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Rated: GC · Chapter · Fantasy · #2016139
Part 2 of the hunt
Thamusz was the demon who dealt with the last hunter. He had teleported himself to the set of a movie set for an action movie. He figured if he looked like a demon, he would have been confused for a guy in a costume. Sure enough, his plan worked, a little too effectively. A stage hand spotted Thamusz and walked up to him with an angry look on his face.

“There you are! Where the hell have you been, we’re shooting right now!” the stage hand said.

Before Thamusz could say anything, the stage hand grabbed him and pulled him over to the set.

“All right is he ready?” the director said. “Okay, action!”

Thamusz was standing on a set designed to look like an alley. Confused, he looked around and when he looked up he saw a sexy, buxom actress dressed in a white tank top and shorts standing on top of a roof. The woman pulled a gun out from her shoulder holster and aimed it at Thamusz. He laughed at the absurdity of this experience. He was demon on a movie set about a tough action chick who had to kill a demon and now this actress was going to fire a gun that had blanks in it at him. Thamusz was going to play along but when the girl fired the gun, he felt a bullet hit him in the shoulder. Thamusz grunted as he fell to his knees, confused, wondering what crazy woman would have a live gun on a movie set.

“Confused demon? Wondering why the gun I have isn’t full of blanks?” the woman asked. “That’s because I am no actress. I am Tara Cross, demon hunter”

The script supervisor started flipping through the script saying, “I’m sorry, these guys are blowing their lines.”

“No, keep rolling.” The director said, “I have a feeling this take will be worth millions.
Thamusz rose to his feet as the bullet wound in his shoulder closed and said, “Well good, I figure an actual hunter will give me a better battle than an actor would.”

Tara smiled as she aimed the gun at Thamusz again and pulled the trigger rapidly. Five bullets flew out of the gun and as they flew towards Thamusz, he smiled as he used his telekinesis powers to slow the bullets down and caused them to fall to the ground. Tara pulled the trigger again and stopped when she heard a clicking noise.

“Out of ammo?” Thamusz asked playfully. “Well since your such a tough hunter why don’t you come down here and fight me like a real hunter?”

“The pleasure is all mine.” Tara said as she grabbed onto a clothesline that was on the set and stood on the building ledge to slide down. Tara lifted her legs and started to slowly slide down the wire and Thamusz let a wide grin spread cross his face.

“Oh no, the pleasure is all mine!” he said.

As Tara slid down she felt a slight movement happening around her waist. She looked down and to her horror, saw her belt slowly unbuckling all by itself. Tara’s hands tightened up and now she was hanging from the clothesline in mid air.

“Wh..what are you doing?” Tara asked.

“Using my telekinesis powers to unbuckle your belt what’s it look like?” Thamusz said.

By now, Tara’s belt was unbuckled and was hanging from the belt loops. Tara’s eyes widened in horror as she saw the top button to her shorts come undone.

“Don’t you dare!” she begged.

But Tara’s request was not answered, as she felt the zipper of her shorts slide down, loosening the tightness of her shorts around her waist. Tara’s legs started kicking as the zipper came down which caused her shorts to start sliding. Tara’s movement caused the heaviness of her gun belt to pull her shorts down even more until they were hanging from her ankles, exposing Tara’s thong to the cameras. Tara started whimpering as she tried to cross her legs while still holding up shorts onto her feet.

“Please, pull them up!” she begged.

“No, The cameras are rolling, we have to keep acting!” Thamusz said.

Tara gasped when she remembered she was on a movie set. She started to try to pull her pants up with her legs, but as she did that, it caused her body to move more which caused the clothesline to start bouncing. As the clothesline bounced up and down rapidly, The clothesline started to move very rapidly and caused Tara to lose her grip. Tara screamed as she fell from the line with her shorts still on her ankles. It looked like Tara was going to dive headfirst but to her luck, her shorts got caught on a flag pole and stopped her fall. The momentum from the fall however through Tara to the ground and leaving her shorts hung up on the flag pole.

Tara got up from the ground and rubbed her exposed behind and then looked around at the cameras that were rolling. She immediately grabbed her tank top and tried to pull it over her thong as she tried leaping up to grab her shorts from the flag pole. Thamusz stood back with his arms folded chuckling at the Tara. Once he got bored, he decided to use his powers to pull on the back of Tara’s tank top. Between the tension from Tara pulling her shirt down, the tension from her large breasts being squeezed down by the tight shirt and now Thamusz added tension from him pulling on her shirt, it didn’t take long before the straps to Tara’s tank top ripped at the seems and unfolded from her torso like a flower. Tara stopped jumping as she grabbed the remains of her ruined shirt and tried stretching it out to cover her underwear and her breasts.

