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like to describe myself in this way.I have no target to finish mood off writing everyday. |
What is happening in this year 2015 Happy year: day 1 Cockroach killed by me only one. Roof up down three times to dry cloths. Today 12 degree celcius. Yesterday I cooked a big chicken but day before yesterday I cooked wrongly beef fat; because I think It comes out chicken ,It was done by father, he keep fat in front of row to store. My guess was wrong to take chicken. Today I cook three times like rice, ruti, milk, coffee. Clean utensils several times, clean rooms, toilet and me. Read newspaper, say “hapi neu air” to some people and receive Hamza, Reza ,Moinu , Taher, Shaju and Abu’s greeting. Watch some news. Alpine water receive and pay. Happy year: day 2 Cockroach killed by me three. One chella (Arthopod) also killed by me at roof today. Today 13 degree celcius Pitha make by me in life’s first .Banana chop and tea. Roof up down two times in total. Clean rooms and toilet and me. Skype check to see Charles Iraq and Habibur’s China visit. 35 people died by leg dancers, but nobody reacted over there.They told that was a part of life and dance again for the new year.Today I realize that I feel thirsty all the day and took much more water. Happy year: day 3 Today I killed one cockroach too. It seems my new year begins to kill cockroach Make chapati egg omlet, tea, coffee for breakfast. After that go to clean rooms, wash toilet and bath. Hunger strikes than take breakfast .Today the tempeture of the capital city is 16 degree celcius. At lunch time I prepare hilsha fry with tomato, tomato sauce, tomato dal soup and boiled rice. Than get some fruit and after that make tea and doing skype with Humayun one of my friend. Read some topic about laughter, and water. Today the highlight point is I took two pots gravy for ready to cook. One is tomato sauce and the other custard. Happy year: day 4 Early morning at 7 am I wake up from bed as I decided to sleep for 7 hours. Say fazr prayer. Check garden and watered. Clean room and toilet than took bath. Today morning is hot. Temperature 20 degree celcius. Zohur time go to check the roof and the tetant of 5th floor , pack sack to go other places for better living. They are going to sector no 3,house no 34.I cook some brinjal fry dal and boil rice. Took desert after that say Asar prayer. Read newspaper, watch the political situation and listen the latest trend of USA younger girls up to thirty egg refrigeration. MBA class observe over you tube, the subject is marketing Viagra which is last 4 to 36 hours. A seventy years old man invented it to achieve his goal and make dollars each year. Take tea after that say prayer Magreb. Chatting and internet search for meditation and prayer benefit and fix dream for 2015.Nothing to explore. Say Esa’s(the fifth time) prayer. Take muri and tea again. Now I am going to take dinner now. Happy year: day 5 Wake up as usual. Take breakfast to parota and dal chocchori(dried). Than banana. Make fish chochori, dal soup and some boil rice for lunch. I met a guy over phone.He wants to go Africa and Australia for business. Than feel lovely to talk with him that he failed to make some bags with food minister. Which cost and tender time that he cannot meet. I told him after getting job I will help him to give money than his requirement was one lak per month; and the capital money will be one core. See news at newspaper, watching movie. Again go to roof to dry cloths. Tanduri chicken and some boil rice for dinner. Talk to Habibur about China visit and new year celebration at China. Read a novel from sanonda magazine after than sleep. Happy year: day 6 Wake up as early as possible, say prayer than go to kitchen for breakfast boil three eggs, make some red tea and pulses rice, fish,brinjal fry, olive pickles for lunch. Take some fried pitha with tea several times with banana. Dinner time take boil rice and beef curry. Paper and dish man will come tomorrow for the dues.Go to TV room and watch some political situation of Bangladesh. Talk to Habibur for Diary and calendar.Come back to my room after clean all utensil and Kitchen for earlier work at morning for my sister. Happy year: day 7 Early morning go to kitchen for make boil rice, beef curry process and prepare tea with fried pitha. Take hot clean all the corner of our living place, read newspaper, took hot shower, take breakfast, now doing internet check.Waiting for dish and Hawker for their dues now. Dish paid. After Asor prayer I just watch Z-bangla chicken grill with thyme, rose-merry, lemon juice, salt and oil brush. The