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Rated: GC · Other · Erotica · #2016133
Zeke goes to Las vegas
I was in the middle of what was a great nap, until my cell phone called. I looked on my cell phone and saw that it was Minos calling.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Zeke, it’s Minos. I have a new list for you.”

“Already? Where?”

“Las Vegas.”

“Boss, the people there are already going to hell. Why bother humiliating them?”

“Eh, the G man wants to give them a second chance and figures humiliation is sort of a way to say to them, “Don’t get cocky.” I’m sending you a list now.”

“Hey Minos.”


“I’m not going to be walking around all of Nevada to look for people like last time. You send me the scroll on how to teleport or I’m putting in my two weeks.”

“All right just get to work!”

Sure enough a ball of flames shot up and a list appeared in air that slowly floated on my lap. Ever since I got the job in the Karma department, Minos was real happy with what I did the last time. I didn’t mind the new work but getting up in the middle of my nap just to go humiliate people living in a town where the economy was based on gambling and sex seemed like a waste of time. Soon after, another ball of flames shot up and another piece of paper fell onto my lap. I picked it up and read what it said. Roughly it said:

This hereby clears Zeke to travel wherever he wants for purposes of business. All he has to do is concentrate on the location and he will be taken there.

Thank God because if I had to walk around like last time I’d die from exhaustion. I got out of bed and headed over up to the 1st sphere and took the portal to Las Vegas for my next assignment. The next I knew, I was right in the middle of a city that lit up the night. Hundreds of people were walking all over the city ready to lose their money to the big casinos. I looked down and shook my head when I saw what Hell had given me as a disguise. This time I was a short and fat guy in his 40s wearing golf shorts and a polo shirt. This was getting ridiculous. Not wanting to be in this ridiculous state for as long as I had to, I looked down at the first name on the list.

Offense: Supermodel who has a very bad diva complex. She managed to sabotage another models career by rubbing butter on her shoes causing her to sleep and break her leg. Bianca did this so she could get the other models’ spot.

I looked at Bianca’s picture real closely so I could teleport where she was. She was a real skinny blonde with short hair, but for some reason her breasts were a size C which didn’t make any sense. I concentrated on her picture very hard praying that this would work because I knew this fat body I was in wasn’t going to get me very far.

In no time at all I was teleported to the location of where Bianca was. She was doing a fashion show at a club. I was seated right up close to the walkway with all of these other hot shot wealthy people. Soon enough, scantily clad models started walking out. I guess the theme was organic material because instead of clothes, all the girls were wearing were bikinis made of plants. Some girls come out with palm fronds, another girl came out with fruit, it was really ridiculous, but it gave me an idea. It was funny watching all the men act calm when they were in front of half naked women. I would’ve bet a million bucks they were crossing their legs.

Bianca was the next girl to come out and she was wearing a brassier made of lettuce leaves and her bottom was covered by a bunch of grapes held up by a vine. People pay millions of dollars for this? Bianca started walking down the isle with her emotionless face and her sassy walk. As soon as she was close to me I froze time. I rubbed my hands together really fast and then I touched both the lettuce and the grapes. When I rub my hands together, I speed up time. I always have to be careful when I speed time because that can cause a lot of things to age super quick so I have to touch the specific items I want to speed up otherwise everything would age super quick. Since Bianca and her fashion buddies were wasting good food anyway, I didn’t feel that bad causing this stuff to go rotten even quicker.