“Pl.lease shut the cameras off!” Tara begged.

Before the camera men could do anything, Thamusz used his powers to roll the cameras
forward and soon enough, Tara was surrounded by four cameras that were rotating around her half naked body. Tara tried desperately to shield herself from the cameras but it was useless to do so. While he was moving the cameras, Thamusz also used his powers to pull on the sides of Tara’s thong. Tara stopped moving when she thought she felt something grab both sides of her thong. To her horror she looked down and saw that her thong was getting stretched out. Tara gasped as she grabbed both sides and tried to hold them together, but Thamusz’ mind was too powerful and with one thought, he gave a good pull from both sides and Tara’s thong was ripped clearly in half. Tara’s hands flew up in the air as she looked down at her exposed crotch. Her legs buckled together and she fell to her knees throwing her arms over herself crying.

“Please, I give up. Just let me go.” She said.

Thamusz grinned as he walked up to his stripped opponent and knelt down beside her.

“This probably isn’t the best time to mention this.” He said, “But all of this humiliation you endured, was for nothing because I’m not the demon you are after.”

Tara looked up at a laughing Thamusz and when she realized she had been stripped and had been fooled, she screamed out loud and started throwing a tantrum.

“No! No! This isn’t fair goddammit!” she yelled, “I am a fucking hunter!”

Tara’s tantrum gave Thamusz another idea. Thamusz looked up at the fallen clothesline and saw a large white sheet that was attached to it. While Tara was thrashing about, Thamusz used his powers to bring down the sheet and wrapped the blanket around Tara’s lower torso. Tara screamed as she saw the blanket wrap around her into a neat triangular fold. Thamusz then brought over a safety pin that a costume person was using and fastened it up the center.

“I would get you a bottle hunter, but I don’t think I can find one.” He said.

Tara stood up and looked down and when she realized she was in an adult diaper, she sobbed and fell to her knees again. Thamusz was real glad he helped his brother, he had never had this much fun in a long time.


I was still in the Buddhist Temple thinking about who the heck was screwing me over. My thoughts were interrupted when there was a small explosion that sent me back a few feet. When I got up I looked and saw my brothers standing there.

“Thanks for the help.” Hellscream said sarcastically.

“Hey, I took out one hunter.” I said.

“Nah we’re just kidding. We had a blast fighting today.” Thamusz said, “We really should be thanking you.”

I smiled at my brothers, glad that they were willing to help me and they returned the smile. But then, Hellscream got serious and said, “But now we still have to figure out how they found out.”

“You’re right and I’ve been thinking about that.”

“What’s your plan?” Pan asked.

“Since the hunters came from heaven, I know of only one person who could have ratted me out.” I said, “And that was Michael. It has to be Michael. He was the only one from heaven who knew, aside from St. Peter but St. Peter doesn’t care what anybody does. I think Michael was up to something.”

My brothers all looked at me suspiciously, they didn’t want to think what I was thinking but they knew what I was about to say.”

Mammon asked, “You don’t mean…”

“Yep, we’re marching right up to heaven and we’re going to ask Michael a couple of questions, let’s ride!” I said as I teleported up to heaven.

No demon had ever confronted an angel before and I knew this was going to be tough. Michael had that damn sword and if he was armed, I knew it would be trouble. We arrived at the gates where St. Peter looked at me with his arms folded.

“Well thanks a lot.” he said, “Now I have eight hunters who will not hunt anymore because they’ve been humiliated too bad. I hope you’re happy.”

“Hey I wouldn’t have had to do that if Michael didn’t shoot off his mouth and sent them after me!” I said.

“Well you didn’t have a license.” St. Peter said.

Angrily, I pulled out my license that I had Minos send me and placed it on St. Peter’s desk. St. Peter looked at the permit in shock when he realized he had made a mistake.
“I’m so sorry Zeke. The hunter’s told me that it was true. I’m ever so sorry.” he said sincerely.

“You can make it up to me, by letting us get to Michael so we can see what his intentions were.”

St. Peter nodded in understanding and opened the gates. I looked back at my brothers and they nodded at me to show that they were ready. We walked forward into the gates and were blinded by a bright light.

