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by Retro
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #2017455
The lives of Noah and Snow are about to change and it all happens in one night
Sound the Alarms

Two weeks has passed since the two had met, but their bond has never been stronger. They spent plenty of time together at school and afterwards throughout town and at home. At night they would converse from their windows about their hopes, dreams, and plans for the future when they grow older. There has never been a closer pair friends who will one day become much more.

As the days flew by Valentineâs Day was approaching and the thought of what to do has occupied Noahâs mind for a majority of his time. Eventually Noah decides to ask for advice from his dad and grandma.

âIâm in a real pickle here dad. With Valentineâs Day around the corner I want it to be great for Snow, especially since itâs her first Valentines here.â

âWell son if you really want to make it special, that will have to be up to you.â

âWhat did you do with mom on your first Valentines?â

âWellâ¦errâ¦how should I put itâ¦uhâ¦â

âBah when your father asked out your mother on Valentines, he was more yellow than a perfectly ripened banana.â

âReally dad, were you that nervous?â

âUmmâ¦what your grandma meant wasâ¦â

         âHe was as stiff as a board. Years ago when I open the door the poor guy was as red as an apple, sweatier than a gym towel, and so shaky he sounded like a human maraca. Itâs actually a wonder what your mother saw in him back then.â

âSo did his Valentines go as he imagined it?â

âAre you kidding? First when I invited him in I noticed that his pants are on backwards, as they were leaving he trips about five times from the door to the front gate, he spilled his ice cream all over your mother, and to top it off the guy falls face first in mud.â

âI got to be honest dad you sounded like a loser when you were younger.â

âI was Noah however that wasnât how the date ended. After I fell in the mud your mother helped me clean up before we went to the Farris wheel. While we were at the peak I took your motherâs hands and professed my love for her with such passion it was as if we were flying on clouds above the heavens with the sound of angles singing behind us.â

âWhat a romantic story. Still, I donât know if I can pull something like that off. What if I was being too aggressive or too fast on her?

âImpossible youâre too much like your father at your age only more coordinated. Youâre sweet, kind hearted, and any girl would be more than happy to be with you so here.â Grandma pulls out of her pocket an envelope and hands it over to Noah.

âWhat is it?â

âFour tickets to the carnival this weekend. An old friend of mine thought it was better to give them to someone who has a better use for them.â

âThanks grandma. This is just the thing for a brilliant Valentineâs Day.

âJust give her a big wet one for us okay.â

âDonât even joke about that.

âWhoâs joking?â Just when Noah thought his burdens were lifted the idea of kissing her doubles the weight and he was more nervous than ever.

Saturday night came at last and Noah was very anxious as he prepares for his very first date. He took every precaution to avoid the same mistakes his father made on his first date and as her takes one more look in the mirror he thought to himself, âTonight will be a night to remember. I just need to be myself and with any luck victory will be mine. Listen to myself I sound like a big shot, but I can do this.â

âNoah your date is not going to wait all night! Come on lover boy, move your kisser!â

âThere goes my confidence.â Noah bid his dad and grandma farewell and heads next door with a bouquet of flowers arranged himself. He knocks on the door with the feeling butterflies in his stomach as he anxiously waits until the door was opened by Mirage.

âOh itâs you. Come on in, Snow will be down momentarily.â As Noah walks in she examines him and comments on his clothes. âThis is your first date and thatâs all youâre wearing?â Noah was wearing a red and white striped t-shirt with overalls, sneakers, and his red cap.

âSorry, but I didnât want to come too strong on her. Besides if weâre going to be at a carnival I didnât want to be too formal either. At least I didnât wear my pants backwards.â

Mirage closes in on Noahâs face with a suspicious look as she looks deeply on his face, âToo strong huh lover boy. Just remember Iâll be watching you all night and if I see any dirty moves made, your head is mine.â

âOkay Iâm readyâ, Snow calls out as she comes down the stairs. Snow was wearing a short pink dress with a pink beret to match and a white sweater with shoes. Noahâs face shot red at the sight of her and as she approaches him he noticed something different about her. Her eyes stand out more, a blush of pink was on her cheeks, and her lips are red as roses.

Speechless at first Noah had difficulty finding the right words as he admires her beauty. âUmm⦠these are for you Snow. You look very beautiful tonight, especially with make up on.â The sound of those words made him look away from Snow for a brief moment as he thought, âI didnât think Snow could look more beautiful than before but seeing her now proves me wrong.â

Snow giggles for a moment putting her hand on his face to bring back his attention on her. âJust out of curiosity, if I skipped the make-up would your opinion be different?â

âNot at all, make-up or not youâre beautiful no matter how you look.â

âOkay love birds the night may be young but you have a curfew so letâs go. Come on Kitty weâre leaving.â

Kitty runs downstairs and straight out the door calling back, âMove it please. I want to ride the rides before sleepy time.â

They all leave together for the carnival and as they arrived their faces lit up with amazement. The rainbow of lights flashing and flickering, the never-ending sound of laughter and screaming from the thrill of the rides, and the multitude of rides and attractions that awaits before them.

