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by Helix
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2028356
The company have sent Osso out with a small team on a job to see how she preforms.
''So~ Our Plan is to walk untill we get ambushed...?''


''And we're not sure were the people, we are looking for, ARE?

''Not entirely...''

Alper raised his hand to gather everyone around him. ''We know they've been raidding folks across these two roads'' He pointed out on a small map that he pulled out ''If we keep walk. We'll hit a fork in the road. To which we can split up.'' ''And how to we signal one another if we DO get attacked?'' Raising an brow as he folded his arms. ''Well... When we are attacked we'll call out. And someone should be walking between us in the brush.'' Turning to face Vivian ''Viv. You are to walk in the brush between us, as you have Lupa. When one of use shout out. call out to the other group.'' Folding the map up and putting it away. ''If attacked. Act defensively until we get together. Everyone understand?'' receiving nods and shrugs. ''Alright. Henri, With me to the right. You two will go left.''

Dividing themselves up Vivian climbed into the brush, disapearing into the thicket. Alper and Henri marching off. Kale hardly spoke a word. But merely looked at Osso and tilted his head to the left as he walked off. For awhile nothing really happend, other then the wind blowing gently through the trees as they swayed back and forth. ''So how di-'' Osso spoke up only to get Kale to stop dead, instantly flip around and eye ball her. ''NOT. NOW. Mabye after, but we have to pay attention.'' Addressing her with a commanding tone as he looked around quickly, left to right. Then turning back around to contune walking.

. . .

Not a sound...
But only the birds...
Only the wind...

. . .

''...he-... get ov-re...-hey-ot...-uble!''

A distante voice called out, being droned out by the background noice. Then in but a moment. Kale turned and sprinted. Grabbing Osso as he went off through the treeline. ''W-wait! I ha-'' Her protests not even getting a chance to fromulate.

''Drop all of your valuables... And take off that fance armor of yours!'' Commanded at sword point from a man amoung a small band of ruffians, curcling around Alper and Henri. '' Well... Shit. Now what?'' Standing back to back with Alper, as he held up a halberd. ''We wait till they get here... Till then we keep calm...'' Muttering back quietly, Putting his sheild up. ''You think you can ignore us...? DROP YOUR STUFF OR WE'LL FEED YOU, YOUR ARMS!'' One of the group clearly getting irratated. ''Strange... You were loud before...'' The rest began to turn to one another, discusing what to do with them. From the treeline, Apler saw Vivian rushing in at frighting speed, Sword drawing.

''Who the he-'' One turned his head to see his figure behind them.

Before he could finish, Vivian kicked him in the back of his leg, causing him to fall to his knee. Raised his sword. Brought it high and swung it down on him. Cutting through the bone and flesh with ease, Leaving a red hazie trail behind it. And in a single movment, he thrusted his hand ageisnt the back of the head. Flinging the warm body on to the ground and off his sword. Raising his arms and puffing out his chest, he stepped forward awaiting the next challanger. ''You are fucking dead mate... GET EM'!'' As the mob rushed towards them. Everyone sprung to action as surge of energy rushed over everyone.

Taking a quick opportunity, Henri swung his halberd at the legs of a man rushing past him, leaving a terrible gash as he fell. He swung the point around and thrust it in the sides. It was hardly a contest. Behind him, Alper was engaged with another. A fool raised his sword to strike at him, only to get rebuffed by his shield, staggering him. Alper took a quick step forward and pushed him to the ground, Another step and slammed his might shield down on him, crushing bones and dislocating limbs. As his guard was down, Another one jumped at him, this time slashing his sword at his side, the point getting through a small gap and imbedding itself into his carapace. Alper fell to his knee his jolt of pain. Quickly he folded his arm down, trapping the blade in his armour. Were just behind him, Henri placed his halberd atop him, using it to aim as he thrust it fast forward into the attackers shoulder, causing him to let go of his blade. Alper with his under arm, took hold of a mace and swung it up, breaking his jaw, with blood and teeth flying he fell to the ground with a heavy thud. '' You alright?! '' He shouted as he ripped the little blade out. ''YOU LIL' SHIT! LEAVE IT THE FUCK IN NEXT TIME!'' He screamed back, dropping his shield and holding his wound as small streams of brownish blood flowed out.

A little over, Vivian was beset from both sides by two thugs. ''Lupa! You can wake up now!'' He yell as he positioned himself to get around them. One of the thugs raised and slashed his sword down, Vivian deflected it to the side and stepped back, both of them now in front of him. They both thrust forward, another blade parted to the side, but one got past and embedded it to Vivians legs, casing him to flinch and fall to his knee. His arm struggled as he raised his blade, looked up.