I unfroze time and Bianca resumed walking down the catwalk. I could already see the lettuce and the grapes shriveling up and changing color, since I sped up their aging process. Bianca’s emotionless face started to wrinkle up in disgust when she got a huge whiff of rotten vegetation. Everyone in the room groaned and covered their noses. I could see her lettuce brassier slowly changing to a color of yellow and it started to shrivel up. Just as Bianca looked down, the straps of her lettuce bra rotted away and Bianca in sheer panic held up her bra from falling. I could also see the vine that wrapped around her waste starting to rot as well. All the guys in the audience started cheering. The vines around her started to slowly rot and the grapes covering her crotch started to drop. Bianca used her other hand to try and hold the grapes up. Unfortunately for Bianca, the grapes soon rotted and now her lower regions were purple from the juice. Bianca let her hand covering her chest drop to cover her bottom, but she forgot about her bra that was almost gone anyway and that fell down. What also fell out was Bianca’s two balls of what looked to be tissue paper she used to stuff her breasts with. That explained why she looked so funny, this supermodel in reality was as flat as a board. Bianca screamed and covered herself as she crossed her legs while everyone else covered their noses. One of the other models came out with a cloth and went to cover Bianca up. As soon as she wrapped her arms around Bianca, she got a whiff of her body, which reeked of rotted food and quickly walked away with the cloth. Bianca uncovered her breasts on accident when she tried to grab for the sheet and that cued the cameras to start flashing. It was almost like a scene in the Godfather when Sonny got shot at the tollbooth. Every time a flash hit a certain part of Bianca’s body, she would uncover one part of it to cover another part that the cameras captured on film. Whether or not her ego was shattered didn’t matter, her career was over with a horrible smell like that.

I got out of my seat and pushed my way through the sea of photographers taking pictures of Bianca. As soon as I got out of the building I pulled out the list, crossed off Bianca’s name and looked down at the next one.

I sat down on a bench on the street looking at the next client. Finally, I’d be able to go to the casinos for this one.

Offense: A very confident professional poker player. She’s so good that she purposely cleans people out of their money leaving them stranded in Las Vegas. She can tell if they are about to leave the table and then convinces them to stay for one more game and takes them for everything they’ve got.

I concentrated on the picture of Melissa and teleported to her location. The next thing I knew I was in the corner of a huge casino. I looked around for Melissa. She was sitting at a poker table and had a nice stack of chips already. She looked real wealthy with her long, silk, red dress and with her blonde hair tied up, almost too good like a call girl looks like. I had an idea of how to take care of Melissa but I was going to need something first so I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Minos’ number.


“Hey boss it’s Zeke. Can you send me up a stack of chips for the casino?”

“Are you gambling on the job Zeke?” Minos asked with impatience.

“No I’m doing my job, I just need these chips to out play this girl. Trust me.”

Minos just hung up the phone and soon after two stacks of chips appeared in my hand. Stuffing the chips in my pocket, I walked over to the table to see if I could get in on this.
To break this girl’s spirit, I kind of felt I had to beat her at her own game. Melissa didn’t really pay any attention to me, but she was going to be after I got through with her. The dealer dealt the cards and Melissa placed the first bet. I snapped my fingers to freeze time and then got up to look at what Melissa’s hand was. All she had was a two pair. I unfroze time and called her bet. We all discarded our cards and got new ones. I froze time again and looked at Melissa’s new hand, she had a full house now. All I had was a pair, so I just searched through the deck until I found the correct cards to make a straight flush. I got back to my seat and unfroze time. Melissa placed a bet and I raised. Melissa then gave this cocky smirk of interest as if no one ever raised her before. She grabbed some more chips and raised again. Without being phased, I raised her again. Melissa grabbed another stack of her chips and raised again.

“Are you sure you want to do that?” I asked.

“What’s a matter buddy? Getting a little nervous?” she said sarcastically.

“Just making sure you don’t make a mistake.” I said.

“I know what I’m doing.”

I shrugged and raised her again. I knew she was trying to clean me out now which was fine because these chips had no value to me. This time she bet all in and pushed all of her chips forward with a very wide grin on her face.

“I don’t see why you’re so excited, I don’t have any more chips.” I said.

“Yeah but you have to stay in after betting all that.” she said as if she were a teacher.

“Maybe I don’t want to.”

“Come on, be a man. Stay in.”

