Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2020686-Home-Horror-Stories-5-Red-to-Black
by CRiM
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Dark · #2020686
PS Home is a virtual social gaming world on the Playstation 3.
"Red - the blood of angry men!
Black - the dark of ages past!
Red - a world about to dawn!
Black - the night that ends at last!" - Les Miserables

There's nothing more refreshing than the slight chill of an early Autumn breeze.  It's like a Spring morning except without the pollen and blooming flowers.  Spring is alive, Autumn is death.

I waited, sitting in front of the house till I couldn't any longer.  I got out, crossed the dark, rain drenched road and walked up the sidewalk. The driveway was empty, but I knew they were there.  It was a gut feeling. I walked around to the back of the house and pushed my way through some bushes to peek inside a lit window,  our bedroom window.

There was faint music playing from inside.  It sounded like an old classic rock song that plays on forgotten radio stations.  There  was no movement inside, but something caught my eye outside.  A thin, tall, shadowy figure moved to my right, but when I turned towards it, it was gone. I turned my attention back to the window and saw the bathroom door open, our bathroom door. She came out, draped in a towel, her black hair silky wet. She walked to the bed, sat down on the edge, reached over to the night stand and grabbed a bottle of lotion. She sensually spread it over her legs. She was alone. My mind became at ease for a second.

Something made a bump in the bathroom. Someone dropped something. She turned and inaudibly mouthed something in its direction.

He came out. With my robe on. He held my electric razor in his hand with a smiling chuckle on his face. The bump must have been him dropping it and they were laughing about it.

My heart felt as if it would burst and my vision went dim and then...everything was red.

He moved towards her and grabbed her by the shoulders lifting her off the bed. They embraced with a kiss. Their tongues played with each other; wrapping, swirling, dancing and mixing their saliva together.

I had seen enough, but couldn't force myself to look away. And like an aroused peeping tom, I watched as he untied her towel and it dropped to the floor. Her small, naked body glistened in his arms as their hands explored each other's bodies. She untied the robe and reached inside. Her hands clumsily ran down his stomach to his pelvic area and disappeared behind the draping robe. She pulled him closer for one final round of tongue play before pulling away. Giggling she leapt onto the bed and beckoned him to join her.

The loosened robe he wore dropped to the floor in a heap, exposing his backside.  He moved towards her and gently climbed onto the bed. They kissed and petted each other some more and he visibly became aroused.

So had I. So much so that the jeans I was wearing became uncomfortable.

She spread her legs and he leaned down between them, gently kissing her inner thighs. His head went to her sweetest spots and she writhed in pleasure as she ran her fingers through his hair. I closed my eyes and imagined the salty sweet taste of her on my tongue. I imagined pulling her soft skin with my lips. I reached down and squeezed my bulge, trying to relieve the erotic pain I was in.

He moved his head up to her belly button and kissed then licked his way up to her breasts. His mouth focused on one while his hand squeezed the other. He moved to her neck then to her mouth. They pecked each other with kisses then finished with one excruciatingly long tongue in the mouth kiss. He reached down and hoisted her legs over his shoulders then thrusted himself deep inside her. She moaned a sound, almost that of a mouse. The window I peered in began to fog as their flesh made clapping and slapping sounds that echoed through the walls.

My heart grew sickened and I had to look away. I had to get inside. I had to let them know I was here. I had to do something.

I made my way to the front door and pulled out my keys, but dropped them on the steps. When I reached to pick them up, the thin figure I had seen earlier moved towards me. I quickly grabbed the keys and lifted my fists in defense, but nothing was there. My heart beat out of my chest and I knew the stress I was under was causing me to see things. I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair trying to clear my mind, then went to the door. I tried it first, but it was locked so I fiddled with my keys and tried to unlock it. The key didn't work.  I tried again and jiggled the knob back and forth but it still wouldn't work.

Confusion sat in. Maybe she changed the locks? That quick though?

Even though it was mid October and the weather was mild, sweat ran down my face and my heart raced.  My mind fumbled for an answer of what to do now.  A window.  There has got to be a window unlocked somewhere.  I walked around to the back of the house and found the backdoor was half open but the screen door was locked.  I pulled out my keys and pushed one into the screen cutting it open ever so slightly.  I used it like a saw to make a hole big enough to fit my arm through so I could unlock it.

I stepped inside and found myself in the kitchen.  Our kitchen?

She had made spaghetti recently.  The room smelled of it and the dirty dishes from it sat in the sink.  I made my way through the dining room and into the living room.  The TV was on and so was her Playstation.  On the screen was her PS Home avatar, it was idle and had "be back soon" over it's head.  The camera slowly spun around showing she was in her Harbor Studio personal space.

That is where we had met.  We even had a wedding on there, it was in her clubhouse that she decorated like a church, we invited all of our friends.  Then we had a party afterwards and our avatars danced together.  We left our Playstations on and slept together sometimes.  We were in love and there she is, cheating on me in the other room with another man.  3 and a half years we were together and we did everything together and now she's stabbed me in the heart.  I stared at her avatar in disbelief.

