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Rated: E · Chapter · Comedy · #2025826
This is Chapter 7
Henry arrives at his destination an hour later. Somewhat, frustrated with his journey. Inside the store he is greeted by a young lady with a smile as wide as Texas. She offers him a bottle of water which he is delighted to accept. “Welcome to Larry’s sir can we help you find something?â€

“Yes you can. I am looking for a computer.  I have never had one before.â€

The young woman calls for a sales associate. Who arrives quickly the young greeter introduces Henry to Sabastian, two hours later Henry checked out with the cashier and walks out of Larry’s Electronic Barn with a new computer, color monitor, color printer, paper, extra ink cartridges, Joystick, and four game programs. Plus a new charge account. Henry and Sabastian load Henry’s new toys in his truck. During the two hours Henry felt like he made new friend he knew a lot about Sabastian.  His new friend came from Jamaica he has been in the United States for eight years. They shook hands and Henry heads home. On the way home he realizes that he is down to the last two cans of beer and needs to stop before he gets back home. He would normally go to Finch's and pick up a few cases, which would have to wait. As he pulls out of the parking lot he spots the Circle K just about a quarter mile up the road on the left. Determined to get home to set up the computer Henry decides to just pick up enough to get him through the weekend.

When he arrives it is as if this was the only place in town that was open Henry and six other people pull in at the same time. The old man walks in grabs a couple of twelve packs of beer, another twelve pack of Pepsi for Sarah and some chips. As his luck was running four of the six people who pulled in the same time that he had made it to the check-out line before he did. The store only had one cashier on duty and his name had to be Moses. People were starting to get aggravated What Henry thought would only take fifteen minutes wound up taking almost forty minutes, before he got back on the road toward home.  And just as he made it to the front of the line the register ran out of paper. By this time the cashier was so panicky that he was all thumbs.

It was just then a fellow employee had just stopped by for an energy drink, realized that the cashier was having issues and jumped into action, to support the frustrated cashier. In less than two minutes she had the register back up and running. She sent the other cashier to take a ten minute break to regain his equanimity even though Henry, himself was slightly annoyed by the wait and the confusion. He could not help but to be awed with the young lady who jumped in to help when she was off duty. Henry ponders over the idea of a late lunch at Bermansteins. Even though he wants to set things up; His hunger outweighs his excitement, so he stops and orders his usual. Henry is the only one at the counter so Irene is able to get his order quickly.

“Hey Irene If its not to much trouble can I get that order to go?â€

Irene flipped the burger over and turned to Henry. “In a hurry are you?â€

“Yeah you might say that! I just bought a computerâ€

Looking somewhat puzzled Irene replied. "A computer, what are you going to do with a computer Henry?"

"Well, a lot of things, I can send my son in Santa Fe electronic letters, I was told that I can do several things on a computer."

"Yes you can certainly do a lot with a computer." Irene pulls the burger off the grill.

Remembering the glass figurine Henry leaves the counter to retrieve it. When he reaches the shelf where he first, discovered it. The figurine was gone. The old man sighed; I should have bought it the first time. His thoughts were interrupted when Irene handed him his order. The old man begins to dig into his pocket for the money. Irene places her hand on his shoulder in a low voice.

"This one is on the house Henry"

"No, I have the money, its right here. You don't have to do this."

"I know I don't, but I want to."

"Well, thanks Irene I really do appreciate this. The other day when I was here I found a glass Farris wheel it's not here now."

Irene pats Henry on the back and smiles."You know, I think I might have another one sitting in the stock room. I'll go check."

Irene left Henry to find the figurine. Meanwhile Herschel came walking by.

"Hey, Henry did you find Larry's furniture warehouse?"

"Yeah, I found it."

"Glad I could, help you, Henry" Herschel continued past Henry toward the back of the store.

Not long after that Irene presented him with a pale green box that contained the glass Farris wheel. She handed it to Henry, who was smiling. He gave Irene his debit card and followed her to the register. Irene gave Henry the receipt.

"Have fun with your computer Henry!"

"I'm sure that I will, Thanks for everything Irene."

"Oh you’re welcome." She watched the old man walk down the steps and climb into his old truck and drive off.

When Henry arrived home he pulled the truck into the driveway and parked. Excitedly he hurried around the truck to the passenger door opened it, grabbed the big brown box by the handle. As Henry took the other end by the handle he started to lift. Henry raised the box.  That’s a lot heavier than I thought it was. He had to set the box down.

Henry proceeded to grab the smaller items and headed for the front door. While he fumbled in his pocket for his house key he could hear Mister Gibbs yowl just on the other side, the purple door. As he opened the door some of the small boxes started to fall Henry caught all but one of them, with both hands in use he pushed the door open with his foot walked in and set them in his recliner.

By the time he had all his new toys in the house he had made half a dozen trips to his truck. He had opened the big brown box and removed the contents a little at a time. There was only one thing left to get from the truck, his dinner. When Henry returned to the house he took his food to the kitchen and sat down.  Just as he was about to take a bite from his warm Bacon Cheese burger Mister Gibbs jumped up on to the table and sat there at Henry’s left. Stared at his owner; his big bright eyes wide open.

Then he turned to look at the empty food bowl on the floor. The old man was so engrossed in eating that he never noticed the cold stare he was getting from the old yellow tom cat. A few moments later Mister Gibbs overturned the bag that contained the fries. Un-noticed he managed to stick his head in the bag and came out with two French fries hanging from his mouth. Lying on the table directly in front Henry Mister Gibbs proceeded to eat the fries. It wasn't until the yellow tom cat had returned for a second helping that the old man discovered the cat's dastardly deed.

"Hey get out of there, you stupid ass cat those are mine go eat your own food."

With three long french-fries hanging from his mouth Gibbs was on the run. Jumped from the table to the floor, never dropping even a single fry, he ran across the floor and took shelter beneath the old orange couch.

"The color yellow sure fits you. You yellow bellied coward."

Once Henry had taken the last bite from his burger he pulled the remainder of the fries out and ate them. Only a few minutes had passed before the old man had finished everything off.

© Copyright 2015 Ron Downing (oregon-writer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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