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A SCREAMS!!! contest winner. Chapter 6 of "My Neighbors The Strangers. |
Jake had been biding his time to enact his plan to take Darla. It seemed as if fortune was smiling down on him as he watched Dave loading up their SUV with several suitcases. He continued to watch as Dave kissed his wife, Darla, goodbye before hopping into the vehicle and driving away. This could be the best opportunity to implement his plan. He knew it was bath day for Darla; it was a perfect time to act. He thought about bringing his Glock as he dressed. He knew from experience a gun in the face could be a compelling persuader. Instead of the gun he grabbed his K-bar combat knife. The gun implied terminal damage while the knife instilled the fear of maiming and disfiguring. Fear is the end game. Darla was nothing if not vain. She would rue any mar to her well preserved flesh. He reconsidered as he set the knife back down. There was no more dangerous weapon than his own sharp mind. He quickly moved out of the house to get next door to catch Darla before she had a chance to submerse herself in that nasty bath of hers. He caught her just as she was coming out the back door looking to hop into her bloody hot tub for a good long bath. Darla stepped out wearing a short robe with the sash untied so the robe hung open revealing that she had nothing more on than the loose robe. "Couldn't be easier" thought Jake. Jake had no intention of letting her get into that tub of bubbling bloody goo. Darla screeched as Jake grabbed her arm and her pony tail from behind. By bending her arm behind her back and savagely pulling back on the pony tail he frog marched her around the corner to the garage back door. Once inside the garage he used the convenient sash from her robe as he tied her hands behind her back and moved her over to Dave's butcher table where he shoved her face down onto the table with her legs dangling off the side. "Jake, What do you think you are doing?" "I'm just showing one of those strong women how I like them; Bent over." With that He ran a hand down her back over her buttocks down past the hem of her robe and then back up underneath the robe to her sex. "Interesting, already wet, she must like it rough after all." With that thought he shoved two thick fingers far into her and heard a satisfying guttural sound emanate from the prone woman beneath him. He pulled the fingers out and ran them up and down her crack. He repeated the motion of jabbing his fingers into her pussy and then back out, using her own juices as lubricant for the fun that would follow. Jake thought that he had the woman lathered up enough for his purposes. One handed he unbuckled his pants and let them drop to the floor then yanked his drawers down to release his cock. He momentarily let go of her head and quickly grabbed the bottom hem of her robe with both hands and ripped the material wide to expose that lovely ass. Just as quickly he grabbed her ponytail again and pressed her face back down on to the table. "So Darla, the only question we have now is which way do we go, VA or AV?" "You bastard, I don't know what you mean" she said through ragged breaths. "Why being so worldly I thought you would know, vaginal to anal or vice versa of course." "I'll choose neither." "Nah, that's not even an option" as he grabbed the base of his cock and aimed it towards her open pussy lips. Just as he was prepared to plunge his cock in deep he received a mighty blow to the back of his head with a resounding "WHACK" and dropped to his knees then fell over sideways knocked out cold. When Jake came to he found himself face down and spread eagle on top of the butcher block table. He groaned as he lifted his head trying to gain view of the assailants. "And we still have life" he heard Dave proclaim. "Your trap worked again Darling." Darla was close by as Dave used one of his knives to cut Jake's clothes open and remove them. As Dave removed the shirt off Jake's back Darla took a quick breath. "Look at the fur he has. Dave, I must have his pelt" as she shrugged the ruined robe off her shoulders letting it fall to the ground. Dave using the precision of a surgeon and a finely honed blade He quickly traced a line from the top of Jake's left shoulder around the base of his neck then over the top of the right shoulder. On both sides he cut diagonally down from the top of the Deltoids down over his Latissimus Dorsi muscles to his waist and then connecting it all by a cut across his lower back. The knife had been so sharp that pain of what Dave was doing didn't start to register until he was done with his cuts. Jake was enduring the pain as best he could as he felt his blood dribbling down his sides, off his shoulders and creating a puddle in the small of his back. Dave leaned down close to Jake's ear and said in a soft voice, "Jake, this next part is kinda like removing a Band-Aid. It's going to hurt either way. If I do it slow and sever the connecting tissue as I go along it'll take 3 or 4 minutes. Or, I can yank it off in one quick jerk but, it's going to hurt like a bitch. Which way you want it Jake, VA or AV?" Before Jake can respond he found himself screaming like a wounded animal as Dave quickly snatched the skin off of his back. Jake could only gulp in heavy breaths as he watched Dave hand the trophy over to Darla. She took the flap of skin in both hands and swung it around in a semi-circle so that it came to rest over her shoulders with a squishy "PLOP". She glanced from shoulder to shoulder admiring the results like she was wearing some elegant shawl. "It's perfect" she sighed. "I'm already late for my bath and I would so love to take a bath with Jake." Next she snarled "Cut him up and bring him over." With that Jake saw her turn on her heel and stride away with his back hair. In his agony Jake could only watch Dave as he collected his utensils of destruction. Donning his butcher's apron and tucking several knives into the belt he launched into a monologue. "I have to say, Darla draws creeps like you like bees to honey. I have to tell you, you were a marked man long before we moved in next door. What you don't know Jake, Darla and Doris had been Coven Sisters, witches. Doris specialized in the bright arts where Darla is master of the dark arts. That hot tub of hers is nothing more than her over-sized cauldron." "Doris had called Darla not long before she committed suicide. She gave Darla all the sordid details of how you were abusing her. Needless to say Darla has made it her mission to exact her brand of revenge. Darla has been practicing for this encounter because she already knew how dangerous you are. You see, I used to be a New York City detective before I met Darla. Butchering was just my part time job. We've been traveling the country seeking out rapists. Wherever we found them, we turned the tables on them. Darla would put herself out there as bait and sure enough the monsters would come sniffing around." Dave moved a large galvanized bucket under the table as a catch basin for the blood now streaming out of Jake's wounds. Jake stayed mute as Dave continued on, "It's been a bit brutal at times but, as an ex-cop there has also been a lot of satisfaction in removing you scum from the ranks of the common citizenry. I warned you that somebody was going to pay a price and I'm sure you're thinking that you have paid your pound of flesh. Darla's vengeance costs a bit more than that. Well, enough of the chitchat Jake; it's time to satisfy the wishes of the witch." |