Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2032386-Freedom
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Spiritual · #2032386
Rage against self confinement

Give me the pride of a lion
not the throne of a king
let me roam the land
roaring brave and free

Let the scratches upon my hide
reveal that I have survived
being stripped of freedom

Flush me from hiding
that I not live in a cage
of depression

Let my teeth not dull
as I chew upon the bitter rust
of a confining life

Let my eyes not dim
behind cold iron bars

Rather let my eyes
gleam as jewels
cat’s eyes
wild eyes

Let me not suffocate
in the evil smog of timidity

Rather let me rage
like a voracious prairie fire
racing the wind
with mane ablaze


Line count: 26 lines
Form: Free verse
The words are:
iron, jewel, stripped, throne, depression, scratches, smog, evil
Written for Stormy’s Poetry Contest Due  02/27/15

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#310188 by Stormy Lady

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2032386-Freedom