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A group of kids find themselves in a post-apocalypse when their food begins to run out. |
I'll format this later this week. Please feel free to comment anything that may need to be changed, any feedback, or other remarks about the story. Shadowed Chapter 1! I walk down the street, not offering a glance to the ransacked houses and battered and nonfunctional cars. The sky is heavily overcast, and not a living thing moves among the shadows. I can’t help but notice the shiny, while battered Ferrari, sitting in the driveway of a house at the end of the street, and for another day, I’m amazed, for it still has not been stolen yet, and the house, my house, hasn’t been raided. The car, the house, the absence of any life whatsoever, none of it is new to me. I’ve lived here for my entire life, but only for the past year has the neighborhood been looted. As I approach my house, I take a moment to admire what good condition the house is in compared to all the others. Ascending the stairs to the porch, I ring the doorbell twice and knock thrice. There was one knock from the other side of the door in response. As I speak the words “Jag Den Drakon” the door opens to the face of Script, my friend and co-strategic leader, who is also an excellent chef. Walking into the living room, I find the entire crew, sitting on the various couches positioned around the room. “Bad news,” I say, “There’s another large clan roaming the city. This could get ugly.” “Fight them, or leave them?” asks Kodiak, our weapons expert. “It all depends, really. They’re armed well enough, but we could take them, if we hosted an ambush.” There is a moment of contemplative silence, which was loudly interrupted by the sound of a door being beaten down. We all draw our weapons, mostly bows, with a few guns, and waited, aiming for the hallway leading to the door. Soon enough, an entire clan enters the living room carrying their weapons, only to find us all armed, standing there waiting for them. “Welcome to the party!” I say, and shots ring out. CHAPTER 2 - Dragon It wasn’t long before I had emptied my quiver of arrows and reached for my knives. With one in each hand I slash one enemy and another. Blood is everywhere. All of a sudden I’m hit in the side and the air is knocked out of me. I fall to the floor with a thud. In front of me is a man with tattoos all over him, his shirt has been slashed and his face is bloody. “You're dead and there’s nothing you can do about it,” he says. “How unfortunate,” I say, with a smile on my face and venom in my voice. The man raises his dagger, smiling as he does this as though enjoying this moment. I roll over as he strikes and kick him. He staggers back. “Why you little-” he begins. But he’s interrupted. Blood splatters out of his mouth and he falls to the ground dead. I look and see Kodiak behind him with a tantō in hand. “Why, you're such a backstabber, Kodiak,” I laugh. We look around and see nobody around. Except… “Hey boss, come over here,” Script says from behind. I head into the kitchen with Kodiak, after he removes the knife and cleans it off on the lapel of his coat. Script is behind the kitchen counter holding an older teenager at knife point. “I found him snooping around,” Script explains. I look at him. No weapons at all. I smile at this. Weaponless, helpless, just as I once was. “Alright, I’ll spare your life on one condition,” I say. “Anything please. Just get her away from me,” he says. “Alright Script, you can back off. Yes, I’ll spare you. But you must join our clan, and the first sign you show against us, you’re dead.” CHAPTER 3 - Dragon We, as a clan, always had a watch on the newcomer, to ensure he didn’t do anything stupid. However, after a while, we all decided he was trustworthy, and calmed down. Though, one thing was odd: we still hadn’t learned his name. “So, kid, what’s your name?” I ask him one day, when the clan was all relaxing on the couches. “Mitch, Mitch Hughes,” he replies. “Really? Say, Mitch, where ya from?” “I was born in Montreal, but soon after moved to Barbados, and later moved back to Montreal, and now I’m here, I guess.” “Ya know, I think Mitch is a bit of a boring name. How about Benja?” “How’d you know? That’s what everyone called me before it happened,” he asks. “I didn’t. I just thought that it was a cool, suitable name for you,” I say, “And, you said you were from Barbados, so I thought that would make it even more fitting.” “Oh. Ok then,” he mutters. “What’s wrong? You don’t like it, do you? You know you can decide your own clan