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High schooler Jack thinks it's just another day at school, until he starts shrinking! |
Jack awoke that morning feeling great. He didn't know why; it wasn't like it was the last day of school or anything. Heck it wasn't even the first! But even on this random Thursday in early October, Jack felt unusual ever since he had gotten out of bed. He didn't do anything out of the ordinary; He woke up, scrolled for a while on Instagram, got dressed, told his parents goodbye, and drove to school just like he always did. All the signs pointed to it just being another day at school. But Jack knew otherwise. He could feel it in his bones, radiating from his very core; something was changing. This day was going to be different. Jack was just raising his hand to ask his teacher if he could be excused to go to the restroom. His math teacher, Mr. Trent, just smiled at him and nodded, already knowing what he was about to ask. Jack was really good at math, and would always finish his quizzes early, but he hated staying in the classroom and doing nothing. Because of his good track record in his class, Mr. Trent would always let Jack leave class early, under the guise of going to the restroom. Jack grabbed his notebook and stood up, leaving his quiz on Mr. Trent's desk on his way out. "See you tomorrow," Mr. Trent whispered so as to not disturb the other students. Jack felt the glares of some of the students fall on him as he left, but he didn't care. If they'd spent as much time studying math as he did, they'd get it too. Jack shut the classroom door quietly and began to walk down the hallway toward the stairs to get to his next class. He had a bit of a walk, so he was always glad that he had extra time before his next class. In the distance he saw a girl walking his way, also with a notebook in her hand. He didn't recognize her, but even from a distance, she looked pretty. Her long brown hair bounced and flowed as she walked, her modest curves accentuated by the decently cut, floral red dress she was wearing. He almost looked down as she got closer to him in order to hide the fact that he was staring, but there was something familiar about her. She almost looked like... "Becca?!?" He blurted out as he almost tripped over his own feet. Becca snickered at his blunder, covering her red lips as she laughed. "Nice goin' there, buddy," she said playfully. Becca Rodriguez was Jack's lab partner in 8th period science. She always dressed in such a way that didn't draw attention to herself; t-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, heck, for a while, Jack wasn't even sure she had boobs. Jack had no doubts in his mind now. She was hot! He'd always kind of had a low-key thing for her before, just due to the fact that she was kind of mysterious, but now, he could barely keep his eyes off of her. Becca finally reached him and for a second, Jack had a mini heart attack. "Wasn't she shorter before?" He thought. Jack wasn't too short, but he'd always wished he was taller. He stood at 5'7" but he really always wanted to be at least 6 foot, like his dad. Truthfully, he wanted to be even taller. Becca was 5'2" and normally came to about his nose, but now she was almost level with his forehead! He looked down and relief quickly filled him. She was wearing heels. Becca noticed him look. "Yeah..." She said. "Long story." Jack raised his eyebrows "Clearly," He said, still in shock from her dramatic transformation. Becca huffed out a breathy laugh in response before looking at Jack, puzzled. She stepped back a little, as if she was assessing him. "Um..." She says, not able to express in words what it is that she thinks she's seeing. It's only another second before Jack notices it, too. It's subtle, but Jack notices that everything around him is now slightly bigger than it was a few seconds ago. He and Becca catch each other's eye. They both inwardly panic as they realize that they now stand at the same height. "Jack, I think you're..." Becca doesn't finish, but she doesn't have to. They both already know. Shrinking, they both think. Jack begins to panic, looking at his hands as he shrinks down five more inches. Becca's face is frozen in shock as she watches Jack fall to the height of her chin and continue to shrink even further. Jack looks up at Becca, an unfamiliar sight to him, as he shrinks smaller and smaller. Jack shrinks and shrinks, becoming another five inches smaller as the two teens stand in silent shock. Shrinking below her stomach and then beneath her waist, Jack begins to feel himself about to hyperventilate. The sensation he feels is strange, though pleasant, but frighteningly unfamiliar. His heart quickens as he shrinks six more inches to the height of Becca's knees. Tinier and tinier he shrinks until he finally begins to slow just above her ankles. Jack finally stops shrinking, barely standing two and a half inches tall. Jack looks up at Becca, who now towers over him like an immense, sexy mountain. She stares back down at him, unsure what to do. "Jack..." She manages. *BRRRIIIIIING!