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A rough first draft of my story it is unfinished |
Time goes on 1986 22 year old Michelle, Amanda, and, Phoebe were all sitting on a plush zebra striped couch. lines of Cocaine were on the coffee table in front of them. Amanda got the drugs from a friend at an investment firm that she interned at. Michelle rented the room using money she made playing the stock market. And Phoebe was the one that drove them there. Unlike Amanda and Michelle Phoebe was struggling financially. Tonight though it didn’t matter as the three of them sat at an upscale hotel in New York. Their other friends two stock market investors Ramona and Carrie were having sex with their drug dealer. "This coke is the shit." Michelle said as she wiped the cocaine off her nose. Phoebe bent down and started snorting cocaine. Amanda was laid back on the couch looking up at the ceiling, finally Amanda sat up and put her nose to the table sucking up cocaine. "Hey I scored some drugs off the most unusual dealer." Amanda said as she snorted some more cocaine. "What kind of drug is it?" Phoebe asked as she raised her head. Amanda shrugged her shoulders. Michelle raised her head and laughed. "Got milk?” She said as Phoebe laughed as she fell face first onto the table. Amanda pulled out a bag with a single pill. “What the hell is that?” Michelle asked as she dove right back into the cocaine. Amanda shrugged her shoulders. “The dealer said it granted eternal life.” Amanda said as Phoebe started having a massive heart attack. “Oh my god.” Amanda said as Phoebe fell onto the coffee table shattering it. Michelle ran towards the phone. Phoebe felt the light going dim she looked at her cut up body. Phoebe looked around and saw Michelle dialing 911, Amanda was freaking out. Moving quickly Phoebe grabbed the pill and swallowed it and blacked out. “We got to get her to a hospital!” Michelle exclaimed dropping the phone.She looked over at Phoebe and noticed something interesting, Phoebe’s cuts were healing automatically. “Look her body’s healing itself!” Amanda shouted as they both looked at Phoebe’s unconscious body. “What do we do now?” Michelle asked as Amanda started to pick Phoebe up. “Grab her and we’ll drive her home.” Amanda answered as Michelle started to help. Ramona and Carrie entered the room fully dressed. “What the hell just happened?” Ramona asked as she surveyed the room. Carrie looked at the coffee table. “What did you three do, have a fight?” Carrie asked as she picked up a piece of glass. “Phoebe had a heart attack but I think somethings wrong with her.” Michelle answered as she began dragging Phoebe towards the exit. “Yeah there should be cuts on her body.” Carrie observed as Ramona pulled a cigarette nervously. “Brilliant observation there doctor.” Ramona remarked sarcastically. “Aw shut up.” Carrie remarked as they began helping Amanda and Michelle drag her body down a to the stairs. There they put Phoebe’s arms around Amanda and Michelle’s shoulders. Ramona and Carrie watched as they carried Pheobe out to her car and drove off to the hospital. 2016 Seattle, Washington Phoebe woke up and rolled out of bed and began getting dressed she looked in the mirror at her youthfull body that hasn’t aged a day since she was 20. She looked at her bedroom, it was a collage of both the 1980’s and modern sensibilities in a house with .Two floors and a basement. A nice HDTV was mounted on the wall next to Def Leopard and Ratt posters. The blu ray player was surrounded by discs of movies like The Terminator, Top Gun, Ghostbusters and, Saturday Night Live best of the 1980s. Phoebe walked out of her room and entered her make shift office. The office had several Metallica posters hanging above a wood desk with a computer and a telephone on top of it. Phoebe walked up to her computer and began checking the markets. After checking on her stocks Phoebe walked out of her office and walked down some stairs. She entered her living room which followed a more modern styling than her office and bedroom. Suddenly someone was knocking on her door. Phoebe checked her security cameras and noticed who was at her door it was her old friend Nikkita. Phoebe walked towards her door and opened it. Nikkita waltzed in like it was her own home. “Make yourself at home Nikkita.” Phoebe mused as Nikkita turned and looked at her. “Hey we’ve spent enough time working for the government cleaning up their military messes. I think we’re family.” Nikkita said as she walked into Phoebe’s kitchen and opened the fridge. Phoebe gritted her teeth. “What do you want?” Phoebe asked as Nikkita began making a sandwhich. “A sandwhich. And I’ve got some mail for you.” Nikkita said as she smoothered Mayonaise on top of a mountain of ham and cheese. “Normally mail carriers don’t get free sandwichs from the people |