Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2016964-Blood-and-Lace
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #2016964
An older story I found on my flash drive, Historical/Paranormal...first couple of chapters
Word Count—2968 May 19, 2006

The jingle bells on the front door chimed a welcoming song, announcing another customer at the Candlelight Bookstore.  Their song caused Skylar Jackson to push aside the stack of invoices she had been perusing for the last twenty minutes.

Pasting a warm smile on her face she glanced up at the new arrival--and damn near fainted.

Walking, no striding--he was definitely striding toward her on silent feet, with long, perfectly sculpted legs.  His legs weren’t the only things perfect Skylar told herself mentally as her gaze followed him upward.

For a brief moment, his purposeful strides drew her gaze back to his legs, encircled in black suede knee-high boots.  Her eyes then wandered to the slim waist, wrapped in black Levi jeans and onto the flat stomach she was sure housed a six-pack of abs, what a shame to see that covered.  Not to mention how snug the t-shirt fit him, one word “Yum”.  Broad shoulders, chest and ebony hair completed the heavenly package.

Oh but then there was his face, oh my!  Skylar saw what must be the face of a Greek god that just stepped out of a book of Mythology.  High, chiseled cheekbones, an aquiline nose, sensuous full lips, and the deepest blue eyes she had ever seen.  They must be contacts; no one had eyes that color of sapphire, Greek God or not.  At least in the real world, they didn’t Skylar thought.

Whoa!  Mr. Greek God was definitely not from around here.  If you didn’t have a beer belly and a pet pig named Petunia or Wilbur, you were not from Shady Elm Michigan.  Greek gods didn’t keep pigs as pets, that was a given.  Wolves maybe, even panthers, but not pigs.

Skylar had no more time to ponder where he was from as he approached the counter, speaking in a velvet voice that sent whips of lightning through her veins.

“Are you Skylar Jackson?”  The baritone voice wrapped around her, sending tingles through every nerve in her body.  Skylar found her voice, though squeaky at best.

“Yes, I’m Skylar, and you are?”  You are--going to rip my clothes off right here and do me.  Skylar suppressed a giggle by clearing her throat praying to God he couldn’t read minds.  Apparently, he couldn’t, considering his reaction, or lack thereof. 

“Ms. Jackson, I’m Luke Silver from the Silverthorne Castle.  Your Father, Lord Silas Jackson requests your appearance this evening for dinner.  There are some matters that need to be cleared up.”  Luke paused, long enough to hand over the manila envelope he’d been carrying.  Apparently sensing her retort, Luke held up a hand to silence her and then continued.

“The letter inside will explain it all to you. A car will be out in front of your apartment at sundown.  I’d advise you to pack some of your belongings to bring along.  The matters at hand could take a few days to conclude.  I will see you this evening.”  With an old-worldly bow, Luke spun around to make a hasty retreat, leaving Skylar dumbfounded, holding the envelope, and gaping at his tight ass as it disappeared into the afternoon sun.


Luke got into the black limo that awaited him outside the bookstore.

“My business here is complete for now Henry, take us home before Ms. Jackson comes running after us,” Luke instructed the chubby faced driver, settling his long body into the window seat on the passenger’s side.
Luke sat quietly as the limo hummed its way toward the estate, losing himself in silent thought for the two hour ride. 

Pouring a glass of red wine, he let his mind-set take him back to the stunning sight in the bookstore.  He remembered her being a curly haired little sprite that used to run around the estate when she was young.  Chasing her new puppy, or playing with her pony that she hadn’t learned to ride yet. Fortunately, for now she had no clue what was going on, or for that matter exactly who he was to her, and the hidden agenda that Silas had for bringing her out to the estate.  The letter would reveal only the basics of what she needed to know, nothing more.  Boy, wouldn’t she be surprised when she found out the truth.

He hadn’t expected her to look so damn good!  Last time he’d laid eyes on Skylar, she was barely five years old and full of energy that shone in her big, bright eyes.  He could still picture her frolicking in the courtyard with her young cousins and not a care in the world.  To be that young and innocent again was something people could only dream of.

Her auburn hair looked like fire even back then when the sun shone down on her.  The bridge of brown freckles across her nose darkened with exposure to the hot, Michigan sun.  Her green eyes sparkled at the concept of holding that puppy Luke had given her.  What he wouldn’t give to be that puppy now.

Twenty years later, that adorable five year old was all grown up, the past nothing more than a ghost that had shimmered out of sight.    Her green eyes still sparkled with delight when she smiled, and long, soft auburn curls framed her flawless complexion matching that bridge of freckles across her button nose.