grill Tawya need not use oil. Just need a little bit more hot pan. The laughing gas of political comedy is dancing issue for two days long. After Magreb prayer I cook some egg potato chops, small fish with raddish, pitha, boil rice and dal vhuna. The TV channel Z-bangla and etv will close soon for the bad affect of our culture. After dinner and say Esha’s prayer I am chatting with Humayun. He is taking drink, he things a lonely place make him accompany with his beer. And I am taking omega 3 wild Alaskan salmon oil. It keeps me well from depression. Happy year: day 8 I made some Pulses rice at breakfast to go up to lunch, than made some Dalpuri, Alupuri and coconut samosa for the next two days tea time. For dinner make some spicy, vegetable rice.Next come to clean room at noon and toilet earlier morning and finish bath, say prayer for several times. Crochet a pair of baby bootie. Review writing and read newspaper. And watch the TV for France terror attack, Air Asia tragedy and Bangladeshi fake hartal news. Happy year: day 9 I fry some Alupuri and make tea for me and sisters. Than go to Swapno shopping mall to purchase vegetables, egg and milk and tissue.Take shemai for desert and take egg fry with fried vegetable rice.Than come for three machine full of cloths to wash and dry. Next make some Chocchori curry for dinner.Lunch time took sweet chicken with boil rice. Happy year: day 10 Fry Somucha for tea at breakfast. Eat two slices of cucumber pizza. Take almost the full day to learn how to make baby booty. It is an eastern picot bootie, which will finish the next day I hope. Time to time go to kitchen for make tea and rice. Aier fish with boil rice is for luch today, than go to muri for evening, dinner time boil rice with some chochori. Than come to sleep as I feel bitter cold. Happy year: day 11 Wake up from bed for nature call and I-Home’s alarm tone. Say Fazr prayer as Istema and azan at the same time make me feel proud to say prayer. Check yahoo, gmail, skype and read newspaper on line the daily star and than come to happy year page to say you are updated. Now it is 7am.Sparrow are cripping outside. One crow is cawing alone. Mans are sounding by coughing to go out from gate. Security says prayer and sleep again. Than exercise going brothers are call out loudly to get up again. Now I have to clean my bed, than go for exercise for shoulder. Next dish wash to make tea with boil egg and suji.Than have to finish booties. As I planned make suji or booties not work.I make vegetable pakora instead and it need to finish one hour 10am to 11am, that was my breakfast with my sisters. From 7am to 10 am I was busy to dish wash & cloth wash. From 4pm to 5pm I took lunch finish to visit cloth dry and pick to home, watch discovery channel Turkish rose delight. And I enjoy it. Sugar syrup rose in a air tight container than 50 kgs of sugar with 8 kgs of flour mixed together. I hope to purchase it from shopping mall one day. Jelly bean documentary also enjoyable for me. All the colorful beans are same in inside.I sleep from 5pm to 6pm than say Magreb prayer. God can thanks to me today I say 5 times prayer.But in the prayer time I also think about cook dinner rice and daal and for booties .Sorry to god for that type of restless mind I have.I watch the CNN news of France people unity is a weapon. Charles and Liberty is there girl Idol ;there are almost 7 lac people are gathering that time is 3pm there from our time five hours difference. Here is 8 pm than. I also wash the dish again from 9pm to 10pm again and feel I am a public servant of my father’s naughty daughters. This is the side effect to live with them. And I hate to live like this. I went roof for dry the cloths of my one naughty sister’s which have bad smell. I hate to do it but I have to. Now it is 11 pm.I will go for sleep at 12pm. Happy year: day 12 Early in the morning wake up 5am than again go to bed for two hours cold sleep. say prayer go to kitchen work, take tea with veg. pakura. Go for neat and clean some utensils and floor. Lock the main door to send someone to office. Now prepare dal and bread and half done pudding preparation to hurry to go to bank for 10,000 bucks. Purchase two types of kellocks and other stuffings for home need. Come back home to bath and cook again palang spinace. Take lunch with those and spicy chicken. Go for pudding and tea than learn pitha from z bangla. Feel hands and finger pain and numbness now. It is almost 10pm, feel to go for sleep earlier to remove extra thinking and pain. Happy year: day 13 Go to Brac bank after 12pm and withdrawn 10000 taka from mother’s bank. Purchase face wash