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This is the second collection of my entries for the World Weavers Championship. |
Day 7: Food, Glorious Food Title: The Chronicler Word Count: 2446 CLICK HERE ▼ TRANSMISSION BEGINS. To: The Historical Data Enclave From: Baius Vonkeon, Senior Historical Chronicler and aide to Ambassador Harlein Brausse To the Society, I thank your recommendation for the assignment to accompany Ambassador Harlein Brausse on his secret mission to Helios. As it is known, data collection of any kind for Helios and its inhabitants has been minute. I hear by vow to dutiful collect all the data of Helios, and upholding our noble cause to capture the truth as it really is. It is rare to be allowed access to Helios, and I will do my utmost part to collect as much information as I can. One further request has been asked of by Ambassador Brausse. All communications including this one will be sealed with the highest level of security due to the sensitive nature of the information collected in these missives. I shall begin by detailing the circumstances that led to this advantageous chance given to us. It began with Ambassador Harlein Brausse. He came to our offices in search for a seasoned chronicler to take with him on a dangerous mission to Helios. This was a chance that could not be passed up no matter how dangerous it seemed. Helios has been closed to our collective services, and all foreigners for hundreds of solar years. This mission was a monumental event. The ambassador himself is not a creature one would think could carry out such an important task. If I can characterize him as anything, I would say that he is a simple creature with simple motives and aspirations. He doesn’t have the highest rankings in intelligence, and his manners need improvement, but overall he is a jovial creature. I must state that all conjecture about the ambassador is purely subjective, and must be remembered as being as such. His mission is a less subjective subject. The ambassador was allowed to divulge certain information about the task at hand. His mission is to secure a truce between the Aeilonian Royal government, and the ruling clan of Helios. It is brokered by the Ikari, a powerful clan of Helios, and the former ruling clan. Ambassador Brausse has shown me solid proof of contact between the two parties, and that this has been going on for some time. I shall send what little he can give me along with this missive. It is my understanding that the ambassador truly believes that he can bring about a peaceful resolution for the current conflict that has embroiled our universe in war. Ambassador Brausse is one of the wealthiest merchant lords of Barlos, the great agricultural powerhouse. He has the connections to see such a truce through. It is uncertain from my initial interview if the mission to Helios is well known amongst the Aeilonian aristocracy or the Edorian Guard, but he did make it clear that word of his travels must never reach the public ear. For the first time in hundreds of years, a foreign ambassador has been invited to a celebration on Helios where, hopefully, these talks will bring about a ceasefire. When asked what the party was for, the ambassador explained that it was a birthing celebration for the newest female to be born to the current ruling Helian clan, the Enali. According to what little the ambassador knew of the Helians, there has been a recent decrease in children born in the clans, most notably amongst the higher ranking clans, and in the female population. The birth of a high ranking Helian female is important news. I am about to board the star cruiser, The Amalian Sunrise, along with the ambassador, and his select entourage. I hope the next missive will be sent from Helios itself, where more information of this celebration will be at hand. In the name of truth, Chronicler Baius Vonkeon. TRANSMISSION ENDS. TRANSMISSION BEGINS. To: The Historical Data Enclave From: Baius Vonkeon, Senior Historical Chronicler and aide to Ambassador Harlein Brausse To the Society, The Amalian Sunrise has touched down in the Helian capital city which is the home of the Enali. To my surprise, the city is extraordinarily robust in energy that borders on excitement. The land around the city is rich and bountiful, a fact that seemed to impress the ambassador. We were met at the city gates by an armed guard wearing the crossing arches symbol that I would later learn represented the Enali. I shall describe the capital city itself as there will more than likely never be another time. The city was vast and monolithic. Its white spires were sharp as they were delicate, and their buildings severely beautiful. Wide, clean streets lined with a multitude of creatures ran like delicate veins to the city’s heart, the massive palace in its center. Flowers bloomed in ornate pots, and trees lined the streets. The air was scented with sweetness, and fountains gushed with rich water. This was hardly the place where monsters were said to reside. The ambassador and his entourage seemed impressed despite the fear they exuded. I sense that fear was due to the guard squad that escorted us to the palace. I shall begin to describe these fearsome looking creatures. They were all tall, and thick in muscles. Glowing marks pulsated up their arms, and wicked weapons were strapped close to their backs. Some had long talons on their hands, and