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Rated: GC · Chapter · Erotica · #2016136
Part one of the hunt between Zeke and a pack of angels.
I took the elevator down to the eighth sphere of hell plotting out my next move. Eight hunters were going to be after my head and I wouldn’t be able to use my powers against them. I could probably have taken on one of them, two at the most, but without my powers any more hunters would be too much. I needed help so I went down to the eighth sphere to rally up my brothers.

The first brother I talked to was Hellsscream. Hellcream had the power of a mighty voice, back in the day when demons roamed earth, he could bring down avalanches with his voice. I headed down to his area, which were large canyons filled with people who have been damned. Sure enough, Hellscream was riding a dragon and screaming his lungs out, causing rocks to fall on it’s helpless victims. As he swooped down closer to me I called out.

“Hey, Hellscream!”

“What?” he replied, his voice nearly sent me back from its force.

“Don’t shout, it’s me Zeke! Come down here I need to talk to you it’s important!”

Hellscream pulled back the reigns on his dragon and swooped down to the area where I was standing. Hellscream dismounted and walked up to me taking off his helmet.

“What is it brother? It’s been a long time. What, is the Karma department too good for us now?” he joked.

“No, it’s not that, Minos has been really riding me anyway. That’s not the point, I need your help.” I said.

“What do you need?”

“For some reason, I have been practicing Karmic Balance without a license and now I have eight hunters after me.”

“I thought Minos cleared you.”

“I thought so too, I’m going to look into that. But before I can, I need to get these hunters off my back.”

Hellscream rubbed his chin and started to pace, I could tell he was interested, he liked to fight. He was also restless from being down in the eighth sphere for a long time. “Okay, I’m in.” he said, “But, we’re going to get the others.”

“That’s why I talked to you first, because I knew you could get the others involved.” I said, “I am going to go back up to Earth in Los Angeles and I want you guys to meet me there. If there’s going to be fighting in public, then at least it’ll look like a movie is being shot and it won’t cause suspicion.

Hell scream nodded and mounted his dragon.

“I’ll meet you in an hour.” He said as he flew off.

When Hellscream was out of my sight, I went back up to the first sphere and took the portal to LA.


As soon as I teleported to LA I was placed in an open garden of a Buddhist temple located in the city. Something was wrong, Hell’s portals do not transport demons to holy places. This wasn’t good, since I came up to Earth on a non-business trip, I had no disguise so seeing a demon in a holy place was going to cause suspicion. Before I could look for a hiding place, I heard a high pitched female voice. “Don’t move, Demon, your days are numbered.” She said.

I turned around to see a woman of about 5’ 4” with her hair braided into a ponytail. She looked rather busty, but that could have been because she was clothed in a large pink Kimono. She looked real serious, I could tell she was a hunter because it’s not everyday you see someone holding a staff with a large blade at the end of it.

“My name is Jade,” she said, “And I am a Demon Hunter.”

“No duh, sweetheart, you’re pal Beatrice already told me about you guys.” I said impatiently

“Then you’ll know resistance is useless since seven others are after you.” She said as she twirled her staff into battle mode, “Of course, they will be too late by the time I’m through with you. Now die!”

Jade leapt into the air and kicked me in the face sending me back a few steps, okay she was a little fast. As I regained balance she swung the sharp end of her blade at me, I sidestepped it once and then sidestepped again when she swung up the blunt side of the staff. I swung my tail around and Jade countered it with a jump. Jade came down with another kick, but this time, I grabbed her leg and threw her over my head. Jade flew into the air, only to somehow shift her weight to do a flip and land on her feet again, damn, what was it going to take?

“Give up now, it’s pointless fighting me!” she said. I was starting to believe her too.
Jade let out a battle cry and charged at me, spinning her weapon in a constant circle. I grew my claws and tried to attack her, but every time I would swipe at her, she would twirl her damn body around and swing the blade at me, it was like a messed up kind of dance. She was pushing me back with her weird dance, eventually I was going to be up against a wall. As I was backing up, I saw a garden hoe near the ground, I quickly did a forward roll and grabbed the hoe as I rolled. I landed on my feet just behind Jade and I dug the hoe into the ground, catching the side of her Kimono, Jade thought I was attacking her and she did another twirl to evade my attack, which would be her undoing. There was a loud rip as her Kimono got caught on the hoe and was ripped form Jade’s twirling body. Jade stopped twirling and stood in a fighting stance, but she lost a lot of intimidation just standing there in her silk pink underwear with daisies printed on it.

Smiling, I grabbed her Kimono from the ground and held it up, “Lose something?” I asked.

Jade’s jaw dropped as well as her weapon as she crumbled to her knees covering her naked breasts, for a small woman she definitely had some nice sized breasts. I slowly walked towards her and picked up the weapon she dropped, in fear, Jade started backing away from me still covering her breasts.

