Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2024228-Elemental-Encounters
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Teen · #2024228
Phoenix is a teenage girl who must save the city that once tried to destroy her.
Chapter 1
I wake groggily to an alarm blaring in my ears. My internal clock is telling me its time to move. I lightly touch my wrist to turn it off as I slowly stand making my way across my room to the shower. Gazing into bright blue eyes, I see my black hair is a mess. Something the Earthens used to call “bed head”. I touch a green button and my morning routine .
My teeth are brushed and flossed almost to a fluorescent white. I am stripped of my clothes and promptly placed the in shower without as much as a movement. My hair is washed and combed. I am presented a soapy sponge and given a source of water. I scrub myself, as it is strange to have my body washed for me.
After the bathroom norms(And a difficult choice of what to wear), I walk outside my room and into the hallway. It is barely four in the morning, so the rest of my team and housemates are still sleeping soundly. I walk past two beds, one white and one red. In the white one a fluffy white fox kit in sleeping and in the other, a red furred kitten watching me with yellow eyes. I pause to pet the kitten softly and she purrs against my touch and slowly rolls onto her back so I may proceed to rub her stomach. I have learned this is a sign of trust.
I pet her until she falls asleep and I gently pull her blanket across her flank. I walk away into the training room. My day begins.
I awake to the sound of scratching at my door. I raise and swing my legs over the bed as the sound persists. I reach and grab my necklace from the table beside me. It is the shape of a diamond but gives off a reddish color. Almost burgundy. Only I can use it, as it is from my planet and a communication device specialized just for me. I walk to the door and open it and two bounding kits can run inside and jump on my bed. One little kitsune jumps off the bed and rushes to my side whining for attention. I, of course, bend down to pet him and a certain little cat jumps onto my shoulder meowing as loudly as she can. I giggle and usher her off and place the fox onto the bed beside her. I walk to the bathroom promptly shutting the door as they try to run to follow.
I press the button to drown out their whining and get myself ready. Afterwards, I find two impatient little animals waiting on my bed. I walk out of the room with them both on my heels to the kitchen. On the way we pass the training room, I stop and glance in the room to find Aquarius training by himself with the targets. I watch with awe as he stands, blindfolded aiming at the sounding targets, hitting each with deadly precision. Flame runs to the remaining target batting at it., I gasp as the target makes a beeping noise and Aquarius aims and shoots a Water Bolt. I shoot a Fire Blast as the kitten mews in horror. The water dissipates into steam and I run to the kitten as she jumps away from the target.
Aquarius rips the blindfold off as the fox barks at his feet in an aggressive manner.
“Frost, calm down boy. Phoenix what happened.?” He asks gazing at the shaking kitten in my arms. He tries to reach out and touch to her but she reels in fear and buries herself deep into the depths of my hair.
“Nothing, no worries, shes fine. I’ll explain later. Frost come on, lets get you two fed.” I say pulling the frightened kitten out of my hair and hold her against my neck so she can't see Aquarius. I nudge the fox away gently from his feet and lead them out of the room to the kitchen so I may calm them down. I regret leaving in a hurry, as Aquarius watched with confusion.
Upon reaching our intended destination, I place Flame on the counter and give her some water with poppy seed crushed in it to calm her. I leave her to sit and pull the food from the cabinet. I pour the food into the two bowls. Flame jumps and Frost walks to her licking her fur before he goes to his own bowl.
I shake my head and turn around to find Aquarius standing beside me. I jump and fall against the stool to my left.
“Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you!” Aquarius exclaims.
I rub my hip from the impact and answer, “It’s fine, I should have sensed you anyways.”
“Err….So what happened back there?” He asks hesitantly.
I wave it off.
“Nothing, no worries she's completely fine now. What are you doing up so early?” I ask trying to change the conversation.
“I’m always up at this time.,” He says, dropping the subject, but not before raising an eyebrow at the change. He continues, “I’m not used to anyone being up now.” he says glancing at the clock.
I follow his eyes. The clock reads five twenty four. I’m in shock. I usually get up at six thirty. I,in shock, touch my left temple. My left eye reads the same time. I tap once to find my alarm still counting down to six thirty. I tap twice to switch to my regular vision.
“Strange.” I mumble. The kits did wake me up. Nonetheless I find it unusual.
“Yep, maybe yesterday has you a bit startled.” Aquarius said gently.
I glance down in a hurry, only yesterday were we completely normal.
(It may be boring at first but it will get better!)
© Copyright 2015 ThePhoenixFire (thephoenixfire at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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