others curving horns on their heads. Their eyes were fierce, and somewhat haughty. Their uniforms were curiously cut, showing off their marked arms, and muscled torsos, but covering every other aspect of their bodies. Their uniforms were clean, and immaculate, which suggests they wore them in pride. We came upon the palace of the Enali, and what a sight it was to see. The cleanliness that was seen on the streets was nothing compared to the immaculate nature inside. Everything shone brightly. Great pillars of white Maya stones held up the massive domed roof. The halls were wide and spacious. The guards led us deep within the palace to the main throne room where the celebration was to take place. The halls were ringed with rows of silent servants, whose heads were bowed. Fresh blooms festooned the walls as well as lamps. I noticed that none of the servants looked us in the eye as we passed. Unlike the guards, the servants were from a variety of species, some of which come from our side of the universe. They wore a variety of clothes in different states of disrepair. This seemed to contradict the clean beauty around us. The ambassador and his entourage didn’t seem to notice, but the ambassador’s secretary, Inajo Jension, seemed irate when he saw the servants. We were lead to the immense throne room that dominated the palace center. Great long stone tables lined the walls. Silvery strings of lights draped down from the ceiling. Never in my life have I ever been as fearful for my life as I was when we stepped into that room. The room was brimming with the various clans of Helians. I can now confirm that there is a social hierarchy amongst the Helians that we have never known before. In the center of the room, the Enali sat on a raised dais along with one other clan. The ambassador was quick to point out the Ikari, whose tall figures and fearsome demeanors could turn any heart to ice. While the Enali sat in soft robes, and seemed at ease, the Ikari clan wore glimmering armor, and looked ready to do violence. Marks ran up the lengths of their arms. It is my conclusion that a Helian’s mark designates just how powerful they were. The larger the mark, the more power they held, and the higher their ranking were. Standing guard around the dais, most noticeably near the Ikari, were monolithic Oni spirits. We have always heard stories of Oni spirits, but never had I ever dreamed that I would get to see some up close. They came various shapes and sizes. Some had jaws of ragged teeth, and wings of light that could fill the room. Others had eyes that bespoke of wisdom beyond our understanding. It is not clear how old these creatures are. Most of these creatures seemed to be tied to the Ikari. It became clear that while the Enali ruled the political arena, the Ikari ruled the battle field. Just below the dais were three noticeably larger clans that seemed to make up the majority of the creatures in the room. Their marks were half the size of the Ikari, and only a handful of smaller Oni spirits flitted around them. I was soon to learn that they were the Menlics, the Ba’el, and the Atarians. Each had a different sense of dress, and way to them. The Menlics liked to wear and carry anything that could inflict pain. They were brutish creatures, and they seemed to have the largest slave population of all the clans. Before my very eyes, I watched a Menlic female beat to death an older male slave when he did not move fast enough to fill her cup. I suspect that most of the terrible reputation that the Helians have came from this one clan. The Ba’el and the Atarians, though less quick to violence, were not much better. The Atarians seemed to carry gadgets every where they went. Their servants were not as brutalized as the Menlic servants, but one could tell that the Atarians did not like failure as could be seen by the scars on their servant’s backs. The Ba’el seemed the least violent. They were slow, fat creatures who seemed to spend more time eating than conversing. Our appearance in the room seemed to grab everyone’s attention. The ambassador was nervous, but to his credit, he did his best to seem at ease. It was clear that our presence was resented. There was a moment when I thought we may be attacked by the brutish Menlics, who were closest to us. Fortunately, one of the Ikari stepped down off the Dais, and came to greet us. The ambassador seemed familiar with him. His name was Iliriel. Iliriel’s presence, as he strode off the dais, exuded power. Even the Menlics moved out of his way. In his armor, Iliriel was quite simply lovely to look at, but his eyes were hard, and in some ways, sad. Still, he treated the ambassador with a surprising amount of respect, which seemed to change the way we were perceived in the room. It was Iliriel who lead us to a table near the dais, where we were to be seated as guests of honor closest to the Enali. Once we were seated, every creature took their own seats at the tables around the room. We feasted for hours on platter after platter of delicious food. There were piles of rare fruit cut up and gleaming in bowls. Cakes of every kind with powdery sweetness were passed around by the servants. Rare meats and delicacies were piled high on plates. Even the ambassador was impressed by the assortment, and tried them all. His entourage was a little more fastidious in what they ate I noticed, but that could be that they held