutive size, barely the palm of her hand, and shooting up to her knee, the petals returned from the squirrel, these petals were just as amazing, seeming to become lusher with every passing day. She leaned down and smiled rubbing her fingers along the petal warmly, cooing happily. "My you sure grow! I wonder how big you will get little one..." Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, the plant ever growing getting stronger and stronger, until winter came. Mist was gravely saddened when the forest was frozen over one day, and she stepped outside for one last walk down her path. She came to the spot that the flower had been growing at and found it covered in the same fine frost the rest of the forest. She sighed a little and touched one of the frozen petals... "I hope you drop seeds... I never got to see you at full size I think..." she rubbed the petals, now each easily the size of her hands, before giving it a last little pat, and headed home to hunker down for the winter... The plant creaked a little in its icy prison before a tendril snaked out and the plant steadily moved and squirmed itself free of its ice. Slowly, but surely, the plants slid low into the ground, seeming to bury itself in the ground, closing it's petals extravagantly, before disappearing under the frost covered ground... Mist awoke to the chirping of birds and smiled lying in her bed, spread out extravagantly. She looked out of the window of her bedroom and watched the remains of winter dripping off of the trees and plants. She stood up and stretched out, her nude form would be stunning to any that would observe it, her breasts large and firm, her body perfectly formed, every bit of her fur sleek and soft, hiding her sex from view, but not her nipples... she sighed warmly and finished stretching out, putting on a Tank top, panties, and a pair of tight shorts, that stuck to her wondrous form. She ended up making herself some cereal for breakfast, before standing up in her wonderful forest home. She looked out at all of the different flowers and tree's everything so wonderfully green and healthy. Stepping outside, she stepped along the squishy path, now something of a mix of mud and fallen dead foliage. She took a few moments and chose to walk down her favourite path, wondering what new things would be living there now with spring. She walked slowly and leisurely along the path, humming to herself lightly, examining the new flowers and plants that had sprung up with the new cycle of life. She stopped looking at an orange petal plant, which looked similar to the one she had found last year. She reached down and touched it lightly, before shaking her head. "Hmm... you are going to be good looking... but you are not the same as last years... to bad... I had hoped her would have seeds..." she smiled and rubbed the plant a little before standing up again, and decided to check in where that plant had been, hoping that it would have left a seed. As she approached it, she caught a hint of that wonderful orange that she recognized, but she blinked a little. Through the trees... it looked huge. She approached the spot where the plant had been and blinked a little in surprise and astonishment. "wow... you... you're huge..." she looked at the now massive flower... it had to be bigger than she was... FAR larger than she was in fact, the centre of the plant was had to be 12 feet alone, the petals each easily as long. She approached it fascinated and rubbed along the now massive petal with the same warmth all that time ago. "You're the same one... how did you survive the winter?" she cooed with amazement in her voice. She looked at the plant a little closer now. The stem was far larger; the base of the plant was fat and thick, obviously with stored nutrients and sugar. She stepped close to the base of the plant and rubbed her hand along it smiling. "My... you've become so much stronger than that day with squirrel haven't you?" she rubbed her hand along the base still amazed at the sheer size of the plant now ecstatic that it had somehow learned to survive the winter. She was so contented at that point... her affection for this plant must have had something to do with it... but she didn't care about the scientific aspect of it right now, she was more than happy that it was simply alive... Over the course of those long winter months... the plant had adapted... had lived... and not only succeeded in surviving, but flourished over time. Incredibly... it evolved... it had gained intelligence... an essence or a soul so to speak... it recalled vague sensations... a wonderful voice saving it from certain death... the way it had touched it and held it... but it could never pinpoint the origin of this voice... who or what it had come from... It sensed the chilling coldness leaving, emerging with a beautiful flourish of its larger petals, its tendrils now thick as poles and extremely strong. It basked in the wonderful sun that it had not sensed for months now, and it set itself where it had emerged, the place it had been birthed, the place that voice had saved him. It could sense Mist walking towards it, the vibrations felt similar... somehow... is this the