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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2027294-Long-forgotten-Lyrics-Of-My-Life
Rated: GC · Book · Writing · #2027294
Created for the Soundtrackers Challenges

...when the music moves the soul...

The Soundtrack of Your Life  (18+)
Every February, you're invited to chronicle the music that has influenced your life!
#1970896 by Jeff

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February 11, 2020 at 3:25am
February 11, 2020 at 3:25am

Chris Stapleton ~ More of You

I'm exhausted. Mentally. Let's not even talk about the damn lack of sleep lately or the fact that this kid refuses to go to bed before 5 A.M.. Like, WTF?! *FacePalm* I try. I try to do what people tell me to do... Let her cry it out. Give her a binky. Feed her. Try putting her to sleep anyway. All this has just brought on more headaches and lack of sleep. I just feel like saying fuck it all and let her have her own way. I don't have a lot of patience to begin with and she loooooooves to test me and drain what patience I do have. So! There she is in the bouncer she's getting tired of, watching Frozen, the movie I'm getting sick and tired of. It's a win win.

In other news, the song, More of you, is new to me. I'm in love with it. Makes me think of a really good lullaby. That does not mean that it'll put my child to sleep. Oh, hell no. She's dancing to her own drum. While it might piss me off most nights, I hope she stays that way throughout her life. Some people tell me she'll be a bully. *shrug* She's seven months old. She'll get her butt spanked enough times to know better. And no, she will not stand in a damn corner at the age of two to think about what she did. I am NOT that parent.

Perhaps I need a break. *Rolling* From parenting. Hubby's really good whenever he's home. On his off day he'll let me sleep in, take care of her when she does wake up, feed her, play with her. Same when he gets home from work. I can't complain about any of that. It's me. I'm not patient. I'm tired. I'm too old for this shit. I love her, she's my everything, but we butt heads already. She's got her way of expressing her frustration with me and she'll even yell. Okay, so maybe people are right. She could be a bit of a bully.
February 9, 2020 at 4:22am
February 9, 2020 at 4:22am

Christina Aguilera and Blake Shelton ~ Just a fool

I'm really not obsessed with Blake. Really. Well, maybe just a little. How can you not be? Look at those eyes. *InLove2* The thing is, I've listened to his songs for a long time never realizing it was him who sang those lyrics. And then one day...

You ever find yourself googling one thing and ending up miles away from it? I ended up googling him *Angelic* I knew he split up with Miranda and that he hooked up with Gwen Stefani. I used to be a fan of hers, back when she was in the group No Doubt, but after that I kind of stopped listening to her. Well, one thing led to another and I started listening to their songs. Their duets. Not too bad although her voice isn't as strong as his. She's really working hard to match his level.

Let's be honest. Their voices class a bit unless it's a song like Nobody but you. And as I searched I stumbled on Blake's and Christina's song and I was sold! I mean, Christina's voice is amazing! But their voices together work pretty well. I can't stop listening to it. Daisy doesn't even blink when it pops up on the screen.

I've listened to a lot of music in the past few months and watched maybe a handful of movies. *Think* I can't wait for the Frozen 2 to come out because I'm going to lose my mind with the first movie. *Laugh* That's all Daisy wants to watch or tolerates. I've tried Toy Story, Ice Age, Shrek, Wally, How to train your dragon, Inside Out. Although, Inside Out is slowly getting her attention. Once a day it's Frozen time. Sometimes we split it in half, but I hardly get to watch anything of mine.

Perhaps I should try anyway...
February 8, 2020 at 1:48am
February 8, 2020 at 1:48am

Luke Bryan ~ Country Girl

This was a bit of a toss up between this song, Knocking Boots, and I Don't Want This Night To End. *Think* Not to mention Take My Drunk Ass Home. *Laugh* My kind of song. Let me tell you, I'm the girl who'd leave the bar the last so... *Angelic*

Shortly after I had Daisy, Thunder from Down Under came to St. Louis and, yes, this girl had to see them boys. *Wink* We sat toward the left side of the stage, not front and center, meaning the view was okay but not great. *Laugh* Anyway, I hopped on *Facebook* a few days ago and there's a notice. Thunder from Down Under is going to be back in town! *Shock2* Yeah, hellooooo! This girl wants to go again. However, when I checked the other casino events, Luke Bryan is going to be in town and performing on the same day. *Think* That's a fucking dilemma. I'm a bit undecided.