“I don’t have anything else to bet.”

Melissa frowned in disappointment for a moment, but then her eyes widened and I could tell she had an idea when she asked, “What kind of a car do you have?”

“A Jaguar” I lied.

“Well bet that then sweetie.”

“Fine.” I said, “But if I win, you have to take off that dress for me, in front of everyone.”

“Deal” she said without any hesitation. Man she was a gambler.

I held out my hand to seal the deal and she proudly shook it thinking she’d be able to beat me. Smiling, I laid out my hand showing her the straight flush. Melissa’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened as she dropped her cards. She froze in disbelief, not only had she lost over fifty grand but she was also about to lose her dignity. Ah, what a fine day’s work.

“Okay sweetheart, strip.” I said.

Melissa just scoffed and stood up from her seat. “Screw you fat boy. No one is seeing me with my clothes off and if you try to report this, I’ll sue your ass for sexual harassment!”
Melissa stormed off from the table and I just shook my head as I snapped my fingers to stop her. I hate sore losers. I got up from my seat and walked up to Melissa. I unclasped the back of the dress that wrapped around her neck and slowly pulled it down. I let the part of the dress that I pulled off her hang down from her torso as I took a minute to admire her breasts. She had a nice curvy body with full breasts, not like Bianca’s who had the skinny supermodel body. She may have been a worthless gambler but she worked out. I put my fingers inside the part of the dress that was resting around her waste and pulled the rest down leaving Melissa in her black thong and high heel shoes. I walked behind Melissa to admire her firm backside. After taking some time to stare at her ass, I grew my claws out and cut her thong from either side. Satisfied with my work, I picked up the dress and walked back to the poker table hiding it under the table.

I snapped my fingers and Melissa kept walking. She stopped mid stride as she felt what she thought to be her thong falling from her waste. She looked down and was mortified to see that her senses were right. Melissa didn’t bother covering herself up, she just stood their with her mouth open exposing herself to everyone.

Some guy in the room whistled and I guess that broke Melissa from her trance. She screamed out loud and tried covering herself. As she crossed her legs, she lost her balance from wearing her heels and she fell flat on her face with her rear end sticking out. Everyone in the room started laughing as Melissa tried getting up while still covering herself. Just then, two police officers showed up and grabbed Melissa’s arms exposing her again.

“Wh..what are you doing?” she asked.

“Throwing you out miss, violation of dress code.” One of the officers said.

“N..no! You can’t throw me out like this!” she shouted helplessly.

The officers didn’t listen to her as they drug her towards the doors. Melissa tried to drag her feet and kept kicking and screaming but she wasn’t strong enough to fight the police. Melissa was thrown out of the casino and she felt a cold air hit her entire body as she fell on the steps. Melissa quickly got up and started pounding on the doors begging to be let back in. Everyone in the casino stood there laughing at Melissa. Melissa kept screaming to be let in until she stopped and listened. She heard a large roar of hoots and hollers and she turned around to find that there was a huge crowd outside that was looking at her. Melissa screamed again and covered herself running down the streets. Where she went? I’ll never know. There aren’t many places you can go without any money or clothes.

I got up from my seat leaving my chips behind and looked down at the next name on the list.

Offense: Profiles young kids and thinks they are doing drugs. She actually busted an honor role student by planting pot on her person and she got the girl arrested.
I could tell this woman was a tough one. She was a busty woman with her brown hair done up in a bun holding a nightstick. She looked like she couldn’t be broken at all, well, at least till I got through with her. I concentrated on Tammy’s picture and teleported to the police station where I ended up in the parking lot. I turned around and could see Tammy pushing a girl into the police station. I watched from the window as Tammy checked the girl in at the desk. The girl looked to be in her twenties and looked like she was out clubbing because she was dressed in a pink mini-skirt and white sleeveless top. After the clerk was done, Tammy pushed the crying girl to the back. As Tammy opened the door, I froze time so I could get into the room she was entering and hid behind a flag off in the corner to see where they were going next.