onto a certain level of distrust and fear. I noticed that certain foods and drinks never made it to our table. Though I find this curious, I’m sure it was some strange oversight, and nothing more. The atmosphere in the room seemed to relax as the food circulated the room, and the crystal goblets were constantly being filled with the most refreshing of drinks. Gentle music played in the background, which seemed to calm even the Menlics. Chatter fell from a roar to a murmur as the guests seem to grow more and more at ease with each other. The tensions between the different clans seemed to dissipate. Once the feasting was done, there was a small intermission where creatures were allowed to converse and clean themselves up. It is during this intermission that I write this missive. I have run out of room on my data crystal, and plan on sending this out as soon as I finish my account of events. I hope that in my next missive, I can write about seeing the newborn female, and the true Helian celebration of her birth. I more importantly hope that I will be the one to document the successful truce that brings peace to this universe. The ambassador seems assured of this outcome, though his secretary Inajo seems even more irate than before. In the name of truth, Chronicler Baius Vonkeon. TRANSMISSION ENDS. TRANSMISSION BEGINS. EMERGENCY To anyone out there, I am requesting a state of emergency. Ambassador Harlein Brausse is dead, killed by his own secretary’s hand. The Edorian Guard has infiltrated his ranks as well as the Helian palace. The food was drugged, all the food, except for the food we were given. It killed the lower ranked Helians, and knocked out the rest. Only the Enali and the Ikari were not affected. Bombs are being dropped on the city. The Ikari have gone to fight the intruders both in and out of the throne room, while the Enali run into a shielded room. If anyone is out there, I am all that is left of the ambassador’s group. Even Inajo, the traitor that rammed a knife into the ambassador’s chest, has been killed. It is absolute carnage and mayhem here. Bombs destroy the city outside. Oni spirits attack the great airships, destroying them as they approach. The Edorian guard is killing servants and Helians alike inside the palace, and fights have broken out all over the palace and in the throne room. I do not see Iliriel. He seems to have been sent out on the front lines to fight the Royal Army. I do not know what has happened, nor if the truce was never more than a dream, but if there was a ruse, it was not the Helians who made it. I’m hiding in the throne room. I know that I don’t have much time to live. The Edorian Guard has managed to pin down the two Ikari warriors fighting in here. They know they can’t kill them, but they have managed to stop them from fighting. Now they are killing the knocked out Helians, and any servant that tries to flee. It is only a matter of time before they find me. I send this data through the open links available. I hope the truth will reach the society. The truth must be known. We were so close to having peace. TRANSMISSION ENDS. Day 8: Men are from mars... Title: Kalidosa Word Count: 1633 CLICK HERE ▼ Kalidosa walked down the corridor to the meeting hall, and all around her, she could feel the snickers and stares jab her like sharp barbs. She stoically continued on. She was a Sorvinian captain, though for how much longer, she had no idea, but her kind never bent to the whims of petty tactics. Standing almost twice as tall as some of these creatures, and heavily muscled, Kalidosa’s sharp glare quieted some of the whispers. Her kind ruled the Academy. There were nine female captains from the strongest families of Sorvos who ran nine of the strongest squads here, soon to be eight after yesterday’s defeat. Kalidosa came from a family that did not have the prestige and wealth on Sorvos as the others did, but prestige and wealth meant nothing compared to strength and the ability to fight. Until yesterday, Kalidosa was recognized as one of the best tacticians of the nine, and had above average fighting abilities. Her squad, though not as strong as the other Sorvinian squads, was almost three times stronger than any other squads in the other brackets. She trained them ruthlessly to be so. So how did squad thirteen, the infamous reject squad, beat her proud crew? Kalidosa felt her body begin to tense up in anger and shame. It should have been impossible. It was their captain, their male captain. Kalidosa ran over the events of the other day in the mock battle, and felt her anger increase. He had outsmarted her, and his squad, though misfits, had put her squad to shame. What was worse was that he looked like a dainty Shaitan male courtesan. He wasn’t as tall as her, and he had lean muscle over her bulk. His skin was soft and his features delicate. This was someone she would have bought as a bed slave, not consider a serious rival. He should have been rubbing his head on her arms, and fetching her meals. It was utterly ridiculous that she would be beaten by a male captain, especially one that looked like that. Kalidosa threw her arm out as she often did when she needed comfort. Usually her first male would sidle up close, wrap his spindly arms around hers, and nuzzle it, but today he was too ashamed to be seen with her as was her squad. Kalidosa quickly withdrew her arm, and cursed the captain of squad