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What do you want to be when you grow up? You'll never amount to anything she was told. |
{linespace:1..5 Many of us were asked growing up what we wanted to be at a vey young age. I remember that question as if it were today. Back when I was a child I could never make up my mind and being a child was the only thing I was concerned about because I wasn't even in school yet and as a matter of fact I don't think that you could start school until age six but then I could be wrong. I was a little slower than most kids, picked on, teased, bullied or what ever it was called back in my childhood days. Every thing to me was a matter of helping others out but that was just me. I remember playing with my dads typewriter and ten key calculator when he wasn't working on either of them. I had a lot of curiosity growing up but I knew he would not yell at me for messing with his machines so I guess in a way I was looking more towards my dad for what I might be when I grew up. He always went into the office in his business suit, clean shaven with nice cologne on. This may sound strange coming from a girl but growing up women and girls were supposed to dress nice and it seemed like a job that they would do which was a receptionist and secretary or to put it better an office employee. Now on the other hand I had thought about becoming a nurse or working in a hospital not sure completely why but I think it was the fact that I had heard they made good money talking care of people until I got a negative attitude from the person the court made my parent. Eventually that totally went out the window for good even to this day. Then I had the idea of becoming a cop as I was leaving my teenage years but there was were so many reasons that made me sit back and think. Then I thought about going into the military which to this day there are days I wish I would have gone military. So you are probably wondering if I did not do any of this then what did I do with my life. Well the very first job I had was a news paper route which was actually kind of interesting. I met a lot of nice people a few inconsiderate dogs, some customers whom I felt like I had known them for a long time and the only time I really hated it was when it was pouring rain and snow on the weekend and I was having a rough time carrying heavy weekend papers on my shoulder and bike especially after I hit a patch of ice and boy that was fun but after my bill was paid what ever was left over was all mine it wasn't a lot but better than nothing Then I went on to working in a deli in a store but that job left a lot to be desired but it was interesting, educational and fun. So Instead of working in one field I decided to get all kinds of experience in different types of work plus I had gained some pretty good people skills for the simple fact I got tired of being told I did not have enough experience and how am I supposed to gain experience if no one is willing to give me a chance or do some on the job training with pay cause I could not afford to work for free and not be guaranteed I had a job. I went form working in convenient store, gas station, candy factory jobs like that and believe it or not I would consider these jobs to be very educational, and some even fun but ask yourself this how many can say they actually have or had a job that they could have fun at? Since all my jobs, auto accidents, family issues these are things that I can honestly hang on to. |