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I added my own scene to Chapter X on Dailymotion. Great video, check it out. |
There is a great video on Dailymotion called Chapter X that I highly recommend to everyone in the GTS/Vore community. I have always thought that there was a scene missing, and according to the creator of the video he (or she) could not get the scene to work right on his /her computer so the entire scene had to be scrapped. Note: This is not his/her vision, but rather my interpretation of what I feel would be a good fit as a scene in the video. Enjoy. Link to the video ( I recommend you watch this first) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2fo50u_chapter-x-the-movie_redband Takes place between Ellie eating the French baker and her getting to the building with her necklace. Ellie is the Giantess. "Now where is that building" Ellie thought to herself as she was walking along. The streets are so hard to navigate when you have a 150 foot perspective. Ellie could feel the French baker struggling in her stomach and it made her feel so good inside. She couldn't explain it, but it gave her so much comfort to have devoured a person. It was even better because he tasted like warm cookies, no doubt from him being around pastries all day. Ellie licked her lips just thinking about it. She continued to look for the tall building on Markie street when she spotted a certain car out of the corner of her eye. She grinned as she diverted from her course toward the parked mustang. Time to have fun teaching this guy some manners. The guy was sitting in his car double parked on the street. He honked his horn for a third time hoping to get his girlfriend to hurry up. "Where is that stupid broad" he thought as he took another puff on his cigarette. His name was Robbie and he was a generic, womanizing, fist pumping, at the gym all day and drinking all night douchbag. He had his music turned up so loud that he didn't hear all the gigantic footfalls behind him. "Ashley its about damn time" he said as his girlfriend hurried out of her apartment building. "Sorry babe but I couldn't find my purse" she said as she was attempting to walk in a tight skirt and heels that were way too big to be even remotely comfortable. "It's OK just jet your ass in the car, we're gonna be late for happy hour" Robbie said as he noticed that Ashley was not moving as if something paralyzed her with fear when she was two feet from the car door. "Ash, what's the matter with you" he said as he followed her eyes and saw what got her so scared. Robbie was so self centered that he didn't even see the 150 foot giantess standing behind his mustang, and luckily for Ellie the sun was in front of them so she didn't cast a shadow as not to alert her prey. "HOLY SHIT" Robbie screamed as he stepped hard on the gas pedal and peeled out leaving Ashley behind. Ellie giggled and shook her head. "What's the matter, am I too much woman for ya" She said in a taunting tone as she picked up a screaming Ashley from the street and walked towards the escaping mustang. Even though the mustang was top of the line and the fastest one he could get at the dealership, it was no match for the walking stride of a 150 foot woman. Ellie only had to take two steps to catch up to it and subsequently picked it up as if it was an RC car. "This is not happening, this is not happening" Robbie squealed as he felt like he was on a roller coaster. His knuckles went white as he gripped the steering wheel while Ellie took her prizes over to the nearest roof of a building. She set Ashley down on the roof and turned the mustang over, dumping Robbie out next to her. She turned the car over in her hands as she studied it. "Do you remember me" she asked, Robbie just nodded his head. "Well then let this be a lesson for you" Ellie said as she took the car in both her hands and crushed it like a soda can. "Learn to respect women and you might get to have nice toys like this" she said as she held the now crumpled remains of his car in her palm. Ellie dropped the destroyed car on the street and it landed with a crashing sound. She dusted her hands off and said "Later" as she turned around. Feeling good about getting the guy back for catcalling at her earlier she smiled, but it was time to continue her search for her necklace. Ellie got about 50 feet away when she heard someone screaming "YOU STUPID CUNT". Ellie turned around and saw that it was Ashley. She hated the "C" word and usually got very ornery whenever she heard it. She walked back to where Robbie and Ashley were and stared at them with an angry look in her eyes. Ashley just made the biggest Mistake of her life, but she didn't really care. Robbie was sitting there having hurt his leg when he fell out of the car, not that he would have gotten between his girlfriend and the gigantic redhead who was getting more and more pissed off. Ellie looked down at Ashley with a stare of disgust. "What did you say you piece of