Vivian's head came cleanly off, as his body slumbed and twitched as the two thugs turned around. Behind them, a small head cropped up from Vivian's cloak and pivoted side to side. Appendices slid out and pulled down the clock's hood to reveal the dialect body under it. The tiny creature took out a crossbow and set it up on Vivian's stump of a neck, and fired off a bolt, landing in the one of their backs. The two flipped around, confused to the crossbow coming from stump. Another bolt flew forward, this time hitting between the eyes of the same target, dropping him like a rock. The other quickly charged forward, about to bring down his sword. But quite spontaneously, Vivian's arm shot up, parting the blade to the side. The rest of his body began to move and slowly rise, as Lupa kept a tight hold, firing another bolt into the chest area. As the thug stuttered back, the woods to his side began to shake as the leave and branches shook. With in a quick moment Kale brush out sprinting, raised his axe and buried it in the attackers head.

He slowly turned to see the headless Vivian standing up, giving a thumbs up. ''Seems you've been having fun.'' With Osso just shortly behind him. Vivian Raised his sword and charged back into whats left of the highwaymen, Lupa riding on the back. Another thug came charging at Kale, screaming and swinging. Kale quickly raised his axe, blocking and holding the blade above him, Osso behind him stepped out and in abit of shock, lowerd her spear an plunged it forward, landing him the mans leg. He droped his blade and held his leg, Kale took his chance and swung into him, hacking into his neck leaving his head hanging on.

''No bad.'' giving a slight nod to Osso and turned to see the rest of his fellows, finishing the rest of gang. Alper and henri checking the bodys for surviviers. Vivian pulling his sword out of a poor sod. And Lupa shooting down someone attempting to run away. The battle was over, and the company stood above the lot and gatherd around. ''Alright... Thats everyone now how do we- ... Osso whys your spear broken?'' Evenyone turned to face Osso, her spear broken in half, greatly shortend. '' I di- .... well... I-'' ''My fault. I heard Vivia, paniced and grabbed her and ran. She asked me to stop for a moment and that probibly cused it to snap off one of the trees. '' he spoke as he stood forward and put up his hand. ''Ah... I see... now then. Free or split?'' He turned to Vivian who was carefuly lining up his head back onto his stump. ''We'll get back to you... Henri?'' turning to see each one of the party. ''Free'' ''Split'' he turn agein to Osso who stood there for a moment.

''Split...?'' giving a confused shrug.

Bone could be heard clicking as Vivians head seemed to rejoin as muscle grew over the wounds. ''Lupa wants split but I counter it with free'' Much to Henri's moan. ''Right. Split it is then. gather all the good stuff up, and don't forget the boots! '' Everyone began rolling over the bodys and began stripping them. Osso on the other hand just staired at Vivian '' ...OH right you're new... its about loot... Split. we gather it up and split it. Free you pick it up, its yours. '' Giving a slight smile. ''How is your head... back on...?'' Just standing there in slight horror. ''Never seen a Renoret?'' drawing his sword and cutting his arm. ''We heal rather quickly. Regrow limbs. But its much easier to just put it back on.'' holding out his arm as his wound mended quickly and reformed the muscle. And turned his attention to the dead.

Soon. A small pile was assembled of a verity of bits of chainmail, plate, swords, belts and boots. each person got a fair share and everything else left behind, and set out back home. The sun began to set as they reached town and back into their operations. Kath was sitting in the hall, with papers of couse, and talking to the other group who went monster hunting. They promptly retired to their beds. ''Ah... your back. And seemed to have lifted everything. leaning over to see the filled bags on them. ''Aye. Roads should be cleared abit for now.'' the group dispressed and went to their own rooms. Leaving Kath, Osso and Alper. ''Now. How did she do?'' Looking as Alper. ''She didn't freak out or run away. Didn't do much nor have the chance to so... do as you will.'' Leaving the two to as he went off to his bed. ''So... am I accepted...?'' She said nerviosly as she reslung her bag to balance it. ''For the moment. As Alper said you didn't have a chance to do anything so... next job we will see.'' Gathering up his parchments and heading off. ''By the way. We have rooms for members. Go down that hall and empty rooms have open doors... We don't have meny folks here so pick one. Good night. '' Kath gave a little wave as he went up stairs. Osso made her way down the hall and stumbled into an empty room and closed the door, dumped her back to the side and fell into the warm, soft embrace of her bed, quickly passing out.
© Copyright 2015 Helix (helix53366 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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