I've already seen the boys without pants, but I haven't seen Luke shake his ass yet. Hubby suggested I go see the boys, but I'd rather go to the concert. *Laugh* Well, truthfully, I'd love to see both at once somehow but they're at opposite sides of the city. It's a bit of a hard decision. I've always liked Luke's songs and well, maybe the decision is made. Or maybe, Daisy will make it for me and I won't manage to see either one. *Rolling*

Tough luck!
February 6, 2020 at 2:02pm
February 6, 2020 at 2:02pm

Blake Shelton ~ Who are you when I'm not looking?

Ever get tired of people telling you what you should and shouldn't do? *Think* Friends, family? I don't know why people don't know how to mind their own damn business. My body, my decision. My house, my problem. My life to choose as I please. Sometimes, certain things, certain words, and I'm not exactly ready to put up my fists to fight, but I slowly back up, because let's face it, I'm not good at being subtle. I blow up like a bomb and I'd rather avoid that sort of unnecessary confrontation.

This song by Blake is what calms me down. It also makes me think of things in reverse. Do people really care who you truly are? We all share with people what we want to share, what we wish them to see, but that doesn't mean it's the whole package. I don't know how many people have called me a bitch ever since I learned to stand up for myself. How many people think I'm stuck up because I refuse to talk or deal with just anyone. It doesn't make me a bad person to make my own choices and keep a distance from those I don't trust. Most days I'm okay with the name stuck up bitch. Because, maybe I am. Maybe you just see me that way because you don't care enough to look behind the curtain.

My actions are only 1/4 of who I really am when around people. I don't like shallow people. I love deep conversations about things unexplained. My love of books goes deeper than reading the next best seller. I'll always fight for a person who doesn't know how to stand up for themselves. If you can't or don't know how to protect yourself, I'll do it for you. My love of animals has been embedded in my heart since I can remember but I'll always think that a human life is more important than an animals. That doesn't mean I'll stand up for animal abuse. I'd rather adopt from a shelter or a broken home than pay thousands of dollars to have that purebred animal.

I'll give you the world if you're the person that understands me, the clothes off my back to keep you warm. Just don't cross me. I don't believe in promises. I know that people have more on their mind than they actually admit. A broken soul will shine brighter than the one who pretends and acts as if they're better than the rest. No one is better than you. Life is a mess and no one is perfect. I won't hold your personal shit against you. Our opinions may differ but that doesn't mean I won't like you because of it. We're not all the same. I can tolerate a lot of shit but when I draw the line, you cannot erase that permanent marker.

When something is broken, it'll never be fixed to its original state. You cannot shape a person into what you think they should be according to you. Learn to mind your own business. Not every problem is meant for you to be fixed. You can look into a person's eyes and see their soul. We choose to believe that people are good. You can fall in love in the space of 24 hours. Even decide if that person is the right one for you for the rest of your life.

I don't hide who I am. I'm just a whole lot more than what you see...
February 5, 2020 at 11:16pm
February 5, 2020 at 11:16pm

Chris Stapleton ~ Millionaire

Two or three years ago Chris Stapleton came out with his song, Tennessee Whiskey and I fell in love with it. For one, I'm a Jack and Coke girl, but also I love the lyrics as well as the tempo of the song itself. Of course I started listening to his other songs. While there are a quite a few to choose from, I decided on this one because it speaks to me.

