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Jack and Becca discover the truth behind Jack's strange phenomenon with size changing |
"I'm... What?" Jack offers his parents, both sitting on the other side of the table from him and Becca, nothing more than a befuddled grimace. They'd been sitting there for nearly ten minutes, listening to his mother and father talk in circles before finally getting to what Jack assumed was the point. Jack's dad had answered his wife's summon, walking into the kitchen wearing the same shocked look that his mother had just worn. Both looked at each other before deciding to sit Jack down. They sat Becca down too, figuring she deserved an explanation as well considering what had clearly happened to her. "So is he like a mutant, wizard, alien...?" Becca said in the bold fashion that Jack had begun to learn was her normal personality. She was partially joking, but at the same time was almost completely prepared to believe that any one of those were plausible. Both of Jack's parents laughed at her apparent joke, though they still held an air of seriousness, well aware that the information that they were about to bestow upon them was both important and a long time coming. "No," his father said, "but you're not too far off." Jack and Becca would never have believed the true answer. "Charmed," Jack's mother repeats in response to Jack's perplexed question. "You see, Jack--" "Wait," Becca interrupts, putting up her hand as a signal for her to pause. "Let's get the details straight here. You," she says, raising her eyebrows and pointing at Jack's mother. She then shifts her focus to his father, pointing at him next. "And you." She pauses. "Are, what? Witches?" Jack's mother nods. "Of witch blood, yes," she corrects. Becca blinks. "So, witches," she says. "And him?" She points at Jack. "Witch?" Jack's mother giggles at her insistence on using the term "witch," but nods. Jack sits to the right of Becca, his elbow on the table as he rubs his temple. Jack's brain keeps rejecting everything that his parents tell him about his nature, his lineage, and his apparent... "witch blood powers." Math, science, and reason. These are his forte. Concrete things that make sense. Jack has just assumed that everything that had happened to him was some sort of scientific anomaly, that he's just the unfortunate victim of extended exposure to a form of radiation or an untested chemical compound. But... Magic? That sounds stupid. "So, is he supposed to be like, all powerful or something?" Becca says, still not necessarily buying this whole "magic" thing. "Not really," Jack's father says. "Bloodline witches don't really work like that," Jack's mother adds. "When a witch bloodline child is about to be born, individuals called "charmers" come to the mother and cast a charm on the baby. This gives the baby the ability to use the charm in the future. Every bloodline witch has only one ability, the one that they were charmed with." "There are different classes," Jack's mother begins. "The charmers, who have the power to bestow charms upon others, manipulators, those who have the ability to change things about either organic or inorganic matter, and changers, those who have the ability to change something from organic to inorganic and vice versa." She tries to catch Jack's eye, but Jack keeps his temple rested against his fingers, making a pointed effort to specifically avoid their eye contact. She resigns and continues anyway. "Jack, your charm is over organic matter. Yours specifically is called a dimension charm, which has to do with affecting that size of things... As I see you've probably figured out." There's an awkward silence and Becca now felt as if her breasts had suddenly gotten heavier on her chest, given Jack's mom had pretty much just called attention to them. She clears her throat. "So, this charm. Can someone be charmed after they're born?" She asks. "Just out of curiosity." Jack's mom smiles at Becca's inquiry. "Yes, but it won't be permanent. The birth is kind of like a ritual, you see? The child must come into the world having been charmed in order to retain it." Becca starts to become curious. "What if the child isn't a w-- I mean, doesn't have the witch blood? Can they still be charmed before they're born?" "Well, yes and no," Jack's mother begins. "The child will have the charm permanently, but it won't be able to actually use the charm unless they can find someone who has the witch blood to cooperate with as a conduit." Becca was about to ask another question when she's reminded that Jack is still in the room. He suddenly stands up and leaves the table, quickly scaling up the carpeted staircase. Becca stands. "If it's okay... I'll go check on him." Jack's dad nods. Becca jogs upstairs carefully, not very used to spiral staircases. She