âWell ladies shall we go?â

âMy arenât you the gentleman tonight but lead the way.â Snow curtsies before Noah taking his hand and the two rushes in past the ticket booth into the bustling crowd leaving Mirage and Kitty behind at the gate.

âHey you two get back here!â As Mirage began to chase after them Kitty seizes her arm anchoring her older sister from stepping further. âKitty what gives? Why are you slowing me down?â

âI canât tell you. Snow said to keep it secret.â

While the two sisters bicker their way inside Noah and Snow had the time of their lives as they traveled through the carnival. In the house of mirrors their laughter echoes from the exchange of funny faces, on the thrill rides Snow always clutches Noahâs arm as the rides became more intense, and with every carnival game a prize was won by Noah as a gift for Snow and her sisters. After some time they decided it was time for a snack break as the two sat down on a bench with the bag of prizes between them and an ice cream bar for each.

âWow this ice cream is delicious! I never tasted anything so sweet and creamy.â

âIt is great isnât it? Iâm glad that you are enjoying yourself and I hope your sisters like the prizes I won for them.â Noah digs through the bag pulling out a small pink rabbit with long floppy ears.

âKitty will love it. She always was a fan of small animals especially rabbits.â

âI can tell.â Noah places the rabbit back in the bag and pulls out a purple grizzly teddy bear with red button eyes. âI have to admit though just looking at this bear reminds me of Mirage.â

âI know what you mean. She can be both lovable and dangerous at the same time. When we were younger she accidentally broke one of my favorite toys but she gave me hers instead and told me that I could keep it.â

âHmm I never would have thought that Mirage can be soft too. Speaking of sisters I havenât seen them since we got here. Do you think we should find them?â

âDonât worry theyâll be fine. Besides I asked Kitty for a favor before we left to keep Mirage busy until we leave so letâs just enjoy ourselves.

They finished their ice cream and resume their amusement. As they travel down to the next ride a tall man wearing a mauve cloak with a white beard stops them in their path hoping to gain their attention as he asks, âPardon me children but would you mind if I read your hearts?â

Confused by his request Noah asks him hoping to confirm his request, âReading hearts?â

         âOh yes you see I am a heart reader. I can tell your fortunes, your futures, even things you donât know about from deep within your heart and souls. Just follow me into my tent and we shall proceed.â

âAmazing, I heard of palm readers but heart readers are another story! Letâs go Noah.â The three enters the tent; the inside was all but empty except a loveseat, a rusty box, and a candle as their only source for light.

âTake a seat and we shall begin.â

Noah and Snow did as they were instructed taking a seat side by side as they waited patiently for the mysterious man. âFirst off my name is Atlas. In order for this to work I will need to put one hand on your heart and your eyes closed for as long as the process takes. If you donât mind my dear girl let us start with you.â Snow closes her eyes as Atlas places his hand on her heart as gentile as he can. He mumbles a strange chant under his breath as the visions of Snowâs heart flashes before him until at last he was complete and allows Snow to open her eyes.

âMy you are an interesting girl. I saw that you are a caring and wonderful person with such a loving personality and a strong sense for romance at this moment. However I also sensed a deep pain brought by a series of past events and a hope that your future will resolve this conflict along with another person.â

âThatâs amazing Atlas. Itâs as if you knew me your whole life.â

âItâs just a talent. Now then itâs your turn boy.â Noah closes his eyes as Atlas places his hand on his heart as he did for Snow, but as he explores his heart he raises his eyebrows multiple times with a smile that grows bigger with every surprise he finds. He finishes after a few minutes then stares at Noah for a brief moment in curiosity.

âYou young man, have the purist heart I have ever seen. I see no impure thoughts or emotions of hatred and dark impulses, but only warm kindness and compassion for others.  Such a tender soul and a real sense for justice, but I sense a bit of doubt from deep within.

