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Chapter4 Kody is an angel Danny is a devil, they're back on Earth but something goes wrong |
Chapter 4 Kody lay sprawled out on the cold tile floor, He wasn't sure where he was, the last thing he can remember doing was going through the unstable portal that Danny had created. "Danny?" Kody's voice was croaky and weak. Kody lifted his head up off the cold floor then looked around, Danny was curled up beside him. Danny looked sound asleep, Kody gave her a small nudge. her body didn't respond at all. He looked around the room slowly, looking for anything that would hint what time it might be. He spotted a window above the kitchen sink, the sky outside was a clear baby blue which was definitely an improvement from the grey lifeless sky. "I'll be back in a minute man, I gotta get a drink." Kody heard a mysterious voice coming from the next room. Kody heard footsteps walking towards the room that they were in. "Crap..." Whispered Kody to himself. The door swung open, a man stepped into the room. Straight away he saw Kody and Danny on the floor, the colour drained in his shocked face. The man had a dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. His eyebrows were thick, he wore a black beanie hat that covered most of his long hair. He had a short goatee and a big nose. He was a human too. "Who are you?! And what are both of you doing in my apartment?!" The mysterious guy with the brown hair shouted at them. "Um, i'm Kody and this is Danny." Kody spoke in a whisper. "Why are you in my home?" He spoke calmly in a whisper too but he still looked unsure. Danny's mind felt like it was trapped in a realm of darkness; unable to escape. She could hear soft whispers of two people near, she recognized one of the voices - Kody. She couldn't figure out who the other person was. "It's kind of hard to explain." "Well you better start explaining then." He spoke in a harsh whisper. "Where shall I start then?" "Well, I definitely didn't hear you and your friend there come in the door so it would be nice if you explained to me how you got in here." "I'm from heaven, i'm an angel. And my friend here is from hell, she's a devil, obviously. We never planned on coming here but we entered an unstable portal trying to get back here to Earth. We were left behind here and we were trying to get back to our separate homes." Kody stopped to catch his breath then started talking again. "We never managed to get back to our own homes, instead we ended up in another realm. And that's when we ended up going through a unstable portal and got taken here." Kody stopped talking then looked into the man's eyes. "And why should I believe what you're saying?" Questioned the man. "Well, we didn't come in the door and you said this was an apartment so I bet we are pretty high up, and you know what that means." Kody replied coolly. "Alright, I believe you. Call me Justin." Justin smiled down at them. "Ughh" Groaned Danny. "Are you okay Danny?" Justin and Kody asked at the same time. "Are we back?" Mumbled Danny quietly. "Yup we're back, safe and sound." Answered Kody. Kody started to stand up but fell over a little since his body was numb from sitting for so long. Kody offered his hand to Danny to help her stand up but as their hands connected a small shock went through Kody's body. "Ow!" Kody jumped back. Danny looked confused. "What was that?" Asked Danny "I don't know..." Kody touched her hand once more and another small red spark shocked Kody. Justin walked over to see what was happening. There was a knock at the door. Justin walked over to the door and opened it, a woman dressed in black stood in front of him. "Hey there." Justin smiled happily at the person at the door. "Hi, I haven't got time for chit-chat, i'm here to see Danny." The woman at the door talked strictly. "Alright, Danny, come here!" The woman looked Justin up and down and spoke coldly. "You're not much. I'd say you're pretty much worthless. A human too." "What's that supposed to mean!" Justin raised his voice at her. "Don't shout at me. Human. You're not worth my time." Her voice remained cold. Her heart was probably colder though. Danny walked up to Justin with Kody walking behind her, Justin still stood face to face with the woman. "Hey Justin, what's up?" Kody spoke happily. "What's that doing here?" Danny's voice was harsh. "That's not how you're meant to talk to your old friends." The woman spoke back in her usual cold voice. The woman reached out trying to offer Danny a handshake. Danny reached out for her hand and shook it, a small red spark came out of her hand then shocked the woman. Danny tried to take her hand back but the woman held onto her hand tightly not letting go. She looked into Danny's eyes then smiled in a evil way. "Let go Jennifer!" Shouted Danny who was now starting to panic. "I'm here to capture you for a bounty, but i'm still glad you remember my name." Jennifer whispered harshly. Kody grabbed Jennifer's arm but soon as he did a painful shock went through his body. "Don't you try to interfere with this. I'll happily Kill an angel too." Jennifer snickered. "Why are you doing this?" Shouted Danny. "There's a bounty on her head. Don't pretend you didn't know." "You knew?!" Danny shouted at Kody. "Of course he knew, why else would an angel befriend a devil?" "Is this true Kody?" Danny's voice went quiet and sad. "No. Never." "Don't believe him girl. Come back home, it's safer there." Jennifer spoke calmly. "You said there was a bounty on me!" Danny shouted at her. Jennifer pressed her hand against Danny's forehead and whispered one word. "Forget." "No!" Shouted Kody. "It's too late Kody." Jennifer's voice was harsh again. "Oh hey Jennifer, why are you here?" Danny had forgotten the entire conversation and was now talking happily. "I need to get you out of here Danny right now." Jennifer spoke fast but sounded convincing. "Why, what's wrong?" Danny sounded worried now. "No don't believe anything she says Danny!" Shouted Kody loudly. "Don't listen to him, he's only friends with you because there's a bounty on you." She still spoke calmly. "Is this true Kody?" Danny sounded upset. "Danny we must go now before it's too late." "I can't believe you'd do this to me Kody." Danny's voice was upset and harsh. Jennifer still had a hold of Danny's hand. "Let's go now." Jennifer whispered quietly. They disappeared. Both Jennifer and Danny were gone. "No... Danny..." Kody fell to his knees then buried his face in his hands. |