Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2027125-thoughts-in-motion
Rated: E · Other · Writing · #2027125
Pulling out and putting in
I dream alot. I always have since before I can remember. I always dream in color. A lot of dreams take a lot of the information I receive from the external world and create gorgeous, beautiful landscapes and involve many concepts and imagery.Sometimes people I know are actors in them. I am usually the main character but a few times I have been in the body of someone else.
Usually they are very abstract and only loosely grounded in reality.
Some are so vivid I will never forget them.
They are all usually segmented and follow no narrative.

One involved my and a couple of my childhood friends: Ducky and chris. We are playing outside during the day.

The grass is bold green and very crisp. Fresh. I would say we were all about 14. I cant remember when I had this

dream but it was sometime during high school. We were playing tag outside or something familiar when I looked up into

the sky and noticed a big, very dark circle. The sky was a clear blue and the moon was full and sharing itself with the

sun shining directly above. The mid day sunshine started to quickly shift towards dusk. The sun wasn't setting and the

moon wasn't moving. I made a comment about the lighting outside. The green grass shifted to an ominous orange. The

sky matched it almost perfectly.

the dark spot in the sky grew bigger.

The scene shifted and the perspective was from a point in outer space. The dot was an egg getting closer and closer to

Earth. The egg was black and decorated with neon green geometric patterns.

The feelings I had when I looked up and saw the dot getting bigger were terrifying. An immense fear washed over me

and I remember being as afraid as somebody watching somebody kill their mother in front of them. It was also

awesome. The size and presence of this orb in the sky stole my focus and left me thinking about nothing more and

nothing less than it, itself. I felt so small and insignificant staring up at it. Powerless. The sky now grew dark and cold.

The orb emitted a glow of radiation or energy. Powers and forces started to pour through and throughout the egg until it

became big enough that there could have been no way for anybody on earth to ignore it's sight or at least it's presence.

It did not feel inanimate in the same way a rock or a desk does. It felt like something you would apply a familiarity to.

The way we see the planet Earth as being alive is synonymous with the association I was able to make with this egg.

finally, it started to crack apart. Piece by gigantic piece fell down onto the planet like falling stars. The swirling energy

created extreme heat. It shot out like flames or electricity being pulled towards a lightning rod. My friends started crying

as if something horrifying had just happened. They looked absolutely devastated. Tears of pure psychological terror

flooded from their very souls. I was bewildered and confused. My mind was attaching itself to the event as if it needed

it. I was studying the event without emotion, just trying to grasp what was happening. a beak started to emerge from the

cracking shell. Then a head. Wings shortly after that. Talons shot out of the bottom of the egg and latched onto the

planet like harpoons. A massive multi colored phoenix came out of the egg. The sight of it was extremely ambiguous

and shrouded in abstraction. If I could describe it with words, I would describe it as nothing imaginable within the

limitations of biology. The colors were ever-shifting, the texture of it would cycle through anything and everything

possible. Its eyes housed worlds beyond the stars. Entire universes were contained in the glass like spheres. Feathers

inside of feathers inside of even smaller feathers. This bird was not from this dimension and I wondered how I was even

able to experience it with my mind's limited ability to sense external stimuli. The bird's legs were long and tendril-like.

They were sucking life out of the planet and with each round of energy it pulls up out of the earth and into it, it grew

bigger and more vibrant. Buildings fell apart one by one. Trees withered and their leaves turned to dust. My friends

rapidly aged until they, too, turned to dust. One by one I could feel the people around me being killed and digested by

this bird. Cities fell apart, states crumbled. Everything was disappearing around me. I was no longer a corporeal entity. I

was simply awareness observing what was happening. The bird grew large enough that Earth was now a pebble under

it's feet. It went from planet to planet and repeated this process. The sun was next. The bird absorbed the sun and all of

the fire it generated with it. I watched entire galaxies become another meal to the bird and I cannot even imagine with

my dreaming mind what must be happening inside of it.

And then I woke up.
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