I unfroze time and watched as Tammy led the girl to an empty cell.

“You can’t do this!” the girl said between sobs, “You can’t plant ecstasy on me and turn me in!”

“I just did honey.” Tammy said rather coldly, “And that’s not all I’m going to do to you, stupid sorority slut!”

Tammy pushed the girl into the cell and walked in as well before shutting the door. The girl started to back away until she was against a wall. She was really scared, her lip was quivering. I couldn’t say that I could blame her being in a room with this very intimidating woman.

“Take off your shirt.” Tammy said.

The girls looked at Tammy with confusion. “Wh..what? No you can’t..”

“I’m checking you to see if you have other drugs now strip!” Tammy said more fiercely.
The girl’s hands started shaking as she slowly grabbed the bottom of her shirt and lifted it up over her head exposing a hot pink bra. The girl threw her shirt to the side and then covered her breasts as she turned red from embarrassment. Tammy laughed a little as she took her nightstick and placed it up against one of the girls’ breasts.

“Nice implants, did your daddy pay for them?” she asked.

The girl didn’t answer, all she did was start crying as she pushed the nightstick away and tried to cover herself even more. Tammy wasn’t finished.

“Now take off your skirt.” She said.

The girl’s eyes widened in shock and she started shaking her head frantically. Tammy shot the girl an evil look and pulled out a knife from her pocket.

“Take it off now!” she shouted.

The girl shook her head now as she crouched down into the corner hoping for an escape. With great speed, Tammy took the knife and lunged at the girl’s lower waist. The girl screamed as she jumped up out of reflex. I thought she stabbed the girl but all Tammy did was cut off the fastener on the side of her skirt. Sure enough, the girl’s skirt slowly slid down off of her waist and to her feet leaving the girl in her bra and pink thong. The girl turned to the corner and tried covering her body as much as possible while Tammy just laughed and said, “I can’t stand you innocent sorority girls acting so pure and then wearing slutty underwear like that. It’s all because your parents never disciplined you enough. Well I’ll fix that!”

Tammy advanced toward the girl who crumbled in the corner. Tammy grabbed the girl’s hand and pulled it away from the girls’ chest. Next, Tammy grabbed her handcuffs from her belt and cuffed one end of the cuff to one of the bars high up in the cell and the other end was cuffed to the girls’ hand. The girl was practically on her tiptoes from the other end of the handcuffs being so high; she couldn’t even cover herself anymore. Tammy then pulled another pair of handcuffs out and repeated the same process with her other hand leaving the girl defenseless. The girl was crying even louder now and was kicking her legs trying to escape.

“What have I done to you?” she asked sobbing.

“You’re a goddamn spoiled little rich girl who got everything as a little kid and feels they can do whatever they want! Well I’ll show you that you’re not better than other people!”

Tammy said as she took off her gun belt and wrapped it up ready to spank her.

I snapped my fingers and froze time because I had seen enough. I walked into the cell and grabbed Tammy’s keys to uncuff the girl. Once I got her uncuffed, I decided to put her clothes back on her. I don’t know if she was good or bad, but I had a job to do and this girl was going to be a part of it so she needed to have her confidence back which meant putting her clothes back on.

Once I had the girl standing up right, I walked behind Tammy and wrapped my arms around her waist and unbuckled her belt, pulling it through her belt loops and wrapping it up before putting it in the girls hand. I then grabbed Tammy’s police tie and removed it from over her head. Next was Tammy’s shirt. One by one, I slowly undid the buttons along her police shirt and then I unzipped the top of her pants to undo the bottom button of her shirt. Once she was unbuttoned I removed Tammy’s shirt exposing her white C cup bra. After I threw her shirt to the side, I put my hands on the inside of the band of her pants and yanked them down. What a hypocrite. Little miss “I hate thong panties” was wearing a white cotton thong with the brand Jockey printed on the waste line. Oh well, it would be better for the girl to spank her ass with. Speaking of Tammy’s ass, I looked at it and saw that she had a tattoo on her left butt cheek of a kiss mark on it. What was up with this woman? Oh well, next I grabbed the handcuffs and hand cuffed Tammy to the bars of the cell with her backside facing us. I grabbed Tammy’s clothes and left the cell with them and hid back behind the flag.