one? It heard the voice, and was amazed... it had to be... it must be... it was mist's touch that sent it into certainty. It was her... it was the one it owed its life to. Its tendrils began snaking out from its petals, advancing quietly behind Mist. Mist was lost in thought when the first tendril touched her shoulder. She yelped out in surprise and turned around quickly, to see the 6 tendrils moving towards her... but slowly... almost as if trying to tell her it wasn't a threat... she backed up against base of the plant looking around worriedly, before she noticed that the tendrils originated from the plant. She blinked a little in surprise, as she felt one of the plants tentacles lightly touch her shoulder again, slowly starting to caress her shoulder. She blinked a little in surprise at this sign of affection... coming from a plant no less... Mist was in total shock and awe at this plants affection, and she began to murr... the tendrils were quite warm... and the rubbing was so soothing... she slowly let her back sit against the fat stem and slowly began to rub her own hands over the plants base, hoping it would realize she was returning the affection. Slowly, a few of the tendrils began to snake there way around her stomach, and began tugging on her lightly, trying not to alarm her. slowly but surely she let herself be dragged away from the plants base, out in front of the large bud. She looked at the incredible flower, and she felt a couple of the tendrils wrap around each of her arms and legs, the ones around her stomach keeping snug, and slowly, they began pulling her upwards, towards the bright orange centre. She was pulled close, the tendrils never once gripping to tight, or making any kind of threatening movement as it slowly pulled her inwards. She looked at the massive centre of the plant, seeing what had to be its nectar could be seen pooling slightly at the edge leaning towards her. Gently the plant moved her towards its centre, until she could reach out with her arms if she wanted to and touch it, but the plant was not done. Slowly it brought her mouth within reach of the nectar and held her there, a few more tendrils sprouting and began caressing her warmly again, almost begging her to lick at the nectar. She thought only a moment about the dangers of drinking some foreign substance, but the thought soon passed with her utter fascination of this creature. Her tongue slowly extended and lightly touched the nectar. She felt its warm taste wash over her body, the feeling of it was amazing and she slowly started lapping at it, before getting a mouthful and swallowing it down. She could feel the warmth of the deliciously sweet substance spread throughout her body, but that was not the most amazing thing to come from it. She began to feel something almost pressing against her head, but there was nothing there. It was almost like having a migraine but there was no pain. Slowly the feeling passed and she could feel something... she wasn't even sure it was truly there. "Yes... you're the one who saved me..." Mist blinked a little and looked around for the voice that seemed to come from everywhere but nowhere at the same time. "Please don't fear me... I am... the thing that holds you... my nectar has allowed me to speak to you..." it was such a strange voice at that... it was... almost as if a church bell was ringing, each word carefully sounded out, and given to her. "h-how... how did you get so big?" the plant seemed to stop moving for a few moments, its tendrils still idly caressing her sides, almost exploring her body, before it answered. "I am not sure... is this not the way I am supposed to grow?" it's tendrils slowly flipped her around so the she was upside down, and the tendrils against began the explorations, running up and down her stomach, slowly discovering her clothing and poking and prodding at it curiously. The Renamon blushed slightly as the tendrils poked lightly at her groin, trying to discover how she functioned. "I... I don't know... what... what do you plan to do with me?" she asked almost fearfully, afraid this thing would... no it wouldn't... there was something inside of her that made her trust it. The plant seemed to shudder slightly and draw her close again, but its explorations did no cease. "I owe you my life... I do not know what to call this... but you were always there... caring for me... but... it is almost an insatiable urge to hold you and touch you..." the plant cooed back to her in a sweet voice. Mist blinked and blushed heavily at this comment, totally bewildered at the plants statement of... love to her... she thought quietly to herself, totally taken aback searching her feelings for an answer... she was surprised when she found similar feelings for the plant... it was not like any other male... and despite her helplessness before it, it was kind to her. "I... I believe this is love..." she said quietly to the plant almost worried by its reaction. Slowly, the plants explorations became slightly more intrusive, the tentacle rubbing under her shirt across her bra less breasts and squirming lightly against her shorts, getting past the tight belt and rubbing over her