and others from shopping mall and come back to home. Happy year: day 14 Passes all the day at University library of IUB. Breakfast at home but lunch time over there .all day good even blocked bus journey in Falgun -bus too. Happy year: day 15 Purchase some needs from Agora shopping mall and come back after Bank asia cash payment to IUB. Happy year: day 16 Passes all day at home .Do homely. Finish that bootie at last. See Aru at Skype. Happy year: day 17 All day at home. Do homely. From drawn time it makes rain. Air is fresh but sometimes bitter cold. Happy year: day 18 to day 31 Dear happy year I forgot to continue you in my happy diary for the next readers. Well all the days passes the same way.I was busy to make pudding and payes several times. Mum and Papa go abroad for that I was also busy to pack sack them. At the last week of this month I visit IUB university some days. Went export fair and Jamuna Future park to spend some unusual time .And I also enjoy to see lot of fabric at Islampur , Nababpur market. Lion and Pakistani market near of it. Ahsan Monjil was situated over there. February 1 I made noodles and soup for dinner .I join crochet to Uttara group and like others and I join Handicraft dear women by like on facebook. February 2 Make some hoss poss(rice, spicy and dal) and plan to make honey ball for dinner. At the end of the day I didn’t get enough time and couldn’t open up the honey bottle’s lid. Which I purchase from export fair. February 3 to February 8, 2015 Dear happy year I forgot to touch you for the five days. Anyway which I remember I can write. February 6 I learn how to make chicken laddu.I went out for dinner outside for grilled chicken, nun and lassy with my sisters. February 7, I went book fair to purchase some books at noon time. Before time went to university and Bangla academy. Than Sarwardy Uddan book fair to take fresh air and feel thirsty. No food cafe for long area. I took almost 1 litre of water at a time when I get water at Jamuna future park restaurant. February 8,Today I get hurt in my side finger left hand by two flower tub twisted over my finger. I was cleaning the main entrance of our home. Make fish fry, porota and tea. Last night it was itching in my face and neck because of Olay age miracle. Day before yesterday also the same case.I use my nails several times. It’s not suits to me. Now it is 8:38 pm, time for esa’s prayer so time to go for ozu. See you again. February 9 to February 26,2015 Dear February I forgot to write on you here. I passed valentine day 14th of February at Jamuna future park to see movie first time. Today is the third day for my bat father. He comes from USA. But his Bat life last only for one day in Bangladesh. He is watching Srilanka vs Bangladesh World-cup Cricket now. I feel sleepy now though I have to say asr prayer now. Today I prepare tea with toast at morning .early bath, clean dining and kitchen lunch prepare and feel tired now. February 27 to march 3, 2015 We, my sisters and me enjoy squre milk chocolates, choco-pie, nuts and going as usual. Cook, clean and wash. One day went park area. One day to tailor, one day to shopping mall. Today I make 7 cups of tea and one cup coffee for us. four chapatis, four omlets. Took nuts two times, took chocolets two times, took pie one time and rice, vegetable, egg with dal finish lunch. Took newspaper after 5pm,watch cooking and gossip channel up to 6pm.Took dal and rice for dinner at 9pm and sleep at 10pm . March 4,2015 Wake up from bed at 6am by the sound of I-home, Magpie bird and next the Sparrows creeping say fozr prayer. And sleep one hour sleep again. Today is rainy early in the morning and again at noon stay upto 3pm.After time was sunny , gentle and cool. lunch finish within 3pm.red tea several times with sweet potato and egg fry, chapatti. Enjoy two squre milk chocolates at 4pm.Than took nap in one hour. Memorise dowa al-qunut translate in English. than go for TV for 10 minutes. Again prayer for evening. Thinking for business plan and next snacks prepare for my elder sister, younger sister and father. Make beguni and red tea with chocolate again. Get ready for dinner items such as bringal fry with boil rice. March 5 to march 8’2015 Hi march I am forget to come here. Now I get some time to write on you. I just checked my crochet facebook to see Bishajit add me as a friend request. Rafia is always here to see me. But I don’t like with others included Rafia. So I didn’t add her. Arissa’s mothers birthday cake cut done. She is happy to make flower’s for her mom with our deshi product. Areez like to keep quite. Going than readers digest to read a famous couple’s