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Rated: · Other · Ghost · #2014550
meeting the person in an extraordinary way
We Meet Again

BY: stainink

         As I let the sea breeze trace my being, memories of the past starts to flash before my eyes. I smile as I reminiscence it because those are a precious moments. I pause for a while as I start to listen to the sound of the wind chime, that somewhat singing my love story.
         It was November when the mysteries and adventures cover my college life. Those times, I was just Dana Reyes a typical student who pretends that I donât mind what others thinks of me but deep inside I felt it cut me deep. Iâve been the center of attraction not in the way of fame but as a girl known for her weirdness. Letâs face it I have this big glasses and braces that sparkles when I smile and a dresses that promoting the archaic times.
         Maybe that was the reason why Iâve been always bullied by my classmates. Lessening my self-confidence and letting me have this doubts before I could see the whole thing. But despite of those things I still have a friend, I met him when I was 4 years old. I was sitting by the sea alone when this boy invited me to play with him. It was a lot of fun, we built sand castle, chasing each other and finally made bracelets with white shells. Before we bid goodbye I was surprised when he stole me a kiss on my cheek and run along with his parents. I was in red that moment and I felt that the earth loses its gravity. I touched my cheek and felt his sweet kiss and I know on that very moment I felt love and I admit it, it is absolutely breathtaking.
         After what happened I spend most of the time on the beach hoping that we could play again, but those waiting went days then years still thereâs no him. I then realize it was just a memory that would never happened again.
         Back in the real world I was just alone and I guess it would likely be forever. Until I met these extraordinary person who makes my life, a roller coaster ride.
         2nd semester starts and the school was filled with creepy stories about ghost, who was roaming in our campus. I just ignore the buzzing of the people about those things, I guess it was just because of the month November the moment where all the scary things happened for those who believed.
         I enter my room on the far side, where people would not notice me hopefully. But I guess I was wrong about it.
         âDid you call your imaginary friend? Because it is roaming around the schoolâ A boy told me laughing with his friend by what he just said that moment I know his talking about the ghost story.
         âWell yeah, I told him to meet you laterâ I snap at him with a fake smile letting the words get away on my mind.
         When heâs about to answer me back the door opened and our teacher entered the room. I just smiled because he never got the chance to piss me back. While I was listening on the discussion I saw a guy about my age entered the room. I was in freeze as I notice how he just pass by the teacher and the students. My eyes got widen of surprise and fear on what is before my eyes. Is that really a ghost? I canât believe it he started to make fun of the students sitting. He even blow the paper of the girl and even tap a boyâs shoulder. As I notice him approaching in front of me, I tried to focus on my teacher so that he will not know that I can see him. My hair stands on end as his cold body pass me by and at the end of the lesson I run out so fast straight to the girlâs bathroom.
         I washed my face to relax myself but I couldnât help it, knowing that a ghost is just somewhere here roaming around. What they have said about the story is true thereâs really a ghost roaming around the school. I canât believe it even I just saw it.
         Iâm about to leave the place when I saw a guy blocking the door. I thought this was the guy earlier trying to piss me off, but I was wrong I started to yell at him but I saw girls laughing at me. As I was about to touch him. A girl passed right through him, I was in shocked knowing that this guy in front of me is a ghost. I choked a little as he slowly turned to face me with a face that is more surprise than my expression. I canât believe it do I look even scarier than this ghost? Hey! This is insulting for me!
         âYou can see me?â  He exclaimed somewhat happy on the situation.
         I started to run so fast out of the school but this ghost started to follow me. I was so scared and in panic running anywhere just to get away of it but unfortunately I tripped on a wood and made my face hug the ground.
         âSorry if I scared youâ he told me with worried tone on his husky voice.
         âPlease donât hurt meâ I exclaimed while covering my face.
         âI will not hurt you, I just need your helpâ he told me while sitting on the ground and explaining to me about his situation. He donât have any idea about his name or anything even how he died. As I look at him I felt really bad about his situation, and as he continued on his story I realize how good looking this guy was having a wavy hair and eyes with full of life even his dead. Heâs absolutely gorgeous for me, I wonder how he died and who he was when his alive probably a famous guy in school and I bet girls did cried with broken hearts as this guy died.
         After his explanation I then nodded on him not because his handsome but because I know how it feels to just wonder about yourself and pretends everything was fine.
         âThank you so muchâ Trying to hug me, how I love to, but he just hug his self.
         âYou can call me Danaâ I asked him trying to get rid of that awkward moment.
         âNice to meet you and Iâm- âHe paused and just scratch his head trying to think of a name. I then ignore him not expecting to finish his sentence. My eyes is in pause when I saw John Greenâs book on a girlâs hand and then a name flashed on my mind.
         âWaters!â I exclaimed feeling brilliant on what I just come up with.
         âIâll call you Waters since you donât remember your nameâ I told him expecting that he would say yes on my idea. All I got is just a smile and a nod on his face.