“Tsk tsk.” I said, “Walking around in your undies, and in a holy place no less.”

That made Jade’s face turn even redder as she brought her other hand to her crotch.

“Please, kill me now! I can’t live on after enduring this humiliation!” she said.

I shrugged and raised the blade over my head pointing it towards Jade, and with a quick thrust I brought it down to the ground. Jade flinched a little as the blade dug into the ground, but opened her eyes when she realized she was okay. Instead of feeling the blade go into her, all she felt was the side of her underwear coming apart. Jade yelped and stood up, which caused her underwear slide down from her waist leaving her completely naked.

“I’m not going to kill you.” I said, “I want the other hunters to know what’s coming for them. Death is too easy, I’m gonna let you live on, and face the hunters who have probably been watching your poor loss already.”

As I said that, Jade’s face turned even redder as she ran to her Kimono and brought it up to the front of her body.

“Y..you’ll never get away with this!” she said, “The others will get you, you’ll see!”

Before I could respond, a ray of light came down over Jade and she was teleported up to heaven.

“Nice fighting skills” another voice said causing me to turn around to see the source.
Standing behind me were Hellscream with four other demons. The short demon with long hair was Pan the swift, his power was blinding speed. The handsome demon dressed in a business suit next to him was Mammon the unseen, whose power was invisibility. Next to him was a demon wearing a mask with a scaly body, this was Abaddon, whose face was so horrid it was known to scare lesser people to death. Finally the last demon next to him was a small demon floating in the air who had a third eye, this was Thamusz, his power was telekinesis.

“It took you guys long enough.” I said.

“It took me forever to find these guys, they were all busy” Hellscream said defensively.

“So what’s the plan brother, we’ve been told you need help.” Said Abaddon with his booming voice.

I took a deep breath as I prepared the story for these guys, knowing that I was going to get some flak for what has happened so far.

“Okay, as you guys know, Minos gave me a spot in the Karma department. Which was fine until on my second mission, one girl managed to conjure up unholy armor and I needed help. The only way I knew to destroy it was from a flaming sword, so I got the angel Michael to help me.”

Boy you would have thought I spat in their faces with the way they reacted.

“How dare you!” Mammon said, “Traitor!”

“Easy guys, what would you have done in such short time hm?” I asked, shutting them up.

Their angry faces were replaced with unhappy but understanding looks as they realized they couldn’t have done much either.

“When I finished the job, I told Michael not to tell anyone. Well, now I have these hunters after me because they think I have been practicing Karmic Balance without a license, which I will also need to investigate later. That’s why you’re here to fight hunters.

My brothers muttered amongst themselves, I could tell they were not happy with me seeking help form an angel, but I could tell they were excited as well because it was not everyday they got to fight hunters.

“So what’s your plan?” Pan asked me.

“The hunters probably have some sort of spell to trace and demonic presence.” I said, “But they cannot tell which demon is which, so any demonic presence they pick up will assume it’s me. So, if we split up, we split up the hunters. Got it?”

My brothers all nodded, smiling, they were pumped. But before they were about to leave I had to add something. “Hey guys, don’t kill them. I still want to keep this secret from the big guy okay? Just, I dunno, humiliate them all right?”

My brothers all nodded as they all walked away from the group and teleported to some locations where I didn’t know. I sat in the garden, hoping that my plan would work. It should, with the hunters all split up, I could start figuring things out as to why heaven would be after me. While I was thinking, the battle raged on.


Hellscream teleported himself to a mall. I guess his rationale was that if he was in a crowded area, the hunters would sense a demonic force in a crowded area and would want to extinguish it quickly before it caused damage. Well, now, seeing a demon in public is a little scary and sure enough, everybody in the mall screamed at the sight of Hellscream and ran out of the mall for fear of their lives. All right not low key but I trusted my brother knew what he was doing. When the mall was empty, Hellscream decided to bring more attention as he let out a loud sonic scream nearly destroying a nearby clothing store. That did the trick, sure enough, three ropes dropped from the windows of the mall. Hellscream looked up and saw three women dressed in golden Holy armor and long white skirts. They looked like something out of mythology. They were blonde slender triplets who looked very curvy under that armor. Their dresses were also very long, which meant that they had some very long legs hidden under there. Hellscream was very cautious however because he saw that the three women were armed with crossbows.

Once the women rappelled down to the ground, they armed their crossbows and aimed them at Hellscream.

“Zeke, you are charged with practicing Karmic Balance without a license, come with us and you shall not be harmed…much.” Said the center triplet with a sadistic grin.

Hellscream smiled knowing that my plan was working, they thought he was me. “You’ll have to drag my dead carcass up to that sissy little cloud called heaven.” He said.
“So be it.” Said the women as she nodded to her sisters.

