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A team of Young Agents Hunt down a Mad Scientist who wants to tacking over the world |
The Adventures of The OA Agents By Joan Raven On a mountain top in the Swiss Alps was the layer of the colorless. The leader of the group was Doctor Watts a crazy chocolate loving scientist. Who plans to turn the world into Darken Wast land of a shell. His henchmen were inside their underground fortress. The crew were going over the final details in-order for the systems set up. in a far corner of the room sated Doctor Watts looking over the operation. The crew was running around to meet his demands. He looked over to his left and saw his number-one man. "Gents, where is my list"? Order Doctor Watts .Right here Sir, I was just looking it over and making sure all the plans are in place she ran over to him and handed him the list. Doctor Watts turned to her ' Come, let walk and see this new system of ours. Gents is Doctor Watts right-hand man. She may be a girl, but she's mean as a snake, she is not to be cross. Gents are the eyes and ears of the center. She reports to Dr.Watts with everything she sees and hears. As they walk around the center Dr.Watts notes a smell in the air, it was sweet and spice, "What is that smell, and where is it coming from?" he yelled Gents smelled the air and keep smelling until she found it, it was on the far wall? A plug-in air freshens. She tock it out of the wall and held it up so Dr.Watts can see." Found it." She yelled. Dr. Watts ran over to it, 'Why is this here? "Yum, I don’t know sorry, she said " I know what this is, " He said "You do "She asked 'yes,. It's a plant, he said, "No, it's an air freshen sir. She tock a smell of it’s "Spiced apple and honey. I think it is. she said Doctor Watts just looked at her in disbelief. 'No, Gents it's a plant a bug, that one of the OA agents put their, But how did they get in if they did, He pulled her close said low only to Gents can hear he said. ' I want you to find the spy that is in are mist, and then you can do want you want with them. But first find where the agents are hiding, so we can finally get a ride of then, he said with a mean grin. Moving on he walked over the centers project the key to darkening the earth forever. " So are we all in order Gents?" asked Doctor Watts. " Yes, Sir, we have all our top guys on it. They are going to inform Santiago when each machine is in place." Gents answered him. Santiago is the head of communication. He's a man of few words, and he has a black belt in martial art. The phone rang Gents picked it up "hello" she said, 'Yes, I will tell him, sir that was Milk your chocolate room is ready. You are a sick fool he added and few other words I thought it wise not to repeat in mix company. She said and looked at the other agents. Before Doctor watts could respond Santiago came ruining up to him. ' Sir we have news coming in the machines are in place. We will be ready in forty-eight hours. Santiago said, 'Good, go tell the agents to stand by and Gents go tell milk to jump off a mountain he told her. Now let's see what next on the list, at that moment a big fat black rat ran across the floor, Doctor Watts screams "AHHHHHHH " And flies on the table and yells " Gents KILL THE RAT !" "Oh you are such a baby Watts get over it. It's only a rat" Gents yells at him as she traps The rat in her hands and throws it into the fire place. "Ok it's dead. You can come down now," said Gents. "OOO I hate rats, " said Dr, Watts. As he got down from the table then runs over to the Fireplace to see if indeed the rat is dead. Oh yes Doctor Watts is afraid of rats. It started when he was young and living on their farm in Jersey, his brother would shoot a flaming rat at him every time he found one Dr. Watts was a country boy, he would milk the cows and then go and sit on a stump and eating Chocolate late at night so now-one would see him. He was never aloud to eat candy. It always Made him hyper. So he was a good boy during the day and bad at night. One moonlight night he ran into Gents and they ran off together. Gents talk of unless supplies of the best chocolate the world has to offer. He was sold, He gathered his things. To show he was an evil minded man Doctor Watts burned down the farm. Satisfied with his work Gents was belt to mold him into a rat fearing chocolate lover evil minded man whom he is. Now they are trying to drain the world of its color. Among the laboratory, we also have Jentu, who has only been with them for a year she Is Gents' aid. Jentu is in command of handling the location of future operation, plus has Contacts with high government officials who are on Doctor Watts blackmail list. With her is