I snapped my fingers and resumed time and watched as the tables turned. The girl was still crying but she stopped when she realized she was no longer handcuffed and was clothed with a belt in her hand. Tammy on the other hand was no longer smiling as she realized she was handcuffed. As she was struggling to get free she could feel a cool breeze hitting her exposed skin. Tammy looked down and gasped when she realized she was half naked. Tammy started kicking her legs and her face started turning red from embarrassment. Her face turned redder when she turned her head to see that the girl was standing behind her.

“I don’t know how you did this you little bitch but get me down from here now!” she demanded.

The girl didn’t answer at all, she was almost on the floor laughing at Tammy’s tattoo.

“Why the hell do you have that on your ass lady?” she asked between giggles.

Tammy turned her head and looked down and gasped when she saw that her tattoo was exposed as well. She was now starting to get tears in her eyes.

“Don’t…look at that!” she said, “Only my husband is supposed to know about that!”

“Did you have somebody kiss your ass and then get a tattoo of it?” the girl asked.

“N.no, I kissed a piece of paper and then had it traced on.” Tammy said without thinking but then she gasped again and shut her mouth before she embarrassed herself even more.

“Wait a minute” the girl said looking at Tammy’s backside some more. “You were going to whip me for wearing a thong and I see you wearing a thong as well as a tattoo to show your husband?”

“Shut up!” Tammy cried out beginning to cry.

“I think I’ll have to discipline you then since your parents didn’t.” the girl said cracking the belt, boy she would be a great worker on the sixth sphere.

The girl brought her hand back and with strong force, swung the belt on Tammy’s backside making a loud smacking sound causing Tammy to cry out in pain.

“St..stop it now!” Tammy said pathetically, trying to maintain control.

The girl didn’t listen as she kept whipping Tammy’s backside until it was almost as red as her face. When the girl finally got tired she set the belt down and said, “Well I think you’ve learned your lesson. Will you drop the charges and get me out of here then?” she asked.

“Y..yes” Tammy said.

The girl got the keys from the ground and uncuffed Tammy’s hand. As soon as it was uncuffed, Tammy’s hand reached around the girl and grabbed her. The girl screamed and dropped the keys right in Tammy'’ hand. Tammy head butted the girl in the back of the head knocking her down and uncuffed her other hand. Geez she was tough. Tammy smiled as she knelt down to pull of the girl’s skirt but I froze time before she could do anything.

I picked the girl up from the ground and move her out of the cell leaving Tammy alone in the cell. I walked behind Tammy and grabbed the back of her bra unclasping it. As I removed her bra, her breasts bounced freely for a little bit. Next I put my thumbs through the waistband of her thong and pulled those down and around her ankles leaving Tammy completely naked. I threw her underwear in the pile with the rest and then shut the cell door, taking the keys with me. As I hid behind the flag again I unfroze time to finish my work here.

The girl rubbed the back of her head and winced at the bruise that formed on it. The girl looked up and laughed again as she saw Tammy locked in the cell completely naked. Tammy still didn’t have a clue. She still had this pissed off look on her face as if she was still in control.

“What are you laughing at? Get me out of here now!” Tammy shouted.

The girl just flipped Tammy off as she pointed at her laughing. The girl’s pointing reminded Tammy that she was in her underwear so her arms flew to her chest and her crotch. Tammy’s angry face changed to a shocked face when her hands felt her naked skin instead of her underwear. Tammy screamed as her legs crossed together and she hunched over. She really shouldn’t have screamed because the door from the other room busted open as the other policemen on the force rushed in to the rescue.