When the light dimmed we saw that we were in an open field that was full of flowers and trees. We were in some area of paradise. I looked around and saw Michael laying against a tree and surrounding Michael, were all eight hunters who my brothers and I defeated. All of the girls were huddled around Michael covering their naked bodies, their faces red from crying. Michael, the lazy little jerk, just lay there smiling. He should have been thanking us for causing those naked girls to be by him. On the plus side, Michael’s sword was laying far away from him, he was unarmed. Now was our chance. My brothers and I walked towards Michael and as we got closer we could hear the conversation they had.
“Michael it was so awful.” Lynn said, “Everybody saw me in my Disney panties!”

“Shut up, that was nothing compared to us.” Said one of the three blondes who Hellscream fought, “We were stripped naked and then doused with paint.
Not wanting to hear anymore of the petty arguments I spoke up.

“You were all humiliated equally so shut up and live with it.” I said.

The girls all shrieked when they looked up and saw me and my brothers. They all huddled behind Michael, who spread his wings to shield their nakedness. Thamusz looked around his wings and saw a quivering Tara who to his surprise, had not taken her diaper off.

“Careful Tara,” he said, “If you get too scared I’m going to have to change your diaper.”
Tara nearly turned purple as Thamusz laughed and quickly undid the safety pin to lose the diaper.

“You will do nothing to her.” Michael said defiantly, “What brings you here?”

My brothers and I had already worked this out. Immediately, Thamusz used his powers to throw Michael against the tree with his telekinetic powers. Then with his speed, Pan grabbed a nearby vine and ran around the tree, tying Michael against it. While the girls all scattered away, for fear of being humiliated anymore, Mammon crept unseen and grabbed Michael’s sword. He handed it to me and I unsheathed it, holding it up to Michael’s face.

“Keep that away from me!” Michael said fearfully.

“I won’t do anything too painful, as long as you answer my questions.

Michael’s face started to sweat as I stepped closer. The hunters were all huddled behind bushes, wanting to help Michael but also wanting to cover their nakedness.

“Why did you rat me out?” I asked.

“ I didn’t I swear!” Michael said.

“I don’t believe you. This is your last chance why did you rat me out?”

“Fuck you I didn’t say anything!”

Okay that’s the way he wanted it. With the flaming sword, I slashed along the sides of his breastplate causing it to loosen from Michael’s chest.

“Wh..what are you doing?” Michael asked.

“Doing what I do best, humiliating people who mess with me.” I said.

As the breast plate fell from his torso, I was shocked because I saw something that I never would have thought to have seen. I expected Michael’s upper torso to be muscular and toned, instead I saw a rubber body suit that he was wearing made to make Michael look muscular.

“Well, this is interesting.” I said, “Shall we go further?”

“I don’t know anything I swear!” Michael cried.

I looked to Thamusz and raised my eyebrow, he smiled and with a great pull from his mind, Michael’s body suit was ripped from his chest exposing a large hairy gut. Michael was actually quite fat, so fat he had some nice man boobs growing.

The girls gasped at Michael’s true form and cried at the humiliation of their idol.
“Stop it!” cried Lucia, “He doesn’t deserve this!”

I didn’t listen instead I kept asking.

“Okay who else knows?”

“Nobody I swear!” Michael said as he started to cry.

That wasn’t good enough, I took the sword and swung it at his head. Michael quickly jerked his head to the side, causing me to miss his neck and catch his hair instead, or rather his wig. To my surprise, Michael’s wig was caught on the sword and as I had finished my swing, it caused the wig to fly in a nearby lake. Michael gasped at his exposed baldness and started to cry.

“There now are you happy?” he asked, “You’ve just showed all the girls I’m nothing but a fat bald guy!”

“Just tell me who else knows!” I insisted.

Michael wasn’t answering, he just started to sob uncontrollably. I was getting pissed, I knew he was hiding something and if he told anyone I needed to know now.

“All right you asked for it.” I said.

I raised the sword and swung and Michael’s lower hip, causing his warrior’s skirt to drop to his feet exposing a white bikini held together by two golden strands. The girls all groaned at their hero’s exposure and ran out from the bushes to cover his underwear up. My brother’s and I were all laughing at the spectacle that we didn’t bother to attack.

“You know you angels are real stuck up.” Pan said, “We’ve been parading around Hell naked for thousands of years and you guys get all bent out of shape being in your skivvies?”

“Shut up!” Tara replied, “It wasn’t Michael who told us!”

“Who was it then?” I asked.

“It was someone from your realm” she said smiling.

My jaw dropped, I didn’t expect that. This was serious. I took the sword and held it against Tara’s throat. I was so mad that my eyes had turned crimson red.

“Give me a name.”