finds his room with his door ajar, as if he was too in a rush to shut it behind him. She lightly raps on the open door before walking in. "Hellooo?" She says, peering in his room. She surveys the room, perplexed, as Jack is nowhere to be found. "Jack?" She calls. She gives the room another look over before she decides she should check another room. Then she spots him. "Oh," she says surprised as she sees him sitting on the bed. She walks closer, getting a better view of Jack, who's shrunken to barely six-inches tall. Becca kneels down beside the bed. Jack bitterly chuckles. "Abracadabra," he says with dry sarcasm. "So you figured it out, huh?" She says, folding her arms and resting them on the edge of the bed. "The shrinking, I mean." Jack shrugs, the gesture completely devoid of any enthusiasm. "I don't know," he says flatly. Becca just stares at him for a few moments, thoroughly assessing his size. He's roughly about half the length of a Barbie doll, and Becca figures that his staying that size is a conscious decision, given that he hasn't tried to grow back yet. Becca sighs, resting her head on her folded arms so that she can see Jack better. "Look, I get that this is weird and all... And honestly I'm not entirely sure I buy the whole... "Magic..." Thing... But don't let it get you upset." She gives him a sly smile, though he's not looking at her to see it. She begins to speak in a low voice. "You can't honestly tell me that you haven't had any fun today, Jack." At that, Jack gives Becca a side glance and she presents a mischievous smirk. He looks at her for a second, still unsure how to feel about all of the new information that he had just received. Though he initially had a lot of trouble believing everything that his parents were saying about magic and charms and witch blood or whatever, it surprised him how quickly he just resigned himself to it. Jack knows in his gut that it's a fact. He'd only left the table because he was having a difficult time dealing with the fact that, in light of all of the new knowledge he was receiving about himself, something about his ability clicked in his mind, and he could feel himself starting to shrink right then and there. He knows that Becca is right, though. Regardless of where it came from, his power is definitely not something that he wants to complain about. Jack is taken by surprise when Becca suddenly stands, walking over to his door and quietly shutting and locking it behind her. She turns to Jack with a strange look in her eyes. "What?" He asks cautiously. She saunters back over to the bed and kneels down in front of it like before. She flashes that smile again before lifting one of her hands up. Jack stares at it, confused. "Becca what are you--Oof!" Becca knocks Jack flat on his back by pushing him down with her fingers. "Ow," Jack grunts. "Becca, what the heck? Let me up," he says, struggling against the finger that she has lightly placed on his chest, effectively pinning him down. "No," she answers sternly. She leans in close. "Not until you're having fun," she whispers. Jack stares up at her for a moment, and then realizes what she's doing. He plays along. "Come on, Becca, let me up!" He says. Becca shakes her head, applying just a tad more pressure to his chest with her pointer finger. "Not yet, Jackie boy. I'm the one in control now." Jack smiles for a brief fraction of a second before getting back into character. "You think so?" He says. Jack decides it's time to flip the script, making himself grow bigger. Except he doesn't. Jack tries again, experiencing a moment of panic when it doesn't work for the second time. Becca giggles, still assuming he's playing along. "Definitely," she says, the syllables dripping from her lips like warm honey. "In fact..." She brings her face down closer to Jack, completely eclipsing everything else from his line of sight. He instantly forgets whatever it was that he was trying to do at the sight of the humongous goddess looming above him. She finally speaks. "I want you smaller," she whispers. Jack gets the tingly, cool feeling again as it starts from his fingers and toes and rushes throughout his body, and he starts to shrink smaller. He begins to dwindle, quarter inch by quarter inch, until he comes to a stop at about five inches in length. Becca lifts her finger off of his chest. She then takes her shirt off, her cantaloupe-sized tits bouncing momentarily on her chest, welcoming their new freedom. Jack winces for a moment as he feels his member go hard in his jeans. Becca then bites her lip and begins to play with her boobs; jiggling them, squishing them, hefting their massive girth this way and that. Jack is completely hypnotized. Her breasts bounce so easily, the supple, perky tits looking like large, plump fruits ready to be plucked. Becca then leans