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A SCREAMS contest entry. The conclusion of "My Neighbors the Strangers." |
Jake could only lay there and listen to his life bleed out of him as it dribbled down into the catch basin below the butcher’s table. Because Dave had flayed the skin from his back there was no surcease from the pain. The ripped and torn nerve endings were sensitive to the slightest breeze. Any muscle twitch would inflict his body with spasms. Even a simple swallow caused a chain reaction that escalated to a clenching that threatened to stop his heart. Truly, he could only move his eyes without adding to his agony. Dave crossed his field of vision once again still collecting all his necessary tools for the butcher job up next. He had a large array of implements hanging from his apron belt, meat hooks, bone saws and all sorts of knives. “Hey Jake, you still with us? I’ll have you know I have been thinking about how this should end between us. Darla would probably prefer that I serve your manhood on a platter. Me? I am a firm believer that the condemned should know the pain; the pain that got them here, a touch of the pain that they have inflicted.” With that statement Dave released the restraint on his right ankle. He then went to remove the rope holding his right hand. Jake could only hold his breath. ”A chance, just give me a chance”, Jake laid there mute. “I’m going to de-cap you Jake just like you saw me do to that monkey skull. Then I’m going to remove your brains with a ice cream scoop. You have destroyed many a victim by removing their ability to think clearly. When I’m done your brain will only know enough to keep you breathing and keep your heart beating. Dave went to roll Jake over and Jake steeled himself for the agony he knew was coming. Jake lay inert. Dave had to use considerable force to roll Jake onto his side. It was only a moment but Dave had let his guard down. It was only by force of will that Jake was able to reach out and grab the nearest knife handle from Dave’s belt. “Witches wishes be damned.” Rather than allowing the pain to render him immobile he let the pain fuel his fury. He yanked his arm into a bicep curl keeping his grip on the knife and then jammed his arm back out straight with a tricep extension. Then knife plunged hilt deep into Dave’s chest. Dave went to vocalize something, but the gush of blood from his mouth allowed no other sound than gurgling. “Finally! Dave, shut the fuck up.” It was far too quick a death from Jake’s point of view but he wasn’t complaining. Somehow he had survived the butcher. Anger still motivated him as he released the bindings on his left hand and foot. Because he was weak from blood loss he could only roll himself off the table. The now deceased Dave at least was there to break his fall. Jake knew he was running on empty. He knew that he might not survive his wounds. This also motivated him. If he was going to go, he was going to take everyone down with him. Darla, that witch, was out back enjoying her bath. It was inexcusable that she should survive the havoc she had wrought. With pin point focus, he set himself on the path to ruin that woman’s peace. With slow inching movement he crawled for the door. “Hours, minutes, days later”, he found himself gaining ground towards the base of the hot tub. From his vantage point he could just see Darla’s face above the rim of the tub. She was faced sideways to his direction and she could have spotted his approach if her eyes had been opened. She seemed to be in a trance as she mumbled some chant over and over. Using her trance to his advantage he crept ever closer in hopes of catching her unaware. It was agonizingly slow work but Jake gained his feet and found himself directly behind her. His slow progress ensured maximum silence and with the sun positioned in front of them there was no shadow to betray him. Only then did he realize that he had not brought any weapon with him on his journey. Not that it mattered, this was personal. This death should be as intimate as possible. He saw that she still wore his hide about her shoulders. He reached out intending to throttle her where she sat with the trophy she had demanded of him. Just as he was going to get a grip on the skin garrote, Darla swiveled her head around to stare him in the eyes. She swiftly grabbed his outstretched right arm at the wrist and gave a surprisingly strong pull that tumbled Jake head long into the hot tub. A wrestling match ensued and in his weakened state Jake found his head under the bubbling goo far too often. He could only manage from time to time to get a fresh breath of air. Anger is what still drove him and finally he got a double hand grip on Darla’s throat. Having gained the advantage he straddled her and forced her head under. He held her there for a long time as he felt her struggle as he worked to strangle and drown her. Finally she went limp but still he held her under. Jake felt his reserves draining away; the adrenalin surge had run its course. He was close to collapse when he saw a hand and thin arm snake its way up out of the goo. As he stared at the hand, “SNICK”, the snake materialized a fang in the form of a stiletto blade. Before he could make a move the viper struck and buried the blade deep into his right eye socket. No scream emitted from his mouth but he did have one last thought. “Where the hell did that come from?” That hand worked the blade deeper and made quick circles with the knife handle using the eye socket as a pivot and the blade buried in his skull shredded his brain as it churned around inside. As Jake went limp, Darla’s face broke the surface with her lips moving as she continued her mumbled incantations. Darla stopped her chant and Jake heard her say, “This is where we part ways.” With that Darla pulled the knife from his skull and dragged it viciously across Jake’s throat opening his jugular veins so he could bleed his last into her bath. |