Before he knew it, Hellscream saw three arrows flying towards him, he quickly ducked, feeling the breeze of one arrow zoom over his head, he needed to be more careful. Hellscream got to his feet and let out a sonic scream, but not soon enough as all three sisters leapt in the air. Hell scream looked up trying to see where they went. They were good, all three sisters landed and were now standing in a triangle around Hellscream. As they landed they fired their crossbows again, Hellscream dodged two of them, but the other one hit him in the leg. Hellscream roared in pain as he started to hobble away.

“Follow him!” shouted one of the sisters.

Hellscream started running away, dodging arrows that were coming at him, he needed to get to a spot where could breathe in enough air to let out a big scream again. Hellscream ran as fast as he could, dodging arrows and listening to the evil laughter of the hunters behind him, he didn’t expect to deal with three hunters. Finally, he ran into a nearby Radioshack to rethink his plan. The sisters followed him inside but did not see where he hid so they were sure to be careful. The three hunters were slowly walking into the store, very alert. As they were searching for him, Hellscream was behind the counter, hooking up all the speakers to one microphone. Since most of his powers were based on sound, Hellscream was known to study speaker systems and frequencies to enhance his power, this couldn’t have been a better time. Once the last speaker was hooked up, Hellscream turned on the speaker system and the mic causing a very loud but gentle hum to go off.
The hunters turned their crossbows to the source, which was behind the counter.

“It’s over Demon, give up!” said one of them.

Hell scream stood up from behind the counter with the microphone in his hand, smiling, “No, it’s over for you guys!”

Before they could fire, Hellscream let out a loud sonic scream into the microphone. With his already powerful voice amplified into the speakers, the hunters were bombarded with a loud sonic boom, as the sound barrier broke, their armor and skirts were blown clear off their bodies and went flying halfway across the mall. The hunters screamed and dropped their weapons as they covered themselves, Hellscream was now laughing at the site he saw. The triplets were clearly resourceful hunters. One of them was clad in matching leopard print underwear, another was clad in Zebra striped underwear while the other one was clad in snake skin underwear. As the girls crossed their legs and tried covering themselves, Hellscream grabbed a camera from behind and hit record, aiming it at the half naked hunters.

“Smile, your on candid camera!” he said.

The three hunters looked around and saw their animal underwear clad bodies on all the TV screens in the store. The girls screamed even louder as they ran out of the store and made their way towards the exit of the mall.

“St. Peter get us out of here, please!” said one of the hunters with a little helplessness in her voice.

“Just a second, it’ll take some extra time because there’s three of you” Peter said.

The girls exited out the doors of the mall, forgetting that there was a crowd of people outside. When they saw the huge population of people staring at them, they screamed and tried to run back into the mall. Hellscream was right behind them however, and quickly locked the doors behind them.

As the three hunters tried to get in, an angry group of people marched their way up to the front. It turns out, there was an animal rights protest going on that day and when the protestors saw the girls in their animal skinned underwear, I guess they were a little mad.

“Oh I see!” said one of the protestors, “Wearing animals as coats isn’t good enough, you need to wear them as underwear too you sluts!”

The grouped of protestors rushed the hunters and ripped their underwear from their bodies. The hunters tried desperately to hold on to their last garments, but it was no use against the crowd of hands that grabbed them. The protestors backed off, leaving the girls huddled together, covering their now naked bodies.

“Look at them” said another protestor, “Now you know what the animals you killed feel like!”

The hunters were now crying and started to turn red. They closed their eyes in embarrassment, praying to God that Peter would hurry up and get them out of there. With their eyes closed, they didn’t notice one protestor walk up to them with a bucket of red paint and throw it in their direction. The girls all screamed and uncovered themselves as they were doused in red paint.

Hellscream was laughing at the former three badass hunters who were now three cowering girls running around covered in red paint, with their blonde hair now a red mess over their eyes. As the girls were flailing around from the shock of getting red paint on them, the ray of light finally arrived and transported them back to heaven. It was a tough battle, but Hellscream came out on top.


While Hellscream was battling the three hunters, Pan was wondering around a museum in the city. I guess his rationale was that museums had a lot of holy artifacts in them so if he managed to steal some of them, it would lure the hunters to him, that or he just wanted to steal some valuable stuff. Pan was standing in front of a painting of St. Catherine, admiring its beauty and it’s value. With blinding speed, Pan rushed up to the painting and took it off the wall and then rushed back to where he was standing.

“This’ll get me some nice favors amongst those demons on the seventh sphere” he said smiling.

As Pan was admiring his work, he stopped when he heard the sounds of clanking armor moving.

