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Knowing that Eugene could lose his leg left him terrified beyond belief. |
Knowing that Eugene could lose his leg left him terrified to the point where he couldn't sleep. He gazed at his purple, cold leg and thought of what it would be like without it. Remembering every painful memory, his moping was soon delayed by his window opening. "America is so confusing mate. I dunno which way to drive on the side of the road” explained a voice. “Wow Amber how did you-” he panicked, Amber the only female cousin Eugene had that lived in London. "that's not important but what is, would be getting you to daddy”. Eugene hadn't seen his cousin Amber in so long which is probably why he didn't hate her as much as his other cousins. She poked his purple bolding leg. "Oww… please don't do that again?” he expressed. "C'mon we're going to take a trip”she exaggerated. Eugene couldn't tell what was more painful having his leg move or being picked up by his cousin. "Okay… okay… this hurts” he whined. "Can you breath under water?” She asked. "No” he answered, “oh well hold your breath” she explained. "What why” he panicked wondering what crazy thing Amber was about to do. Like lighting Eugene and Amber speeded away out of town without a trace. *Eugene woke up the next morning in the city of London. "What the-” he started, “hey cousin hows that leg you're feeling” Amber asked once she barged inside. "Okay one, we knock in America. Two, why did you bring me here” he grouched. Amber poked Eugene’s leg repeatedly, “ you feel anything?” asked amber. “...No not really… wait what” Eugene pushed the covers off his feet to see that his leg had some how bizarrely healed from its damage. "Ambs what’d you do” he asked, “ I told you mate. Daddy’s an expert in robotic engineering” acknowledged amber. When she realized she had said too much it was already too late, “uncle jay jay’s what?” asked Eugene, “ nothing you're delusional yeah this all a dream Geno” she panicked. "What?!?” he told himself, Amber made a quick dash for it much faster than any girl her age would've done. "Nah, nah, nah, I heard what you said”. Eugene rushed after her but he sprinted very fast after her. In fact too fast to where he tripped over himself. "Ouch… amber!” he yelled, Eugene was completely upside down and against the wall. Amber slowly approached him, “yeah” she answered, “what’d you do to me” he argued. "Nothing you woke up like that ‘cause-”, “don't you dare say ‘flawless’” he ordered. Amber helped her cousin up just as she heard uncle jay jay call her name, “Amber have you seen phone!” Eugene quickly pushed Amber back and sprinted toward his voice. Once he found uncle jay jay, he tripped once more. "Oww… uncle jay jay what did you do to me?” questioned Eugene. “Geno, how are you. I heard about you leg from Chelsea and I just could bear to see another loss in the family” he greeted. "Nah don't change the subject answer the question, old timer” demanded Eugene. Amber speed next to Eugene who was still on the floor . "Is he on to us?” Asked uncle jay jay, “I thinks so he is the smartest out of the others” replied amber. Uncle jay jay kneeled down to Eugene on the ground and looked at him. "Look kido uh… you daddy and I worked together way before armor industries was as big as it is today. Basically you and that other guy-” “Logan” corrected amber. “, had been born with those metal spines and be as curious as i am I looked and learned a lot from them. Eventually more of you popped out. Then I got Amber and we moved to London. After a while of studying and teaching a teenage girl… I discover the exoskeleton is an A.I” he answered. Eugene already knew the origin of him and his brother and tuned out as he always does. "The problem was activating them eventually I did and now guess what?” grinned his uncle. “...What” he panicked as he came back into focus, “ you can use your exoskeleton powers without wearing the suit… does that make sense” he responded. "Yeah, sure uncle jay jay, “that’s how I fix your leg kido and-” suddenly there was a giant slam at the door. "What?” Eugene questioned, that's when the door swung open and someone threw tear gas into the house. "Freeze your arrest, PIERCE!”, Eugene acted fast and grabbed both Amber and her dad. He changed all three of them intangible and phased through the side of the wall. The bad part was that they were 15 stores up. "Umm… why is Britain so confusing?” asked Eugene they all began to free fall into the air. that's when both cousins armored into their exoskeleton. Eugene in the ghost suit and Amber changed into an Angel suit with wing and all. She immediately grabbed her dad then reached out for ghost’s hand. "Aww.. So cool Amber why didn't you tell me..of all people” “‘cause we never see each other anymore”. Amber quickly grabbed him and flew through the air like an Angel . She landed on the roof of the build while her dad began freaking out. "Okay okay never do that again” he panicked, “so you work for Arsenal too” “god no those people are sick I' d never trust them”she declared. "What why, there the good guys…” Eugene explained. "If good is to oppress with fear, then sure”. Ghost was confused Arsenal was the reason he had became a hero that he could even be a hero. To know they've been hiding something from not only him but the entire world. It meant he may have not been a hero at all. Then there was armed troopers who barged through the door and fired without question. Ghost immediately grabbed his uncle and turned intangible. "Wow mate what have you been up to?” he grinned, Angel quickly let out a massive sonic scream that knocked the troopers off the roof. "Wait Ambs no…” ghost quickly rushed over and looked over the edge. "Oh its fine they've got a parachute… hey Amber if you say Arsenal is as bad as they say. We need evidence” explained ghost. "I' ll show you some evidence” she replied. *Back in Turnerville there was a panic with Eugene’s mysterious disappearance, Logan never showing any emotion was sitting out side his room. As if he were waiting for someone. "Agent pierce number one, we have a mission for you” a