We also had a chance to go see him in concert two years ago at the Hollywood Amphitheatre and it was worth it. My little brother in law got us the tickets for my husband's 30th birthday and we had a blast. Sure it was hot and humid as St. Louis always is, but it was worth it. The place was packed, but listening to his songs and the old school rock he played, priceless.

I've been to many concerts, but never an American singer. I guess as years go by and I've adjusted to more than this, what some people call americanized life, I've grown rather fond of country rock music or country music in general. While many people will say that we need to stay true to our roots and where we're from I don't entirely agree.

Yes, we should remember where we're from, the language spoken should be thought to our kids, but it's also hard. Our parents' generation is very different. We think different. That's not to say that everyone our age thinks the same as my husband and I. I've introduced my kid to the music familiar to us, doesn't matter the language. We don't speak Spanish but that doesn't mean she shouldn't listen to those artists. Music is universal. You can't go wrong with it and it never hurts to learn another language.

I'm a wild child at heart. Always have been. I've learned to dance to the beat of my own drum and I'll try to teach Daisy the same thing. Don't change because someone else thinks you need to. Don't feel obligated to like the same things as others. You are allowed to question everything in the world, to find the answers for yourself and not simply take someone's word for it. Feel free to be different.
February 5, 2020 at 10:53pm
February 5, 2020 at 10:53pm

Trying to catch up. Day 4.

While my kid is taking a nap (don't judge), I figured I'll use the time wisely and get some things done around here. Come to think of it, some of the songs I play for my child are mostly the songs that I used to listen to or like. That doesn't mean that she'll like them as well. However, they don't say that the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree for no reason.

Pittbull ~ I know you want me

Once again, it's one of those catchy songs that have a decent beat to it. Don't judge me on what I let my six month old watch when it comes to putting her to sleep, as long as it works. *Bigsmile* This song though, she just stares at it until it's done. She doesn't bounce, doesn't blink. I'm not sure if it's the girls or him, but it sure gets her attention. *Laugh*

Ever since Daisy's arrival, I've refused to put her to sleep by the means of holding her. Usually, at night, she'll put her hands up and within two, three songs, she's out like a light. That's the only time I'll lull her to sleep in my arms.

I remember my mom used to tell me that the worst part of raising me was trying to put me to sleep. I never wanted to sleep. She'd try anything and everything until the only way to put me to sleep was to put me on her legs and rock me like that. Let's say that it didn't work very well. At times I think she tried to much or perhaps tried to force it. Just like Daisy, I stayed up until the wee morning hours before actually going to bed.

I've learned my lesson with that. That, and the fact that I don't have to get up early in the morning so I have the luxury of staying up late with her. So, I let her wear herself out. I play with her until she's ready to eat and hopefully with that she'll also put herself to sleep.

The song doesn't help with that but it does distract her from crying. *Angelic*

February 5, 2020 at 3:54am
February 5, 2020 at 3:54am

I've never been a huge fan of rappers, hip hop, but occasionally, certain songs, certain songs, catch my attention.

The Pussycat Dolls ft. Snoop Dog

Somehow this song wins over the Don't Cha song with Busta Rhymes but she likes them both. At first I thought she liked the girls, their voices but no. This girl has a thing for Snoop Dog. Once she saw him, she found her beat and danced to it. It cracked me up. Of all the songs and all the artists in the world, she was set on him.

I used to be a 2Pac fan. I liked his music. A few others as well, but never Snoop Dog. I want to say our tastes differ but the song is rather catchy and I remember back in my day, I liked to shake my ass to it as well. *Laugh* No excuses.

And as the hour of three in the morning approaches, she's finally out which means it's past my bed time. I used to stay up this late partying. Nowadays, I'm putting a baby to bed. *Think* No matter how often people tell me to put her on a schedule and change her sleeping habits, I prefer this over getting up at six in the morning so we'll stick to it and our choice of music as well.
February 5, 2020 at 2:25am
February 5, 2020 at 2:25am

Shakira ~ Chantaje

It is a bit strange to have your entire world, day in and day out, revolve around a little child but I truly enjoy it. Mostly because she's all me. *Bigsmile* I still refuse to admit that out loud.