name, because that’s what everyone else had done,” I explain. I’m starting to like this kid. “No, it’s not that. It’s just that I’m so used to being called that. The last time I was called Benja was by my parents... When they were still alive.” “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. Would you like to be called something else?” And I am sorry. My parents had died in a terrible clan war. I was eight at the time. Kodiak’s parents had died the same time, during the war also. I look up and see Kodiak staring at us with serious eyes. I think I see a hint of sadness. I shake my head slightly at the thought. Why would Kodiak care? He’s like my brother and me his sister. We’ve known each other since birth. He turns away, removing himself from the conversation. I look back at Mitch. “So would you like to be called something else?” “It’s fine. I like the name Benja. You guys are my new family now,” he explains. My face lights up. I hope so. We’re all basically family in this clan. “Well I’m happy we came across you. If you’re that skilled to sneak past us you may be useful. You can get us food and weapons and whatnot,” I say. “As long as I don’t end up doing all the work!” he says, clearly joking. “Oh yeah? Well, just for that you will!” I say laughing. And so after that day we all grown used to Benja. Every six days we hold a looting party where we go around and steal goods and food for all of us. We go to each and every grocery store we can find and they have been raided, but there’s still some stuff for us, like food and clothing, t.v and video games including Minecraft, coincidentally being my most favorite game to ever have existed. Sometimes I let Benja try and it turns out that even though he says he has never played he’s pretty dang good. He even beat the Ender Dragon. I’m starting to grow on this kid more and more. He turns off his profile and hands it to Kodiak. “I don’t play,” Kodiak says, politely declining. I look at Benja as he looks at me. I shake my head hopefully him understanding what I’m saying. Kodiak is just worn out and tired. And plus...he doesn’t really play like he says. Benja nods in understanding and hands the controller to Script. “Thank you,” she says, smiling at him. I swear I see a glint in her eyes. I must be imagining things like I did with Kodiak. I smile at Benja as he says goodnight to everyone including Kodiak, but Kodiak simply nods in response. He’s always been kind of a quiet kid. I sit down beside Script as she plays her profile, “Scriptone.” “I couldn’t ever match your skill and prowess at this game, Script,” I say. “Thank you,” she whispers. “I have something to ask you about Kodiak.” I look around for him but he seems to have disappeared. “Ask away.” “Did you ever think that Kodiak might like you?” she asks. I gasp at this. “Does he like me?” I ask, curious just a bit. “Perhaps. He seems to be happier talking to you. He’s always moody, unless he’s training, or talking to you,” she explains. “Wow,” I say, stunned. “Never thought about it that way.” And it’s true. I would have never had thought of it. He must know that I don’t like him in that way. He just has to know that. I sigh at the thought. That child, always running around and being foolish. He’s like a brother to me. “Well, he can deal, it’s not gonna happen,” I say. “But I do know that YOU like Benja.” “Oh please, Dragon. Don’t say anything to Benja please,” She begs. I look at her. “Oh I will trust me,” I say, teasing. “I’m just messing with you. I won’t say a thing about it. I STILL SHIP IT!!” I yell. Several people call out, “Shut up Dragon, we’re trying to sleep!” from the bunk rooms. “You should get some sleep,” I tell her. She yawns in agreement. “Alright, “ she says. “You should too, Dantai. I smile at my name as I close my eyes. Only she knows and no one else. Chapter 4 - Dragon “YOU WEAKLINGS!” I shout, “I could do better than that,” I mutter to Ryuga, another clan member who is our other weapons manager, armor, and combat trainer and manager. I watch Kodiak and Benja fight. Today is a training day where we train with all types of weapons and skills. We mostly wanted to train with Benja to see what he can do. But with Kodiak, he’s doing terrible. “Hey Kodiak!” I yell, “go gentle.” “Gentle?! Ha, that’s funny, Dragon. Why don’t you fight?” “Oh, maybe later,” I laugh. “Why doesn’t Script come in so that we can see what they both do together.” I see Benja’s face light up when Script comes into the room. The room is dark and gloomy, water drips down to the ground. I hear and see a rat run down to the