“L..lucretia.” she spat out.

As soon as I heard the name, I dropped the sword and made my way for the gates. My brothers, confused, quickly ran after me. One of the hunters grabbed the sword and cut Michael free. Immediately, Michael picked up his lost clothing and held it up against his body.

“D..don’t tell anyone about this!” he said, “Don’t you dare!”

I wasn’t listening. I was so mad from the name I heard that my only concern was getting back to Hell as soon as possible to finish an argument that had started a long time ago.


Okay, let’s back track to oh, I’d say about a thousand years ago. Back on the eighth sphere where I was doing my old job, just controlling time to Lucifer’s whims. Well one day, we were told that a new recruit had been hired. Her name was Lucretia. Formally a queen in Europe, she was a very ruthless human being. So vain. She killed her subjects and bathed in their blood. Whenever she had maiden’s that she felt were more beautiful than her, Lucretia would have them skinned and would have her tailor’s design special clothes out of that skin. Lucifer felt it would be a waste to punish her and decided to give this newbie a job. Immediately when she was hired she was already causing problems. She was not happy with the way she looked. She didn’t like being red and didn’t like the horns. She wanted her old body. To make things worse, she would skin some of the damned of their skins and would parade around in all these different outfits she made. It’s normal for demons to parade around naked, we just never cared, and to see this prima donna walking around with clothes kind of offended a lot of demons. Still, we were told to let it go and so we did.

Well one day, I was just hanging around slowing up time when Lucretia came up to me. Not only was she vain, but she was also a great deceiver and seducer. She crawled up to me and placed her hand on my lap with a cute little smile.

“Good evening Zeke,” she said, “How are you in this fine hour?”

“I’m fine” I said, trying to hint that I didn’t want her there. She wasn’t getting it.

“Do you like my gown that I made out of the hypocrites and the usurers?” she asked sitting up and sticking out her chest.

“Very flattering, it brings out the orange in your face.” I said uninterested.

Lucretia was not taking the hint. She sat on my lap and placed her arms around my shoulders and started playing with my horns.

“If you think that is good. You should have seen me in human form.” She started to reminisce, “No one was more beautiful than I and men would go out of their way to please me.”

“That’s easy to say for someone who skins people more beautiful than them.” I muttered. She didn’t hear me.

“You know, you’re a time demon right? You could see me in my human form. Just, send me back through time to when I was alive and I’ll be yours.”

I don’t know who the hell gave her the idea that I could send people through time but she was going to be severely disappointed because I could not do such a thing.

“Uh, sorry lady, as beautiful as I’m sure you were, I cannot do such a thing.” I said.

“Oh come on Zeke, I’m sure you can do it if you try hard” she sweet talked to me rubbing my chest. I had had enough.

I stood up from where I was sitting and through her off. Lucretia gasped as she fell on her ass and started to turn red with anger.

“Look lady, despite what you’ve heard, I can’t send you through time. You committed sin, you died and now your stuck here. Live with it. You should be thankful the Big L gave you a job so early on your arrival. So stop being such an ungrateful little bitch and be useful for a change!”

I stormed off to get away from Lucretia, who was now screaming at the top of her lungs.
“You’ll pay for this Zeke!” she said, “I always get what I want! And I’ll get my revenge on you!”

I didn’t pay any attention to Lucretia’s threats and by the time one hundred years had past, I had forgotten it. Now it had been a thousand years and it finally all came back to me. Poor Michael, this vain woman was behind my death contract and I humiliated him for nothing. Too late now, I had business to take care of. I pulled out my cell phone and called Minos.


“Minos, it’s Zeke. I found out what happened with the hunters.”

“Zeke, where the hell have you been? You never reported in.”

“There’s no time to explain. Lucretia ratted me out to the hunters. She lied and said I didn’t have a permit and sent all these hunters at me.”

“That explains why God sent me an angry e-mail about his best hunters getting stripped. That was you!”

“Yeah, so you find Lucretia and tell her that we’re going to settle this, in a demons duel!”
I hung up the phone and waited for Minos to put things in motion.

When two demons get into an argument, they have the option to go into a demon duel. In this contest, the demons verbally sign a contract that states that they agree to battle each other. To defeat your enemy, all you have to do is take their head. The loser of the duel, loses their demonic status and is returned to live an eternal punishment for all eternity while the winning demon is granted access to paradise. A pretty sweet deal right? Well not a lot of demons do it because the eternal punishments are so awful that most demons feel it’s not worth the risk and are happy with their lot in hell, unlike some people. Before I could do anything else, I was engulfed in flames and was teleported from where I stood.

