Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2018223-Natures-Gift
by Swara
Rated: E · Other · Other · #2018223
Nature's Gift

Nature's Gift

By: Swara Tewari

The car clatters through the wrought iron gate and rolls into the driveway. My dad turns the engine off.

"Well here we are,"he announces, "our new home."

Angel, my small dog shifts in my lap. My little sister, Lisa, is stretched across the back seat, her head lolling to the side. She jolts up as I tap her on the shoulder.

"That's the new house?" she asks incredulously as I peek out the window.

The large sprawling mansion is old and ruined and may once have been a bright white, but now a dull gray. The paint is peeling and flaking while shutters hang of rusty nails. The lawn is dried and patchy and dead leaves crunch under my feet as I make my way up the front walk.Oak trees tower around the building.

Mom, Dad, and Lisa are already on the front porch. Dad is attempting to convince Lisa that the house is not as bad as it seems. Mom fumbles with the key, inserts it into the knob and turns it, shoving the door open and leading us in. I am about to follow when, I hear a growl. I turn around to find a large, shaggy dog on the lawn. I hear a bark and a blur streaks toward the dog.

As realization dawns on me, I shout,"Angel, no!" I race after my dog and grab it by the collar before she hurtles herself onto the large dog. I hold her back but she restrains. I fish the leash out of my sweatshirt pocket and clip it onto Angel's collar. The little white terrier whimpers in protest, but I drag her back towards the house. The large dog barks and Angel yaps back. Angered, the dog gets ready to pounce.

"Woah, boy easy!" a girl yells and lugs the dog back.

"He almost attacked my dog!" I yell.

"Who are you?" she asks.

"That doesn't matter,"I answer swiftly, "what matters is that your dog attacked my dog!"

"Did you just move into Milton Mansion?"

"What?"I ask, confused.

"I'll see you at Cliff Rock park. You ought to know."Then she turns and briskly walks down the street, her enormous dog trotting behind her.

I head inside, Angel dodging between my legs. The door creaks open, revealing a dusty foyer with a dingy spiraling staircase, which may once have been a grand marble staircase. A dull chandelier hangs from the high ceiling. I walk from room to room, criticizing the house in my head.I linger in the muty ballroom. I imagine music, food, and people, perhaps woman in ballgowns. My mother peeks in.

"I have no idea what we're going to do with all the extra space,"she sighs, "I know it could use some work, but it was so cheap! It's also what we've been looking for. Did you select a room?"

I shake my head like I don't care, because I am not going to be optimistic about the move. Dinner is silent as we eat cold pasta.

"Lacey,Lina you need to have a positive attitude about the move. Our family used to live here. The realtor just discovered that we're the only living relatives so we bought it. And that's that."I look up from the paper plate.

"Was their last name Milton?"I ask.

"I think so. Why?"So I explain about the girl.

"I think you should meet her. It might give you a chance to make friends." Dad suggests.

So that's how I find myself early the next morning, trudging down the sidewalk tugging a drowsy Angel behind me. The park is a only a couple of blocks away, down a gravel path that leads into the dense woods. I turn off the sidewalk and walk down the path to find a clearing at the end. There is gritty sand scattered around strange jutting rock formations. I look around, noticing that the park is deserted.

"I knew she wouldn't come."I think.

"Hi."I whirl around. The girl stands behind me, gripping the same large dog from yesterday.

"What's your name?"I inquire cautiously

"Georgia.What about you?"

"Lacey.What were you talking about yesterday?"

"The story behind your new house.It's only fair if you know.Unless you don't want to know."she states ominously.I consider.

"If it's really scary wouldn't it be better not knowing?"I think. I decide I should know and nod at her to continue.

"Your great great aunt, Millicent Milton used to live there. The mansion was beautiful and desired by all. Then, something happened and Millicent sent everyone away. The staff and help were banished along with all guests. The mansion then fell in disrepair.No one except Millicent set foot in the mansion, and when Millicent passed away a decade back, she requested in her will that the house should be sold only to relative for unknown reasons."Georgia tells me. I shudder, thinking about the old woman moping around alone in the large mansion.

"The realtor finally located you guys, the closest living relatives. There wasn't even enough time for the house to be fixed up."

"So, how does that matter?"I ask, my voice wavering.

"There must be a mystery involved.You can solve it!"she exclaims.Everything is silent, as if waiting for my answer. Not even a breeze stirs.

"Alright, let's do it!" I agree.

"You mean like together?" she asks nervously.

"Sure,it would be fun!"

"I'd love to!"she agrees excitedly. So, laughing and talking, we head down the gravel path, leashes in hand.

We skid to a stop outside my house.I look at it in a new light, a mystery waiting to be solved.I lead georgia inside. She looks around, taking it all in. I show her around.

"It used to be beautiful,"she comments sadly, "once, even a countess stayed overnight."

I tug her into the ballroom.

"Wow!"she gasps. Mom marches in with a clipboard, mumbling under her breath. She scribbles furiously.

"Hey sweetie, I'm working on renovations.Your Dad is already busy at work."she rolls her eyes, then spots Georgia.

"Is this your new friend?"Georgia nods and introduces herself.

Mom smiles,"How nice to meet you!". Georgia looks at me meaningfully. I nod and turn back to face my mom.

"So...do you know anything about Great Aunt Millicent?"I blurt out.

"Oh, your grandma told me a few things.She loved nature."she replies distractedly. Georgia and I hurry out of the room.We aimlessly climb the winding staircase.Georgia points out a rough spot on the ceiling.It's a trapdoor.A frayed rope dangles from the handle.Georgia leaps up trying to reach it.

"Give me a boost!"she pleads. I sigh and interlock my fingers.Georgia climbs on and tugs on the rope and heaves herself up.