other side behind Kodiak. With both Benja and Script together I feel like there’s light and happiness in the room and air. I smile as I realize that they both are truly great friends now. How unfortunate. I don’t want a relationship. I mean maybe when I’m older and everything is back to normal but not now, not until later in life. I mean, if I’m gonna die in a fight, I don’t want those around me to suffer because of it. Kodiak stares at me as though reading my thoughts. I turn away. Really, he’s just a bit too psychic.. He can read expressions and know right away what a person is thinking. Sometimes I hate that. I can never keep things to myself. Though there are some things I don’t need to keep to myself. Thinking about the past, I tripped on a root that had grown through the wall, hit my head on the floor, losing consciousness. When I was 12, before the war, my parents took me to a big, white building of which I knew was the capitol building. I wondered why they were taking me here. Back then the government was considered to be one of the most corrupted parts within the society. I never understood why until we walked inside. The inside was light and was constructed of marble with a touch of evil. The air was dark and thin, hard to breathe. As I looked around me, I saw nothing but darkness. Why my parents were taking me to this building? I had no idea. That’s when I got my answer. A group of officers came up to us holding weapons and handcuffs. I looked at my parents whose faces were calm but when I looked into their eyes I saw sadness and sympathy. My father looked at me with pain in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Dantai,” he says and backs away with mother. The officers handcuff me. “We’ll be taking you down this hall,” one said. I nod and we walk down the one light hall. I turn my head and see my parents abandoning me. None of them turn one glance at me before walking out the door. The officers shove me into a room with no windows, presumably an interrogation room. But there is a dim light overhead and a mirror on the wall. “You will be taken into the pre-op after Dr.Marshall asks you a few questions,” he said. “Any questions?” “ Yes,” I said, fury in my eyes, but not my voice, for I knew I had to remain calm for these officers. “Why are my parents leaving me?” “They have no business being here. They are no longer your parents,” he said. He turned around locking the door behind him leaving me in the dark. I was cold and terrified. I was halfway asleep when the door opened. A man with black hair, emerald eyes, tan skin and looks about 5’8” entered the room. I sneered at him. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re ugly?” I said. “Actually, no. People quite think the opposite,” he remarked, smiling. “Now, I’m going to ask a few questions. Do you understand?” “Yes. The other morons already told me. No need to repeat,” I said. “Yes, but there’s no need to be snide either,” he said, still smiling. I swore his face was going to fall off if he kept smiling. The idiot! So what do I do? I give the stupidest, cheesiest grin ever made in human time. His smile dropped. “Are you mocking me?” he asked. “You know, I try to be nice but you make it harder and harder.” “How unfortunate,” I said. “Also, how is one supposed to be kind to people who are clearly government officials that have essentially just kidnapped you?” He ignored me and went on with his questions. I was happy now that his smile was completely gone. “Do you know why you are here, Dantai?” “Actually no, and I would love to know,” I said sarcastically, crossing my arms. “You are here by the orders of the government,” he explained. I sighed in response.” Oh how lovely, just freakin’ lovely. I love the government. Ah, anyways, please continue, Mr. Moron. I like that. That’s a fitting name.” He ignored my little comment. “The government wishes for your help Dantai. They need you.” “Why would they need me?” “You’re more special than everyone else. You are special,” he whispered. “I’m not special,” I said. “I’m only 12 years old.” “We’ve spoken to those with similarities to you, but none have proven to have the same resistance you do. If research serves properly, you may be more receptive to biomechanical implants in conjunction with rigorous training.” “Hold on. Biomechanical implants? Oh, please do explain, Master Marshall.” “You have been brought here so that the surgeons can implant you with biomechanical wings, giving you the ability to fly through the air at an extremely high velocity and speed, given practice.” Dr. Marshall