As the smoke from the flames cleared, I saw that I was standing in a large arena in front of legions of demons sitting off to the sides. I guess Minos got Lucifer to okay the duel. I looked to the other side of the arena and saw Lucretia standing there confused. I couldn’t believe it. There she was, this sexy demon in a black dress. She reminded me of Paris Hilton, except she was orange.

“What the hell is going on?” she asked.

“It’s payback for the shit you pulled on me.” I said. Lucretia gasped when she looked and recognized me.

“You’re not dead? Impossible.” She said.

“Yeah I’m still here sweetheart. And we’re going to finish this in a demon’s duel.”
Lucretia was a little stunned at the news. But she regained her confidence and looked eager to beat me. She looked around and picked up a battle ax from the hands of a fallen demon.

“I’m going to make you wish you sent me back in time!” she shouted as she charged at me.

I could tell that Lucretia wasn’t much of a fighter and merely sidestepped her as she swung the ax. I watched Lucretia land on her stomach from the weight of the ax throwing her off. While she tried picking herself up I grabbed a nearby sword and took a fighting stance.

Lucretia had finally gotten to her feet and swung the ax at me again. I parried it and sent her backwards. Trying to seize the opportunity I lunged forward and took a swing at her neck. Lucretia quickly sidestepped but not quick enough to dodge my slash. Instead of slicing her neck, I slashed the upper part of her self made dress which fell from her breasts. Lucretia dropped the ax to hold up her fallen upper top. All of the demons watching laughed and cheered at what I had done.

“How dare you!” she said.

“Yeah, take that stupid thing off her!” I heard a demon shout.

“You know, all of us are naked. It’s not like we’ll make fun of you.” I said.
Lucretia didn’t listen, instead, she pulled a knife from the ground and ran at me while holding her dress up. Not scared at all, I sidestepped Lucretia again and grabbed on to the back zipper on her dress. Lucretia froze in her tracks and dropped the knife.

“Please let go.” She begged.


Lucretia realized what I was going to do and tried to turn around but it was too late, She could already feel the back of her dress loosen as she sidestepped and by the time her body was facing me, her dress fell down to her feet leaving her completely naked.
There was a chorus of cheers as the demons all finally got a look at Lucretia’s goodies. Not for too long though because Lucretia bent down to pick up her dress and held it against her body.

“I hate you! I hate you Zeke!” she cried as she started to turn from orange to red.

“Oh c’mon, you have a fine body.” I said, “Out of all the girls I stripped, you’ve got the best body.

Having humiliated so many girls and watching them lose their confidence once they were naked, I had been deceived into thinking that once Lucretia was stripped, it would have slowed her down. This was not the case. In a blinding rage, Lucretia unleashed her long claws and rushed at me. I was not prepared, all I could do was grow my claws and I took a swipe at Lucretia just as she lunged at me with her claws. Soon, I felt an intense pain around my neck and I saw a flash of red before my eyes and then only darkness.

Lucretia opened her eyes to find herself standing in her throne room where she lived in her mortality. Shocked at the surprise, Lucretia looked around the room to see that everything was back the way it was. Her subjects were all there ready to do her wishes and she looked down to see she was wearing her best gown made of gold and silver. Lucretia knew she had one the battle. She pinched herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming and when she felt pain, she was almost in tears when she knew that this wasn’t a dream and she was in paradise. She ran over to the mirror that had been placed by her throne and looked into it. Her old beautiful body was back! Her hair was no longer that horrid black and was it’s original brunette. Her fair skin was white and fair and not that awful orange. Satisfied with how things were, she walked into the center of the throne room to address her court.

“Now that I am back.” she said, “I expect all of you to worship me not as your queen, but as your Goddess, for I have prevailed over hell and have returned to paradise. Now bow before me!”

All of her subjects stepped forward and made two lines on either side of the queen. Smiling, Lucretia started to make her way through the aisle and the subjects and knelt on their feet. However, the first person she walked by made sure to step on her long dress. The subject smiled evil and his eyes glowed red as Lucretia passed him.

The next thing she knew, Lucretia heard a loud rip and felt a cool breeze hit her lower legs. She screamed as she looked down and saw that her dress had been caught an a clumsy subjects foot and now she was standing there in a white thong with hearts on it. In a rage, Lucretia looked to the subject.

“You clumsy idiot! Look what you did!”