thirteen once more. In that moment, she arrived at the inner door to the meeting hall that was used by the first bracket. Past these doors, the other eight captains waited to pass down their judgment of her failure. The Sorvinians had more freedom in running their squads, and passing down such judgments. While the other squads were run by the point system, the Sorvinians had a different system. One defeat on a normal squad would mean they would drop a rank, but one defeat for a Sorvinian squad could mean a dismantling of the squad. Most would be too terrified to know their fate, but Kalidosa strode right through the doors and into the hall. At the very least, she would show no fear in facing her fate. As predicted the remaining eight female captains and their squads stood in a semi-circle around the door, with the strongest captain taking position in the middle. Their demeanors were cold and disappointed. This was to be expected. What was not expected was who else she saw in the room. Near the door, her squad sat on their knees with their heads hung low. Only serving males sat like that. This must be Denali’s doing, the captain of squad three and her archrival. Kalidosa gritted her teeth at the insult, but remained silent. “So you finally learned how to keep silent in front of a superior force!” Denali jabbed. Kalidosa stonily stared Denali in the eye. She would not show weakness. Denali had been waiting for the moment when she could put down the upstart from the no name family. Kalidosa would still keep her dignity. She did not say a word. Such a jab was below Denali; Kalidosa could see some of the other captains shake their heads in disgust. Sorvinians did not let personal drama influence their decisions in the academy or on the battle fields. Denali realized her mistake when the captain of squad one, Murelia, stepped forward. “This meeting is not called for petty rivalries!” Murelia snapped. Denali blanched, and stepped back. “We are here to pass judgment on squad nine of the first bracket who was defeated by squad thirteen of the twelfth bracket.” Stifled laughter rippled throughout the other eight squads, and Kalidosa saw her squad’s heads fall lower. It was in that moment that Denali threw out her arm in a way that could not be missed by Kalidosa. To her horror, she watched as her first male, dressed in revealing clothing, glided over to Denali, and took up her arm. Denali sneered triumphantly at Kalidosa. Murelia glared at Denali. “Captain of squad three, remove that unsanctioned male out of the meeting hall at once! This is a military meeting!” Denali grimaced, but then flicked her fingers towards the door. Kalidosa’s first male quickly exited past her without a single glance in her direction. She frowned. She had actually enjoyed that male. “Back to the business at hand,” Murelia snapped. “Captain Kalidosa of squad nine, you have led your squad to an unprecedented and humiliating loss. Never has a squad from the first bracket lost to a squad from the twelfth. As punishment, you are to be stripped of your title as captain, and your squad will be dismantled and disseminated to the other eight squads. You will serve as a subordinate under the direction of another squad captain.” Kalidosa had expected as much would be done, and by the look on Denali’s face, she suspected that she was going to be put on squad three. Kalidosa inwardly sighed in despair, but showed none of it on her face. She waited patiently. To her surprise, and seemingly to everyone’s surprise, Murelia signaled the guards at the door. “Bring Kalidosa’s new captain in!” “New captain? What new captain? I thought we agreed— “ Denali began, but stopped suddenly with one glare from Murelia. The words “new captain” circulated amongst the squads, and Denali looked thoroughly confused. This was unexpected by all in the room. Usually a dismantled Sorvinian squad stayed within the other Sorvinian squads. Only a few other captains from the different species, notably from the second or even third bracket, even had Sorvinians as subordinates, and certainly not a former captain. Kalidosa nervously watched the door as did every one else. At least, this seemed to be an indirect punishment for Denali as well. “Defeat of this magnitude has never happen once in our proud history.” Murelia continued. “The punishment for such a defeat should be equal in magnitude as a lesson for future squads.” At that moment the doors opened, and every creature in the room gasped in horror as the captain of squad thirteen strode into the room. Kalidosa blanched in horror. She was being demoted to the lowest squad in the academy, the reject squad. Even though they had yet to lose a mock battle, their captain was the son of a Helian. Sorvinians and Helians were sworn enemies. Even now, unrest rippled throughout the squads. Even they thought this was overkill. Murelia did not really expect her to call a male Helian captain her captain, did she? Murelia stomped her foot loudly and the whole room fell silent. The only one who seemed at ease was the captain of squad thirteen. That pretty bastard should have been trembling in fear in front of so much power. Instead, he looked each of the captains in the eye, and didn’t blink. “Captain of squad thirteen,” Murelia stated calmly. “Please take your new subordinate out of this meeting hall at once!” Silence fell as every eye landed on the male