their maid Joy. Who spends her time eating soy nuts but never really cleaning, mostly she spends her time getting stoned and passing out from all the wine she drinks? Joy is the undercover team. She would go to the dark's part of the earth to get information for the colorless team. The only enemy of the colorless is the OA Agents with their leader Sani, with his Agent Jack Oso and his team they are on the top of Doctor Watts hate list. Jack Oso is always ending Doctor Watts plans. As we leave Dr watts for now we see The OA Agents are sitting around the table waiting for Sani to give them a plan of action to stop Doctor Watts. It was a nice and bright day Sani and his team of agents were playing a game of billiards and darts in their game room. Sani was playing pool with Jack Oso, and was winning. Jake was sitting n the table and waiting for Sani to shoot his final ball. "Come on Sani, shoot already we haven't got all day you know," Jack said. Sani looked at him and laugh. 'Ok old man, I will shoot, you know you can learn a lot form my game, if you were not so fast with the ball, you might have gotten some in, and out have them flying around the room, said Sani looking at the holds in the wall were Jacks cue ball had hit. "Oh come off it man, I told you I would pay for the reapers, now shoot your ball" yelled Jack. "Ok, OK. Sani said Sani loved to get Jake going. It makes for a better agent. Jake will do the same with Sani. He hit the eight ball it landed into the pocket. He looked up at Jack who was nodding in spite. Before Jack could give a replay, the loud speaker sounded "All agents report to the den, Calling Sani to the office please comes to the office. " Said the voice Sani made his way up to the den, the large oak door was open. He walked into see Amy smiling at him, "Morning Sani, here is the case file, your old friend Dr.Watts is up to his trick again," she said and handing Sani the file. Sani looked over the file and nodded "Thank Amy. I will get the team briefed on Watt's latest plans." Sani said cool and clam. Sani walked out of the den and head to the confrere's room where the agents were waiting. Sani enters the room looking around at his team. Sani started to speak but stopped Sani pulls out a chair and sits down. He looks at his team, and Jack was reading a comic Book called batman and robbers, giggling through each page. "Jack put that down and listen Up, yelled Sani and pulled the book out of jack's hands. Jack jumped and places his hands On the table and looked at Sani. Sani gives him a questionable look then turned to the Rest of the team. Ok man we have a major scene going on here. Dr Watts has set up color-sucker device All over his mountain. We need you Jack and your team of Agents to go and stop this mad man." said Sani "Sir how do we disable the devices?" asked Jack. You know Doctor Watts will be waiting for a chance to sick his man on us. Marty said next to Jack 'I know so I had the girls make you some fur outfits that will help you blend into the snow-Covered mountain they are lined with bar skin to keep you warm. Sani got out a large box. From under the table and pulled out the big life-size fur coat, and handed each one their Coat. "Now Jack I need you to get up there and wait for us to contact you with the codes To disarm the guns got it, " said Sani before he answered him, then the ceiling dropped opened and Joy fell threw and hit the table. Dazed and stoned, she stumbled off the table. Before she got her gun out, the OA Agents surrounded her. Sani yells " TAKE HER TO THE BRIGE, AND ROBBY STAND GUARD, Don’t let her out of your site, Robby when she comes around see if you can get any information out of her. Said Sani Robby drags Joy down to the bridge and the OA Agents continue their briefing. "Now I want you Jack to take your team and get up to Dr. Watts hideout and hang low There. Sani said repeating his first command again "But Sir, there is snow up there, You know I am scared of the snow" wined Jack. Sani grabs Jack buy the neck and slapping him in the face saying, 'Get a hold of yourself man You are the only one that can save the world from becoming a Darken wast Land of Gloom, and you have your fur suit to keep you warm, So what if you were attacked by the Abominable Snowman." Small laughter broke out in the room. "Hey shut up you guys," said Jack." You saw him. He was hitting me with snowballs over and over again." Jack wined Sani gives them a warning look. "I Know, but I need you to stay up there, so when we have the information on how to disable the guns, we can contact you. Do I make myself clear?" asked Sani. Taking a deep breath, Jack nodded. " Yes Sir I understand. Now team gather your paintball guns