As soon as Luke had entered the bookstore, his body became all too aware of Skylar.  He didn’t even have to look up to know she was there, but he was happy he did.  Luke had had to summon all of his willpower and skill, not to do as she was thinking during their brief conversation.  Thank goodness for his excellent upbringing and manners, otherwise the temptation to take her and “do” her like would have been much too difficult to ignore.  His hunger beat at him as he imagined what she would taste like.

Feeling his gums begin to tingle as his incisors tried to push through, Luke quickly shook the thought away, and focused on more important things, like how to approach the pending situation.  Taking another sip of his wine he let his thoughts amuse him.

With a quick chuckle, he imagined how their next conversation would go.

“Good Evening Skylar, remember me from this afternoon?”

“How could I not, what is this all about anyway?” she’d respond, curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

“Lord Silas has arranged that we be married on the next sunset.”  He’d tell her. 

“Married?  I don’t think so.  I don’t plan on marrying anyone anytime soon.  I have no idea who you are and haven’t seen my father in over twenty years.”

“Your father is eager to have the nuptials taken care of as soon as possible, so the lands and Silverthorne Castle do not fall into the hands of Drakas Valenti upon your father’s death.  And our getting married is a surefire way of beating him to the punch.  According to your father’s will, unless you are married by the time of his death, Drakas will get everything.”

“Oh by the way, did I happen to mention that I’m a vampire? Yeah, I know, you saw me in the daylight.  The low sun of the afternoon no longer fazes me.  So there isn’t much left to explain, let’s get hitched.”

With a guffaw, Luke spoke aloud, to no one particular, “How’s that for light dinner conversation?”  Draining the red liquid, he refilled his glass again.

The divider window came down at that moment as Henry asked, “Did you need something sir?”

“No Henry, just talking to myself old friend.”  Luke responded as he saw Henry smile before closing the window once again with a polite ‘very well sir’.

Staring back out the window, Luke surveyed the wonders of the daytime world.  He had lived in darkness for so long; he’d just about forgotten how beautiful everything could be.  The blue of the sky on a clear summer day, the color of flowers spread across a field as they blew in rhythm with the wind, the magnificent woman he had just left behind at the bookstore.  Even the sun shining down on the water, making it glisten like shards of diamonds had him smiling to himself.

For the first two hundred years of his existence, the thought of any exposure to the sun, no matter how minute it may seem, had always left Luke cringing at the concept of becoming a pile of dust--not a very appealing thought.  The next two hundred years had been much better; he’d been able to withstand the deadly sunlight for longer periods of time, fifteen to twenty minutes at least.  Still now, centuries later, Luke no longer had to fear the sun, he could walk in it just like anyone else.  The advantages of slow aging, he mused.

Eating regular food was no longer a problem either.  Before, he had to survive strictly on blood, be it animal or human.  The idea of food turned his stomach.  But not anymore, as long as he didn’t over indulge himself he’d be just fine.

Luke decided to relax and enjoy the view for the duration of ride to the estate.  He looked forward to tonight’s meeting with Skylar, his heart thumped with anticipation as his body begged for release.

Thirty minutes later, his thoughts ceased as Henry maneuvered the limo into the cobblestone drive of Silverthorne Castle.

Holding back a scream of frustration, Skylar stared a moment longer at the closed door of the bookstore.  Shaking her head, she turned her attention to the envelope Luke had given her.  “No better time than the present to figure out what that was all about.”  She mumbled, as she ripped open the annoying envelope, removing a hand written letter from her Father.

Dearest Skylar,

      I know this will come as a surprise to you and I’m sorry for springing it on you rather quickly.

The next line stood out like a sore thumb:

I’ve recently been notified that I’m dying.  The doctors say it will just be a matter of time.

Skylar’s hands turned to ice as she held the letter and continued reading.

I apologize again my abruptness.  But to drag it out would be ridiculous, as time is of the essence.  I pray that if not now, someday soon you will find it in your heart to forgive me for forcing you and your mother away from here so long ago.  My decision was made with good intentions I assure you, which is why it is imperative that you leave with Luke this evening when he comes for you, and put all of your ill feelings toward me aside for a short time.
You are a grown woman now and able to make your own decisions on this matter.  Let me just say that the matters at stake are of vital importance to many, including yourself.  I can only hope that you will make the right decision.  I look forward to our visit, no matter how quickly it may end.

I ask that you harbor no ill feelings toward Luke; he was only doing as I had instructed.

Your Father,
Lord Silas Jackson

Skylar folded the letter, stuffing it inside her purse and throwing out the envelope.  She was happy that there were no customers in the store, since she had found herself speechless for the first time in a long while.

Wiping away a couple of stray tears that had fallen, she picked up the phone to call Claire Miller, her one dedicated employee who could handle the store in her absence.

After three rings she picked up, “Hello?” Claire’s perky voice filled the other end of the line.

“Hi Claire, it’s me.  Are you busy?”