Pan turned around to see a very tall, blonde and busty woman standing before him armed with a rapier. Her lower body was slender and curvy while her upper body seemed to bulge out, almost too much, but it also could have been form the thick armor covering her upper torso.

“Humiliating women without a license is one thing” she said, “But stealing a portrait of St. Catherine is another.”

“And who may I ask, are you fair buxom wench.” Pan asked.

“My name is Sophia de Croix” she said, a little red from Pan’s name calling, “And I’ve come to slay you.”

Pan rolled his eyes and set the painting down, trying to smooth things over. “Look lady, why don’t we just go out, have some coffee, maybe some sex and we’ll let this no license things blow over okay?” he said.

Pan’s words did nothing to please Sophia. Sophia turned even redder as she let out a battle cry and rushed at Pan with her sword. Pan, confident in his speed stood there with his arms folded waiting for her attack. As she got closer, Sophia started making rapid thrusts with her sword until all Pan could see were multiple blurs around her body, he didn’t expect her to be this fast. Pan quickly backed up and grabbed a sword from a standing suit of armor to block the attacks. Pan defended himself just in time as he was assaulted by what seemed to be hundreds of slashes coming from the fast Sophia. As Sophia pushed her body forward, Pan managed to parry her attack and sent her backwards. Pan took this time to regain his ground and ran to the other side of the room. Pan stopped to look at his sword, or what was left of it which was now just a stubble.
Sophia laughed confidently as she watched Pan examine his destroyed sword in disbelief.

“You will do well not to underestimate my abilities demon or it will be your undoing.” She said.

Pan curled his lip, trying to maintain his temper as her words cut through him like a knife. Pan set his broken sword down and got another sword from another suit of armor.

“Okay, I’ll admit I was impressed.” Pan said circling Sophia, “But now, prepare to be even more impressed.”

Sophia smirked with intrigue as she circled Pan. She planted her front foot firmly on the ground and then rushed at Pan again with the same attack. This time, Pan used his full speed and was sure to block each fast strike that Sophia threw at him. This went on for about a minute until Sophia leapt back to catch her breath. Pan smiled at the tired Sophia as he leaned up against a wall and said, “you know, you should take that armor off your torso, you’ll be less tired, come on, I’m not sure if you’re a C or a D cup.”

Pan’s comment enraged Sophia as she got a second adrenaline rush and charged even faster at Pan who didn’t really have nowhere to go since his back was too a wall. Sophia thought this would be final blow because she knew Pan couldn’t dodge her fastest attack, but Pan was the fastest demon in the universe and sure enough, he did dodge her attack. Pan simply sidestepped before Sophia hit him and with full force, she crashed into the wall causing pieces of the wall to fly all over the place, as well as her armor to fly all over the place from shattering on impact. Sophia was a little dizzy from the impact and was slowly losing her balance, standing in only a long skirt and a corset with roses printed on it. Pan whistled at the woman’s exposed upper torso and said, “So I guess you are really a C cup then.”

Sophia came to her senses and wondered what Pan was talking about. Sophia then looked down at the ground and saw her armor scattered all over the place and then looked down to see her exposed corset. Sophia gasped and covered her upper half with one arm and held her sword arm out ready to attack. “No one gets the best of me!” she said.

“Oh but I do!” Pan said getting in his fighting stance, “And that’s not all I’ll get!”
Sophia rushed at Pan again and Pan rushed at Sophia. Sophia thrust her sword at Pan but hit only air as Pan dove low to the ground and grabbed Sophia’s skirt as he passed her, ripping it from her body. The move was so fast that it sent Sophia spinning across the room. It was quite an amusing sight to see Sophia spinning around in her matching corset and panties with roses all over them. When Sophia regained her balance, she felt a cool breeze hitting her legs and when she brought her hands down to her lower torso and felt her silk panties instead of a dress, she knew she was in trouble.

Sophia’s legs buckled together as she tried to cover as much of her body as she could while still holding her sword in attack mode. Pan was now holding her skirt up the way a matador holds his cape.

“I got to hand it to you Sophia, for standing there in nothing but your skivvies, you got some iron will.” Pan said holding the cape out in front of him, “C’mon you want this back? Come get it!”

Sophia’s face turned beat red as she made another lunge at Pan, who quickly sidestepped Sophia and swung the cape around him shouting, “Ole!” as he brought his hand down and spanked Sophia’s back side.

Sophia screamed in rage as she her hand went to feel the slight pain on her behind and her whole body was practically red. After rubbing her ass a little, Sophia charged at Pan again, only this time, she was swinging her sword wildly and rather sloppily, not charging as fast as she had been. Pan zipped passed Sophia and grabbed the threads to her corset as he past her, causing Sophia to drop her sword as she was reared in Pan’s direction. Sophia’s placed her hands on the threads Pan was pulling trying to get them back, but Pan was pulling pretty hard on the threads, tightening the corset and causing Sophia to lose oxygen.