said. While I ponder this, a needle is jabbed into a vein in my arm. It suddenly feels colder in the room, and Dr. Marshall said, “Enjoy your stay in the OR. Oh, and there’s news for you.” “Hmph,” I mumbled, growing weary. “Your parents are dead,” Dr. Marshall said, matter of factly, as he exits the room. My world went black. CHAPTER 5 - Dragon Cake! That’s what I see when I wake up. The air is dark and cold and I knew where I was. But I don’t care. All I wanted was the cake. I was utterly starving. I saw that it was chocolate with cherries on top, eight to be exact surrounding a single candle. I reached for it, but was yanked backed by a sudden force. I looked and saw my hands tied up on the table, my legs also. I tried again but after fifteen or sixteen tries I gave up. I stared at it and realized that the cake was mocking me. It was saying, “HAHA! You can’t eat me.” I started yelling at the delicious, chocolaty cake and realized that I was going insane. I sobbed in disappointment. No cake for me. I stopped sobbing for just a minute until the memory of my parents came into view. That’s when all the tears came pouring out. After a few minutes I stopped. I heard music. I recognised it immediately. It was the song, “STILL ALIVE.” I listened to it until it stopped playing. That’s right. I was still alive but my parents… dead. It came back on. But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake. That part of the song was in my head. I did cry over every mistake. I felt like my parents’ deaths were my fault. The song is right. I did need to stop crying. Not everything was my fault. I looked back at the cake. I should keep trying to get that cake. It needed to quit mocking me. It needed to be eaten. I moved my head and it was an inch away. Keep trying, I thought. I could smell it. I could smell the cake. The chocolate cake...oooh how I wanted, no! I NEEDED IT! Just then, a government official came into the room and removed the cake. “NOOOO! MY PRECIOUS! MY PRECIOUS!” The official looked at me with wide eyes. He touched something on the wall and said, “Hey, um, Dr. Marshall, I think she’s losing it,”. “I HAVEN’T LOST IT YET, I NEED THAT CAKE!!” “She’s lost it.” CHAPTER 6: Dragon I woke up in the morning to a dull throbbing in my shoulderblades. Upon standing up, which I could now do, I discovered that I had black, feathery wings. Dr. Marshall entered the room whilst I was examining my new wings. “Pretty cool, huh? You can change the way they look after you complete flight training.” “Well, it hurts like heck.” “It’ll stop hurting eventually,” Dr. Marshall said. I sighed. “I hate you all,” I said. “First you take my family and life away from me. Next you torture me with cake. Then you put me in serious pain. What next, Chinese Water Torture? You utterly disgust me!” “No, not water torture. Next comes the training, which I can assure you, is much worse.” “How unfortunate,” I muttered under my breath. “Now I see why everyone hates you so much.” He grinned at me. “Come now. This way please,” he said, pointing out the door. An official came behind me out of no where and handcuffed me. I raised my head so everyone could see me. As we walked down the halls I nodded at everyone saying hello as we passed. An official came toward us and I smiled. Even though the handcuffs were still on me I raised my hands in acknowledgement and said, “Hello kind sir. How are you?” “You are a member of the special military now, and as such, outrank everyone here. Don’t pay attention to anyone lesser in rank than you,” Dr. Marshall said, “Oh, and yes, I outrank you, so you do have to pay attention to me.” “Oh how goody. Just peachy. Oh just peachy. I always wanted to be outranked the person who kidnapped me.” “We never kidnapped you. Your parents just abandoned you.” “I kinda figured. And if they have the nerve to leave me here and not care, then I don’t need them. They’re dead anyway.” “Good, good, that’s the way you ought to think around here.” We finally reached a metal door at the end of the hall. Dr. Marshall motioned for us to stop and we do. Oh, how I hated following orders from him and the government. He input the password to unlock the door and it beeped. “BEEP,” I mocked it. My official looked at me with an annoyed look. I gave him a cheesy, foolish grin. “Stupid girl,” he muttered. “I had always thought that was you,” I responded. I heard him mutter something under his breath but this time I didn’t understand. We walked into the room and I was amazed at what I saw. The room was covered with obstacles and in one corner of the room