But Lucretia wasn’t getting it yet, not until the other subjects surrounded her and grabbed the back of her long sleeve shirt and ripped it from her body. Lucretia screamed as she tried to break free but there were too many people. Finally, the subjects managed to free Lucretia from her shirt causing her to fall to the ground. Lucretia was on her knees now wearing only her matching corset and thong with red hearts all over it. Lucretia screamed in rage and stood up, stomping her foot on the ground.

“How dare you do this to me? I am the winner of the demon duel. I have earned this right into paradise, now give me back my dress!”

Her subjects didn’t do anything all they did was laugh out loud. Lucretia confused, started to wonder what was going on and finally one of her subjects decided to break it to her.

“You still don’t get it do you Lucretia?” he said, “Look at what ridiculous underclothes you are wearing.”

Lucretia’s whole body froze as she looked down to see what embarrassing underwear she was standing in. Lucretia let out a small gasp, she couldn’t believe she was wearing a thong, thongs weren’t invented in her time. She even felt around her butt to make sure and when she felt her firm ass cheeks between the small piece of cotton, she screamed and covered herself. Lucretia tried to make a bee line for the exit but her subjects surrounded her. Lucretia tried desperately to fight through and as she did, her subjects grabbed on to the threads of her corset and started to loosen it. Lucretia was sobbing as she tried pushing her way through and just as she broke free from the mob, her corset had finally loosened and fell from her body exposing her breasts. Lucretia turned back to see her corset getting thrown in the air by her cheering subjects. They all pointed and laughed at her.

Lucretia in tears, covered her breasts and with one hand, opened the huge door to escape the castle. Lucretia walked through the doors and immediately shut it behind her to conceal her nakedness from her subjects inside. In her haste, Lucretia had closed part of her thong into the door and when she started to run, the elastic of her underwear got stretched and was ripped apart. The elastic flew forward and whipped Lucretia’s firm ass causing her to gasp and put her hands on her red behind. Lucretia screamed when she felt nothing but her naked ass and put both hands on it to cover it. Lucretia then looked in front of her and froze in horror. Standing before her, was what had to have been thousands upon thousands of people who were standing outside of the castle. Lucretia’s mouth quivered as she started to back away and as she did, each person standing there pulled out a camera. Lucretia’s gasped because she knew what those cameras were for and she immediately turned around and ran back to the doors of the castle. Lucretia tried to pull on the door and it would not budge, her subjects had locked her out. Lucretia tried to pull but stopped when she heard a chorus of flashbulbs going off. Immediately, Lucretia stopped pulling on the door and turned around to try and cover as much of her body as she could from the cameras. As Lucretia fought to conceal her naked body from the world, a deep, growling voice spoke that startled everyone.

“What’s a matter Lucretia?” Lucifer said, “Not enjoying your eternal punishment in hell?”

As she heard these words, Lucretia fell to her knees with tears in her eyes, she realized she lost.

“Well that’s too bad.” Lucifer said, “Because you’ll be reliving this scene over and over again for all eternity!”

Lucretia bent over her knees to cover her chest sobbing loudly, but her sobs were muted by the loud laughter of the Prince of Darkness.

The darkness that overcame Zeke, soon faded to a bright white light. Zeke’s whole body shook as he tried shielding a blow from Lucretia that never happened. Instead, Zeke found himself lying on his back in the garden of Paradise. He had won the fight, he kept his honor and he won his ticket out of hell. Before Zeke could do anything else, his mouth was met by the warm lips of a woman. She held on for a good five seconds before letting go. When she broke away, Zeke looked up and saw a gorgeous woman, dressed in a white gown kneeling beside him smiling.

“Welcome to Paradise Zeke.” She said. “Are you ready for eternal enjoyment?”

“Oh you bet I am!” he said willingly.

The girl smiled and stood up, taking Zeke’s hand with her.

“Good because there’s eternal joy waiting for you, but it awaits in the bedroom.”

The girl let go of Zeke’s hand and turned her back to him to start walking towards a giant palace that was in her direction. Zeke stopped walking to stare at the beautiful woman that had just kissed him. Such a pretty face, and the look in her eyes showed that she was pure of heart and would be his partner for all eternity. Zeke watched the sun shine over her body and her curvy silhouette melted his heart. A tear welled up in Zeke’s eye when he realized he couldn’t be even happier. As the girl continued to walk, she soon stopped dead in her tracks and her body was completely frozen.

Zeke smiled as he had just snapped his fingers and was glad to see that his powers were still there, after all it was heaven. “Hey, she’s gonna be naked in a few moments anyway, might as well let me do it and save time!”

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