âI canât blame you for that. For years thatâs how Iâve always been, but people will call me weak or a loser because of that.â

âNoah the true weaklings are those who ridicule the stronger person. You stand by your beliefs and soon those beliefs will make you a greater person, one which people will call you a hero. Your heart will become so much greater but only if you break past this hesitation.â As Atlas removes his hand from Noahâs chest, tears slowly fall from the corner of Noahâs eyes. They both thanked him and left the tent and as they exit Atlas thought, âNoah you are the one I have been searching for. The one who can use this amazing device to change the worlds as it had before.â

Noah and Snow resume through the crowd until they decided to take their final ride on the big wheel. They boarded the cage and the ride slowly turned as the two stared outside with awe as they view the glittering lights, the wave of crowding people, and the surrounding sounds of people screaming and laughing.

âExcuse me Snow if you donât mind me asking, what was the favor that you asked Kitty before we left?â

Snow blushes for a moment before giving a response, âThe truth is I wanted to spend this evening with you alone. You are the first person that I met who I feel very comfortable without worry, but with Mirageâs over protection it wouldâve been impossible. I asked Kitty to keep Mirage occupied so that I can have you all for myself, it must sound ridiculous though.â

âNot really, it would have been a distraction for Mirage to be over our shoulders all night when nothing is going to happen. Letâs face it Iâm too much of a gentle man to try anything on you. Iâ¦umâ¦respect you too much to do anything.â At that moment Noah thought to himself, âRespect, thatâs what I think? Man am I really an idiot. Snow must be thinking that Iâm a real sad case at that point.â

Just then out of the blue Snow moves close to Noah, she places her head on Noahâs shoulder and closes her eyes, the sweet scent of flowers filled the air as Noah becomes intoxicated before he was brought back by the sound of her voice, âNoah, I wish his night would never end. I would rather spend the rest of my life like this rather than face tomorrow without you.â Noah wraps her arm around her as the wheel slowly turns and his love for Snow grew stronger.

The ride ended and the two began to make the trip back home by themselves. Mirage had already left to take Kitty home for bed giving them the chance that Snow wanted. They strolled down the street with Snow holding Noahâs arm as the two made their way for the neighborhood until they stopped and Noah asks Snow a question that has been coming back for the longest time.

âSnow, do you remember what Kitty asked me on the night we met?â

âHow could I forget? It was the cutest thing, I would have never imagined that someone would even ask that question straight forward.â

âI know, I felt the same way, but I think I know what the answer is.â He takes both of Snowâs hands making her blush as he tries to find the right words about his true feelings. Out of nowhere a garbage can came down interrupting them with a shadowy figure appearing from behind.

âSo we meet again, but this time youâre not getting off so easy.â It was the brute that harassed Snow in the lunch room on her first day of school. âI waited a long time to bump into you again and now your mine you little wuss.â

Noah was scared but as he looks back at Snow he saw that she was more terrified of him than he was. Swallowing his fear he remembers the words of Atlas, âtrue weaklings ridicule the stronger person,â and as he stood against the blubbering oath he steps in front of Snow as he moves closer.

âSnow I want you to run as fast as you can while I hold him off.â

âBut Noahâ¦â

âDonât worry I wonât go down that easy. I promise Iâll be back with you soon.â He smiles weakly as he turns his back on Snow until he was lifted from his shirt and tossed into a cluster of garbage. As Snow tries to make a run she was grabbed by the ankles as the sinister sound of laughter gives brings fear into her eyes. Tears was running down the corner of her eyes until she was free as Noah grabs him from behind hoping to distract him but he only flung him back to the pile where he fell before. Snow tries to come back on her feet only to be pushed down again.

âDonât bother moving. When Iâm through with you, youâll be wanting more.â

âNEVER!â  Noah rushes in armed with a stick he swings knocking him to the side as he stands between him and Snow. âIf you want her youâll have to go through me and no matter how many times you knock me down Iâll only come back up.â

He comes back up with furious look on his face. âYou think so huh? Letâs see you come back up after this.â He pulls a gun from his pocket and aims it at Snow, pulling the trigger the gun fires and the sound of gunshot echoes the quiet street. As Snow looks up she sees a red puddle on the asphalt, terrified she looks up to see Noah falling to the ground on top of his own blood.

âNOAH!â As his lifeless body lays there the brute tries to take off into the night but he was stopped by a tall figure in the mauve cloak with the white beard.

âThose who commit acts of murder must be punished.â He rams his hand into his chest pulling out his soul and crushing it within the palm of his hand causing the body to drop on the ground and becoming motionless. He steps over the body approaching Snow as she cries over the dead body of her friend Atlas places one hand on her shoulder and kneels besides her.

âSnow, please do not cry. If you truly love him then I can save him, but we need to work fast.â Moving Snow off the body he lifts him up gently while calling on a strange device with another hand. âThis is Atlas. The time has come.â Out of nowhere a bright light shines down on the small group and in moments they instantaneously vanish into the night with much hope that they can save this innocent soul.

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