“Pll…please..ll..et go.” Sophia weakly pleaded, before finally passing out from lack of air. Pan let go of the threads to her corset and let Sophia faint to the ground. He wasn’t done yet.

Pan walked up to Sophia and unlaced her corset from her body. As soon as the last threed was loosened, her breasts popped free from it’s lacy prison. Pan was quite impressed with this sexy warrior. So much so, he felt her body should be on display for everyone. With great concentration, Pan managed to conjure up a canvas and a set of paints, for Pan was also a great painter and was very good at painting the finest detail. With his fine art skills and great speed, Pan managed to paint an exact replica of Sophia lying helplessly on the ground, topless and in her rose panties in about three minutes. When he was finished with the painting, he placed it in the same spot where he took the St. Catherine painting and then went down to awaken Sophia.

After a few nudges to her breast, Sophia moaned and slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was Pan poking at her breasts with his finger. Sophia blushed as she gasped and smacked Pan’s hand away.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she asked as she got to her feet covering her breasts.

“Just making sure I got all the detail right.” Pan said.

“What do you mean detail?” she asked.

“The detail of the painting I did of you, look.”

Sophia turned to where Pan pointed and her face turned to a look of sheer terror. There in the main exhibit for the world to see was Sophia lying on the ground half-naked. Quickly, Sophia rushed to the painting and tried to take it off the wall, as she walked up to the painting, two security officers saw her and ran up to Sophia to stop her.

“Hey lady!” one of them said, “Hands off the painting!”

“B..but, this doesn’t belong here. This is of me, this can’t be up here!” Sophia begged.

By that time, the officers caught up to Sophia and grabbed her hands.

“I don’t care, this thing was up on the wall, which means someone wanted it to belong here.” Said the police officer, as he stopped when he realized the half naked woman in the painting was the same woman standing in front of him. “Shouldn’t you be admiring the work you modeled for?” he asked.

“No! I don’t want this portrait of my nakedness in here!” Sophia said, “This was all his doing, wait where?”

Sophia turned to point at where Pan was last standing, only to find that Pan was no longer there. Pan that little rascal, always speeding off to hide just as the cops were coming.

The police not satisfied, handcuffed Sophia and started taking her away, with her legs kicking in the air.

“No! This can’t be in here! People can’t see me like this! I am Sophia de Croix!” Sophia shouted helplessly. Pan watched from the sides as the police dragged the half naked Sophia away, admiring his work that was going to be permanently admired in the museum, too bad Sophia wouldn’t see it the same way.


While Pan was battling it out with Sophia, Mammon had teleported himself into an underground night club. It was a Goth club that was open all the time since it was underground and no light shined through it. Mammon figured many people in this area were guilty of carnal sin and that the hunters would soon find him here. Mammon, not wanting to cause too much attention, used his powers to make himself invisible and started walking around the crowd. Slowly, Mammon moved his way through the crowd until he got to the main dance floor where he planned to get a good scope out on everybody in the room. Just as he stepped in the center, he felt something wrap tight around his ankle. Before Mammon could bend down and feel what it was, he felt a hard pull on his ankle and he was yanked to the ground.

“It’s no use hiding demon.” A cold woman’s voice said, “I can see exactly where you are.”

Mammon looked up from behind to see that there was a whip wrapped tightly around his ankle. He followed the whip from his ankle all the way to the source. Standing before him was a woman dressed in 18th century royal dress. She had a long purple jacket covering a golden vest with a white shirt under it and white pantaloons. She definitely looked like somebody from a pure bloodline but she looked like she meant business. Mammon guessed she had to have been about 5’6” and her dark red lips and white hair made her look like an evil queen.

“Aren’t you dressed improperly in this type of place” Mammon said.

“The only thing improper are these harlots in this building, whom I’m sure you can’t wait to drag to your realm.” The Woman said indignantly, “I am Lucia Gratiano, and I’ve come to claim your head.”

Before Mammon could say anything else, Lucia lifted the arm with the whip and Mammon was sent flying in the air and landed right in the middle of the dance floor. The other dance goers heard a loud crash and fled the dance floor in fear from the unseen noise that was just made. With the battle area clear, Lucia stepped forward.

“You may be wondering how is it I can see you?” Lucia said smiling, “With a little help from an incantation I found, it was quite easy to spot you.”

Apparently, Lucia never saw any James Bond movies or she would have done well to shut her mouth. Mammon knew exactly what incantation she was talking about. The incantation she spoke of, to see the unseen, required dipping a sacred jewel in a special solution. Mammon immediately studied Lucia’s slender body and saw around her neck was a green jewel that glowed, that was the target. Mammon lengthened his claws and slashed the whip from his hands. As soon as Mammon got up, Lucia’s whip reformed where it had broken off. Lucia lashed the whip out again but this time, Mammon brought his arm up and it wrapped around his arm. Mammon grunted from the pain and dug his feet in the ground as Lucia started pulling him forward.

