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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Occult · #2016292
Morgana heals a werewolf and they fall in love.
Morgana McClain sat in her high backed chair by the crackling flames of her hearth. She hummed while she knitted a shawl for herself. The yarn she used was something she purchased on one of her rare trips into the nearby village. The villagers were of mixed opinions of their resident witch. Some came to her in secret seeking potions, charms, and various other magical remedies. Others preferred to keep their distance, and made their distaste for her well known. While still others would approach her openly, as if she was more than just the witch outside the village. Morgana could truly careless what the villagers thought of her. She did her best to maintain an amicable relationship with them to avoid being burned at the stake.

A sound outside her cottage drew her attention to the window. A large form emerged from the surrounding woods, and fell to its knees. Morgana set her knitting down, and moved to the window. The light of a full moon bathed the yard in silver. Her eyes were drawn to the large beast taking heaving breaths in the middle of her yard. The light reflected off its white fur, which was pristine except for the patch of glistening blood that matted the fur around the hilt of a knife in the beasts shoulder. The creature raised its head, and looked at her with gleaming yellow eyes. The look in its eyes was a plea for help. Morgana formed a ball of light in the palm of her hand, and used it to guide her to where the beast lay. It tried to get to its full height as she approached but only managed to push itself up on its knees. Morgana recognized it as a male werewolf.

“Easy now,” Morgana soothed. “I’m not going to harm you.”

“You’re a witch!” The werewolf growled. He pulled back from her. “A witch plunged this dagger into me. I hate witches!”

He attempted to rear up when she laid her hands on him. Morgana slowly moved her hands to his shoulder where the dagger was buried to the hilt in flesh and fur. The werewolf howled in pain as she attempted to drawl out the dagger. Morgana looked around warily wondering if anyone heard the sound.

“Come into my cottage, and I’ll pull that out for you,” Morgana drew on the strength of earth to help her lift the werewolf to his feet. She assisted him into her cottage, back to her room, and laid him on his stomach on her bed. “Wait here.”

When she returned she carried some hot water, a cloth, and some herbs. She set the water in front of him, and rubbed the dried herbs into the water. They gave off a soothing scent that made the wolf's eyelids droop. He felt his muscles relax as he breathed in the aroma.

“What is this?” He asked drowsily.

“It is lavender,” Morgana answered.

As the wolf continued to breath in the mixture his body returned to its human form. The white fur that covered his body retreated until it was only a mane that hung down his back. The muzzle and fangs pulled back into a handsome human face. The eyes remained a golden yellow, but the pupils became more human. He turned his head, and looked up at the woman seated on the bed beside him. Morgana pushed her long dark hair back, and rolled up the sleeves of her silk robe. She gripped the hilt of the dagger with both hands, and pulled it out without warning. The man let howled as the silver blade of the dagger was torn from his flesh. Morgana used the cloth to staunch the flow of blood from the wound.

“Someone wanted you dead,” she observed.

“My lover,” he responded. “I showed her what I become on the night of the full moon, and she did not take it well.”

“I am sorry,” Morgana sighed. She knew all too well how he felt. Her former lover did not react well when he found out she was truly a witch. He left her telling her that her existence was an abomination and a sin against nature. “It is hard to find someone who can accept you for who and what you are.”

“What is your name witch?”

“Morgana McClain.”

“I am Liam Sullivan.”

“Sullivan?” Morgana looked into his golden eyes. “You are the son of the mayor of the village?”

“Not if you ask him,” Leam muttered. “He disowned me after the first time I turned.”

“That is terrible,” Morgana rested her hand on his shoulder. The wound scabbed over. “Looks like the blood stopped flowing.”

“Thank you,” Liam moved to get off her bed. Morgana stared at him as he rose. His body was well defined, and his manhood wa… She averted her eyes before he noticed her staring. “See something you like Miss McClain?”

“Oh, no, I…” Morgana’s cheeks flushed. What is wrong with me? I’ve seen a naked man before.

“Do you not like men?” He sat beside her, and turned her face to look at him. His eyes took on a dark amber hue. “Or is it the wolf in me? Does it frighten you?”

“No,” Morgana smiled, and her deep green eyes stared directly into his. “I’ve been to bed with a beast before.”

“I am sure,” he leaned in, and pressed his firm mouth to hers. He moaned softly as her lips parted, and he gently squeezed her lower lip between his teeth.

“I though you hated witches?” Morgana whispered when he released her mouth.

“You were kind to me,” Liam nuzzled her neck. “I was angry and in pain when I said that. I apologize for my harshness.”

“I understand,” Morgana took his face in her hands. “That mixture I gave you will keep you from becoming a wolf for the rest of the night. I could make more if you wanted to use it permanently.”