seven men and women stood, wearing white lab coats and holding clipboards. I also saw a few officers in the room holding knives and staves. I sighed. I knew what they were up to. “You are going to not only train me with my wings, but also see my skills in hand to hand combat, are you not?” I asked. Dr. Marshall laughed. “Maybe,” he said. “That is for you to find out and for us to watch.” They took me to the other side of the room away from the all the weapon masters and people in lab coats. “Ett,” the doctor called. A man in a government uniform stepped up and offered a handshake. As I accepted, he threw me across the room. I stood back up, and fought him. The next few months or so, life continued like this. Hand to hand combat, weapons training, flight training, we covered it all. Eventually I was trained sufficiently to meet the other people that were to be members of my squad. They all also had wings. I grew to be on excellent terms with all of them, and we silently plotted to escape this horrible place. Once we had a sufficient plan, it was executed. Run a diversion, eliminate the guards, get out. Surprisingly, it went off without a hitch. We escaped, but the government had a list of the most wanted fugitives, and we were at the top of that list. We managed to avoid the authorities for long enough for the government to collapse and the world to plunge into chaos. That’s how I got here today, with the former members of my squad, who are now raiding grocery stores under a less formal title, the clan title. CHAPTER 7: Dragon I wake with a start to find myself back in the clan’s company, and hear, “Rise and shine Dragon. We’ve got some company.” It’s Kodiak. I get up and manage a yawn. He takes me to the nearest window. I draw back the curtain just enough to see him standing on the front lawn, dead grass below his feet. That monster that had taken me from my family, and likely was the one that killed them, too. That soulless shell of a being. Dr. Marshall! I can’t believe what my eyes see. I sigh in frustration. Kodiak looks at me. I hear Script and Benja coming from behind. I turn in frustration. “I must kill that demonspawn!” I cry. Benja looks at Kodiak. “What is she talking about?” “That’s Dr.Marshall, he removed her from her family. He took her life from her.” “I don’t need my parents anymore. They abandoned me.” “OOOOOHHHHHHH,” Benja exclaims. I start charging towards the door. Kodiak and Script stop me when I’m halfway there. “Calm thyself!” Kodiak said, “He might have something important to say.” I look at him with anger in my eyes. “Fine,” I say. “We’ll talk to him. But if he makes one mistake I'll kill him with no problem.” “Agreed,” he says, letting go of me. We walk to the front doors and stop. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Script asks. I take a deep breath. “Yes.” We open the doors and walk out. I see Dr. Marshall smile. That stupid, disgusting, foul smile! “You better wipe that smile off your face before I slice it off,” I yell. He instantly drops his smile, and replaces it with a scowl. “You still have the same attitude you did years ago, I see.” “And you are still an idiot,” I say. We walk closer and he does the same. I now see he had brought along with him a girl, around the same age as me, with long black hair. We finally reach each other but we stand a few feet away. “I’ve come to bargain with you and then be on my way,” he says. “Bargain? Why would we bargain with you?” I say. “Because it involves a new partner. A lab rat.” “I’m not a lab rat, you piece of carrion,” the girl says. I smile at that. “How did you find us and why would we want her?” “Because she may be of value. She stole my pens from me right out of my pocket, so she may be great at thievery,” he says. “And plus how we found you is not much of a mystery. That Ferrari, oh that beautiful, brand new Ferrari 458 Italia at your home, your house nice and spotless. We knew that you left and we followed you to here. Well, I followed you anyways, everyone else I was traveling with ended up slightly dead.” I laugh at this comment. Still a smart-aleck. “What’s her name?” I ask curious. “Her name is Kveta Červenska , meaning red flower,” he explains. “Where’s her family or is she like us?” “She lost her family during the clan war.” I look at her. “I’m sorry. I did too. But you learn quickly to get over it,” I say. “Well for me at least.” “I already did,” she says, her voice quiet, and misty. “Good! Then we’ll get along then and you may be a bit of use to us,” I say of to which is the truth. “ Your name sounds very