captain. Everyone waited in bated breath to see what would happen next. The male captain turned to Kalidosa. “Cadet Kalidosa, move out at once!” the male captain commanded. His words were strong and his tone domineering. Any other command given this way would have been met with immediate compliance, but this was a male captain. Kalidosa remained where she stood as a wave of snickers rolled throughout the squads. Did a male captain actually think he could command a former Sorvinian female captain? She smirked, but in her arrogance, she had not noticed that the captain of squad thirteen usually wore five nix bands on each arm. Today, there were only two. Kalidosa had no warning before she found herself flat on her back gasping for air. The captain had crossed the room in a matter of seconds, and knocked her larger body down to the ground. The snickers fell away to uneasy silence. She should have realized what he could do. She had seen his unnatural speed in the mock battle. It was part of the reason her squad lost. Moments later, he yanked her to her feet with an unnatural strength that she had never known he had. “I said move out!” he commanded. He then forcibly began to drag her from the hall, using the same unnatural brute strength. Kalidosa was shocked as was the rest of the Sorvinians. Her mind could not reconcile what she was seeing and feeling. How could a creature that looked like a bed slave be strong enough to yank a creature twice his size to her feet? Kalidosa quickly feel in line behind him. She did not want to be seen leaving the hall by force, and Kalidosa had never been more mortified in her entire life. Day 9: In the eyes of beholders title: True Beauty Word Count: 1488 CLICK HERE ▼ Alexander stared up at the massive mansion that shimmered on the other side of the shielded gates. Never had be been this close to such ostentatious wealth before. The manse, by typical standards, could be called beautiful. It was a sculpted masterpiece seemingly made up of light and stone. The grounds were impeccable, but Alexander knew it was all a fraud. He was certain he would find true horror behind those gates. Alexander looked to the side of him. The chief security force officer stared intently at the gate. Never had Alexander seen a creature so determined as this officer was. He would do anything for the daughter he cherished, a daughter that, like Alexander’s own subordinate and many other young females, was taken. The past week they have been finding the mangled bodies of some of the missing females. All had met gruesome deaths. The Chief Security Officer’s daughter was by far the youngest one taken. Seeing the mangled bodies of these young females left the chief security force officer an emotional disaster zone. Though Alexander didn’t show it, a part of him was moved by the chief officer’s love for his daughter. He would do everything he could to bring her back alive. The chances of her being alive were higher, but the longer they waited for the order to come, the more likely Baruse Tanuvi could kill his victims. Baruse Tanuvi was an older and well known wealthy Aeilonian aristocrat. On the surface, he seemed an upstanding citizen with a well to do business, but just days before Alexander had learned of a darkness Baruse had hidden inside him. There were always rumors floating around the capital of Baruse’s wild parties that only a select few ever knew about. It was also rumored that these individuals were invited by a holographic chip which showed the new time and date of each party. Alexander learned of the chip and the party from the seer Taliah, who had come voluntarily to him. Alexander was the only one she would talk to about the vision she had had a year before for the famous Marika Eneal, who had gone missing just days after the prediction. In it she saw this very mansion and its surrounding grounds. She also saw a dark and dirty place where the victims were tortured. She could also describe the chip, and was the first to bring solid proof of its existence to Alexander and the security force. The description of the mansion was not enough to implicate Baruse, but the chip may be used as solid evidence since it could be back tracked to the last place it was used in. Except no chip was ever found on the only pieces of evidence they had, which were the destroyed bodies of the young females. The case seemed like it had run into a dead end, despite all the information Taliah had given them. And that was when they finally caught a break. An invitation chip was found hidden on the body of one of the girl’s dumped like refuse. Alexander would make sure that girl would be remembered. She must have known she would not live, but she had the foresight to hide her chip in the hopes that someone would find it. And the security force did. With Taliah’s description and the chip’s information, they had finally pinpointed the culprit. Looking up at this mansion of excess, Alexander swore to himself that he would make it right. He would save as many of them as he could, especially the chief officer’s daughter, and his own subordinate. He had to because he couldn’t bear the tragedy of seeing the chief officer’s pain if they found her dead. Whenever Alexander looked at him, he was reminded of his own mother. She would have journeyed into the worst hells this universe could offer to save him. And hell was what Alexander was certain they would