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Here we begin the long journey of ruling the world... |
“Ah, can you believe it? Our first day here Sketch! This is going to be great!” shouted a rather exuberant feminine voice in my ear. I covered my ear and checked to make sure she didn't make it bleed at all. My name’s Sketch, call me that and nothing else, or else. That voice that I heard came from a 19-year old light-brown haired girl with a spunky attitude. That’s Leah. She’s been one of my best pals ever since I can remember destroying my first grade class. She actually helped me tear up the room. It was awesome and we've been best pals since. “Yeah, I’m super excited for our first day at Villain College Leah...” I said to her as I rolled my eyes. “One of the only kids I know who’s excited for school…nut job” I mumbled under my breath. She’s always had an optimistic viewpoint on almost anything and everyone trusts her…which makes her that much more dangerous of a villain. “Hey, where’s Dee? I thought he was supposed to meet us here?” Leah wondered inquisitively. I wondered that myself. Dee was also one of my good friends. His full name is Dee A. Ster, but we all call him Dee. I met the guy in 5th grade when he caused an earthquake that nearly broke open the school. That dude was hardcore and we've been pals since then. He has the ability to somewhat control natural disasters and weather. He always got along with me and Leah and has always had our back. “Oh crap…there he is.” I said, pointing to Dee, who was getting beaten up by three other people. “Oh gosh…these guys again.” Leah said, rubbing her eyes in disgust and shaking her head. These guys that Leah and I were talking about were our rivals. Dee’s rival was Draco, and he was a complete hard-head. This guy was part of a test to combine human and wild animal DNA together to create super soldiers. This one ended badly. This was an unstable formula from an unknown species. It caused Draco to grow scales all over his body, his eyes to sharpen and his pupils to turn to slits. His fingernails turn to talons and his skin turned green. He also gained the ability to combine chemical together to be able to breathe fire. In all essentially, Draco is half human, half dragon. Also, for as long as I've know Draco, he’s never ever talked. Not even during human school. Some say there was one person who heard him talk and they wound up dead. With incredible speed and strength, along with his fire breath, Draco is a force to be reckoned with. Dee and he have always been at each other’s throats. The girl of the group, and Leah’s rival, was Jackie. She was an ace sports star with a passion to do whatever it takes to be number 1 in anything. She can summon any kind of sports equipment needed and her sports gear made it hard to get hits on her. Worst is that she has amazing accuracy with everything. She can hit a bird flying across the sky from a mile away, which is actually how she became Leah’s rival. Leah’s powers are that she’s essentially bird like. She occasionally grows feathers and can glide great lengths. As it turned out when Jackie was proving she could hit a bird from a mile away, that bird was Leah and that began their rivalry. She is also the girlfriend to my rival. My rival is Lance, and he’s one of the biggest pains in my side that I've ever met. Ever since we met in 2nd Grade, he’s done all he can to 1-up me. One day, I just went on a complete rampage and destroyed my 2nd grade homeroom. Lance did one better and completely leveled the school. His ability to summon high energy lasers from his body makes him a very powerful contender. “Hey! Leave Dee alone you jerks!” Leah suddenly blurted out and then quickly covered her mouth with a look of shock across her face, and I knew why. Leah was pacifistic. She hated fighting and all kinds of it. She prefers to avoid all kinds of conflicts. But that didn't stop her from being evil; she just was really good at avoiding the heroes. Unfortunately, our rivals still heard her. “Well well well, look who we got here. Little Miss. Pacifistic and Art head.” Jackie said, tossing a baseball in one hand and holding a baseball bat in the other. “Looks like someone wants to play. Batter up!” she yelled while tossing the ball in the air. Draco breathed fire and caught the ball on fire as Jackie swung the ball towards us. Having no time to use my ability, I grabbed Leah and quickly dived to the ground. The flaming baseball just barely missed us. “On don’t you worry, there’s plenty more where that came from.” Jackie said, tossing another baseball into the air. However, this time, the baseball just froze in midair, spinning, but not falling. We all gazed in wonder at what was going on. “I-I’m not doing that!” Jackie said, clearly freaked out. “No, I am Jackie.” Said a mysterious voice that none of us had ever heard before. We all turned to see a man in a white lab coat sitting in a floating chair. “I am Professor Bellram. And you are all late for picking dorms. You are now forced with the two dorms that are left.” He said calmly, and then snapped his fingers and the baseball fell back onto Jackie’s head. “Now then, my assistant will show you to your dorms. Do not be late for class kin-der” he said and snapped his fingers again and left. I immediately recognized who it was. Approaching us was a rather tall, sleek female figure. She wore an aviator’s hat and a light beige overcoat. She had a red and black striped shirt underneath and jeans. She had pure white hair and a soft complexion. She saw me and smiled a bit, blushed a tad, and gave me a little wave. That was Darwina, one of my biggest crushes since middle school. She was Draco’s younger sister and she went missing for about 4 years. It was nice to know she still knew me. Like her brother, she never talked either. She gestured for us to follow and we did, though we kept a good distance from our rivals and I kept a close distance to Darwina, which made Draco scowl a bit. I talked to her and she laughed and showed me stuff around campus. Eventually we reached two dorms, one rather nice one and one rather run down one. Without notice, Jackie bowled us down with a bowling ball and quickly claimed the nice one for herself, Draco, and Lance. That left me, Dee, and Leah with the run down one. Once we got in, it wasn't all that bad. I chose a bed on the west side mainly because it was away from our rivals and it had a great view of where Darwina taught. “Oh come on dude,” Dee said, tossing his bags on a nearby bed, “We all know you’re crushing on Darwina, why don’t you just ask her out?” Out of the corner of my eyes, I thought I saw Leah gag a bit and roll her eyes. “First of all, she’s out of my league. That girl is super hot,” I responded, “and second, Draco gets in the way anytime that I try to ask her out.” “Oh right, well, what if you-“ “Hey guys, aren't we supposed to be…I don’t know…getting to class?” Leah interrupted. We bolted out the door and off to our first class. Luckily we made it in time, and before our rivals came. Professor Bellram floated to the center of the room and made some chalk write on the board. In big letters, he wrote RULE 1: KNOW THY ENEMIES AND THY FRIENDS. “Greetings class. I hope you all got settled in well, because that’s where you’ll be living until you graduate from this college.” He said and multiple groans were heard around the room. “Now then, the first rule of being a successful villain is to know things. Mainly people. If you know how your enemy fights, you can counter-attack it. And, if you know their weaknesses, you can use it against them. But also watch your friends, for you never know who might turn on you.” The professor said in a rather menacing voice. I looked over to Dee and Leah, who were looking at each other. We've know each other for a long time, there’s no way any of us could turn on each other…right? “Now then, each week will be a different lesson and as homework, you are to utilize the lesson in your daily life. For example, this week, you are to get to know those around campus, both faculty and students. You will report back here, one week from now, on what you have learned about those here on campus. Just remember though…be careful how much you know. There are somethings better left not known. I will see you all next week.” The professor said and he floated out of the room. Once again, I look at Leah and Dee and they looked at me. We were the closest of friends; we didn't hide anything from each other…right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alone, in the darkness, a lone figure looks up, into the darkness before her. Behind her mask, behind her locks and chains, behind the cell that keeps her locked, a smile appears. A wicked smile appears. Then, a soft chuckle emits from her mouth. A soft, gentle laugh that fills the darkness with dread and despair. “And so, the wheels of fate are turning.” |