forward and lays her boobs to rest on the edge of the bed. She gazes at Jack's small form, a silent invitation for him to join in. Jack eagerly gets up and approaches her. Becca's breasts are literally like twin peaks to Jack, each one dwarfing him in size. He reaches his arms out to his sides and begins to rub on them, the sheer magnitude of them making his heart race. Becca gasps a bit, Jack continuing to caress them, when Jack starts to feel his palms warm up. He realizes what's happening, but he lacks the desire to control it. Becca feels a wave of pleasure as she senses a familiar sensation welling within her bulbous boobs. She watches as her breasts wiggle a bit and begin to swell larger, plumping up bigger until they reach the gargantuan size of J cups. "Mmm..." She moans as she reaches a hand underneath one to feel it up while they grow. Her Breasts slowly continue to fatten, becoming larger by the second and nearly pushing Jack backwards as they did. Becca squeezes her fat, supple titties as they continue their expanse. Her breasts enlarge, bigger and bigger, fatter and fatter, sitting huge atop her chest until they finally slow to a stop, jiggling relentlessly at double L cup size. Becca reaches around and cups her breasts. They'd grown so huge, both large, soft orbs, even bigger than basketballs. Jack reluctantly steps back, watching Becca begin to play with her tits at their new size. Jack can hardly believe what he's seeing. Becca looks down at him, finally removing her hands from her breasts. Reaching out, she takes Jack up into her hands. At five inches tall, he's still a bit too big to fit squarely in her palm. He measures almost exactly from the tip of her pinky down to her wrist, fitting almost perfectly cupped between her two hands. She switches to just holding him in one hand, his legs dangling off of the edge of her palm. She holds him up so she can look him in the eyes. "I don't think you're small enough," she says, her voice reverberating loud in Jack's ears. "Shrink for me, Jack." Jack feels the cool tingle beginning in his extremities again, though he doesn't feel as though he necessarily prompted it. The feeling rushes inward, washing over his entire body and he begins to shrink again. Becca bites her lip once more, and as she watches, her free hand wanders south. Jack loses his jeans as he lets the energy encompass him and he begins to enjoy the feeling of shrinking itself. It's not too long before his hands wander, too. Jack feels himself slowly getting smaller and smaller, the shrinking effect taking its time to do its work. Steadily, he diminishes in size, shrinking and shrinking smaller until he's barely the size of a rodent. He begins to become tiny, slowly shrinking smaller than four inches. Jack then takes advantage of the feeling of getting smaller. He continues his work on his member as Becca's face continues to become a large, imposing figure above him, her own ascent to pleasure evident on her face. Jack keeps shrinking and shrinking, now getting close to three inches in size and nearly able to fit into Becca's palm, the thought of being able to do so shooting him much closer to the finish line. He then feels a mini earthquake as Becca's hand starts to tremble. Her seeing Jack getting so small is almost enough to put her over the edge. "Jack...," she utters, breathlessly. "Oh my god, you're so small..." Jack is nearly holding his breath as he shrinks. "Mmmrnn...," Becca moans as she closes her eyes. Jack shrinks just a little bit more. Jack holds out a little longer. He and Becca make silent eye contact, the constricted look on their faces letting each other know that they're nearly at their end. Jack finally shrinks smaller than two inches. Becca gasps, prompting Jack to release. Becca pants, her body now laying limp against the side of the bed with her arm propped up on the top. Jack, now barely bigger than an inch tall, lays sprawled out in the palm of her hand, staring up at the ceiling and breathing heavily. Minutes pass before either of them speaks. Becca finally sighs, still staring up at the ceiling. Her gaze is distant, her true focus lying inside the thoughts within her mind. Never in her life had she ever dreamed that she could have an experience like that outside of watching videos on the Internet or reading fetish stories. Becca had now literally lived out her greatest fantasy and she could still hardly believe that it had happened. She can just see Jack out of the corner of her eye, the afterimage of him shrinking smaller and smaller in her hand still burns in her mind's eye. She doesn't know where things with Jack would progress going forward, but she knows that right here, in this moment, she couldn't imagine things being any better. She breathes out another long sigh. "Best. Day. Ever," she says. |