“Sure, busy watching CSI on the tube.  Why? What’s up?”  Claire asked.  Skylar knew she was probably trying to figure out what was wrong now since she never called her at home unless there were problems at the shop.

“I need you to watch over the store for a few days.  Do you think that would be a problem?”  Skylar crossed her fingers hoping Claire didn’t have other plans.

“Problem?  No, Not at all.  Dave’s away this week on business anyway, gives me time to play with the books and catch up on some reading.  Is anything wrong?”

“Sort of, but I don’t know all the details yet.  I have to visit my father’s estate for some pressing matters that may take a few days to clear up.  I promise not to be gone more than a week if I can help it.”  Skylar replied releasing the breath she was holding while uncrossing her fingers.  She should have known, she could always depend on Claire whether her husband was home or not.  The store was her life, just like it was Skylar’s.

“Sure hun, no worries.  I’ll take care of things, always do.”  Claire chuckled.

“Thanks a bunch Claire, I owe you big time.  If I get delayed longer than a week, I’ll call you and let you know.”

“Okay sweets, back to my show they just found another dead body.  Take care and be careful.”

“I will and thanks again.”  With that, Claire severed the connection.

Hanging up the phone, Skylar mused at Claire’s choice of programming,  as if the world had enough real dead people to deal with, but having to watch in on TV too every week?  Shaking her head at her friend’s antics, Skylar took a look around the store making sure all was in place before she left.  Looked pretty good from where she stood.  Stock was put away; boxes were broken down and tied up waiting for garbage day and the deposit was already in the safe.

The invoices she’d been reviewing before the interruption were still on the counter so she walked over and put them in the drawer.  Making sure the cash register was locked up she glanced around one more time then decided everything was secure and that she’d better get going, there were only a few short hours before her ride showed up. 


The afternoon sun began to wan beneath the purple clouds that had formed as the day progressed, casting an eerie glow on the city below.  Skylar watched out her balcony window as the blood red sun made its descent behind the clouds.  Glancing down at the street, she spotted a large, black limousine coming to a halt at the end of the sidewalk. 

“Humph, must be my ride.”  She spoke the words out loud as she watched the plump driver hurry to the rear, opening the passenger’s back door. 

A long, jean-clad, well-muscled leg appeared, and then the other as Luke Silver exited the vehicle.  Watching him step onto the sidewalk, Skylar wondered at how such an imposing presence could make her stomach flip flop like it was doing.   

Sighing Skylar turned from the window to retrieve her handbag and small suitcase she had packed.  If she could help it, she wouldn’t be there any longer that a couple of days at most, so her small luggage should be sufficient enough.

Suddenly, subconscious of her clothing and appearance, she took a look in the mirror to make sure she’d pass approval.  Her emerald sweater brought out the gold specks in her green eyes; the suede jacket she had donned went well with the blue jeans and ankle boots she had chosen for the ride.  The string of pearls her Mother had given her on her twenty-first birthday was the perfect accessory for her outfit.  Why does it matter what you look like, nut?  You’re going on a business venture, it’s not like you’re going to marry the guy.  Geez.  With another sigh, Skylar turned toward the door, waiting for the inevitable knock.  She didn’t have to wait long. 

The knock on the door came a moment later.  Reaching for the doorknob, she noticed her hand shaking.  Damn girl, stop it.  You’re acting foolish; he’s just a man.  Skylar scolded herself silently, before opening the door.

Luke’s smile brightened the dimly lit hallway, “Good Evening Ms. Jackson.”

“Hello. Please call me Skylar since we’ll be in close company for the next couple of hours.”  She managed, steadily.

“Very well, Skylar.  And you can call me Luke as well; I’ve never been one for formalities.”  He said reaching for her tiny suitcase.

Why in the world did her name on his lips sound so sexy?  Boy, this was going to be on heck of a trip if she didn’t get her hormones in check soon.  She thought, making a mental note not to go so long again with out having some form of sex, even casual would be good at this point.  That had to be the reason she was imagining how Luke looked naked.  Maybe he would turn out to be a casual relationship after this mess was cleared up.  One could always hope.  She smiled as Luke relieved her of her bag. 


Two hours later, as the sky began to darken into night, Skylar and Luke pulled up in front of her childhood home.  Memories raced through her mind, mostly good, except for when she and her Mother were sent away leaving her pony, cousins, and puppy behind.

“Are you ready Skylar?”  Luke asked smiling.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”  Skylar answered, shaking her head clear of the memory onslaught.

Luke tapped on the partition, signaling Henry they were ready to go inside.  A moment later, the ruddy-faced driver opened Sklyar’s door offering a friendly smile and hand in assistance.  She smiled back pleasantly, grasped his hand and stepped out into the night.  Never imagining how her normal life was about to take one strange turn after another.


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