“It’s useless demon,” Lucia said, “No one’s been able to break me!”

Mammon kept pulling from Lucia but she was surprisingly too strong for him. Mammon had a second plan however. This time, instead of fighting Lucia’s pulling, Mammon charged at her, doubling his momentum towards Lucia. Lucia was caught off guard and Mammon’s speed and he shoulder charged her with all of his weight and knocked her to the ground. While Lucia was stunned, Mammon bent down and snatched the necklace from her and held it in her hand.

“Oh God no!” Lucia shouted as she reached to grab the amulet only to miss.

“Now, I’m gonna break you.” Mammon said as he crushed the gem into dust.

Immediately, Mammon disappeared from Lucia’s view. Panicking, she quickly got to her feet and tried to listen for any slight sound of movement. But Mammon was too good at being unseen and he was very careful, he was already behind her and when he got close, he gently pinched Lucia’s firm behind.

Lucia’s hands immediately flew to her backside as she turned around and lashed her whip out in the direction. This was all a very surreal thing to see from the crowd because all they could see was some weird woman using a whip lashing it in thin air.

Unfortunately for a petite woman with short hair standing off to the side watching, Lucia missed Mammon, who had stepped out of the way, and the tip of the whip snapped against the long dress of the blonde woman. As the whip snapped, a tear opened up from the center of the top of her strapless dress all the way down to her naval. The girl shrieked from seeing the whip go at her and before she could grab the sides, she felt her dress split open slide down from her body and to her feet leaving the girl standing there in a black thong and garter belt. The crowd all laughed as the girl picked up her dress and hugged it to her body to cover herself.

“Mon dieu!” the girl shouted.

Her friend, a slender woman with black hair, dressed in a black mini skirt and sleeveless grey top stepped back with her jaw open. She said with a French accent “Cleodine! Your dress! And since when did you where lingerie like that? I only thought you wore girly panties.”

Cleodine blushed as she clutched the torn dress to her body, her face growing redder by the minute as gawkers turned from the fight to look at her state of undress, admiring her cute ass between the cloth of the thong. “Helena! Stop looking at me!” she whined to her friend. “What is this woman’s problem?” she asked directing it towards Lucia.

“Shut up you whore!” Lucia said still trying to sense where Mammon was, “This doesn’t concern you!”

“But it concerns you!” Mammon said.

Mammon was behind Lucia again and this time, he grabbed the back of her jacket and ripped it from her shoulders. Lucia gasped as she stepped back from where Mammon was and lashed the whip out again. This time, the whip caught the side of the woman named Helena just a at the hip. She yelped as she stepped back from the whip and then felt her skirt slide down her hips and to her feet, leaving her to stand there in her pink bikini panties with little red poodles printed on it. Helena screamed as she cross one leg over the other before covering her panties with her hands.

Cleodine, with her dress still held up to her half naked body smirked as she tugged at the waistband of Helena’s panties. “Poodles Helena? Really? That’s hardly something appropriate for a Goth club.” She teased.

Helena’s face grew red as she bent down to pull her skirt up, “Shut up! I hope whoever is pissing this woman off finally teaches her a lesson!”

“Shut up you freak!” Lucia shouted at Helena, turning in circles not wanting to get caught from behind by Mammon. “That jacket was handed down to me from many generations!”

“Yeah, I imagine all of those fancy clothes were but kiss em goodbye!” Mammon said.

Lucia shrieked as one of her hands flew to her chest, her face turning red at the thought of the idea. “Never in a million years!” Lucia said, “Now you will see my true power!”

Lucia lashed her whip in the air and with a crack of her whip, it grew four more tips at the end. Lucia’s eyes started to glow and then a shock wave shot from her arm down to the whip and then, her whip was now flowing with electricity. This was going to be a bit difficult if Mammon wasn’t careful.

Lucia lashed her whip to an empty spot to where Mammon wasn’t standing, but it was close enough to almost singe his tail. Mammon flew out of the way as Lucia started to swing the whip wildly around the room, causing everyone in the crowd to run out of the club screaming. Helena, with her hands holding her skirt up said, “This is getting too dangerous Cleodine! We have to leave!”

“What?” Cleodine said as she squeezed her legs together, “B-but I’m only wearing lingerie!”

CRACK! Lucia sent her whips out, one of the tips striking Cleodine in the exposed part of her ass. Cleodine yelped as she dropped her dress and ran outside, a small red welt developing on her right cheek.