and let's head out". jack The team was made up of the finest agents, there was Marty Smart, Jacob Smart, and Tim Air. The team gathered their guns and headed for the Swiss Mountains. Back at the Colorless laboratory Doctor Watts is walking around the center with his battle axe listening to Barry Manalow. Just then an alarm went off. There seems to be a combination lock on Doctor Watts candy room door" Until I have the combination to the lock we are going to square up." He yelled. Docotr Watts was blazing mad he ordered all the henchmen to go to their station and begin to square up. Squaring up is a method used to get the right measurement, for any size of paper you would like to use. However, it comes with a price. You may go crazy trying to master it. The colorless have lost many agents to the madness, so beware of the words square up. After squaring for five hours Gents finally screamed. " I can't take this any more, all right here is the combination you freak! " "The number is 324566. Now can we stop this crap and get back to work." Gents yelled out to Doctor Watts " Don't you ever do that again" yelled Doctor Watts. ‘I did it for your own good. You have been going through chocolate like water up here, any More of your deliveries and the public will get wise to our location. You can destroy the whole mission buy your habit, yelled Gents at Doctor watts. He ran to the candy room door and fighting with the combination got it open and went inside and closed the door. Back in the Hide out of the OA agents. In the holding bloc lays Joy siting and waiting for Robby to integrate her. Robby comes into the room holding a wine bottle half full. " Miss Joy you can make this painless or difficult it's your chose to make, for I don't care all I want is the way to shut down those color sucker machines " ordered Robby " Like heck I will. And you can't make me so their" Joy said, after that she stuck out her tongue at him. " Oh really, subsequently I am going to shave your head if you don't tell me."Robby said, " You are bluffing," said Joy He healed up the razor and shaving cream and along with rope to tie her down with. " Now tell me"! Robby yelled at her. Joy was shaking with fear she tells him. 'You have to unplug the main machine which is in the center of Dr. 'Watts Candy room. The Plug is under the Chocolate carving of Elif Tower in the far left counter.' Joy said crying. " Thank you.” Said Robby. ' Here Joy have some wine to wash down your betrayal. He gives her the wine. Joy takes the wine, not knowing it was poisoned. She drinks it all she then gasps for air, she tries to leave but passes out before she gets to the door. Robby walks out of the room leaving her laying there and goes to contact Sani. He now can give Jack the information and bring down the colorless. "Sir, Sir, we have the information to take down the machines " side Robby "Good work Robby send word on to Jack and have him to move in right away." Sani said Robby informs Jack with the plans. Jack and his men start to move out. " Oh Sir what should I do with her body?" asked Robby. " What do you mean her body? And who are you referring to?" asked Sani " Joy Sir, I poisoned her with the wine," answered Robby. " You what!" Way the heck did you do that for?"Sani asked him with hand on his hips. " I wasn't gong to. She was being a brat, and sir. She stuck her tongue out at me, and I hate that so much'" said Robby as he passed the floor like an expecting father. "Robby was the good guys here. We don't go around killing our prisoners it not in our code." said Sani " Oh, I must have missed that part when I was reading our handbook you gave us in Class. I'm sorry sir, so what do you want me to do with her then? " asked Robby. " I don't know, why don't you put her in a bag, and send her back to the colorless, and let them deal with her" answered Sani angrily "All right, Oh buy the way do you have the Address?" Robby asked. Sani just looked at him, " I don't Know, look under the evil mad scientist section in the phone book." Sani said running his had throughout his hair “Thats right why didn't I think of that?" Robby said cheerful. Sani shaking his head and looking To the ceiling and saying ‘Why Me’ Back at the Colorless laboratory Doctor Watts is getting ready to fire the guns When Santiago’s have a visit form Mike. Mike came to him with the body bag, sir this just came from the OA agents sir Said Santiago. Doctor Watts came over and looked at the bag and opened it. He saw that Joy was stuff in into in Doctor Watts looks down at Joy's face he tells the team to gather around. They brought her body down to their underground river of acid. They said a few parting words, and Doctor Watts drops