A slight rustling noise took my attention away from it.  The thing shadow figure was there on the other side of the couch.  His pale white body was only covered by a loose clothe around his waist.  His face was sunken as if he had leprosy or some other disease rotted the flesh away.  His eyes were black sockets that seemed to stare into my soul.  On each side of his head, where his ears should be, were two horns that curled downwards like a ram. They were a grayish brown color.  He looked like a very sick, skinny old man.  He pointed to an end table that sat next to the couch and I walked to it.  There was a drawer and in it was a pistol.  It was unloaded but a box of ammunition was in the drawer.

I loaded the gun.

The old looking man nodded in approval.

I became really hot and removed my shirt.  I took my shoes and socks off, then my pants and underwear.  I neatly folded them all and placed them on the arm of the couch and sat my shoes on top as if they were paper weights.

On the table where I found the gun was a long silver letter opener.  I picked it up and looked at my reflection in it.  Sweat poured from my forehead and stung my eyes.  Naked except the pistol in one hand and the letter opener in the other I walked towards the hallway where the bedroom door was.  I pressed against the door and listened.  Their muffled moans of ecstasy crept through grains of wood.  I smirked at the thought of them still going at it, she never lasted that long with me.  I put my fingers on the door knob and began to turn it ever so slightly as to not make any noise.  Slowly I pushed the door open and crept into the steam hot room.  Their bodies convulsed on the bed just a few feet away from me.  Her pleasure noises were louder and his breathing grunted from him uncontrollably.  I shut the door behind me and stood there watching them with my nakedness.  Watching another man insanely make love to my wife.

The old man stood by their bed looking down at them then looked up at me and nodded his head as if he was telling me what to do.

I cleared my voice, "So this is how you fuck me over, by fucking someone else?"

He sprang up off of her and spun around sitting on his knees on the bed.  She sat up and screamed pulling the sheets to her chest.  He spat out some curse words towards me and asked who I was and why was I in his house.  "I'm her husband.  We are married."  I pointed the gun at him and he put his hands up and he started to say something but I didn't let him.  I pulled the trigger and with a thunderous, echoing pop he fell off the bed and into a heaping lump on the floor.  She screamed his name and turned to me.  My ears hurt and rang from the shout but I ignored it as she shouted obscenities to me.

"You sick bastard!  Who are you?"

I walked over to her and bent down beside her taking her hand.  "It's me, your husband, the one you married...why would you cheat on me like this?"

She cursed at me some more and trembled in fear.  "He is my husband...I've been married to him for 12 years."

The old man stood behind me, she apparently couldn't see him.  He leaned down and whispered into my ear, "She's lying to you."  His breath smelled like death.

"No, no, no....We have been married for 3 years...you don't know what you're saying.  Don't you remember?  We met on Home, on the Playstation."  I tried to talk and reason...she was suffering from some kind of madness.

She gritted her teeth, "I don't know who the HELL you are, asshole.  Is my husband still alive?"

"He's not your husband, I am!"  I lost my patience with this and shouted.  I stood up and pushed the gun to her temple, forcing her head into the pillows.

"We are married."  I insisted to her.  "We met on the Playstation, on Home, in the Central Plaza.  You taught me how to glitch onto the bench and we became best friends and a year later we got married.  We had a party and everything."

I climbed on top of her still holding the gun to her head and I began to rub her arm to comfort her.

The old man whispered to me again, "She's lying to you, she doesn't love you anymore, she disrespected you.  Kill her."

She sobbed into her pillow and called out his name again.  He never moved or made a noise again after I shot him.  He was dead.

"He played the Playstation, not me."  She spat out.  "I never touched it."

"Kill the lying bitch, let the chains of Hell rip the truth from her."  The old man breathed, his hands on my shoulders gently massaging them.  My mind twisted and turned thinking of what she just told me.  My eyes blinked rapidly and I looked around in confusion.  I had never been here before.  This was not my bedroom.  This was not my house.  Anger sat in and all I saw was red.  I threw the gun across the room, it hit the wall and slammed to the floor.  With a look of relief she turned her head and looked at me.  For a moment she thought she would be spared.

"Kill her.  Take this anger and this redness away." The old man whispered to me one last time.

I raised my hand up with the letter opener. Fear sat into her eyes once again and she started to scream but I brought the pointed edge of the blade down into her chest.  I gashed her hands as she failed to block it.  I did it over and over again like a rabid dog, spraying her blood all over me, all over the sheets of the bed and all over the head board and wall.  She gurgled some last words but I couldn't understand them.  It didn't matter what she would say anyways.  I fell onto her, embraced her and kissed her cheek. A tear ran down my cheek as I ran my fingers through her hair.  Her beautiful lifeless eyes stared through me as if I weren't there.

The old man shuffled behind me.  He pointed to the gun.  "Be with her.  She's waiting for you."  With tears in my eyes I crawled from her lifeless body and over to the gun.  I sat with my back against the wall and put the barrel to my head.  Something bumped from the house, it sounded like someone coming into the front door.  Footsteps came closer down the hall and someone knocked on the door.  "Hey, dad,"  A teenage boys voice shouted, "Is it okay if I play something on the Playstation?"

With that I pulled the trigger.

© Copyright 2014 CRiM (stryctnin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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