“Wait for me!” Helena called out. CRACK! Another whiplash struck the back of Helena’s top, causing it to split down the middle, exposing her matching pink poodle bra. She looked down and saw her breasts exposed and wrapped her arms around them. This was a mistake because with her arms around her chest, her skirt fell back down to her feet. Whimpering as she realized she was standing in the club in her underwear, Helena stepped out of her skirt and decided to run out the door before she lost anymore clothes. “This woman is insane!” she said.

CRACK! Mammon ducked another lash from the whip and tackled Lucia to the ground. As she fell, Lucia’s hand loosened around the whip and Mammon took the opportunity to grab it from her and leap back to the other side of the room. Lucia gasped as she realized she was unarmed and stood up in the center of the dance floor and started shaking.

“Okay.” She said helplessly, “I’m unarmed, you can leave now. I won’t bother you anymore.”

That wasn’t going to be good enough for Mammon.

Mammon lashed the electrically charged whip at Lucia and the five strands wrapped tightly around her body. Lucia yelped as they tightened and she knew what was going to happen next. Sure enough, the electricity shot through the whip and was electrocuting Lucia. As she screamed, Lucia could feel the fabric of her clothing slowly getting fried away and she felt more and more skin being exposed.

“No no no! This can’t happen to me!” she screamed.

Mammon smiled as the electricity stopped flowing when all of Lucia’s clothes were gone and she was standing there tied up in the whip in a one piece leather bathing suit with leather boots on. All Lucia could do to cover up was squeeze her legs since she was tight up as she tried to break free.

“Please let me go!” she begged between tears.

“There’s nothing I hate more than a hypocrite.” Mammon said, “You call all the people in this club harlots and here you are wearing leather undies. I see what turns you on lady. You must have spent a lot of time in the dungeon at your castle huh?”

Lucia’s face turned beet red at Mammon’s comment as she replied, “I never did anything of the sort!”

Mammon was tired of this woman’s lying and decided to retract the whip from her body. As soon as she was set free, Lucia’s arms covered her breasts and her crotch trying to keep what little dignity she had left.

As he watched Lucia squirm, Mammon noticed that there were three golden buckles on the side of Lucia’s outfit that Lucia wasn’t covering. Mammon lashed the whip out again at Lucia which scared her to bring her hands up to her face, but Mammon wasn’t aiming at her face. Instead, three of the tips of the whip hit the three buckles. The three buckles broke and Lucia’s leather body suit nearly exploded off of her body as her breasts flew out, released from the tightness of the leather. Mammon was impressed, that leather must have been real strong because Lucia’s breast size had to have been a 38D. Lucia gasped and her hands flew to her large breasts and her leather body suit fell to the ground.
“Man, women would kill to have natural breasts like that and here you go and try to make em smaller.” Mammon said.

Lucia fell to her knees crying and Mammon dropped the whip to the ground now that the battle was done. Mammon started walking up the stairs to the exit of the club but then turned his head and called back, “If I were you, I’d get out of here since I wasn’t wearing anything because the crowd will be coming back.”

Lucia gasped as she picked up her leather suit and tried to hold it together on her body. “St. Peter!” she cried, “Get me out of here!”

“Sadly I cannot help you Lucia.” Peter said, “You are in an area of great Sin where the ray of light cannot reach you, you’ll have to find another way out.”

Lucia looked around the room in a panic and then shouted out, “There’s no other way out! Not even a back door!”

“Exactly.” Mammon said.

Mammon walked outside to see that the Goth crowd was all standing outside of the doors in awe of what they had seen. Still invisible, he walked through the crowd and stood behind the two women who were wearing nothing but their undergarments, each of their arms folded over their breasts and crotches as their legs squirmed together.

“This is humiliating!” Cleodine said as she looked at all the gawkers staring at her. “Why did you leave your purse in the club? Now we can’t go home!”

“It’s not my fault!” Helena said, “Look at me! I lost my top! I didn’t want to lose anything else!”

Just then, Lucia emerged from the steps holding the sides of her leather suit together. Everybody in the crowd starting whooping and whistling at Lucia’s body. As the cheers got louder, Lucia’s face got redder. As Lucia was walking, she passed Helena and Cleodine.

“There she is!” Cleodine pointed angrily.

“And you called us whores! What is this? A dominatrix outfit?” Helena asked as she reached out and snatched Lucia’s body suit, ripping it away from her body. Lucia screamed as her large breasts bounced free and she tried desperately to escape while covering herself. The crowd surrounded Lucia and started taking pictures. Mammon laughed as he left Lucia to defend for herself and poor Lucia was stuck trying to keep her dignity while standing in public naked.