All of the policeman looked around ready to save the day but stopped when they saw their bitchy partner locked naked in a cell. All of the men started hooting and hollering when they saw Tammy in there. One of the officers walked up to the girl with a stern look on his face and asked, “Did you do this?”

Tammy smiled with devilish glee because she knew that this girl would get in big trouble now that the others caught her in the act. Whatever did happen, this girl was getting the blame for it. The girl couldn’t say anything because she was so surprised to see all of the police officers there. The police officer’s stern look was replaced with a look of amusement as he turned to examine Tammy’s body.

“Because it’s about time somebody put Tammy in her place.” He said.

Tammy’s jaw nearly dropped to the floor when she heard her partner say that.

“What?” she said, “She did this! Arrest her!”

“Even if she did good for her because everyone here is sick and tired of your intimidation Tammy!” the police officer said. “And by the way, nice tattoo.”

Tammy’s face turned to a reddish purple color when she was reminded of her embarrassing tattoo. Her hands left her naked body to cover up the tattoo on her butt. All the guys in the room hollered even louder when Tammy’s breasts were exposed. Poor Tammy didn’t know what to do. Her hands would go from her breasts, to her crotch and then to her ass and then all over again. With all of the guys in the room talking, I decided to make my escape and left the police officers to enjoy their hated employee’s humiliation. As I exited the police station I pulled out the list to look at the next person.

The next person on the list was a lot different from the rest of the women on the list.

Offense: Obsessed with the occult. She found a book on black magic and she believes she can control us through this book. Get to her before she does something stupid and show her that no human controls us at all.

Oh boy, another Goth kid trying to summon a devil, this was going to be fun. I looked at the picture of Amy, nice very slender and curvy girl wearing a black mini skirt and a corset with devil wings. Her jet-black hair and black lipstick made her skin look even paler. I focused on her image and concentrated to teleport to her location. I was engulfed in flames and then reappeared in an empty old abandoned building. I looked around for Amy and there sitting on an open floor was Amy sitting in a circle with a pentagram on it. Crap, she was already half through whatever she was doing, if I didn’t act quick she was going to do something real stupid. I had to be careful because those pentagram circles can hurt like hell if the person drew it with the right material. It was too late because she already started chanting.

” She shouted out“ loud.

Boy was I lucky, roughly what she said was something stupid like “baby make me hard all over” so I knew she had no clue what she was doing. I snapped my fingers and walked up to her. Immediately, Amy turned her head and her eyes glowed red. Something was going wrong here.

“Who the ... are you?” Amy growled and as she growled she let out a loud roar that sent me back about seven feet.

Okay, maybe she did know what she was doing. My time powers worked on humans but they didn’t work nearly as well on demons or demonic powers. Amy started advancing toward me so I decided to throw off my human disguise and donned by actual handsome demonic image.

“It worked. You are under my control!” she said with excitement.

“Sweetheart, I don’t know what you did. But humans don’t control demons at all.” I said as I grew my claws out.
I lunged at Amy and slashed at her upper torso planning on exposing her breasts. Instead, I was sent back another seven feet as soon as I touched her body. I finally knew what this crazy girl did. She somehow managed to cast the spell for “Unholy Armor” on her clothes, making her invincible to almost anything, including demons like myself. Amy started laughing getting real cocky that she managed to kick a demons' ass. That pissed me off, it was time to get even. I got up to my feet and concentrated on a new area that I wanted to be and was soon teleported to a set of stairs in an unknown location outside of Earth.

There was no way I could be able to penetrate Amy’s armor. It would take a sizeable army from hell to do that. But I didn’t want hell knowing I was having problems so I went to someone who could. I walked up the set of stairs, which seemed like it was forever and finally made it up to the desk of St. Peter. St. Peter was busy looking through a newspaper unaware of my presence until I cleared my throat. St. Peter put down his paper and looked down to see me.

