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by Misty
Rated: E · Folder · Experience · #2014283
Various short stories. Some complete. Some not.
Since it's my birthday month, I thought it would be a the right time to write about the first birthday present I received.

The Birthday Gift

I remember the day clearly. It was in early fall. The sun was bright and the air crisp. The cool breeze was whispering through the tall pines and sycamore trees with news the first frost of the year was not far away. Old man winter was nipping at the tail of summer! At last the long hot sultry days of summer were finally over. Fall was glorious in the rural south. Especially for the unfortunate under-priviledged. There were no funds for such pleasantries as air conditioning and basic needs as well. So we made the best of it with electric fans, high ceilings and big shade trees. Why is this such a special time of year for me? It was my 14th birthday.

Birthdays in our family were no big treat. With eight children and just enough money to get by, well, my parents just did the best they could. They always said maybe next year will be better. It was special though because they made us feel special. The birthday recipient was held down while the others gave you one lick on the bottom for each year of your life plus one extra to live one. Your chores were taken over by the others, this fact always made each lick progressively a little harder. Wow! How much more amazing can it get. The day after my birthday was though. The days went back to normal in the family and all the kids at school wanted to know what I got for my birthday. I always made up some truly extravagant gift such as a trip to Disney World or a new fur coat. It would get a laugh, but they knew how things were and we carried on with our day as if the day before had been just another day.

The year was 1963. Just barely in my teens I was already very much into the latest music, dancing and listening to the radio. My daddy, being the strong christian man that he was, didn't much care for the pop music of the day. He said it put his nerves on edge and in his opinion wasn't music at all, just noise. When I heard his truck pull up in the yard I quickly turned of the one radio we had, straightened up the family room and went to the kitchen. One of my daily chores was to make a fresh pot of coffee in the afternoon so daddy could have a cup or two when he came home from work. Besides I even liked a cup after school. So I went to the kitchen to make sure it was still on warm. As I walked into the kitchen I felt somewhat let down. I guess it was the fall sun shinning so bright through the window and the open doorway and the cool air. This made me think of the homecoming football game that night which I would not be a part of. Living so far out we didn't get to attend a lot of after school functions. I watched as my Daddy came up the steps of the high back porch and through the kitchen doorway. He looked tired after his long day of working as a saw filer at a nearby lumber yard. He knew I liked to go through his lunch box each day to see if there were any left overs for a snack and I could usually count on a peanut butter graham cracker or two. Setting his lunch box and jumper coat down he turned to me. In his hand was a brown paper bag, which he handed me saying only "this is for you", he was a man of very few words. I opened the bag and inside was a small transistor radio with a pair of batteries. I didn't know what to say or what to do. I think it was shock and disbelief. How could it possibly be for me? When I looked up I saw him walking away through the house without his cup of coffee. I finally came to and quickly poured a cup of the fresh coffee. I knew he would be setting in the wooden double swing on the front porch where he liked to unwind a little before supper was ready. As I carried the cup I stopped a moment and just watched him through the family room window. I couldn't believe this strong silent man I had longed to get to know had actually thought of me. As I handed him the cup of coffee no words were passed between us but I did brush his hand gently with just the slightest of a pose. That was all the thank you I needed to say. I had just gotten the best birthday present anyone could have given me. I was made to feel special that day from a very special man.

Needless to say I was up really late in my room that night just turning the dial and listening to anything I could pick up. I had a real birthday present I could tell my friends about the next day at school. The next and last birthday present I received from him was when I was married and in my twenties. It was an ironing board which I still have to this day!
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