Meanwhile, Abaddon, had decided to teleport to a haunted house attraction located in Disneyland. Abaddon’s features were very horrifying so he decided to remain in a horrifying place not to cal too much attention to him. Abaddon was walking around the ball room of the haunted house. It was a nice place, the table was covered in cob webs and the room was dark and unlit since the chandelier lights were off. Abaddon was about to sit down at the table until he felt a leather boot meet the left side of his face. Abaddon was sent flying across the table and crashed against the wall. Grumbling, he got to his feet to see a woman with a very toned body, wearing camouflage army pants and a green tank top.

“All right buddy, ready to dance?” she said as she tightened her blond ponytail.

Abaddon hissed as he crouched on all fours ready to attack. The woman, put up her hands to defend herself and then charged at Abaddon. Abaddon leapt in the air ready to take her down but the girl countered him with a round house to the face that sent him flying across the room again. Abaddon crashed against a wall and was temporarily knocked out. Laughing, the woman started walking up towards Abaddon and pulled out a walkie talkie.

“This is officer Lynn Briggs reporting, “ she said, “I’ve caught the demon, you can call the other hunters off.”

The walkie talkie beeped and St. Peter was on the other line, “Uh Lynn. I hate to break it to you but you but that’s not the demon we’re after. I’m not sure what’s going on but, the other hunter said she’s tailing the demon now. Keep searching, over.”

Lynn stood there in confusion as St. Peter signed off. She looked at Abaddon’s unconscious body closely and cracked her knuckles.

“Great, I spend half the day tracking down the demon and you’re not the right one.” She said angrily as she started to walk away.

As Lynn started walking away, Abaddon regained consciousness and opened his eyes. Lynn started to slow down her walking as she heard what she thought to be a low growl. Abaddon rose to his feet, really pissed off and slowly brought his clawed hand to his face and slowly took off his mask. By this time, Lynn had stopped walking and she slowly started to turn around. As Lynn turned around to face Abaddon, his eyes were glowing bright red illuminating his horrid face that was so distorted, words cannot describe the awful scene. Lynn’s eyes widened as she saw Abaddon’s face and she screamed so loud that it broke one of the empty glasses on the dining table. Lynn’s hair sprang out from its hair tie and became all spread out and messy. Lynn also felt the front of her pants getting tighter as if they were getting pulled. As she looked down, to her disbelief, Lynn saw her pants rip from her legs and watched as they ran out of the room as if occupied by the invisible man, Lynn could not believe that Abaddon had scared the pants off of her. Lynn screamed again as she pulled her shirt down over her French cut panties with the princesses from Disney printed on them, how appropriate Abaddon thought.

“Oh..my god!” Lynn shouted.

Before Lynn could run, Abaddon’s face lit up even more as he let out a terrifying roar. Lynn screamed again and she felt the straps of her tank top rip from her shoulders and fly out of the room leaving Lynn standing there topless. Lynn was so shocked she couldn’t decide whether or not whether to cover her breasts or her embarrassing underwear. Instead, Lynn just stood there, legs crossed and hands spread out, whimpering. Before Abaddon could do anything else, the chandelier lights lit up and a door swung open. Abaddon immediately shrunk back and out of the room, but Lynn was still in shock and screamed, deciding that her breasts needed to be covered instead. What had happened was, people decided to go on the ride of the haunted house and they had arrived into the dining room. Three cars rolled into the room and rode down to the dining room where holographic ghosts. Lynn screamed as one of the ghosts floated through her and her scream caught the attention of the tourists on the ride.

“Mommy, that ladies wearing the same underwear I am!” a little girl squeaked.

Lynn was horrified as the little girl’s comment reminded her she was wearing underwear with Disney’s Cinderella, Snow white and Belle printed on it. Lynn’s hands dropped to her lower half as she bent down to shield the now flashing cameras from her underwear. Mother’s shielded their children’s eyes as they gave off a mix of “Oh mys” and “How awfuls”

The men on the other hand were whistling and tried to snap as many pictures as they could as the cars circled around Lynn.

As the last car passed by Lynn, one of the bolts holding the car together got caught on the elastic band of Lynn’s underwear. Lynn saw it get caught at the corner of her eye and before she could unhook it, her body was pulled forward from the automatic car and instinctively, Lynn grabbed on to the wall so she wouldn’t be pulled along with the cart. Bad idea. Lynn’s hip felt a small snap as her underwear was ripped from her body. Lynn screamed again and covered her naked behind just as another camera had flashed at it. Lynn started crying as she dropped to her knees to cover herself. As the last car left, the doors shut and the lights went off leaving Lynn naked and alone in the dark. Satisfied with taking care of a hunter, Abaddon escaped into the shadows and left the haunted attraction leaving Lynn to let the experience haunt her for eternity.

to be continued

© Copyright 2014 bbettyblambabam (wtfbrotha36 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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