soon enter. The order was finally given. Alexander and the Chief Officer rushed the gate, with their teams behind them. …………… It was worse than Alexander could ever imagine. Never had he seen such deprave acts done to another creature not even in the prisoner pit he was born. Even amongst the rejects of society none had shown such a blatant hatred of life as Alexander saw in that mansion of horrors. At first, the sculpted beauty on the outside seemed to be reflected on the inside. Never had he seen such spacious luxury, and such lavish decorations. Even the security squad was in awe of their surroundings, so much so that they began to doubt that such a wealthy creature could be behind such heinous acts. Baruse had even opened the gates for them. His demeanor was kindly, and sympathetic. He almost fooled everyone, everyone except Alexander, who had lived his entire youth around those with easy tongues. He knew how to spot a liar, but knowing Baruse was hiding something was not enough to implicate him. For one horrifying moment, the security force, after doing a light sweep of the upper levels, had almost called off the search. If it hadn’t been for Alexander’s certainty that Baruse was lying, and the chief officer’s desperation, they very well could have left the mansion without finding the hidden level near the base of the mansion. It seems Baruse had built his house on a network of old mines, and it was in these caverns that his nightmarish works took place. Alexander was alerted to the hidden level by his Oni spirit, who sensed a slight change in the scent of the air near a seemingly empty corridor. It was at that moment that the hidden door was found. Baruse had not really expected them to find his secret playground, and when they did, chaos broke out. Not only did Baruse have a secret torture chamber beneath his house, but he also had illegally obtained some violent level three Infected creatures. This would explain why some of the bodies were so badly damaged. Alexander’s squad led the charge into the lower level, and, for the first time, Alexander was allowed to have all five bands taken off. His Oni spirit flew beside him like a white winged creature of light. Alexander knew that his squad had never seen his Oni spirit before, and he could feel their nervous energy. To their credit and the chief officer’s, they remained by his side as they journeyed into this den of brutality. Fighting through the level three Infected was bad, but they managed to get to the heart of the lowest level without a fatality. What they found next would give Alexander nightmares for a long time. Baruse had found various ways and means to torture his victims. He had a particular liking for young females, whom he treated as his bed slaves and slaves to his darker whims. And it seemed he had been doing it much longer than they had initially thought. His squad found the desiccated bodies of several fourth district females that no one had ever realized were missing. He started with the fourth district, making it his personal hunting ground. When he was not caught, he moved to riskier prey like Marika, the famous shaitan, and the chief officer’s daughter. The carnage was gruesome, too gruesome for some members of his own squad to handle. Alexander was beginning to despair that they would find any survivors, but the chief officer would not give up. It was he who found the closed off cavern where Baruse stored his new catch, and some of his older ones. It was here that they found Alexander’s cadet, and the chief officer’s daughter as well several others. His own cadet was one of the fortunate few to escape without much damage. She too had grown up in a prisoner pit, and knew how to handle the horror of this place. She had also done her best to shield the chief officer’s daughter from it all. Fortunately for her with his cadet at her side, no real damage had been done to her. In the end, they were able to save a handful of survivors including Marika Eneal after sweeping the entire underground level. Yet they found more dead than alive. Alexander saw true ugliness that night. The chief officer’s daughter had been one of the luckier ones, but for Marika Eneal, she would never be the same. Her mind and body was too far gone. Yet tonight Alexander got to see true beauty as well. When the chief officer wrapped his arms around his daughter, and sobbed with joy, Alexander felt his heart move as it had never been moved before. The love of a parent for their child was one of the most beautiful things he had ever witnessed. Alexander knew then that true beauty could never truly be captured by artificial means. Day 10: Hurrah Title: Necessary Measures Word Count: 2094 CLICK HERE ▼ ITHACA, BORDER NORTHERN BLACKOUT ZONE Security Force Officer Levi En Dual despaired as she took in the utter destruction left behind by the rampaging beast. At first, she had not wanted to believe the reports of the massive creature to be true; only on Helios was an Oni spirit supposed to exist, but seeing the devastation of the outer provinces, that disbelief quickly evaporated. It wasn’t hard to track the creature, the destruction was too great. All resources on the Interlink about the creatures were limited. None spoke of a way to kill an Oni spirit, but there was a way to contain it. Levi had heard the stories. Every child had heard the stories about the Helians and the powerful spirits