As Daisy's love of music grew so did out playlist. While this isn't her second choice *Laugh* - yes, even a six month old has her preferences - her reaction to it is too adorable not to mention. She's listened to Shakira's Hips don't lie and La Tortura, both of which she likes, Chantaje has something neither one of the other songs do - the guy who sings with her.

I swear, as soon as that song comes on she stops bouncing and just stares at the TV until she sees him. Once his face is there, she gives him the sweetest smile not many people see in person. If you could say a kid this age likes someone she's never met than it was him. Like I said, she's getting bigger and her taste in music is already changing. Either that or she just gets tired of the same old.

And no, this kid never sleeps. Just look at the time. She's having a good old time as I write this, trying to get a hold of my laptop. *Cry* How I miss my desktop but it's just not possible to spend a lot of time on it and it's out of the way so, laptop it is.
February 5, 2020 at 2:15am
February 5, 2020 at 2:15am

I really hope I can keep up with this. I missed this place, the people, the activities, but I'm already behind. It's complete insanity to participate in stuff, dedicate time, and run activities on a child's time, but here I am anyway. I've got to try at least.

Day 1 of the Soundtrackers challenge:

Beyonce ~ All the single ladies

Not my personal choice. This was definitely Daisy's first choice. At three months old, she was already a bouncy kid, never resting, always wanting to do something, while barely being able to keep her head up. So, I put her in a bouncer and it seemed like love at first sight. It took her a few days but she went from just sitting there to using her legs quite steadily and now, she's a pro in it. So much so that she outgrew the one she had and I ended up buying a new one, while giving her cousin her old one. Her personal preference seems to be the old bouncer but there's nothing I can do.

When it came to naps and bedtime, I refused to put her in my arms unless really necessary. The bouncer helped. What helped even more was YouTube music on the TV. While we listen to a variety of songs now, her first love was Beyonce's song, All the single ladies. I remember a video of a little boy dancing to it years ago and I thought I'd play it for her just to see her reaction. She loved it! Smiled at the girls, bounced away and my nap and bedtimes were set because she'd bounce herself to sleep. That was then. *Laugh* She's learning too quickly for her own good.

That is definitely the song that started her love of music and in the months since, we've outgrown Beyonce but she'll still listen to it once in a while.
February 29, 2016 at 11:01pm
February 29, 2016 at 11:01pm

Tony Braxton - You're making me high

This may not be funny, but I do love this video and it's been on my mind ever since the Soundtrackers started this month. I just can't believe I survived!!!!! Yes, that's a lot of exclamation points but I can't help it. I can't remember the last time I've kept writing this much this long.

Only the past week had been a bit hard to write things and connect them to songs but otherwise, I've really enjoyed the challenge. I have to say, it's like traveling down a memory lane with a few bumps along the road.

I can't say I'm worried about what to do next because Give It 100 challenge, here I come! *Headbang*

Thank you for reading, commenting, sharing your memories with the rest of the Soundtrackers and I'll see you next year. *Heart* Just kidding, I'll see you around WdC, of course.

February 29, 2016 at 10:43pm
February 29, 2016 at 10:43pm

Bijelo Dugme - Ruzica si bila

Teenage years! *Laugh* I've realized that there aren't many sad moments in my life. I should consider myself lucky. Of course, there are moments which I don't wish to remember, the relationships which were bad, but I got over them and learned from them. I moved on. There isn't any reason to repeat and remember something long gone that doesn't affect me any longer. At least that's how I look at it. It left scars which healed, Bruises, too. A long time ago I was a victim, but now, today, I consider myself a survivor who learned her life's lessons.

Instead of the pain, I rather share the joyous times of my life.

