Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2031274-Im-Yours
by Bee
Rated: 18+ · Draft · LGBTQ+ · #2031274
A work-in-progress that was clumsily put together years ago.
“I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz

Anthony, at sixteen years old, had already set the foundation for a reputation of being an irresistible, silver-tongued, love-you-and-leave-you predator to nearly all of womankind. He was gorgeous, for one. Smooth, sun-kissed skin stretched over each sensuous and supple muscle, leaving not an ounce of fat nor intimidating bulk to be seen. He was 5’7”, the perfect height for someone whose ego added another four inches to that number. His hair, dirty blonde and napped into an equilibrium between effortlessly sexy, styled, but with the promise of a silken touch. Of course, there was his smile. Unforgettable was the best way to describe that dimpled smirk wrapped around kissable lips that heated from the inside out. And finally, his eyes. Not gray, not blue, but the striking metallic color of silver that burned wherever they lay, leaving nothing untouched and no warm unspoken secret left undiscovered.

Indeed, it was plain to see that no manner of woman nor man could withstand the potent presence of Anthony Wright. He made victims more than he rescued the hearts that hungered for him, but, for those who were wise enough to shield their hearts from him, were satisfied-- No, satiated for some time after an encounter with the beast with two backs and Miles took it upon himself to deflect the lonely hearts looking for love where it couldn’t be given not only out of the goodness of his own heart, but save them from the bittersweet sting that was falling in love with Anthony Wright.

Miles was a fool to think that befriending the beast would either give him an advantage in pursuing Anthony’s heart when really, it only opened him up more to pain and disappointment. Everyday that went by was more pain and disappointment. Every time silver eyes would burn into someone else and Miles wished they would melt him instead was met with pain and disappointment. Every time he played the scapegoat or lied for him so that way he could go off and conquer and Miles silently wished to be claimed instead was, again, met with pain and disappointment. Miles didn’t think there was a bigger fool than him for wanting what he couldn’t and will never have, particularly something like Anthony Wright.

What was worse was that it was more than lust. For eight years, Miles and Anthony were best friends, the closest companions even before girls and sex came into the picture. No one could come between them and while that fact still stand (he would always be Anthony’s friend), the potential for mutual love and affection was so far gone, Miles couldn’t even dream to see it. He began to wonder if there had ever been a chance for the two of them to be a thing or if it was a fruitless endeavor from the start. He would never know, but it didn’t matter anymore.

Miles resigned himself to eternal pinning for Anthony a long time ago. He would cast any feelings for him aside, swallow his pride and dignity, and be the best damn friend Anthony could hope for even if it meant his own life. That, he could and has on a few occasions, sworn to Anthony his eternal companionship.

“You’ll be my friend forever?” Anthony parroted with a hint of skepticism in his tone. He didn’t believe in long-term commitments. Even friendly ones and the concept of forever baffled him just as well. At least he couldn’t fathom it without some sort of innuendo. “You mean, you’ll be my pet cowboy?”  The purr set Miles’ heart aflutter, but he kept the smile on his face friendly and his eyes straight ahead. Anthony would never know how true those words were.

“Yep. Just thought you should know, y’know? You’ve always got me on your side.”

“Lucky me.” It was whispered into his ear and raised every goosebump and hair on the back of his neck in surprise. He didn’t feel the press of heat on his side until a beat later and he wasn’t certain if it was because Anthony was moving closer or all the sensation being knocked out of him in one fell swoop. His head snapped to the side (just how close was he, anyway?) and found that Anthony was, in fact, drawing nearer and nearer to his face. Their noses were inches, centimeters apart and Miles’ heart rapidly took off like an eagle soaring through the sky, stealing his breath away in the marvelous ascent. Silver eyes were searing into him, melting him down to his most basic components; Desire and fear. It was fear that kept him stock still until their lips were touching, but it was desire that got him to stop asking questions and seize the moment. A labor-roughened hand went into those dirty blonde locks and yes, the strands were like pure velvet between his fingers, so pure and yet so sinfully good. That truly was the epitome of Anthony. So wrong, yet so damn right. It was unfair, but perfect and Miles wouldn’t have it any other way.

The hand currently not entangled in his hair started up his chest and snaked around the nape of his neck to hold him in deeper to the kiss. God, was he really doing this? Dreams didn’t come true so quickly or so easily, so what was happen-

All train of thought was scrambled with the introduction of a tongue to his bottom lip and a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, tugging him flush against Anthony’s body. This was a miracle, whatever this was, and he didn’t want it to end lest he went back to pretending there was nothing there between him and Anthony. Or maybe there wasn’t. He wanted to know. He had to know now before he went any further and drove himself insane.


“Hush.” He tried to reaffirm the kiss which Miles, against his better instincts, resisted.

“Anthony, wait,” It was pointless trying to sound dignified, breathless, hot and bothered at the same time, so Miles didn’t try disguising his voice, “What are you-?”

“You’re my pet cowboy, aren’t you? You’re mine.”

“I’m yours,” He stated the fact without a shred of doubt, hopelessly lost in his smoldering pair of silver eyes.

Anthony’s lips brushed Miles’ ear when he leaned in to whisper. “Then show me.”
© Copyright 2015 Bee (beemad01 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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