familiar. You were another part of the ugly Code Angel experiment, weren't you?” “Yes, I was actually. I trained all of you except for him,” she says, pointing at Benja. CHAPTER EIGHT: Dragon A raucous clatter causes me to avert my gaze from Kveta, and towards the front porch. I cannot say that what I see surprises me. I find a man sprawled out across the pavement behind us, his annular glasses hanging askew from his face. Metallic armor and weapon fragments lay about him, softly ringing as they clash with the rigid floor. I sigh, shaking my head. “Nice, Ryuga,” Kodiak remarks sarcastically. “Where were you? Didn’t you hear Dragon’s guttural screaming and come running?” “Yes…” Ryuga says, gasping for breath, “I did come running, but forgot that my wings were deployed, got stuck in the doorway, and... Well, I fell. Good enough excuse for you?” “HAHA!” Benja laughs. “Benja! Don’t be cruel.” Script lectures. I can’t help but laugh at all of them and their folly. “Uhh, who’s this?” Ryuga asks, gesturing to the girl on the lawn. “I - I’m Kveta Červenska. It’s a pleasure to meet you, ah… err… sir.” “Oh, pardon me! My name’s Ryuga. Forgive me for not introducing myself!” Ryuga replies, grinning broadly at Kveta and adjusting his glasses. Before the conversation could continue further, I interrupt by saying, “Yes, Marshall child, we’ll keep her. Not just because you want to get rid of her, but because we can use her presence in the clan.” “Oh, you’re a clan now? How sweet.” Dr. Marshall mutters. “Just get off my lawn, or I’ll be forced to kill you, which I’m already considering.’’ “Fine, fine, fine, I’ll go. Don’t get yourself killed, or I’ll hunt you down and kill you again.” I roll my eyes as he turns to leave, leaving the girl behind with us. CHAPTER NINE: Dragon The next morning, I was cooking breakfast, and the rest of the clan was sitting in the living room, having their own conversations. I couldn’t help but overhear Kveta and Ryuga talking. “You took quite the fall yesterday,” Kveta says to Ryuga, unconsciously twirling a strand of long, ebony hair around her index finger. Ryuga looks at the floor, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. “Let’s just say, I’m not the most coordinated member of our clan,” he replies with a slightly discomforted chuckle. Kveta giggles in amusement, and I can see Ryuga’s expression brighten almost immediately after she does. “Ah, Kveta? Do you mind if I call you Rose?” Ryuga asks. “No, not at all, but where do you get that from?” “Well, your name means ‘Red Flower’ in Czech. You trained the others, and when they were describing you, they said you had wings that looked as though they were made of roses.” “Rose,” Kveta weighs out the word in a tone so low she’s almost whispering. “I like it,” she smiles up at Ryuga, and it’s the first genuine one I’ve ever seen from her. “What’s for breakfast?” Kodiak calls from across the room. “Nothing, if you keep asking so rapaciously,” I shout in response. Kodiak lets out a long, drawn-out groan. Curiously, I turn my attention back to Kveta and Ryuga, but occupy my hands with kitchen utensils to be clandestine. It seems I've missed a large part of their conversation. I hear them laughing with each other as if they're having a grand old time. I feel glad that Ryuga is happy. He hasn't been happy since his sister died. And that was three years ago. “So, Ryuga, what do you do in the clan?” Rose asks. “Well, I help train the group,” the man explains, in his ever present British accent. “HEY! BREAKFAST! NOW! TABLE!” I shouted. “FOOOOOOOODDDDD!!!!” Kodiak came zooming into the kitchen on his golden dragon wings and sat immediately at his seat. “What, do you have a black hole for a stomach?” I asked. “Yes, he does. I tried to feed him till he was full once. It didn’t work.” Script piped up from the end of the table. “He just kept getting denser.” “Hey! That’s not nice!” “I know!” Script said cheerfully, with an innocent smile on her face. “Now, I’m not any of your’s mother, so I ain’t gonna solve your problems for you.” I clarified. “Yes, mother,” the whole clan drawled in unison. “My god, you people are annoying. Oh by the way, where’s Aaleksandyr? I haven’t seen him all morning.” “I dunno, I’ll go look for him.” Kodiak said, standing from the table. “You haven’t even eaten yet.” “I’m not hungry anymore.” Kodiak stated, almost dejectedly. “Whatever floats your boat.” Kodiak walked past the group, his gilded wings drooping, and head hanging. Chapter 10: Kodiak I walked past the group with sadness in my eyes. They didn’t know. They were so clueless. The