trash"? Ellie's voice boomed when she spoke and could be heard a few blocks away. Ashley not being one to back down from a catfight stood her ground. "Look what you did to my boyfriends car you bitch" Ellie was so pissed off at this point she was contemplating hocking a giant loogie on this tiny insect but recomposed herself. She didn't want to hurt any more people, and these two were just jerks who didn't deserve to be tortured. Ellie stood up as Ashley continued to shout obscenities at her, but Ellie was trying to ignore this little insect. Everything stopped when a loud grumble came from Ellie's stomach. Ashley went quiet as her and Robbie stared at Ellie's toned tummy with confusion. Ellie realized that the baker she had as an appetizer earlier had stopped moving around in her stomach, as he was exhausted from trying to escape and had now resigned to his fate. The lack of struggling however made Ellie realize how hungry she still was.. She looked down at Ashley and licked her lips. "MMMMMMMMM" was the only sound Ellie made as Ashley slowly moved backwards. Ellie acting strictly out of hunger reached her hand out in Ashley's direction, but she stopped herself yet again. The french Baker wanted to be eaten, but Ellie wasn't a monster who was just going to gobble people up whenever she felt like it. Ellie backed off and it looked like Ashley was spared from being a meal, but Ashley couldn't shut her big mouth. "Yeah you better back off you stupid Cunt" Ashley shouted as if she suddenly had the upper hand, and with that Ashley sealed her fate. There was no sympathy left to hold Ellie back anymore, and with a quick motion she grabbed Ashley in her hand and shoved her greedily into her mouth. Robbie watched the whole thing in horror and tracked the lump travelling down Ellie's throat that was accompanied by a loud "GULP". Ellie sighed and put her hand on her belly and looked at Robbie. "Yummy" she said as she lowered her face down to his level, "Your girlfriend tasted like strawberries (it was actually her strawberry scented shampoo), but I doubt you have ever tasted her before". Ellie chuckled a bit at her double entendre and stared at Robbie. "D-D-Did you really eat her" Robbie asked in a frightful tone. Ellie opened her mouth wide, stuck out her tongue, and said "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH". Robbie was stunned. He saw A big four foot mouth surrounded by big full feminine lips, and inside two rows of pearly white teeth framing a huge moist pink tongue. Robbie saw a few saliva strands connecting her tongue to the roof of her mouth, but no sign of Ashley. In a state of denial he said "No No No it's impossible, what did you do to her, where did she go"? It was as if he was talking directly too Ellie's mouth and not to Ellie herself, but he was beyond the point of distress from this traumatizing situation. Ellie was going to say something witty to answer him but in a miracle of timing she felt a gas bubble escape her stomach and come up her throat. Still staring at Ellie's open mouth Robbie heard a weird rumbling sound coming from the back of her throat when all of a sudden, "UUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPP". Robbie was hit in the face with Ellie's gigantic belch. It was quite a small one from Ellie's perspective, and quite puny when compared to the belches she could produce if she actually tried, but to Robbie it was huge enough that it caused his clothes to ripple as if he was standing in a light breeze. He could smell Ashleys perfume coming from the wind of the burp as it winded down. Ellie stood up straight, laughing at what just happened. She pounded her upper chest with her fist and burped again. It was smaller this time, and she followed that up by saying "excuse me" in a very sarcastic tone. She was of course way too big to worry about good manners. "Woah, I guess your girl gave me indigestion" Ellie said looking at Robbie wondering what to do with him now. "I guess she is a spunky little bitch until the end huh" she said patting her belly in contentment. "Aw just kill me you gross gigantic bitch" Robbie demanded. Ellie looked at him with intrigue. "Now why would you want to go and ask me for a thing like that Little Man"? "Because I have no car, no hot girl, and i'm probably gonna be a cripple for the rest of my life because you fucked up my leg". Ellie reached down and took him in her fist. "OK if you insist" she said sarcastically, for she was actually giddy at that fact of swallowing him now. Robbie was trying to think of something poetic to say for his last words but before he could think of anything he was tossed up in the air like a piece of popcorn and descended into Ellie's awaiting open mouth. Ellie caught him in her mouth and shut her teeth like a bear trap. She intended to keep him inside her mouth for a few seconds just to torture him a bit more before she swallowed, but she noticed he wasn't moving around very much. while descending into her