Existence &
Facing one side
of colored pyramid will not reflect the reality of other sides'
colors. Life will never exist if one kind of life on planet Earth
exists, or it will turn to be a self destruction; because of food
chain termination. Therefore, life variations are like a garden with
many types of flowers. Those bigoted people wants' a garden with
one kind of flower, or none colorful life style; simply, they want it
to be only black and white.
So this article
is for the wide open minded people who try to focus on the
Universe's, Existence, and Developments from Islamic perspective;
starting from Existence's and Universe's Creation as a necessity,
throughout the Stages of developments and the Life existence.
Why we do
I think that
the best answer can be in another question, which is why we do not
exist? So it looks like a circle we are in; must exist and not exist
too, we are running back and forth in between these two questions.
There are so many examples such as; we born and die. Therefore we
must exist, because there is an opposite for everything, isn't that
true? This fact can be rewritten in a mathematical way as;
1 = [X] [1/X] ...... [1] ..... [The equation that
proves it is balanced Universe].
This is what
declared in Muslim's holly book "Quran" in verse [(51-49) "And
all things (We) have created by pairs, that they may reflect"].
Also, that the
reason behind the Creation of everything, is to worship and honor the
lonely God; as said [(51-56) I
created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship (Me)].
here that the meaning of "worship" it does not means only to pray
and honor "Allah" which it means God in Arabic, but it means that
although the prayer is as first step, but what is coming next does
have the same importance (as a result to equation
[1] above);
in order to fulfill the meaning of "worship". Humans must keep
and improve their thinking ability to understand the Creations basics
and reasons to maintain and reflects to simulate God's creations by
keeping the developments of the human's intelligent works to invent
in a progressive way and methods.
1400 years
ago, the Quran came up by God's prove of the Big Bang which it is
still till nowadays as a theory in present ages accepting. This shown
by the verse [(51-47) - (We)
have built the heaven with might, and (We) are extending it].
The Quran
also came up with many other predictions, about Time, speed of light
relativity, Space travels, Basic building blocks of Matter, and many
other more, one like its prediction about life in outer space - in
many verses as shown in the verse of [(27-25) So
that they worship the Sun but not Allah, Who grew up the hidden seeds
in Heaven and Earth, and He knew what all of you hide and proclaim].
It says also, in [(37-5) The Lord
of the Heavens and of the Earth, and all that is in between them. and
He is the Lord of the Sunrises]. The predictions of many life styles
on none-Earth places had repeated in so many parts in Quran.
From my perspective, it seems we are "the creation";
and we as one of many smarter beings in the Universe, all other
beings and Matter are forced to run in a continuous circle of "Be
and Not to be" in endless method. Therefore, the circle of
(Creation & None-Creation) must reach's an end (Judgment Day);
we have to enjoy our self's in a way of none disturbing the
circle's pattern by keeping the good deeds. This visual circle of
Existence will be reproduced forever. On the other hand, it's
opposite side the unseen world (GOD), will be exist in the
nothingness side of the view to keep the balance - shown by above
equation 1. I was inspired by verses [(11- 107) Abiding there so
long as the heavens and the earth endure save for that which thy Lord
will. The Lord is Doer of what He will],
[(11-108) and as for those
who will be glad (that day) they will be in the Garden, abiding there
so long as the heavens and the earth endure save for that which the
Lord will, a gift unfailing].

Raaid F. Mustafa