“Oh it’s you Zeke. What brings you to these parts?” he asked.

St. Peter was a pretty cool guy, didn’t have too much of an issue with us demons, just with the big L.

“Uh hey Peter. Is Michael around? I kind of need his help.”

“Yes I know, that Amy girl has definitely gotten into a lot of trouble hasn’t she?” he said.

“Yeah no kidding. Can you send him out?”

“Yes.” St. Peter said as he pushed the call button. “Michael, I have an assignment for you. Please meet me outside of the gates.”

I waited for about ten minutes until the pearly gates swung open and out came a huge man with long hair and a magnificent pair of wings, it was the angel Michael.

“What seems to be the problem?” he asked Peter.

“There is a girl down in Las Vegas who managed to summon up unholy armor. Zeke needs you to come down with him to remove it from her.” Peter said.

“I see.” Michael said looking at me, “Can’t handle a Goth girl and her Lil Devil’s occult kit?”

“Shut up Halo boy and let’s get going.” I said. Stupid angels thinking they’re so big with their flaming swords.

We teleported back down to where I originally left. Amy was still in the abandoned building working with her new powers. She was floating in air reading her book.

“This is incredible! No one can stop me now!” she said defiantly.

Between trying to control us and now saying she couldn’t be stopped, Amy was definitely going to deserve what she got. Michael grinned as his wings spread and as he unsheathed his sword. It caught Amy’s attention and she turned to Michael. She started laughing when in reality, she should have been running for her dear life.

“An angel? That’s pathetic. God can’t stop me! No one can!” she said.

I just started laughing at the girl’s stupid comments and leaned over to Michael’s ear.
“Hey, don’t kill her all right? She’s just supposed to be humiliated. This is my job not yours okay?” I said.

Michael smirked a little bit as he took flight and then his sword ignited into flames. Amy started flying towards Michael and he flew towards her. Amy had no clue what she was in for.

“Unholy entity, I banish you from this realm and into oblivion!” Michael shouted. God always had to be dramatic.

Michael lifted his sword up and swung it down on Amy. It almost looked like he was going to cut her in half. Instead, his sword bounced off of Amy and it sent Michael and Amy off of their balance. Amy looked down and started laughing when she realized she was okay.

“You see? Nothing can stop me!” she said again.

Amy started to float towards us and as she was floating, flames burst out around her and her corset was engulfed in flames. Amy immediately started screaming because she had no clue that Michael’s sword was the only thing that could destroy unholy armor. Her corset started to rapidly catch fire. Her threads were the first to burn away and that loosened her corset, causing it to slide down. Amy quickly grabbed each side of her corset to hold it up. It didn’t matter because soon enough, the rest of the corset caught fire and disintegrated leaving Amy topless in her long black skirt. Amy covered her breasts with both arms and had a real embarrassed look on her face. Just then, her skirt ignited from the bottom and started to slowly disintegrate towards the top.

“No!” Amy shrieked as she uncovered her breasts to try and put out the flames from her skirt, “Please, not my skirt! I’ll do anything, I’m sorry I won’t do it again!”

Boy she sounded really sincere, I wondered what the big deal was as I saw her makeup start to run from the tears in her eyes. I couldn’t do anything, the armor was destroyed and that meant the clothes that it inhabited as well. As Amy’s upper thighs were now exposed leaving her dress a mini-skirt, she crossed her legs and tried to grab the bottom of what was left of the skirt. Of course, that did not work as she quickly let go from burning her hands. As the last of her skirt burnt away, Amy dropped to her knees trying to cover her white cotton panties with little strawberries on them. That explained why she was freaking out. Give me a break. Michael burst out into laughter as he sheathed his sword.

“These are the people that worship you Zeke?” he said between snickers.