love letter to know that love is there religion. Early in the morning I made parata’s and tea with sweet potato dish. Planning to do some snowman or bear as a toy of my nephew and niece. Now go for jobs seek and writing. March 9, 2015 Today I woke up from bed early morning at 6:30 am. Windows and door open and switch off the I-home at mom’s room. She is now abroad but still I have a fixed duty to go at her room to switch off the alarm. Two months all her householdings belongs to me. I am a bit looser to do my business for this. I determind to do ear rings and reading book. Time will be 10 am to 1 pm. from 3pm to 4pm internet and nap from 4pm than go for tv from 5:30pm to 7pm next. I watch tv before 7:30 CNN news. Neltsov 6th murderer suspect and some health electronics are invented to measure the callory of any kind of food.MH-370 pilot suicide and the plane was moving four hour’s alone. Before 8:30 I finish my breakfast with egg omlet and chapatti with my sister and father. Yesterday was purple day. But today red and green and others like chocolate and brown for the morning. Now going for morning tea and the duty of younger sisters breakfast. Cleaning and dust removing. Lunch prepare for me sister and father. Rice, mug dal and Rui fish fry. Moinu is not responding today.Than go for sleep. After than go for toilet wash and bath. Take a tour around the home. Next come back to net to talk Humayun and Salim. Dinner within 8pm.sweet potato, round potato and bread bomb with egg. Read a book “Amader jatishottar bikashdhara”.Take some water and listen sura yeasin. March 10-March 11 Yesterday Bangladesh team win with England world cup cricket ICC. Today Moinu’s mind is not well. Father also ill of leg pain. Me too also upset to think about uncertain future. Cooking and eating duty finish now go for namaz of esa. Before prayer need to read dowa Quunut.I like the recitation. I’m tired enough to cook several times every day. I don’t like to live like this. I hate my family members. March 12, 2015 Moinu call me to tell about his friend’s hotel where he is now. Yesterday he want to say something but he didn’t. Cause he has not enough time to say before I go to sleep. Today I told him about my arm pain. When I had a serve food to father who is in the drawing room to watch cricket match. I soak some frozen chicken into a bowl of normal temperature water and planning to make some korma the special Indian crusine for today lunch and tomorrow. March 13 to March 20, 2015 Dear march I forgot you for few days. Here I am listening Tagore music in bangla. I take tea with brown toast bread and cook some meat-dal for breakfast. Thinking about Moinu what’s he is doing now. And plan to do some crochet work but fail all the times. March 21, 2015 Today I have finish to make one crochet pear for Aareez and business. And learn how to make an elephant. Moinu is painful to talk at evening. March 22 to March 23, 2015 Today I wake up early in the morning to say prayer and switch off my mom’s i-home alarm. Next go for tea with some sugary toast biscuits. Next prepare some polau rice and some reheat chicken and fish curry with lady’s finger which I already make before. Make vegetable Singara for evening dish. March 24 to march 25, 2015 Heavy dust rush the floor of our home. So clean it for better involvement and not to go for craft work. March 24 morning to evening sitting and standing for newspaper, magazine and journey up down by CNG. March 25 morning to evening busy busy and busy for dust clean, cloth clean, utensils clean, toilet clean and myself. What a cleaner I’m. In the meantime boil milk, fry fish prepare pulses, brinjal fry for lunch Cockroach in the kitchen oh! Owh! Fed up for this. Today night will be the Cockroach killing time. Evening time I was with my sister to order for her new spectacles power is 8/8, 3.5 and to enjoy snacks locally called Fuska and Coffee. March 26 to March 27, 2015 Moinu is going to merry by the choice of his family, but he is a choosy man, he don’t like backdated lady. From 26th of March to 27th March noon I never go outside. Today to shopping mall to purchase some bananas and ice-cream and pumpkin, pear, lemon. I visit my craft miss too. She is happy grandmother for her younger daughter’s son 1.5 years photograph published in the daily newspaper magazine collum. For the different way to celebrate a kids birthday party with Frozen, Doremon cartoon, cakes and others. Today is Friday, I see a boy bow to pray like a curcus to see me in a rikshaw. It makes me laugh. Just talked with mother that she is in a hurry to go home to make vegetable noodles lunch for her son. |