screen door banged behind me and not a voice came from inside. I walked into the small wood behind our house, taking no particular path. Aaleksandyr would probably be there, he had always liked the forest. Trudging along through the thorny undergrowth, I realized that I had gathered a collection of scrapes and cuts on my legs, though I didn’t care. Closing my sparkling gold wings, I came upon a meadow. Ensuring to stay in cover of the trees, I scanned the entire meadow and the forest beyond that for Aalexs. “You looking for someone?” An almost gruff, but in some way lilting and young voice came from above me. Looking skyward, I saw Aaleksandyr sitting on the lowest bough of a large oak tree, its leaves amber-red as it was autumn. “Yeah. Uh, actually I was looking for you, but… Eh… Now I’ve found you, so I guess my job is done” I muttered awkwardly. Just then rain began to pour from the sky in sheets. “Gah, you’ve got to be kidding me. It was a nice day until now.” “Um, until I showed up or until it started to rain?” I asked. “Till it started to rain, I don’t hate you, fool. You want to sit with me, where it’s relatively dry?” “Oh! Uhh, sure.” I clambered up the tree to sit beside Aaleks. Aaleks had amethyst wings with pink roses adorning the peaks. (doesn’t sound manly, but it looks cool.) He stretched them to span across the two of us and the patter of the rain against the hollow gemstones sounded like bells, small, crystalline bells, each with a different note, formulating a rainy melody. <!--Oh god, I’m getting sappy and descriptive, better shut up and continue.--> “Soo.. Uhh, why’re you out here?” I asked. “To escape my thoughts, and people, how few of them there are left.” “I can leave if you want.” Ouch. It pained me to say that, as to accept that he might not actually want me here. “No, stay, please. I was getting kind of lonely. You know, you spend your life surrounded by people, yet you know none of them to the point where you can talk to any of them about anything you want without them judging you or making you or them feel uncomfortable about talking about it.” “I actually know what you’re talking about. It happens to me. You can talk to me, I guess. I’ve got no one else to talk to as well.” He smiles at what I just said. “Good. You know, I wanted to show you something,” he said with a wide grin. What are you up to now, Aaleks? I think to myself. He gestures me to follow him. Then he starts to climb the tree. I climb after him. It does take a long while since the tree is pretty huge. Coming to a halt right next to him at the top of the tree, I gasp at the sight. The moon rose above us, birds flew through the rain hurriedly, each to find a better perch. I can see ruins of many buildings covering the grounds of Mother Earth. Man, how the world has changed. “Its amazing, isn’t it?” I jumped at his voice. I totally forgot that he was here. With me. My heart skipped a beat. A smile had crept up from behind me and a light chuckle escaped my lips. The thing is, that everyone in the clan thought that I liked Dragon. Well they’re wrong. I like someone else. Someone that knows me. Someone that is on this tree with me right now. I look at Aaleks. A smile beams on his face as he stares into my eyes. I look away. What will the group think? What will happen when they find out? Aalek’s smile vanishes. I can see his disappointment. Sighing, I decide it’s time to tell him. “Aaleks, I need to say something and ehh, I’ve been hiding for a while now. I-I may or may not… err li- um lov- Oh, I don’t know.” “HEY YOU TWO! GET DOWN HERE! I DON’T WANT YOU TO FREEZE IN THE RAIN!” Dragon’s voice startled me and I almost fell off the branch, but Aaleks caught me. He grinned. “Thanks.” “Anytime. Now, what were you gonna say to me, Kodiak?” I look down and see Dragon looking at us, arms crossed. “I’ll… tell you later.” Aaleksandyr and I walked into the house, mainly rain soaked, to the rest of the clan. “I found him!” I said, as cheerfully as I could given the situation that had just unfolded. “Heh, took you long enough, you’re soaked.” Benja joked from across the room. “We talked a bit, and I showed him the view from the top of the oak.” Aaleksandyr said hurriedly. “Sounds like fun, but I don’t like the rain.” Script remarked. “You should be used to it. You live in Western Washington, you fool.” I said. “I know, I know. But I was born in Florida...” “Anyways, Kodiak, are you any more interested in breakfast now than you were?” Dragon asked “Yes, actually, I think I’d like some.” “Well then, let’s get you some food, shall we?” |