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something goes Bump in the night! |
Fright Night Johnny Bubba It was a dark night in the town of Bedford and there were cloudy skies looming over the place. A sound of a faint whistle could be heard or a humming sound some kind of foreign sound anyway. Cheryl Neil was home alone, she lived in a house in the forest. She was being driven crazy by the faint sound she kept hearing. Hmmmmmm, it was a never ending sound. Late at night while Cheryl slept, a large disc like object descended from the sky and landed in her back yard Unaware of what was transpiring she slept lightly as she feared what the sound was. The disc shaped object opened a door that was on the front of the disc. It was a few moments when a figure appeared from out of the object, it was a small little gray being with large black eyes. It stepped out of the disc and headed for the house. It opened the back door using a laser beam to unlock it. It went inside and began pillfering around the kitchen, it snooped in the cabinets and in the refrigerator. Making sounds and messing up the kitchen by dragging things out of the cabinets. Cheryl awoke, she heard the sounds coming from the kitchen and she thought she had an intruder. She kept a gun in her night table and she grabbed it and headed for the Kitchen where the noise was coming from. When she peeped in the room she screamed, seeing the creature. When she did the creature turned and saw her standing there, gun in hand, ready to shoot. The creature raised his laser gun and shot the gun with a laser beam, causing it to disintegrate. Cheryl again screamed and fell backward on to the floor. “What the hell are you?” She questioned with fright in her voice. “I am looking for people to take with me to my world in the far side of the universe. You shall do nicely Cheryl,” said the creature. “What? How do you know my name? She questioned again. “I know everything about you I have been watching you since you were born knowing one day I would take you back home with me, where you belong.” “What do you mean, where I belong?” “You are born of a human mother but the seed was planted by us.” “You are destined to live on the planet Marsac which exists many light years away. You will not age or ever be ill there.” Explained the creature. “What if I don’t want to go there with you, after all this is my home.” “Then we will be forced to brainwash you because you will come with us to be a great leader of our beings.” “ don’t know any thing about leading.” “Well it will come naturally to you all you have to do is show them how to behave on Earth, so that they can assimilate there in the future. Many of your people are actually my people in disguise. Just as you are part human and part Marsacian. You will teach them to speak and act human.” Cheryl thought to herself that she could run and hide from these things that looked at her with their big black eyes. She was frightened but brave enough to try to escape their watchful eye. “I don’t think you can hide from us”. “How do you know that I was going to hide?” “I can read your thoughts.” “But I don’t want to leave my home here.” “ You will be happier there I assure you. There are other humans there we have been taking humans for many years. They have learned to love our planet and you will to.” “You are not happy here, you have no family and very few friends.” The being reached out his long arm and welcomed her to take his hand, which had only four fingers that were extremely long. She grabbed his hand and told him that she would only go if she could bring with her a kitten that she loved dearly. The beings said yes that would be fine. And she accompanied the beings in to the disc, where there were many lights and gadget of which she could not compare to anything she had ever seen. The colors where outstanding and the humming sound she now knew came from the disc. Off they went to the sky and she was put to sleep in an oxygen cylinder. She would not age in the light years that they traveled but she would never again see Earth. She can find happiness and a peace she did not know existed there on this foreign planet. The End |