"What's up there?"I call out.

"Just a minute!'comes her muffled reply.She drops a rope ladder and pokes her head over the edge.

"Come on!"she urges.I sigh reluctantly and climb up.The last rungs are missing, so Georgia pulls me up. We both collapse on the dusty floor.I glance around.

"There's nothing up here!"I complain.Georgia trips on a faded book and grabs it off the floor and gasp.It reads 'Millicent Milton's Diary'I snatch the book,blow a layer of dust away, and flip open the book.

October 17,1913

Today, I settled into my new home.It seems so massive, yet I know I will get accustomed. There are beautiful woods out back. I should like to explore. I always feel at home in nature.-Millicent

February 19 1914

Today I discovered Millicent Mansion's greatest secret.It will attract the greedy.I must protcet my home.-Millicent

May 9 1914

Today, the countess of Genovia stayed over night.She was impressed with the mansion and should like to buy it.I yearn to move out to a small cottage up North, yet I know I cannot because of the secret.I shall live out the last of my days here.

July 27 1914

Today my niece followed me and almost discovered my secret.I don't think I can keep my secret anymore.Angry,I sent everyone away in confusion. No one remains.It is to dangerous for anyone to stay..-Millicent

December 2 1943

I am weak and frail. I believe it is my last day.I pray my secret shall never be discovered-Millicent

I drop the book, stunned at Millicent's life.Georgia looks just as impacted.We hurry to the trapdoor and I swing it open.Georgia climbs down, and I follow slamming the trapdoor shut.

"The secret must have to do with nature,"Georgia reasons, "we should check the woods she wrote about."

The backyard is a small area of dirt and at the edge, the woods begin.The sun is setting and the air is chilly.

"Wow, it's late,"Georgia exclaims, "I should get going." I nod, disappointed, because I was actually having fun.Georgia scuffs the floor.

"So... maybe I'll come back tomorrow..."she trailed off.

"Definitely, please do!"I reply eagerly.

I follow her to the wrought-iron gate.I pull it open a crack, and Georgia slips out, waves, and hurries down the street, head turned against the wind.

Later that night,as I crawl into bed, I have an uneasy feeling.I sleep restlessly, and wake up with a start.Something feels unfinished, undone.My palms are sweaty.I throw the covers off and swing my legs around the bed and slide off.Angel is curled up below the bed.Her ears perk up when I tip-toe across the room and down the stairs.I head into the backyard,Angel trailing behind me.I glance around the clearing and squint against the swirling mist.I am about to leave, when something draws me toward the woods.Angel barks, desperately battering the door which had shut behind us.She whimpers as if she senses a threat around us.Yet,I continue towards the threatening woods, my barefeet dragging in the dirt.I stop in front of a large fern,at the brink of the woods.I swat the fern aside to reveal a dirt trail.I am satisfied with the discovery, and a wave of drowsiness washes over me.I scoop up Angel and carry her to my bedroom.I fall asleep instantly.

Sunlight streams from the window.I leap up, recalling the night's adventure.It is a bit fuzzy.I begin to wonder if it was a dream.I sit there pondering the situation when I decide I need to talk to Georgia.I scoot Angel into her cot and hurry downstairs.Nobody is up yet, so I rush outside and barrel through the gate.I stop, realizing I don't have her address.So, I run to Cliff-Rock park, scaling the highest rock and perching on it's peak.

"Lacey!I thought you'd be here!"I whirl around to see Georgia on the path.I launch off the rock and tightly hug her.

"I have to show you something!"We bolt to my house and as soon as we are in the backyard Georgia turns to me.

'Lacey, we've searched here and-"I cut her off and stomp up to the large fern, pleading the path was not a dream.I take a deep breath and smack it aside, to reveal the mysterious dirt path.Georgia sputters

"But how?I mean-"I hear frantic voices in the house.Before I can decide,I tug Georgia behind the fern and let it flap back into place.She nods and we head down the path, birds twittering in the trees. We talk and giggle as we joyfully rush down the path, Georgia points ahead in dismay.It's a massive rock wall, blocking the path.I notice leafy vines snaking down the rock wall.I lightly brush them aside to reveal a hidden tunnel. I call to Georgia and show her the tunnel and we slowly walk in.Sunlight shines through the other end as we emerge on a narrow cliff.There is a beautiful circular valley surrounded by rock walls.On the opposite wall, a waterfall crashes down the cliff, forming a stream and pool.The tall green grass sways, wildflowers blooming on every available surface.We gape at it's beauty.

"There's a path!"Georgia exclaims.I notice a narrow rock path, winding down the cliff.We run down, leaping through the tall grass at the bottom.We splash through the stream and dive into the deep pool.Soon, we lay, sopping on the soft, golden sand.

"Ouch!"I cry out, pulling a sharp, golden rock from under my foot.Georgia gasps and grabs the stone.

"It's gold!"I stare.

"There might be more!"The bottom of the pool is full of the stones.In fact, gold is embedded in the rock walls.As I am examining the rock walls, I notice something on it, a message carved into the rock.It reads, 'You have found my secret.The choice is yours.Will you reveal the vallley to become wealthy, or do you believe the valley itself is wealth as I did?-Millicent'.

Georgia and I exchange glances.She shifts uncomfortably.

"You're going to tell aren't you?"I ask my voice quavering, "My great great-aunt spent her life guarding it and you're going to ruin it!"

"Sorry"Georgia mumbles.

That night I worry about the valley and the following day, I run to the valley and sink into the tall grasses.Someone taps my shoulder and I jump up, startled to find Georgia.

"When are they going to tear the valley down?"I ask.

Georgia smiles,"They aren't.After all, it itself is a treasure!"We both smile knowingly.

© Copyright 2014 Swara (tewariswara at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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