Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2014255-Dark-Desires
Rated: 18+ · Other · Dark · #2014255
A man out for a walk gets to indulge in his darkest desires

Richard Slatton spied the showcases of the downtown shops of Kent NH as he passed them, sunk into the brick and mortar architecture of the old town. It was the kind of town that postcards are made from, with its tree lined main street lit by lampposts that could have been pasted into an early 1900’s photograph. He walked along as the rest of the town started to sleep. The mannequins stared at him with their blank faces, or worse, their headless bodies. Except of course the “perfect woman” that he always chuckled at. The headless form with perky B cups, adorned with hard nipples, and the skimpiest flavor of the week.

“Those guys seriously know how to have a good time. My cousin…” came a voice from one two co-eds passing by, and trailed off like the blowing leaves, snapping him out of his plastic fantasy. It was then, with that sound that came on like the only sound in the world. It was hypnotic…


He turned his eyes to see the high black heels hitting the concrete sidewalks, each CLACK perfectly in time- each the same as the last- echoing across the street’s facade. He worked his eyes up from the black heels to a stocking’ed set of lean calves that became meaty thighs… ultimately turning into an upside down heart shaped ass wrapped in a tight skirt, that jumped in unison with the CLACKs as if whipped into doing so. As his gaze continued to move upward, he noted her form fitted suit coat, draped in shockingly blonde straight hair that swung in harmony with the rest of the symphony she was orchestrating. She flipped her hair over her shoulder as she stepped off the sidewalk along side a jet black sedan. She flashed Ricky a smile as she opened the door and sat inside. He stared at the emblem on the grill, shimmering chrome, which looked to him like the spear of Poseidon. The LED interior lights threw a blue hue on the woman sitting inside, who had turned her attention to something in her lap. Texting no doubt. The blond’s cockpit went dark and the engine roared to life, backing into the street, then taking off, fading from his view as the taillights rounded the corner, out of sight.

He made his way around the bend of the common, which was his least favorite part of the walk, as it was dimly lit and hosted two dark alleys between the buildings. Shipping and receiving docks from a more industrial time he supposed, as he passed the first alley. As he passed by the second, a flickering light caught his eye. He slowed and peeked into the darkness to see its source. As he was peddling backward, he heard the growl of an engine coming to life and caught a glimpse of a shimmer of chrome as a black car sprung from the alley in his direction.

“What the Fu..” he started to yell as he darted forward narrowly escaping the path of the dark racer. The car screeched to a halt as it landed in the street, passenger side window sliding down to reveal the blonde temptress.

“Sorry about that..” she called. “Gets away from me sometimes.”

Ricky turned away, shaking his head and continued down the sidewalk.

“ I really am sorry. Can I make it up to you? Give you a lift maybe?” she asked, leaning over the passenger seat. Her black jacket was open at the top revealing a white blouse, and a glimpse of some perfectly shaped cleavage.

“Um…” Ricky stammered. “I don’t live that far away… im just out for a walk”

“Then I’ll make it worth your while.” She said, tapping the passenger seat. “C’mon.”

Ricky felt a stirring deep inside that was impossible to ignore.. She pushed the door open for him, smiling, as he crawled inside.

“Nice car.” He managed to say his voice shaking as they rolled away.

She pulled the car into a parking lot and turned the car off. Ricky could hear his heart pounding as he looked over at her.

“Wanna have a little fun?” She asked, putting her left leg up on the dashboard, her short skirt climbing up to reveal only flesh colored tones beneath. Ricky tried speaking but no words came out of his mouth. “Shhh… Just relax.” She said. “ Let me do all the work.” In a flash, she was on top of him, dropping the seat down to a reclined position. He reached up to touch her, blindly caressing her, not believing his luck. She began running her nails up the sides of his neck, him lost in a sea of ecstasy, her tongue licking, then biting his lips…softly at first, then a little harder. Ricky tried pushing her off, but she bit even harder, tearing his lip from his face. She leaned back laughing, her red lips glimmering with a new shade of crimson. She spit it back in his face.

He tried screaming, fighting against her with all his strength. She drove her nails into the sides of his neck, tearing up flesh as she threw up her hands and arched her back, like a composer, drops flying from her fingers and coming to rest on the windows. Ricky twisted and kicked wildly, trying to get out the door, his increased heart rate pushing the blood more quickly form his body.

As he started to weaken, she produced a small knife from alongside her juicy thigh and plunged it into the mans neck, again and again. She sang along to his his chocking wails, and started to lick his bloody face, planting kisses all over it.

She opened the door and stepped off of his wilted body and wiped her face off with her sleeves. She reached down and pulled his pedometer off. She chucked, and reset it to zero and walked off into the darkness.


© Copyright 2014 Roland Bontempo (ronbone23 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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