joys body into the acid river. The body bag sank like a stone and with a hiss of smoke, the river returns to its clam state. "I didn't think her body would have sunk that fast" said Gents ‘Yes it must be from all the wine she drinks she was turning into a Bloody cow. I'm glad she's gone the OA Agents save me the headache of killing her myself. She was a whiney brat, even if she was my daughter Doctor Watts said. They left the underground river and headed back up to the laboratory to see to the plans of placing the color sucking guns on line. On the showy mountain top, Jack and his agents got the call from Robby to inform him the main plug is in Dr. Watts candy room under the File Tower in the far left corner. Just as Jack was standing up to yell to his agents a rainstorm of a snow ball came falling down on him. Jack dives to the ground and starts to suck his thumb and rock bake and forth. JessM came running up and looked down at him with a smile on her face. "Nice, some great Leader you are manned, scared of a snow ball fight." She laughed at him and ran back to the other. "NOT FUNNY YOU GUYS" LET'S MOVE IN WE HAVE THE ORDER. Jack yelled at them, and they gather their gear and started to move the snow to uncover the rocky base of the mountain, there they found an opening. Back in the laboratory the colorless where all place at their stations the guns were in place to start draining the world of this color. 'Now that the guns are online we can begin to suck the color from this plant. Said Doctor Watts "Gents are you ready?" asked Doctor Watts no answer came. "Gents" yelled Doctor Watts. " Where the heck is Gents 'He turned and asked the team. " Sir I believe she is in the bathroom." Answer Jentu. " Oh fine we are about to take over the world, and we all to have to stop because Gents Has to empty her bladder. Doctor Watts said with blazing eyes. "Then fine we will stop until Gents gets back." Said Doctor Watts "But sir why do we have to stop?" asked Jentu "Because she has the key to turn on the guns, so we can turn this world into my Darken heaven." Doctor Watts said with an evil sparkle in his eyes. The colorless pace back and forth, it was an hour before Gents get back from the bathroom. Doctor Watts came to her and slapped her in the face. 'The next time you are going to take and pee brake let me know. We are trying to take over this world here, and we are not going to stop for you to empty out your bladder. YOU GOT THAT GENTS? Doctor Watts yelled and slapped her again. Gents nodded at him and as Doctor Watts was moving away Gents raise her left fist and Slams Doctor Watts in the jaw. Doctor Watts falls to the floor, 'YES I GOT IT. THE NEXT TIME YOU SLAP ME I WILL KILL YOU GOT THAT YOU PECK Gents yelled at him with rage. Just as Doctor Watts was getting off the floor and trying to gain his balance from Gent's blows. The ceiling of the laboratory opened up and Jack and the OA Agents came flying into the heart of the colorless agents. They start pulling out their paintball guns they opened fire on them. The Colorless dived under the table, they too started to pull their own paintball guns. It was an all-out paintball war. Every color of the rainbow was covering the walls and on the Agents as well. Jack and Doctor Watts runs to the candy room. Jack kicks the towers of chocolate aside. Doctor Watts and Jack started to fight with each other. Jack shoots Doctor Watts leg with his paintball gun. Doctor Watts falls to the ground. Jack runs to the center of the room and pulls the plugs out. The OA agents have the Colorless Team in corned They have given up. Jack stops to look around. Doctor Watts was no where to be found. “Tim go fin him and bring him back here” ordered Jake. Tim ran to go look for him, Tim came back to Jack. "He is no where to be found sir and even Gents is gone." Said Tim, "Did you look in the bathroom?" Jack asked. " Yes sir I did she was not their sir." Answered Tim. "Oh Just wonderful, Get an APB out on them right away, we will find them. The world is depending on it," said Jack. Jack, Jack wake up you’re snoring you’er going to get yourself into trouble again” whispered Jess M. Jack jumped up and looked across the class room. His classmates were all staring at him even the teacher was staring at him. The teacher walked toward his desk. “Mr. Osa, please see me after class” she said and walked back to the front of the room. Jess M looked at him and whispered. “Now you’er in for it good, this is the froth time you scored in her class, what the matter with you anyway. She said to him Jake looked at her “ I was having a dream I think. We all were in the Swiss alps chasing some mad scientist who wanted to drain the world of this