         That same day I went home straight to rest my tired body about this unbelievable day of my life. I left Waters in school and promised him that I will talk to him by tomorrow. I lay on my bed as soon as I arrive on my room, I lay there about a minute to relax my mortal, after a minute I toss beside my bed and as I open my eyes. I saw Waters looking at me and smiling. I instantly get up and look at him in shock and horror but all I could hear from him is his laugh.
         âWhy did you follow me?â I exclaimed at him feeling my heart is racing.
         âI'm scared there, what if I see a ghost?â He told me with a low voice looking like a child.
         âA ghost?! You should check a mirror then!â I answered him with a desperate patience on my voice.
         He just bow his head feeling sorry about what he has done. I just take a breath and told him to forget about it. I then invited him to surf on the internet about recent deaths but unfortunately we havenât found anything that would help. On that night Waters told me that he would just take a walk outside. I just nodded on him because seeing his face, I know how sad he is about it. As I lay on my bed I canât get rid of Watersâ face on my mind, I then let it subside and let myself take the rest of the night.
         In school I tried to look for Waters around the campus but I havenât got a chance. I went to the library and look for books that talks about ghost. While I was checking the pages some students are laughing at me as if I have a dirt on my face.
         âHey! Ghost buster!â they whispered and grinning with each other.
         I was about to answer when suddenly some books fall beside them and they suddenly ran to the exit door. I then smiled as I saw Waters beside the shelves and one look at him I know his responsible about what just happened.
         âWhat you got there?â he asked me as he approach.
         âNothing, but donât worry I know we can figure out somethingâ I told him smiling.
         He simply smile and nodded at me. In that very moment I felt like I need to figure out something, that I need to help him. Because honestly his the second person that becomes my friend and I donât want him to be disappointed about this happenings.
         After my classes I decided to stay on the school for a little while. I sat on a bench and pulled out my sketch pad and pencil. I let my pen draw a girl looking up in the sky with bright stars and a majestic moon.
         âThat is beautifulâ He whisper as he appears beside me.
         I fell on the bench in surprise as I heard those words from him. I try to throw a stone on him but sadly it just pass through him. How upsetting it was when I saw the stone fall on the ground without hitting him.
         âNext time could you tell me if you appear?!â I yell at him as I slowly getting up and feeling the pain in my back.
         âSorryâ He told me laughing at me.
         âI donât think you mean itâ I snap at him and rolled my eyes.
         He just grin at me and focus his attention on my work. He tried to touch it, letting his fingers flow to the lines and curves of the girlâs face.
         âYouâre a great artist!â he told me with amusement on his dazzling eyes.
         âYou know what, you should try the schoolâs art contestâ He told me with confidence on his suggestion.
         âI donât knowâ I answered shortly as I sat beside him.
         âNow Iâm starting to understand this girl beside meâ He exclaimed and look at me with a crooked smile.
         I look at him with brows about to meet. I wonder whatâs on his mind, all I know on that moment is that I saw an angel smiling at me and beaming with the rays of the setting sun.
         âI donât think soâ I answered shortly and start to walk away.
         âOh, come on!â he yells out but I keep on walking and ignoring him. I smile quietly as I went home. I donât know how I felt on that time. It was quiet strange for me but honestly I like it.
As days pass I and Waters become closer than before. On those times I find myself laughing and smiling again. It feels like Waters showed me something Iâve lost for a long time, I donât know what is it, all I know I felt better than before.
Then one day while I am sketching beside Waters I never thought that I will realize something Iâve lost for a long time.
âYou need to join the contestâ He told me with a sincere dazzling eyes.
I pause on sketching and look at him with hindrance on my face. I donât know if I could do it for a lot of what ifs are racing on my mind.
âWhatâs the matter?â He asked me trying to find answers on my mind.
âIâm afraid, you know how people make fun of me at schoolâ I told him quietly.
âYou shouldnât, prove to them that you can do it! I know you canâ He told me with full of hope and trust on his face.
âThanksâ I answered shortly on him, how I want to hug him and tell him how stunned I am to all of his words.
On that night I got a hard time falling asleep for the words of Waters is playing on my mind. I felt that I am starting to build my being it just started the moment Waters believe in me more than myself did. Itâs somewhat Waters is like a guardian angel to me for he somewhat change my perspective in life. Whoever he was, I am still thankful about him and I thank God for him.
The next day I decided to join the art contest in our school. I grabbed my things and headed right to the registration table. I fill up the information needed and headed to the room for the contest.          
As I entered the room I went straight to the vacant table, a girl approach me and smiling.
âI hope you can draw your imaginary friend wellâ she told me laughing and walks away.
I just look at him and felt a little bit discourage but then I saw Waters by the window and smiling at me and I know on that very moment I have my inspiration on what to draw.
I carefully touch the pastels on my paper and let my emotions run it out. I swear, I sweat a lot on that contest but I donât care because I know, I am doing my passion and Iâm letting it come out on me. After a long wait I finally have done it! My masterpiece. I smile as I stare on it, it was an angel with a wide open wings, hairs that as if moves along the wind, eyes that filled with wonder and finally it looks like Waters.