“Would you give up being a witch if you had the choice?”

“There was a time that I would have.”

“And now?”

“I would not give it up.”

“I would not give up being a wolf on the nights of the full moon. It is only one night a year. I wish I could have made Brianne see that.”

“People see what they want.”

“Who hurt you Morgana?”

“My betrothed, Thomas Morgan.”

“You are betrothed?” Liam pulled back, and stood.

“No longer,” Morgana grabbed his hand. “He left me when he saw my magic.”

“I am sorry,” Liam rejoined her on the bed. “You used your magic on him?”

“Yes,” Morgana lowered her eyes. “He was very sick, and I used uncommon herbs to draw the sickness from his body. No medicine woman of the village would have used it.”


“It kills the victim. I used my own spirit as an anchor to pull him back into his body,” she paused and took a breath. “After that I was cast out of the women’s circle, and Thomas tried to have me burned.”

“He what?” Liam exclaimed. His body shuddered with anger. “That treaturous bastard! You should have let him die!”

“That’s what I said to him when his attempt failed,” Morgana sighed. “The village council was too fond of me to burn me, so they banished me instead. I bought the materials, and built this cottage myself. I remained outside the village since this is where I am most familiar.”

“I tried leaving.” Liam sprawled on her bed, and looked up at her. “After Brianne stabbed me I figured I should try to come home to die. I had no idea there was a witch living outside of my home village. I am very fortunate that you are a good witch.”

Morgana turned to face him, so that her smooth legs stuck out from beneather her robe. Liam ran his rough hand over the smooth skin of her thigh. Morgana made herself comfortable beside him, and rested her head on his bare chest. Liam loosened the sash of her robe, and opened it to expose the smooth warm flesh beneath. She gasped as his hands cupped her soft mounds, and grazed the points with his thumbs. He lavished the curve of her neck with his lips and tongue. She gasped again as he grazed her shoulder with his teeth.

“Do not be afraid,” he whispered in her ear. “You will not become a werewolf unless I actually sink my teeth into you.”

“I would not mind becoming your mate,” Morgana whispered. She looked up into his burning amber eyes.

“My sweet Morgana.” Liam cupped her cheek as he rolled on top of her. “Do you understand what you are asking of me? If I turn you then you are my mate for life.”

“I know,” Morgana pulled his head down to rest his mouth on her neck. “Please, Liam. We both are willing to accept each other for what we are. I do not want either of us to be alone.”

“Are you sure, Morgana?” Liam asked as he lined himself up with her.

“Yes,” Morgana arched her back and grazed him with her tender flesh.

Liam lost himself in her warmth, and brought to the peak of ecstasy. Just before she went over she felt his sharp canines sink into the meat of her shoulder. She bucked beneath him crying out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. Liam felt himself taken over the edge with her, and quickened inside her. He withdrew from her, took a moment to lick the puncture marks on her shoulder, and then lay beside her. He used a clean corner of the cloth she used on his wound to clean hers. Morgana’s eyes slid up, and she stared up at him with golden eyes that matched his own. Her ebony hair was now a snowy white like his. She smiled at him revealing a set of pointed teeth that matched his.

“Is there anything I can get you?” Liam inquired.

“No,” Morgana reached up, and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I have everything I need right here.”

At the next full moon Morgana, and Liam ventured deep into the woods while the sun was still above the horizon. They stripped off their clothes, and watched in eager anticipation as the sun sunk out of sight. Their bodies began to writhe as the sky faded from reddish pink to black. Two howls traveled on the wind as a cloud slid away to reveal the brilliant silver ball of the moon. The two white werewolves scented prey on the wind, and took off after it. They brought down a stag, and fed until their hunger was sated. Once the basic need of hunger was met Liam positioned himself over his mate, and proceeded to meet their next basic need. They awoke the next morning laying naked in the woods wrapped around each other. Morgana rolled to her back, resting to hands on her flat stomach. Liam propped himself up beside her, and rested his hand over hers.

“We’ve made life,” Morgana announced.

“How can you be sure so early?” Liam inquired.

“I saw it in my dreams last night,” Morgana stated. “It is going to be a boy with golden eyes, and white hair like ours.”

“And his name?” Liam inquired.

“He hasn’t told me yet,” Morgana sighed. “He will reveal his name soon enough.”

“I think it should be Morgan,” Liam suggested, “after his mother who tended my wound a mere month past.”

“I think it should be Liam after the man who finally accepted me for who and what I am,” Morgana smiled up at him. “It seems we are having our first disagreement.”

“Let’s solve it quickly,” Liam grinned. “I am looking forward to making up.”

“Perhaps, a combination of our names?” Morgana suggested. “Logan?”

“I think that will do just fine.”

© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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