panties, but never once doing something she didn't want... "If it is... will you be mine?" the plant finally asked back, clarity in its voice as if it were as nervous as a giddy school boy asking his first date. Slowly... Mist smiled and she reached out to touch the centre of the plant lovingly, hundreds of small hairs bristled against her hand before she touched the nectar and pressed against what could be described as a fleshy substance... "Yes... I will be yours..." she murred to it slowly and slowly smiled to it. "Do what you will... claim me as yours..." she cooed to it, the feeling of love for this plant now revolving around her as she could feel the same feelings coming from it. slowly, the entire plant moved perfectly upwards, the sun shinning down on the scene as Mist was manoeuvred so that she was upright from the centre, her feet dangling towards it, as she looked around, not a little lustily, wondering how or even if they could copulate. Slowly, the buds began to close, the massive petals moving with diligent slowness before they sealed around her, leaving everything an orange hue. It was the tendril that slowly began taking her shirt off that she murred and knew this plant had something in mind. Slowly, it began disrobing her, the tendrils holding her clothes disappearing for a moment to deposit them outside before returning and going back to caressing her slowly manoeuvring to hold her in place. That was when 5 separate tendrils slowly arced there way up from the centre of the plant, each one a tool for this plant to spread its seed. Each one looked like similar to the other tendrils but these ones had rounded surfaces, for easier copulation with its particular seed bearer. Each tendril began to slowly up and down Mist's nude form, each rubbing its rounded tip against her anyway it could as the plant again began explorations. Slowly it circled her breasts and slowly but surely, two more tendrils began to slip out, each one looked like a cup. These tendrils slowly made there way up to Mist's breasts and cupped around them. The cups themselves were almost completely clear like glass, but the stems were a transparent green, each cup felt somewhat fleshy and flexible but at the same time firm. Slowly she felt a liquid being funnelled through the cup and against her breasts; soon her breasts were covered in a slime that wasn't altogether unpleasant, feeling rather soothing actually. Slowly each cup began massaging her breasts, almost suckling on them. it was an amazing feeling the way those cups worked on her breasts, shifting back and forth suckling on her. She moaned slightly in pleasure, and the plant took it almost as a cue to begin its next act. Slowly the tendrils wrapped around her legs began pulling them apart, presenting her anus and sex to the plant, giving it easy access. Slowly two of those smooth tentacles caressed their way down towards each whole before teasingly poking at them, making Mist moan and squirm in place, unable to really move. Slowly but surely each of those tentacles pressed there way inside, past her soft pussy lips and into her warm anus, making Mist gasp out as each slowly pressed inwards. As Mist opened her mouth and closed her eyes in bliss a third tentacle began tracing its way up her midsection, between her breasts, around her neck and finally appearing in front of her face. Mist looked at it with an unfamiliar lust and she slowly opened her mouth accepting the tentacle as it slowly pressed against her lips and passed into her mouth where she began licking enthusiastically. Slowly each of the tentacles began to piston in and out of her, taking care to pleasure her above all else. Each tentacle caressed her in ways of untold pleasure, a sweet substance oozed from the tendril in her mouth and she could feel a similar if not the same leaking into both her bowels and her pussy as each tentacle ever increased its pace, thrusting into her harder and harder. Mist cried out in sheer sexual Bliss, utterly enjoying being used like this, the tentacles on her breasts suckling hard, the tentacle in her mouth pressing down slightly in her throat as she swallowed around it, the tentacle in her rump squirmed about incredibly, and the one thrusting into her pussy was bring about an incredible sensation. She cried out as the first series of orgasms crashed into her, each better than the last as the plant had only just begun with her, each tentacle oozing more and more of its sweet substance into her as they thrust away madly. She opened her eyes a moment and saw the petals seeming to shudder around her and she felt the each of the tendrils seem to throb a moment, and suddenly she felt a massive amount of from each being poured into her, the two tendrils which had not been thrust in, aimed themselves towards her and began spewing its own substance covering her head to toe in what could only be the plants cum. Mist moaned out in sheer pleasure as she felt herself covered in the sweet slime and began panting, still hanging there each tentacle still pressed into her. Slowly the tendril in her mouth pulled away leaving a sticky trail of cum behind. "Will you take my seeds? Take them as your own