that spent part of their time living inside the Helians themselves. They were used as weapons whether willingly or not, Levi wasn’t sure. They were powerful and destructive when paired up with their Helian, and at full fighting strength. It was only recently during the last great war that such spirits were ever seen. Yet all the spirits were supposed to be sealed away on Helios on the other side of the quarantine. So where had this creature come from? That was a troubling question, and one she would ask the captain of the tracking team when she arrived at her destination, but for now, containment was the utmost importance, and she had an idea of how to do it. Levi looked back at the convoy that followed her. In the center was a shielded hovercraft where imprisoned creatures sat despondently. All bore the marks of a Helian, though most were barely noticeable. Ithaca was a dumping ground for all the undesirables of the universe, and the most undesirable were the children and ancestors of Helians. Around the prisoners was her security force squad, keeping a watchful eye on them. Levi’s team had scoured Ithaca for all the Helians left who had escaped the purges. She didn’t personally have hatred towards them as some of her members of her squad did. They were a means to an end. She hoped that one of them would be able to merge with the mad spirit, even if it meant creating a stronger Helian. An unchecked Oni spirit was more dangerous than a Helian they could imprison and watch. The journey to the mountain where the rogue spirit had taken refuge was long, and it had given her plenty of time to think over her plan. Only Helians had the ability to control Oni spirits. They were not pets or subservient, but more like allies, at least that was what she had learned from the scanty research on the topic. It was more of a symbiotic relationship. An Oni spirit could not live long outside of a host body before it went mad and died. In return for having a place to live when it was in weakened states, it amplified the Helian’s power. Why only Helians had the ability to merge with these creatures was still unclear to her. There was nothing that said that the creatures themselves were malevolent, but they did manifest the inner powers and mind of the creature they inhabited. If the Helian was cruel and sadistic, the Oni spirit attached to them would show similar traits. The darker the Helian, the more monstrous the Oni spirit looked and acted. Yet despite her certainty that one of these prisoners would be able to merge with the crazed beast, she was not at all certain how it was done. In every documented battle she had seen where an Oni spirit was used, most were controlled by the most powerful of Helians whose marks covered their entire arms. She never saw a Helian with a minor mark have the ability to control such a creature. Levi slowed her hovercraft and fell back to the prisoner transport. She had inspected each of the candidates herself. Each bore legitimate marks, but most were too small to be noticed. Some of these creatures were fourth generation, and their marks were faded. Only a handful were their best hope, and only one had marks that extended up the entirety of his arms. Levi pulled closer to the transport, and looked in on the one creature that was their best chance. Unlike the others, this one was the youngest of the batch. His delicate little body was curled up under a rough blanket she had given him. He was asleep. Levi frowned as she watched him in the golden light of evening. Out of all the prisoners here, this one was the one she felt the most ashamed of taking. He had been a miracle find. A merchant, who had heard of their troubles in the Northern Blackout Zone, told her a story of seeing a creature in one of the prisoner pits to the east, which bore the marks of a Helian. At first, she did not want to believe it, but they were desperate. The Oni spirit was destroying town after town as its madness and impending death grew. It was her duty to protect the creatures in her province. So she went to investigate the story. The merchant had been right. She found the creature with the full marks. What she had not anticipated was that he would be so young. Levi, having a daughter close to his age, couldn’t help but feel some remorse on what she was about to do, but it had to be done. Her second in command pulled up to her side. He nervously looked behind him at the road they had come on. In the distance, she could see the glint of hovercrafts following behind. “Captain, the mother is gaining on us,” he said as he looked down at the sleeping child in the cage. Levi sighed. That had been another unforeseen complication. She had never expected the mother to be has fierce as she was nor put up such a fight. It took her entire squad to take the child out of the pit after fighting the residents and the mother. It seems they too had a problem with their youngest member being taken, which was odd since most creatures hated anyone who bore those marks. Levi turned away from the sight behind her. Her guilt gnawed at her, and she reminded herself that she was doing what was necessary. The mother would be on them shortly. They had to move faster because she doubted that explanation would suffice for a mother who lost her child. She knew it wouldn’t for her. “Order the squad to move faster. We’re almost to the mountain. We can’t afford to