man in his middle age sat next to him with a file. Logan took the file and just looked at it for a while. "We believe another exoskeleton suit has abducted your brother… good luck, son” he warned. Logan didn't say anything he just remained silent until his cousins showed up. "We've looked everywhere dude… Eugene not in the building” panicked Trey . Hey chill out… were going to go get em… in London apparently” he answered. "Ohh maybe we can go visit umm what's her face” Bobby suggested, “ yeah I forgot her name too… anyway lets bounce” Trey grinned. * Eugene and his cousin, Amber were dressed in shades and hoodies hoping to seal their identity knowing Arsenal had eyes and ear everywhere. Once at the library they immediately searched through the computer. "Here, you know those hackers who have been stealing thing all over town” Amber stared. "No… I don't live here” Eugene protested, “well turns out Arsenal is making people steal that stuff and they're paying off law enforcement to turn the other way” she replied. "So what you're saying is they're taking over London… what this have to with us… they're going after our exoskeletons… I' m guessing since they couldn't beat you. They tricked you into joining and have been watching the entire family”. "Well… kind a” “ there going to use it as a weapon and since they can't find the creator… dissection might be in order”. Amber and Eugene’s conversation was then interrupted by the shushing librarian. "That sounds painful… we should find uncle jay jay and get out of London” Eugene suggested. "Hell naw… this is my home they're not going to kick me out, if its a war they want-” Amber argued. "SHHH”, Eugene and his cousin decided to leave since not only the librarian shush them, the entire library did. Out side, “well if we're not leaving well drive em out… hit’em where it hurts” Eugene ordered. “Awww Geno your so sweet… we should hang out more” Amber grinned, “when you move to america” Eugene explained. *The rest of the pierce boy were bouncing from vehicle to vehicle bouncing around London. Spyder recklessly sling shot himself in the air and yelled out his battle cry like a pro. "Whoa… we need one of those” suggested Wolf. "That Angel thing is hanging around Geno” “what, Eugene can barely walk why would he be hanging around that dude” Wolf exaggerated. Stryker could a bunch of direction in his helmet telling him that Eugene was under them. "Hang on,” Stryker jabbed his hand into the bus they landed on and grabbed something. "Umm Logan you have issues” replied Wolf. When Stryker pulled out his hand he pulled out Eugene. "CHEESE AND RICE” Eugene cried out as Stryker throw him over his shoulder. "Follow me” answered Stryker , he speeded off with Wolf behind him. They stopped in a dirty empty street all moments before Spyder crashed landed into a dumpster. "Woo-hoo, we should visit London more often” suggested Spyder, Eugene immediately wormed his way out of Stryker s clutches to give his side of the story. “What the hell guys why did you-” “ how are you walking?” Stryker asked, “i-” at the speed of sound something picked up Eugene and carried him up in the air. "Ahh holy s#t” panicked Eugene, “its okay gene I've got you” “Ambs...Its okay the idiots in the suits are”. Stryker throw daggers at her so she dodged them quickly , “hey can you changed into you metal suit?” Angel ordered, “ umm, done why”. Once Eugene turned into the ghost suit she threw him into Stryker like a dodge ball. that's when Spyder lassoed a web around her wrist and tried to pull her closer. Angel then pulled him forward toward her then kicked him once he was close enough. Wolf manage to pounce on her and tackle her on the street. Cars swerved away from them, causing cars to crash, “oops” explained Wolf. Angel kicked Wolf of her. Wolf crashed by the feet of Spyder and Stryker while ghost rushed over to Angel . "Thanks Ambs” ghost replied sarcastically. Angel pushed ghost behind her and unleashed a powerful sonic screech at the other. Stryker , Spyder and Wolf blasted back into the alley way again from the powerful attack. "Wait Angel that's…” ghost whispered the exoskeletons true identities to her. "What and you're just now telling me this” argued Angel . One of Spyder’s webs grabbed onto her and launched her toward him. She didn't want to hurt her cousins so when she re-entered the alley. She changed into amber. that's when Spyder changed into Bobby, “ oops” she told himself as Amber crashed into him. “Oww, hi guys remember me”, Logan was about to brutally stomp her in the face until Trey stopped him. “Wait she our cousin, dude” explained Trey , “what, oh yeah we have another one” complained Logan. *Uncle jay jay was going through what was left of his house after Arsenal stormed through it. "Dad… what happened?” Amber asked, “Arsenal did, this is never going to get better… is that the other other one” cheered uncle jay jay. When Logan walked in with Eugene he turned around thinking he was talking about someone else. When uncle jay jay tried to hug him he ducked under his arms to get away. "So did… Arsenal do this” “most certainly did not as nice as they use to be right” explained uncle jay jay. "Guess you were right Geno” responded Logan as looked around. "Ha! that's funny cause I' m always right” he boasted. "Amber it not safe in London anymore… I think you should stay with aunt Chelsea until I can figure out when its safe” explained uncle jay jay. "But-” “if what Eugene phone says it true, you’ll be safe with your cousins”uncle jay jay added. He tossed Eugene his phone back, “wait what else did you go through?” Eugene questioned. “But they don't even have their cyber cells activated yet” explained amber. "Ummm…wait its almost seven” he replied. Out of nowhere Logan felt a painful sensation through his spin and passed out in Eugene's arms. "Okay… dad please if I leave whose gonna look out for you” Amber asked. "Don't worry about me just stay safe in america and I' ll do what I can her… I love, and me and your mother are so proud of you” lectured uncle jay jay. Amber hugged her father tightly and as she did she saw the shattered picture of her deceased mother. |