mouth Robbie actually hit the back of his head on her two front teeth, giving him a concussion and causing him to pass out. "Aww shucks no more fun" Ellie said aloud with her mouth full. "Oh well" she thought as she was about to gulp him down, but then she suddenly stopped. She opened her mouth and his limp unconscious saliva covered body fell to the street below. "Ewww gross" Ellie said as she spit some more saliva onto the side of the building next to her. "You taste disgusting" she said as she realized he was covered in Axe body spray and cologne. She put her right foot above him and smashed him into the pavement as if he were a cigarette to be put out. All that remained of Robbie was a bloody pulp, covered in spit, and surrounded by a two inch deep crater in the asphalt in the shape of a foot. Now that that was over with Ellie was continuing on her search for her necklace, but she really needed to get that rank taste out of her mouth. She found the solution in one of those water towers on the top of the buildings. She grabbed the nearest one and tore the roof off of it. then wit two hands she ripped it from the roof of the building, breaking much of the steel holding it in place in the process. Ellie put it to her lips and began to chug. She didn't even think about the fact that she was chugging down fresh water that was meant for all the hundred or so residents of the building that it was ripped off of. She couldn't chug the whole thing for it was far too much even for her, so she meant to set it down on the roof where she found it but her hands were slippery. it slipped out of her hands and fell onto the street, crushing a car and sending hundreds of gallons of water to flood the block. "Ooops hehe, my bad" Ellie said as she continued down the street. "OK no more distractions" Ellie said aloud. She was taking too much time and had to get her necklace back so she could shrink back down to normal. She noticed that there were more and more military helicopters flying around but keeping their distance, and she wanted to get this over with before the army showed up to cause trouble. She got back to the task at hand but was interrupted by her growling stomach. Ellie couldn't believe it. Even after eating two people and chugging lots of water she was still hungry. She thought back to when she saw the french bakers truck and realized that she had a sugar craving that could not be quelled by protein alone. "Damn, I really wish I had something sweet right now" when coincidentally she smelled the intoxicating aroma of baked goods in the air. Ellie followed her nose to the source of the smell, and it was another bakery truck. Gleefully she picked it up and ripped off the rear just like the previous one, and to her delight it was full. It was a truck full of expensive designer wedding cakes that were getting ready to be delivered. Ellie didn't know it at the time, but when she tilted the truck and let the contents fall into her mouth she was eating about $12,000 worth of cake. "MMMMMM" was the only sound Ellie could make before gulping down the cake in her mouth. She smacked her lips and wiped the chocolate from her face with the back of her hand and said "now that hit the spot". The owner of the cake truck walked out of his shop ready to start making his deliveries when he realized his truck was missing. "God dammit" he said angrily thinking that some thugs stole his truck. "Damn kids, they got nothin to do these days but to steal my truck, what happened to this neighborhood, it used to be a nice place to live, before those damn mexic" His rant was cut off before he could say whatever racist thing he was going to say by a loud noise coming from the south direction of the street. It sounded like a lion, only much bigger. He looked up in that direction and saw a giant woman walking away about 300 yards from him. Ellie burped one final time and smiled because it tasted like chocolate again. She realized that she was still holding the truck and crumpled it up into a ball. She threw it behind her as if it was a piece of garbage. With Ellie unaware of anything that was going on behind her, the crumpled up truck flew in an arc and descended upon its owner, bowling him over and crushing him flat. He didn't see it in time to get out of the way because he was too busy drooling over Ellie's butt as she was walking away. Ellie didn't think anything of the piece of trash (that weighed 3 tons) that she discarded and finally found the road that would lead her to the building on Markie street where she left her necklace. She let out a sigh of relief and thought "Thank goodness this is almost over" as she walked off towards her destination. Meanwhile an Army battalion 177h arrived on the scene to survey the damage. "OK soldiers, that four confirmed kills, lets take down this redheaded giantess before she kills more of your fellow Americans". The General was pleased that his battalion responded in unison with a "YES SIR GENERAL KARBO" |