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boy finds a crashed ship out in the forest... |
One cold and stormy night a boy stands at his window wondering why he doesn't fit in at school why is he constently bullied and he thought its gonna stop it has to as looked up towards the moon thinking if he was born in the wrong dimension or something. he see a large object plummeting from the sky it crashes into nearby forest the boy runs towards the door grabbing his trench coat and keys before sprinting out the door he starts walking though the forest towards where it look like the ship had crashed to see 3 humanoid shapes he dashes in and starts pulling closest one away from the burning wreckage when it was away from the ship he went back to grab another one to notice the one he was about to start dragging woke up and said in English with a soft worried female voice where are we what happened. the boy calmly asked can we talk about that later can you help move the other one first. she nods standing up the boy noticed it was humanoid fox lady she grabbing the last creature on 3 1 2 3!. they both lift barely getting it off the ground moving it away from the ship they both fall down struggling to move after moving something that big away from the wreckage the fox lady starts to crawl towards the boy now worried noticing a cheeky smile on her the boy thinks fuck what is she planing. noticing shes putting her arms out towards him he starts crawl backwards before saying please don't hurt me. she looks at him confused why would i hurt you you saved me and the others. she starts blush i was just gonna kiss you. the boy is now also blushing then replied sorry I'm just a bit jumpy meeting another race and species. the fox the looks sad and said sorry i didn't think of that. then the boy hears something behind him he turns to see a dark figure walking towards him with blood red eyes he starts crawling backwards until he is being held by the fox lady who yells knock it off Kane!. he saved us so let him relax a bit you notice the male humanoid wolf walks out of the shadows then saying fine. looking at the boy cautiously the boy is still shaking out of fear the fox lady pulls the boy in against her the boy calms down listening to her heart beat before she says Rose your finally awake. the last figure stands up looking around the boy looks at her to notice she was a humanoid cat female he notice the cat named Rose was staring at him then she said who is he. the fox lady replied he is the one who saved us from the wreckage of the ship whats his name. rose then asked fox lady then said why don't you ask him instead of asking me everything. the boy quietly says my name is Jamie. before standing up rose starts walking towards Jamie backing up not knowing her intentions rose stops and said while laughing he is easily scare able Ria. Jamie slowly walks towards Ria before saying you have a lovely name and hugging her she starts to blush before saying to rose would you be scared if 3 unknown creatures came towards you during the night. Rose looked at Jamie then said i guess you got a point. before sitting beside Ria whom Jamie was now hugging tightly worried about Rose whom was still staring at him then saying what are we gonna do with him what if he tells on us. Jamie now looking at her furiously Ria now looking at her as well Jamie then replied to Rose why would i save you and the others to then turn you in. Kane then saying he has a point. Rose now looking betrayed okay fine just don't say i didn't warn you. Rose said angry while looking at Jamie Ria now looks at Jamie and says let go get some wood and start a fire. Jamie turns to look at Ria and said i cant see well in the dark. just follow me closely then Ria said. Jamie was walking along holding onto her arm he turned to face her and whispered something is following us. Ria nods they turn to see Rose hey wait up. Rose yelled Jamie i just thought i would like to apologies for earlier I'm really sorry. Rose said Jamie walks towards her and hugs her was you just purring. Jamie asked Rose started to blush well your nice and warm. Rose said try find an excuse don't worry i would of been blushing because of your soft fur but both of your furs are as soft as each other. Jamie confessed Ria now walking off hey wait up Ria Jamie yelled sprinting after her why should i you've become pretty chummy with her. Ria said angry but you are still the one i like the most and love!. Jamie yelled now blushing redder then a tomato Ria turn to face him immediately after he finish talking what did you just say both Rose and Ria asked Jamie look at Ria blushing I said i love you Ria ever since i first laid eyes on you and it not just your looks your a kind and fragile personality i love every part of you including your tail. I love you to Jamie your cute you're heroic kind & innocent with a very fragile personalty. Ria said then Rose yells are you try to make me puke.Kane yells i thought you were getting wood holding an arm full of sticks we're Ria yells punching a tree knocking it over Jamie whispers into Rose ear remind me not to get on her bad side Rose nods Ria cuts 3 2 meter round logs out and passes one to rose and drops the other one in front Jamie Jamie stares at the massive log in front of him he looks at rose who is walking off holding it above her head Jamie come on lets start heading back Jamie seen Ria holding hers above her head as well Jamie stares at the massive round log in front of him before thinking i can use this a wheel Jamie climbs onto the wheel and starts running Rose get out of the way Jamie yelled going 60 mph slamming into a tree making Kane jump dropping all of his sticks Jamie don't do that you give someone a heart attack Kane yelled sorry i didn't have any brakes Jamie mumble think you brought back enough wood Kane asks looking at what Jamie was now laying beside Jamie yells there is still more coming Ria yells Jamie are you okay that impact would of left a mark by this point Jamie has become unconscious Ria and Rose looks after Jamie while Kane starts the fire and turns to Ria you over loaded the poor guy Kane yelled he seemed fine to me Ria replies because he loves you he will not argue with any thing you ask of him Kane replies Jamie starts to regain consciousness what happened Jamie asked looking at Ria his love Slammed into a tree because someone over loaded you Kane yells Jamie punch Kane Ria yells Jamie turns to Kane if that is what you want my love so be it Jamie sprints towards Kane and upper cuts him to the face knocking Kane backwards see Ria i told you Kane yells Jamie looks at him Mad Jamie sprints at him and lands a killer uppercut knocking Kane unconscious and said don't yell at my love Jamie snaps out of it and relies what he had just done oh no oh no... what have i done Jamie yells looking at Kane Ria laughing You knocked him out Rose is now looking concerned Jamie walks over and hugs Ria before saying what have i done you done what i asked Jamie Ria answers you now start to walk away from Ria i felt a massive anger when he yelled at you Jamie replies looking sad about what he just done but it wasn't me it was like i was being controlled i knew what was happening but i couldn't stop now was walking towards rose what do i do Rose Jamie asked looking rose in her wide green eyes i don't know you can stick with us and hope we can stop Kane before he attacks you or you can run fast and far Rose said no I'M! NOT! LEAVING! Ria!!! you brave Soul Rose says while hugging Jamie Jamie notices Kane standing up his eyes now black with a red center Jamie Your Dead he lunges at you multiple times Jamie Dodges all them Jamie notice his eyes turning white again and walks over towards Ria and Rose and collapses Rose catches him he over used his body he pushed it to its limit Ria now staring at Kane Kane yells what happened Ria laughs Rose then says Jamie knocked you out then starts laughing her self Kane stares at Jamie and says impossible Ria laughs even louder but manages to say it... only... took... 2 hits Rose now looking down at Jamie thinking about what Jamie said he knew what was happening but it was like he wasn't in control |