have any interference right now!” Her second in command nodded, and sped away. She looked one last time at the boy, and then at the dark mountain ahead that was coming closer and closer at a frightening rate. Would he be able to merge with the spirit or was he still too young? What would happen to the prisoners if the Oni spirit didn’t merge with any of them? She suspected death, but it was a thought she quickly pushed away, especially when she looked on this little one. They had arrived at the mountain. ………………… The captain of the tracking squad was ragged. His squad was nearly decimated, but they had managed to corner the Oni spirit to a cavern in the mountainside. Though they had shields to keep the creature in, they wouldn’t be able to contain it for long. Levi heard the creature before she ever saw it. Its roar seem to shake the very air around them. It was piercing and desperate. Levi informed the tracking captain of her plan, and together they quickly unfettered the prisoners, and the led them off the hovercraft. Levi made sure she was the one to be with the young one. At the very least, she wouldn’t allow him to face this alone. “Wake up little one,” she murmured as she gently woke the child. The little boy slowly opened his eyes, and looked at her quizzically. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue, and that just seemed to break her heart even more. “Where are we? Where’s my mother?” he asked. Levi held out her hand to him as she responded, “Your mother is on her way, but first there is something very important I need you to do. It’s something only someone as strong as you can do.” “As strong as me?” he asked as he took her hand, and crawled out of the cage. He seemed confused by her words. She nodded, and she was glad he didn’t catch her hesitation. Instead, he looked up at her with those trusting blue eyes. Levi felt her heart lurch in her chest. She looked away from him, and noticed that the other prisoners shook their head in disgust. She hoped one day this little one would be able to forgive her if he survived this. Levi led him forward as her squad herded the recalcitrant group towards the cavern. The Oni spirit sensed they were coming. Its roar blasted out around them. The squad and the prisoners trembled in fear, but they continued towards the last barricade of shields that were placed just outside of the cavern. Only the child seemed unfazed by the sound. As they approached the entrance, Levi was able to get a good look at the beast that had ravaged the countryside, and fear shot through her. It was a monolithic black mass of serrated mouths and eyes. Hooked clawed felt dug into the rock, and warped, stunted wings fluttered on its back. Its tortured body heaved as it struggled to breathe properly. According to the tracking captain, a smuggler had forced the Oni spirit into a non-Helian host by artificial and experimental means. The merger was temporary, and eventually the host’s body could not handle the power of the creature and was destroyed. The Oni spirit itself came out a distorted creature driven mad with pain. Levi and her squad opened a small portion of the shield, and began forcing the Helians in. Though drugged to keep them compliant, some of them fought their captors. They were terrified, knowing full well what was expected of them. The only one who wasn’t was the boy with the blue eyes. He stared up at the creature in awe. The Oni spirit noticed the Helians, and roared out in rage. She couldn’t blame the creature of not wanting to be forced into another host. It beat against the shields, trampling the Helians that had been pushed past the shield into the cavern. Levi held the boy closer. She suddenly didn’t want him anywhere near this beast. There was no way someone this young could stop it. Levi looked down as she was resolved to pull him away, and gasped in surprise. The boy was calm. He stared the creature straight in the eyes. The dark marks on his arms began to light up. The Helians and the security forces alike pulled away from him in fear. Only Levi stayed nearby. The little boy let go of her hand, and stepped towards the creature. As he approached it, the Oni spirit fell silent. It watched him warily as the marks on his arms grew brighter and brighter. The pain and rage in its eyes slowly began to dissipate. All eyes were on him as he reached his tiny hand up towards the creature. Brilliant light pulsated off his arms like sunlight. The Oni spirit cautiously stepped forward, and leaned its deformed head down towards the boy’s hand. “Hello,” the boy simply stated as he gently rubbed its head. The boy instinctively seemed to know what to do. As he rubbed the creature’s head, its body grew more and more transparent as its solid form morphed into a more gaseous form. The black drained away to white. Every creature around her gasped in surprise as they took in the strange sight. How did the smallest creature in the world do what entire squads could not? Levi watched as the beast’s anger and fear slowly disappeared. It nuzzled the hand of the boy, and the youngling laughed. His laughter fell on them like soft rain. The spirit pulled closer to the boy. It was in that moment that Levi knew then there was nothing more to fear. The twisted broken spirit would be remade anew. It had found its new home, and the boy had found a friend. |
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