* The school bell shrilly calls out the end of the period. Jack and Becca both flinch in surprise before looking at each other in panic. Becca quickly lowers and gently picks Jack up in her hands. Jack is caught up in Becca's large but soft hands as she stands back up. She pats her hip and curses silently as she remembers she has no pockets. She looks down at her chest, and then at Jack, and then at the classroom doors that are starting to open. She pulls down the front of her dress, exposing her cleavage to Jack. "Don't get too crazy down there, big guy," she says before sliding him in between her breasts. Jack finds himself coddled between two soft, warm mounds of flesh. He let himself laugh for a moment. Yesterday, he was speculating whether or not Becca had boobs at all. Now he found himself nestled between the two of them. Perhaps being shrunk wasn't all that bad. Jack could feel Becca trying to maneuver through the crowd of students in the hallway. Her boobs jiggled as she walked, pushing Jack around with them. Jack began trying to shimmy his way to the front of the flesh mounds. He wriggled and wriggled until he reached the front of the left side of the bra. He secured himself in front of the breast. Barely two seconds had passed by before Jack got an idea. Oooh it was burning in the back of his mind. But it was wrong! And weird! But how many times would he be able to do something like this? How could he resist? His heart quickening in his chest, Jack reached his arms out on either side of him and began to rub the large breast. Becca noticed quickly. "Jack!" She said curtly as she kept walking. Jack ignored her and continued his quest. He could deal with her being mad later. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity! He rubbed and massaged and groped the huge mound of flesh before him. Eventually throwing his whole body into it. Becca almost fell over. She shivered momentarily, letting out a brief, shocked moan. Jack smirked. He reached his hand to her nipple and started rubbing it as it became erect. Becca grunted and almost fell again. Jack felt her make what felt like an abrupt turn and heard her enter through a door. It sounded like there were female voices. Was she in the girl's restroom? *BRRRIIIIIIIIING!* The second bell called, and the rest of the girls cleared out. Both Becca and Jack stayed still until the last toilet flushed. Jack heard the stall door open and heard the sink turn on shortly after. The sink turned off and Jack heard the sound of a paper towel being used. Finally, the bathroom door opened and shut. Becca let out a huge sigh that Jack didn't even realize she was holding in. She pulled her dress back down and fished Jack out of her bra. She placed him down on the countertop of the sink. Bracing herself with her hands, Becca leaned against the countertop. She looked down at the sink, but said nothing. Jack stood on the counter, nervously looking up at her, not knowing how she would react to having just been fondled by a classmate. After a good minute of silence, she looked at him with a disbelieving smile in her face. "Sorry." Jack managed. Becca laughed sarcastically "Oh, really?" She wiped her face with her hand before returning it to its resting place on the counter. "You freaking groped my boob!" "Well, in my defense, you did stick me in your bra," Jack replied. Becca sighed, looking at him angrily. She pursed her lips. "Fair enough," she said through gritted teeth. "But you didn't have to... You know? I specifically said 'don't get crazy!'" Jack rubbed the back of his neck. "I know, but... How many times does a guy get to do that? It's like a dream, man!" Becca let out another huffy breath. "Okay, fair enough, you little nasty weirdo." She stared at him blankly for a few moments, just looking over his entire body. Jack felt awkward being stared at. "What?!?" He finally shouted. "Nothing!" She yelled back "it's just... It's weird! What am I supposed to do? You're like two inches tall!" "I don't know! Just..." Jack sighed, his energy deflated. The reality was starting to come back to him. He was two and a half inches tall, standing on a countertop in the girl's bathroom, with his lab partner looming over him like a skyscraper. His heart started to race again as he became lightheaded. His legs slipped out from underneath him. "Whoa!" Becca called as she reached out to steady him with her hand. She caught him in her palm just as he was about to hit the counter. "Easy there, buddy." With her help, Jack stood back up, gathering himself. "Thanks..." He said. He thought about all of those times that he would hang upside down on the pull up bar in his best friend's house to grow a few more inches, all the milk he chugged in middle school, convincing his friends to grab his arms and legs and pull to see if he could just stretch a couple more inches out. Now, he was smaller than a rodent, with no idea how he got that way and no idea how he could grow back. As far as he knew, he was stuck. "What am I supposed to do now?" He asked, his voice sounding much more pitiful than he anticipated. Becca removed her hand once she knew he was okay to stand on his own. She let out a little sigh. "I don't know..." She said. "Do you have lunch this period, too?" Jack shook his head. "No, I have B lunch." Becca nodded. "Well, it's not like you're going to class. Not like this, anyway," she said. She paused for a moment, thinking over the options. She let out a breath and stood up straight. "Okay," she breathed. "I've got an idea." She reached out and put her hand down for Jack. He climbed on her hand, curious about what she had in mind. She pulled the front of her dress down again, rejuvenating Jack with a fresh wave of energy again. Glancing at the crotch of Jack's pants, Becca gave him an 'are you serious' look. "That's not the kind of growing we're looking for, Jack." Jack blushed, shrugged, and smiled. Becca smiled and rolled her eyes. "Try to keep a hold on yourself," she said, slipping him into the right cup of her bra. "Hold on tight, big boy." Becca started up her car and started to pull out. Jack peeked out of her shirt and over the seat belt. "Where're we headed?" He asked. "I figure we won't get anywhere hanging around the school trying to find this stuff out. So I figured we'd just go to my house." Jack laughed in the most jokingly seductive manner he could manage. "Oh, Becca, back to your place? We haven't even had a second date yet!" "Shut up!" She said, lightly pushing him back down in her bra. Jack laughed. To Be Continued |