I went outside as the champion of the contest and with applauses behind me. I then find myself feeling the satisfaction and achievement, for the first time in my whole life. I started to bend a road out of my way and I guess Iâm starting to change for the better. I ran towards the bench where Waters sit I look at him with tears on my eyes I wipe it away as I take off my glasses.
âThank you, Watersâ I told him sniffing quietly.
He just tap at me but unfortunately his arms pass through me. We then look at each other about what just happened and started to laugh. I donât know but as I laugh on that moment with him I started to felt fondness on him.
âI need to show you somethingâ I told him and started heading down the road.
He is asking me where but I just told him to follow me. I want to surprise him on my favorite place. Where I felt calmness on my being as the breeze slowly swinging me. Yes, it is the beach where I used to felt fondness.
We arrived on the beach and I saw the adoration on Waters eyes. We walked together and sat on the old cottage. I told him about my childhood and I glance at him that is listening quietly. In the middle of the conversation the wind chime started to make its old song I closed my eyes and trying to remember everything when suddenly I felt cold on my cheeks and as I peek I saw Waters kissed me. I let that moment for a long time and then opens my eyes. I look at Waters and I notice his on freeze.
âI think, I remember everythingâ he told me quietly.
I then listen at him and started to head back on college, as we rode on the bus I notice Waters smiling all alone the road. But I didnât bother to ask him why, because I know on that moment he will be gone just like in movies for once they know the truth on how they die they just disappeared with lights. I then wonder if it will happened to Waters I donât know what I will do after that, but I guess as long as it will makes him happy Iâll be okay with it as days pass even if I will miss this guy a lot.
We arrived on college and Waters told me to ask the janitor about a guy whoâs been in a car accident near the school. I nodded at him and headed toward the janitor. I asked him and he never disappoints us but whatâs surprising is that the guy is not dead! He was just in coma for a month after the accident.
I glance to Waters and I saw happiness on his face. We ran on the main road to catch another ride, Waters is not died, His soul just separate with his body after the accident and thatâs why he forgot everything.
         As we entered the hospital I asked about the accident happened in front of our school and the location of his room.
         âMr. Gabrielle Cruz is on room 102â the nurse told me.
         I thank her and headed on the elevator as we stay there I know how happy Waters or Gabrielle Cruz because at last he will be reconciled with his mortal.
         âYouâre name is Gabrielle Cruzâ I told him smiling.
         âI need to tell you somethingâ he told me with seriousness on his face.
Before I could answer the elevatorâs door was opened and we then find the room number. As we become closer I felt tighten inside and I felt my eyes is burning with so much emotions. I would truly miss this person with all this wonder and magic he inflicted on me. A power that is so powerful that the universe has ever known and yes! Iâm talking about this great love.
         We stop as we face the room 102, here we are now covered with tension and excitement. I knock the door and as I opened it I saw a woman which is his mother. She looks at me with surprise. I smiled and greeted her and told her I was a friend of her son. She then smiled on me and let me enter the room. As I come closer I saw Waters lying on the bed, it was him his eyes, his face, his nose everything it was him but sadly he is unconscious. On that very moment it would truly be a goodbye for everything because once he is reunited I donât think he would remember me. Her mother excuse herself and asked me to stay a little longer for she will have to talked with the nurses. As she left, the room become silent.
         âWell, here we are nowâ I told him smiling with watery eyes.
         âDana, I need to tell you somethingâ he told me smiling and with tears on his eyes.
         I look at him for any answers but there is none so I quietly nodded at him letting him to continue.
         âThat day I was walking along the road because I wanted to go in your schoolâ he started and take a deep breath. âI am looking for this girl I met when I was a kid we use to build sand castle and other things by the shoreâ He smiled at me as tears roll down his cheeks âI even kissed her before I go, how I wanted to go back on that place but we moved out but still I come back here just to see her againâ he finished while trying to prevent his tears from falling.
         I was stunned the moment I heard it so that means my first love has been here the whole time. Tears rolled down my cheeks and he hugged me. I felt so cold in his arms yet so warm inside, I tried to hug him also and strangely I felt I touched him this time. And on that moment he returns to his mortal and I went home that day feeling different this time.
The melody of the chimes wakes me up from that incredible story I ever had. I smiled and lean over the wall and watch the waves racing to the shore when suddenly Iâve heard footsteps. As I turned around there he was smiling at me. He sit beside me quietly while glancing every second. I donât know if he remembers me.
         âIâm Gabrielleâ he introduces his self, reaching out his hand towards me.
         âDanaâ I answered smiling at him and reach for his hand also.
         We smile both as we notice the bracelets we wear and on that very moment, sweet memories of yesterday flash on our minds.
         We sit together silently but I felt like that is best conversation we ever had. I donât have any idea what will happened in our futures but one thing I know it will be another story to be told.



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