This particular song and this group I really started listening to when I hit the age of thirteen. Precious years without much life experience. Having crushes left and right, being insecure and shy, gullible and all those things a girl of thirteen usually is. I didn't know what confidence meant let alone act the part. I'm surprised I managed to come out of those years alive so to speak.

There are days when I look back and look at the old pictures and question my insecurities of that time. I remember always being worried about being chubby and not pretty enough. I can't find neither in those pictures. I was actually cute, if I may so myself, and I was normal looking, even skinny at times. How did I not see that?!

I think we only see what we want to see at that age. It's not easy being a teenager because we see perfection in others but not in ourselves. We are our own enemies at that age. Sad. While I wish those times could have lasted longer than they did, I'm also glad I grew out of that worrisome age.

February 29, 2016 at 10:19pm
February 29, 2016 at 10:19pm

Plavi Orkestar - Sava tiho tece

I'm not going to explain the song nor translate the words. I'm already behind on these entries. Quite a rough weekend I've had. *Yawn* Today flew by as if it was nothing so let's get to it.

The lead singer in this band was my first crush. *Blush* For years! I laid eyes on him when I was just about six and ever since, he's been the dream guy with a quirky voice. After so many years, I grew out of having a crush but I've always listened to their music.

Weird part about it is, he's the only guy I've ever liked who had long hair. *Laugh*

I am exhausted! For the past four days I haven't had a minute of time to myself. We're either running around getting things done, or we're working or we're going to placed. Saturday we went to a sort of get together which should have been very short lived, but we came at 4 am and now I'm suffering. *Yawn*

February 28, 2016 at 2:58pm
February 28, 2016 at 2:58pm

I can't consider this a 'precious one' because I hate this song. *Laugh* However! I'll remember this song for the rest of my life.

The year is '97. October. We find out that we'll be going to the US of A in just a few weeks! Exciting? Nope, but it must be done.

Forward four months later, February 25th, '98, this stupid song playing over and over and over again on the radio. I sit on the windowsill smoking a cigarette, trying not to hear this noise and thinking about tomorrow. A long time to listen to a single song on a daily basis, but we got rid of everything else. Can't bring furniture to the States.

The next day, we're in the car at the early hour of 4 a.m. heading to Frankfurt to the airport. Two cars. We get separated right before we get there. Luckily, I remembered the flight number and we find my dad and uncle where we're supposed to be. And that's where the second trip into the unknown future took off.

Friday, Feb. 26th, 2016 marked eighteen years of me living here. It's life.

If there's one thing a person learns in life, it's that tomorrow can change so quick, you won't even know what hit you. Don't live a safe life. Don't bother trying to live in a self-made bubble thinking it'll protect you from the bad things. Nothing can and nothing ever will. Don't push off the things you want to do until later. If possible, go do them now. Enjoy your life. Last thing you want to do when you grow old is to look bad and remember what a 'safe' life you've led. Be daring. Challenge yourself, even if it's the smallest thing.

Most days will be mundane - every day unavoidable routines - but if you get a chance - do what you want to do and don't give a damn what anyone else thinks. You don't know what tomorrow brings. *Heart*
February 25, 2016 at 2:33pm
February 25, 2016 at 2:33pm

Bob Marley - Could you be loved

My generation grew up listening to reggae. Bob Marley's music droned on in the bar we hung out at on a regular basis. Weekend's, his music could be heard in every place we went to. This song, luckily, doesn't carry bad memories with it. I'm really disliking this week and the emotional aspect of writing about things which were painful. Mostly, because the last thing I want to do is cry my eyes out while at work and then someone walking in at that particular moment.

So, how about a good memory? *Think*

Not too long ago I wrote about that one Italian guy who ended up killing himself? Well, we really did have some good times together. I mean, when I met him, it was the most interesting time of my life as a teenager. My friends and I hung out with guys a lot. We were all buddies and outside that little bar, we had our separate lives. None of us hung out 24/7 with each other, but in that bar, it was us. Us against the world, talking, discussing, joking, drinking, having a great time, but most of all, we were close friends who stood by each other.

