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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #2018438
Jenna tries to take on two opponents during a storm to save children. Who will save her?
Jenna could sense the storm before it physically manifested. A gift she had inherited from her immortal father. For the first eighteen years of her life she feared thunder storms. Now that she was able to control the natural wonder of thunder and lightning she welcomed their presence. Flashes of lightning lit up the sky as she made her way over a carpet of garbage. Her targets were too busy tormenting their victims to notice her approach.

The one assailant was male, bald, with teeth too long for him to close his mouth completely. They were long and slightly curved like sharks teeth. A pair of long blades slid from his wrists like retractable claws. Jenna did not recognize him, but the female she knew all too well. She wore a pink body suit, which was split down the front to reveal an ample amount of cleavage. Her legs were covered in thigh high boots with Sais tucked into the tops. Jenna knew the woman did not need the Sais she carried. The pink vale she wore covered a set of teeth identical to those of her partner. Jenna winced as she remembered how the bitch had pierced her shoulder with those fangs. It took magic and science to repair the damage and tissue loss, but there was still a nice scar for a reminder. If it were not for the people trapped by these two monsters Jenna would have been more than happy to wait for the arrival of the rest of her team, but the cries of the children pressed against the brick wall of the ally became too much for Jenna to bear.

There were three children; two girls and one boy. The girls cringed behind the boy who stood between them and the monsters. His arms were spread wide in a protective gesture. Poor kid, Jenna thought. She knew he wouldn’t stand a chance once the monsters attacked. The girls shrieked as the male creature lunged forward hurling a fisted hand at their protector. The punch was telegraphed to miss, and the blade protruding from the creature’s wrist lodged in the brick wall above their heads. He’s toying with them, Jenna realized, bastard! The female laughed as the male removed his blade from the brick wall.

“Aww, what’s wrong?” The female taunted. “Does my mate frighten you?” She took hold of the vale that covered her mouth. “Perhaps you’ll find my smile soothing!”

“Alright that's enough!” Jenna’s voice boomed like thunder over the shrieks and wails of the frightened children. The creatures turned toward her just in time to see her running at them. She pushed off the ground, flipped, and landed between the predators and their prey. She turned her attention to the children, and bade them to run. The boy took the girls by the hands and took off at a sprint pulling the two stumbling girls behind him.

Jenna turned her attention back to the creatures just in time to see them both rush at her. She managed to draw lighting from the impending storm to her just before the male slammed her back into the brick wall. The impact knocked the wind out of her, but she managed to fire a fork of lighting into the beast sending him flying back through the air. He landed on his back splayed on the carpet of litter that covered the ground. Jenna saw the female disappear into the ground. She knew this trick well enough to gaze around frantically to see where her opponent would emerge. The woman emerged from the wall behind her, and pounced like a lioness on her new prey. The momentum caused Jenna to fall forward and land face down in the carpet of garbage. She tried to push herself up but her opponent pinned her by straddling her back, and pinning her shoulders to the ground. Jenna looked up to see the male beast back on his feet, and coming toward them. He stood over them, and raised his arm with the blade pointing straight down at the back of Jenna’s neck. She knew that blade was sharp enough to pierce skin, muscle, and bone. The force the creature would use would be enough to decapitate her. Well, at least my death will be quick. She closed her eyes and braced herself for impact. A blast of cold flew over her body, and the weight of the female creature was gone. Jenna pushed herself up on her hands and knees, and looked back over her shoulder. The male was impaled with his front plastered to the brick wall. A flower of icicles bloomed from a dripping pool of blood in the center of his back. Jenna turned her head away from the gruesome sight to find herself staring at a pair of masculine black boots. Her eyes traveled up the well-toned legs clad in black clinging pants to a broad bare chest covered in a vest of blue armor that only covered vital organs. A pair of bare toned arms folded over the equally toned chest Jenna’s eyes rested on the face. Her mentor and self-appointed protector Kuai Liang stared down at her from icy blue eyes. The grim line of his mouth, and the scar over his right eye gave him a sever demeaner.

“You should have waited,” he scolded.

“You should have been faster,” Jenna countered.

Kuai extended one of his arms to her. Jenna clasped his forearm, and he pulled her to her feet. She hobbled a few steps before he scooped her into his arms, and carried her out of the alley.

“The body,” Jenna reminded him.

“It will be taken care of,” Kuai responded.

“The female?” Jenna inquired.

“Got away,” Kuai answered. He set her in the back seat of a two passenger jet he landed in another alley. He set the stealth mode, and flew them back to their base of operations.

Word Count: 989
© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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