color. Sani was the leader of the OA Agents, and well we were about to get the guy but some how he ran off with his partner Gents and that when I heard you call my name. “ Jack said to her. Jess M was looking at him oddly. “Oh Ok. I think you have been watching too many late-night T.V shows Jack she said and forced back on what the teacher was saying. Jack looked across the classroom wondering was it a dream or was it reall. It felt so real to him, he felt the wet snow along with the freezing cold from the mountain they were on. Jack shock it off and looked at the teacher. He jumped out of his sit. The student looked at him, and Jess M stood up too. “She’s Gents Doctor Watts aid, She is real I know it wasn’t a dream. Jack yelled and ran out of the class room. Jess M ran after him. “Jack where are you going?” she said reaching out to grab him by the shoulder. I’m going to our hide out. Sani is their and he can tell me what's going on, I can finally stop Doctor Watts and Gents from their evil plan. He said and ran faster. Jess M just ran and followed him to a seedy pool hall on the other side of town. “Jack what are you doing here, there is no hide out, for the OA Agents And Sani at school he dropped us off remember? Jess M said trying to get through to him. “No, this is the place I know it is. Sani is in there, and he will make Sean of this one Jess you’ll see I’m not crazy. “Fine, we’ll go in but if you don't see Sani in, there were going home and then Jack you are going to bed. You have been up for the past seventy tow hours, and you haven’t slept' said Jess Jack looked at her “What do you mean I have ben up for 72 hours, doing what? He asked her “ Ms. Gents is our mother, and Doctor Watts is our father. You love to read dad's old case fills late at night, the pass few days you have been hooked on his Swiss alp's case. Gents and Dad were hunting some crazy man, but he killed himself in the end. Dad got the cops to keep the invention quite only dad and Ms. Gents knows what happen. Sani’s team shut down his an. They were ruing an underground dog fight ring. So there were no hide outs and no OA Agents run by Sani. Sani’s team was the Animals Productions Agency. said Jess M out of breath Jack looked at her wondering about something she said. “Why do you call mom Ms. Gents and Dad, why not call her mom and not Ms Gents? He asked backing away for her. “Because Jack I’m Jentu Gents and Doctor Watts Daughter. Joy was my sitter and you killed her “ said Jentu as she pulled off her Mack pointed a gun on him. “This is not a paintball gun Jack, but filled with real shells I Thank you so much for bring me to your hide out. I now can get rid of the OA Agents for good. Daddy will be so proud of me. Daddy never thought I was a good agent, but he will now. SO along Jack Osa OA agent said Jentu Jack closed his eyes. Jack hears shoots go off, and he hit the ground. Checking himself for blood but he didn’t fell any. He opened his eyes and saw Jentu dead on the ground. He jumped up and looked around him. Sani, Robby, Martyr and Tim were holding their guns out. Sani came over to Jack to see if he was ok. “Jack You alright? We have been looking for you for days.” Sani said helping Jack to his feet. “Oh Sani, Am I glad to see you. I was starting to believe this was all a dream, and I was going crazy. What happen out there in the Alps” asked Jack. “ We all lost sight of Doctor Watts and Gents once we found out you were missing too. The pair of them must have nock you out and place you in a truck. Then drove off the mounted, We found Doctor Watts finally he was tied up in a basement here in the stats. Jentu was the master mind of the whole colorless team. She wanted to show Daddy and Mommy AKA Doctor Watts and Gents. She was just as good or bad as the where." Sani said walking Jack into the pool hall. “OH wow, what happen to Doctor Watts and Gents? He asked, “Poisoned Chocolate Milk, booth of them drink it. Juntu spiked it She wanted the Agents to believe she was the victim. SO show they were mad men. Over-all Jacks you save the world for losing all of its color. Man can live within a world of Darken Gloom. Sani said and slapped Jack in the back. “How about a game of pool Jack, you still own me for all the howl you put in my walls.” Sani said and hands Jack the pool cue Jack took a deep breath and nodded “Ok Sani you are on, and if I win this game, I will prepare the walls myself. Jack said smiling at him and took his first shot, the cue ball snapped and smacked Sani right into the forehead. “JACK, YOU FOOL.” Yelled Sani Jack put down the cue stick “How about a nice game of old maid? Jack asked. Sani just looked towards the ceiling and mutter “Why Me.” End of Story |