I don't know how it came to be. Three girls and four guys who, at times, lived in their own private little world. Nothing could break that little group apart. Nothing except time. The first tight knit group I've belonged to.

One night, a Thursday I believe, there was six of us. We were missing one of the girls because she got into trouble and her curfew ended up being 9 pm. As if she couldn't do something stupid before then, but anyway. Two of us, four of them, playing pool, listen to music, joking, talking. The usual. Then this song came on. I don't know what it was, perhaps something in the air, but it was a night to remember. All the guys took their pool cues and started singing along.

As 14/15 year old girls who adored these guys, we started giggling, laughing and pretending we were their fans. When they started taking their shirts off, we started whistling, as they each walked in front of us, singing to us. Almost like Backstreet Boys. *Laugh* *Inlove2* We really did have good friends.

Good times. Precious memories. *Heart*

February 24, 2016 at 4:59pm
February 24, 2016 at 4:59pm

John Denver - Take me home, country roads

First time I heard this song, I was 13-14 years old. Summer, in a wine tent, everyone sang this and I fell in love with it. Who would have guessed I'd come this far? To the States?! Never even dreamed of it. The song brings memories back. Good times with friends - no cares in the world. A teenager's life.

Many may not understand this, but my life will always revolve around Germany. It's what I call home. Just because I was born in Bosnia doesn't mean I care much about that place. I remember everything, but my teenage years were spent in Germany and with that, I've always felt at home there. Don't get me wrong, my life is here, as is my actual home, but there's always going to be that one place where my heart belongs.

February 24, 2016 at 12:00am
February 24, 2016 at 12:00am

Do your own translation for the song. *Bigsmile* Basically, it means I don't give a shit. Germans didn't care much about what's politically correct. At least not back when I still lived there. Today may be a different story. Things sure have changed.

I don't think I'll ever forget the day my parents picked me up from my farewell party. Everyone cried. I mean, boys, girls, men, women, everyone! Sometimes you think your heart can only be broken by a boy/girl but circumstances have a much greater impact at times on our lives. Germany had been my long time dream...

A girl of eleven, I came to stay with my mom, aunt and uncle during the winter holidays. I've seen cities decorated, town festivals just for the Christmas occasion and spent many hours walking, exploring, leaving my nose imprinted on many of the shop's windows just so I could take a closer look at something. Two weeks, a dream come true.

Then my dad came to pick me up. Vacation over, all the fun over, I said goodbye to mom who stayed behind, and got on the bus, waiting. They stood just below my window talking. Mom kept looking at me from time to time as I stared at them, unblinking. I hadn't shed a tear that day. I couldn't breathe. Didn't want to leave her, but I couldn't stay. And so, with a far away look I memorized her face as she wondered about my quiet behavior.

Dad had said 'Don't cry. If you cry, she'll cry and it'll break her heart.'. So, I didn't. I didn't want her to feel bad for staying behind. It wasn't her fault. She just wanted the best for us. When the bus pulled out, I waved and she waved back before she disappeared from my view. I was brave that day, but I couldn't say a word to her.

~ Gaby *Witchhat*
Logo for Writing.Com Moderators - small.

February 23, 2016 at 11:04pm
February 23, 2016 at 11:04pm

Ugh, Beth! This week will do me in. I don't know if I want to choose happy, sad, or slap happy shit. I don't have time to read other entries - well, it's been over a week since i ran out of that time. Went to Branson, came back. Really had fun. *Bigsmile*

I have a feeling this week may contain more German songs than anything else - perhaps. You never know. Anyway, this group is legendary in Germany. They called it quits few years ago, but their songs... I think there's something for every emotion, every experience, and everyone possible. You can relate, one way or another, today or tomorrow, to a song they made.

They're a bit controversial - it's been discussed many times whether or not their songs are anti-immigrant, but the truth is, they're more anti-government, and stated so all the time. Their concerts were packed! All kinds of people went to see them. It's the one band I've admired in my late teenage years and I can still listen to them. My mood does depend on it though.