“Yeah.” I sighed, “No wonder you guys won the first war. Hey Mikey, don’t tell anyone else about this okay?”

Michael nodded and touched his halo. A beam of light cast down over him and he teleported back up to heaven leaving me with the scary Goth girl and her cute little panties.

Amy started moving towards me on her knees with her hand out.
“Please, give me some clothes, I told my friends that I was conjuring up a spell and they’ll be here any minute if they seem me like this…” she whimpered.

“Oh so not only did you think you were better than us, but you were going to exploit us to your friends as well?” I asked,

“Y…yes.” She said.

Okay, that pissed me off even more. I hate it when people try to make a joke out of us. I snapped my fingers and froze time. I picked Amy up and stood her in the pentagram circle that she made. I then made a chant of my own that would freeze her body for five hours and then I unfroze time. Amy started looking around and I could tell she was trying to move as she was grunting.

“You can squirm all you want but you’re in that position for five hours honey. Think twice before you decide to play with the big boys all right?” I said as I walked away.
Amy started screaming and between sobs kept calling back. “Please don’t leave me like this! My friends can’t see me like this!”

I rolled my eyes turned my head to shout at Amy, “What’s the matter? Having a hard time being a scary Goth girl when you are still wearing your underwear that you wore when you were five?"

Amy’s makeup was clearly all gone because I could see her face turning beat red and just as I walked out of the door, I heard a group of kids walking in. I looked back and saw a bunch of kids with dyed hair, Mohawks and other crazy styles walking in.

“Hey Amy where’s this Satanic power you conjured up huh?” one of the guys asked.

“Oh dude check this out!” another one said.

All of Amy’s friends found her standing there in her bear panties and burst out laughing. Amy just kept crying as her friends busted out their cell phone cameras and took pictures.

What a great way to end the night. I walked out of the abandoned building and text messaged Minos, telling him I was finished and was teleported back to hell. Hey, you dance with the devil, the devil don’t change, the devil changes you, or at least undresses you.


After a day had passed on Earth I decided to check up on my clients to see if they had changed at all, I kind of liked finding out about old clients and seeing how much they had changed after I changed them.

Bianca Cross: Poor Bianca, sadly her modeling career was over as she got the reputation for “model with worst hygiene” not to mention being exposed as a phony model who stuffed her breasts. Since the photographers had a field day with her exposed body, she decided to cash in on it and tried doing some porn. She never had the same status she did when she was a supermodel.

Melissa Peters: Melissa Peters was arrested and picked up in the streets of Las Vegas for indecent exposure. With no money and no friends to bail her out of jail she was forced to pay a fine. Since she had no money either, she was stuck in prison for a lengthy bit of time. As far as I know, she’s still in prison and no one has bothered to get her out.

Officer Tammy: Tammy got suspended for abuse of a prisoner and planting evidence. To top that off, the girl she planted evidence on sued her and she lost even more money. When Tammy returned to work she was given the nickname “Ass Kisser” and she was very shy and timid after that. Whenever Tammy would arrest someone and take them to the cells, she’d force the person to go in before her so she could always see them, for fear of having what happened to her again.

Amy LaRouche: Amy lost all of her Goth friends when they realized she was just a poser. Amy threw away all of her gothic stuff and started wearing the hot clothes from American Eagle and such. She went from being a devilish Goth girl to a snobby stuck up girl who made fun of everyone. However, her Goth friends found out about Amy’s new identity and decided to pay her a visit when she went shopping at a mall. When she wasn’t looking, they ripped off Amy’s mini skirt exposing her in her Hello Kitty bikini briefs. Thank God too because I didn’t want to have to go up there again.

Minos was real happy with my work this time. I did too, I felt like I knew more of what I was doing. Things seemed like they were really turning out good for me until someone else decided to rain on my parade.

To be continued.
© Copyright 2014 bbettyblambabam (wtfbrotha36 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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