and care for them as you cared for me?" Mist looked at the tendril and could feel what could only be tears of sheer joy. She opened her mouth in response licking the head of the tendril. The petals shivered again and slowly the tendril slid itself back to its previous position, pressing her throat open. Mist moaned a little as the suckling on her breasts continued and she felt each tendril give a little squirm before she spotted a series of bulges moving down the tendril attached to her mouth. She watched with fascination as each bulge travelled up the length and slowly but surely they got to her muzzle. Each bulge had to be at least one foot thick, and Mist knew what they were immediately, her thoughts ran in circles as she imagined the joy of birthing this plants seeds... Mist felt and incredible pressure against her rump and moaned, as this pressure was followed by one against her sex. Slowly the eggs were forced into her body, her rump and vagina expanding almost painfully around each seed. Mist opened her eyes wide and cried in sheer pleasure arching her back as the seed being pushed into her vagina popped through, leaving her lips wide open and gaping as it slowly pressed its way up through the tentacle and pressed slowly into her womb, making it expand slightly to take the seed. Missed arched her back in sheer pleasure as she felt the seed pressing against her rump finally pushed through. She could feel the large bulge travelling through her bowels, before reaching the end of the tentacle and being deposited deep within her body. The feeling was incredible, to have the seed pressed through her bowels, and she could feel every movement. Slowly the series of seeds in the tentacle connected to her mouth began pressing forwards, slowly opening her muzzle as wide as it could, and forcing the first seed through. The seed pressed though to the back of her mouth and she gagged a little as the massive seed pressed down and into her throat. She squirmed a little unable to breath. She thought she would choke to death but the plant pressed a small tendril into her lungs and fed it fresh air, allowing her to breath easily despite the two foot bulge slowly pressing down her throat. Mist moaned in pleasure as she felt the tendril push all the way to the entrance of her stomach and open to let the seed fall into her. each tendril now began pumping seeds into her at a steady rate, each feeling just as good as the last as she became a mass incubator for the plant, each seed deposited was coated in the plants sweet cum, bringing about new life. Mist closed her eyes as she felt herself begin to bloat from the sheer amount of seeds being pressed into her, her stomach bulging from the seeds pressed into it. By the time the plant was done coupling its seeds into her there were about thirty of them divided between her stomach, her bowels and her womb. Mist gasped out a little as each tendril slowly retreated from her gaping orifices and slacked falling away from her and disappeared. "Thank you so... my saviour... sleep inside of me... rest in safety... tomorrow... walk the forest... and spread our young to flourish..." the plant cooed to her warmly. Mist was already extremely tired and drowsy from the sexual acts so she did not need a second beckoning as she was slowly laid down upon the centre of the plant, its nectar clinging to her fur as she fast began to feel herself dropping into sleep. She felt the tendrils wrap around her as a living blanket, and she knew the plant would keep her warm and safe... It was mid-afternoon when Mist walked to a clearing near the centre of the forest. She was extremely bloated still, and it had been a small effort to get a small distance away from the plant. She groaned slightly and new she could not hold it anymore. She squatted down, and pressed. She threw her head back with a loud moan as one of the seeds from her womb pressed out through her vagina, the egg forcing it open widely again as it slowly but surely made it's way out. It landed on the ground with a soft squelching sound, as Mist slowly stood panting and looking down at the seed. Already small tendrils began to sprout from it, and start burrowing into the ground for the seed to grow in. Mist smiled happily... her babies were strong... they would flourish in this forest under her care, and under there father's guidance... In later years, the forest of Lineg was described as an incredibly lush place, with field of incredibly beautiful flowers springing up. Rumours of large flowers the size of houses had arisen. Both men and woman have both gone in search of these plants but very few have returned... those that did claimed never to have found such a flower but always seemed a bit pudgier. They would often be unreachable after that though no one paid much attention, supposing that the forest was simply a death trap... Mist new better... alongside with all of her children and all of her childrens lovers... this was no death trap... it was paradise... Mist the character is copy right to Absorbentgene, however Renamon is copyright to Toei animation Story was written and conceived by absorbentgene therefore copyrighted to him... so ha... |