If I'm happy, I can't listen to too many of the songs, but if I'm down or pissed (especially pissed!) I get a high off the music. The lyrics are, well, depending on the song, pretty good. This particular song (something I should listen to more often) is about making the change and achieving what you most want in your life. It fits me. It always did. I'm a calm person but my emotional state isn't. I don't like change but I require change. Once things hit the stagnant stage, I get restless and irritated. Their music relaxes me and makes me take a deep breath before making any hasty decisions.

I'll always miss them...

February 21, 2016 at 3:25pm
February 21, 2016 at 3:25pm

Leap Year/Wedding Scene Song

Been debating all morning what to choose for today. Last day for this theme and I had run out of ideas. Then it hit me! Leap Year - the movie, the year, the wedding! *Bigsmile* It is leap year, the movie fits, the song is awesome, and today is my second wedding anniversary. How fitting, right? *Laugh*

When this movie came out, my mom and I watched it - over and over again! *Rolling* I knew every word by heart. I'm pretty sure mom did, too. We recorded it and binge watched romantic movies all day long but I think this one had won out. I have fallen in love with this movie from the start and the idea of a girl proposing to a guy on Feb. 29th is kind of cool.

This song though and this scene... Perfect. Because nothing in life is perfect; nothing ever will be. We forget to breathe, to enjoy the beauty of the day because we're so wrapped up in one thing or another. With us, it's always business. Nothing but business. There isn't any time for us. There isn't any time for friends. We care, we just don't have time. *Frown* I miss my weekends off and not worrying every day how I'll pay for something or not being able to just go to a store and buy that book I've seen without figuring out which bill that money will be taken out of.

Slow and steady wins the race. Like Fi said, Rome wasn't built in a day. And life is a learning curve. Today, we learn how to leave the worries behind - at least for a moment. We're leaving town as soon as I get out of this shit hole and are spending a nice day away from the repetitive questions and ridiculous worries. *Heart*

February 20, 2016 at 11:25am
February 20, 2016 at 11:25am


I know, I know. Another eye candy, but I can't help it. I wasn't a fan of Zac Efron at all until this movie. And then... That was it! I've watched every one of his movies after that, but nothing compares to this movie and his acting in this movie. It's not just that he's really hot in it, it's his character.

Nicholas Sparks wrote the book and I haven't read it. His books tend to be good with a heartbreaking ending and I just can't read it. I even doubted this movie/book would have a happy ending, but thank Goodness, it did. I mean, how can you just kill off your main character?! It's sort of his signature, but still. That's just so hard to watch. I'm used to the 'happy ever afters' and 'the good guy wins' type of books. I can't imagine how I'd murder my favorite character who's a good guy.

Have you done that? Wrote about a character, fell in love with him or her and then just *Ax* off with their head? That's why GoT had been such a shocking show. They haven't changed anything from the original story which freaked me the fuck out when I watched each season.

Okay, I've gotta get back to work. I'm working with my father-in-law and he may not find it so much fun that I'm writing instead of working. *Bigsmile* *Angelic*

February 19, 2016 at 7:48pm
February 19, 2016 at 7:48pm

*Rolling* I couldn't resist! I'm sorry. Besides, I love this part of the movie. *Angelic* Don't worry! My obsession with Antonio Banderas is officially over - I think. Now what am I going to post? *Think*

Looks like I should do some soul searching and try to remember other movies.

Wish I could just listen to music all day long, hang out at home in my PJ's and spend time on WdC. Instead, I've got this six day work schedule with nothing to do. *Rolleyes* It could be worse. Maybe I should just stop crying over it, deal with it, and do my writing whenever possible. Yeah, look on the positive side of things, right? *Think*

There's a resolution! *Laugh* Figure things out for myself. Write, write, write. Review, review, review. And it all else fails, play the Lotto. *Dollar*

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