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Rated: ASR · Assignment · Other · #2012474
October 2, 2014 NaNo Prep Assignment 2
Main Characters

Name: Jillian Peters (Protagonist)
Age: 22
Physical Description: 4'7"; 100lbs; straight hair, colored read with blonde highlights, which stops just above her shoulders; and hazel eyes.
Occupation: First year psychology graduate student at the University of South Florida. Works as a graduate assistant in the psychology department, and later becomes Mike's Teaching Assistant.
Relationship to Main Characters: Jill arrived in Tampa Bay Florida to begin her first year of graduate studies at the University of South Florida. During her first semester she engages in a relationship with Aaron Michaels who presents himself as an all-around nice guy. By the end of the semester Aaron's true personality is revealed as a possessive, abusive, sadist. When Jill returns to USF after winter break she does her best to keep away from Aaron, and at the recommendation of another professor takes an undergrad course in psychology and sexuality taught by Michael Lancing PH.D. While taking his class Jill becomes infatuated with Mike, and curious about his views on relationships. After finding out that Mike took his ex to bed on a whim Jill has to struggle with whether or not she can handle an open relationship; especially when someone else is offering her the monogamous relationship she is accustomed to.
Name: Michael Lancing PH.D.
Age: 35
Physical Description: 5'6"; 135lbs; straight brown hair, cut short; a fumanchu frames his mouth; blue eyes.
Occupation: Professor of Psychology
Relationship to Main Characters: Mike is recovering from his break up with Laura Jones when he first meets Jill. He finds her and his attraction to her intriguing. He proposes a relationship with her after a double date on Valentine's Day. When she refuses on the basis that she is his student ant that it would not be proper he bides his time, and tries again after she takes his final exam. She indulges both of them, and they explore a relationship with each other. Mike's resolve is tested when Laura shows up at his door. After failing the test Mike must work a bit harder to convince Jill that she is what he wants.

Name: Mary Andrews
Age: 23
Physical Descriptions: 5'; 90lbs; blonde, curly hair that brushes her shoulders, and bright, mischievous, blue eyes.
Occupation: Second year marine biology graduate student. She works part time at a shop that sells sex toys, negligs, and pornography.
Relationship to Main Characters: She becomes Mike's lover after his break up with Laura Jones. She is Jill's next door neighbor, and does her best to help Jill to explore her sexuality, and understand Mike's views on relationships.

Name: Amara Tevino
Age: 24
Physical Description: 5'8; 130lbs; glossy brown hair hanging to mid back; and brown eyes.
Occupation: Second year psychology graduate student. She is the president of the USF chapter of the LGBT club. She worked as a teaching assistant for Mike for a while, but then moved on to become a teaching assistant for a professor who focuses more on her field of study.
Relationship to Main Characters: She lives across from Jill in the graduate apartment building. She does her best to assist Mike's students in exploring their sexuality. She also takes a personal interest in making sure that Jill and Mike have a smooth go at their relationship.

Name: Sarah Olsen
Age: 21
Physical Description: 5'10"; 135lbs; curly, honey brown, mid-back length hair; and green eyes.
Occupation: Senior business management major works as a waitress at a local diner.
Relationship to Main Characters: Sarah attends Mike's course during the spring with Jill. The two become close friends and confidants. Though Sarah passes the course she still hangs around with Mike and the others for the fun of it. She assists Jill in mentoring Brian, and some of the other under classmen.

Name: Brian Marx
Age: 19
Physical Description: 5'8"; 140lbs; curly, red, mane around his head; and green eyes.
Occupation: Sophomore psychology major works as a waiter at a local diner.
Relationship to Main Characters: Brian takes Mike's class at the prompting of his older brother Jurgen. Martin Chalmers attempts to steer Brian in the opposite direction and Brian basically tells him he's not interested. Brian's father attempts to intimidate him into compliance by cutting him off financially. Sarah and Mike help Brian obtain the financial support he needs to continue going to school, keep his vehicle on the road, and maintain the modern essentials. Jurgen offers Brian his extra bedroom to get him out of the dorm. At first Brian finds himself torn between Jill and Sarah, but then he decides to pursue his feelings for Jessie Mason when she eventually joins the group.

Name: Jamie Collins
Age: 27
Physical Description: 5'10"; 200lbs; short, platinum, blonde hair; and green eyes.
Occupation: Construction worker and waiter at a hotel.
Relationship to Main Characters: Jamie is a man in transition. He has a casual relationship with Amara, but meeting Jill has turned his attention to her. He falls hard for Jill when she is willing to accept him for what he is, and he must be willing to share her with Mike. Through a desire to be closer to Jill Jamie quits his minimum wage jobs, and returns to USF to complete a master's in biological engineering.

Name: Aaron Michaels (Antagonist)
Age: 25
Physical Description: 6'; 220lbs; curly, shoulder-length, blonde hair; and piercing, blue eyes.
Occupation: Second year Graduate Student in Political Science. He is the unofficial advisor of the USF chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Relationship to Main Characters: Aaron pursues Jill as soon as she moves into the graduate apartment building. After managing to get her somewhat in his control he unceremoniously deflowers her on the eve of her birthday. He keeps his distance until Thanksgiving, and plays on her fears of being lonely to lure her into spending the weekend with him at his family home. When they returned to school they barely spent any time together. The week before winter break Aaron tried to encourage Jill to come home with him. When she refused he took her to a BDSM club, and coerced her into participating in her own degradation and humiliation. The owner of the club interfered, and had Aaron banned from the club. He let Jill be while she remained home with her family, but once she returned to campus for her spring semester he pursued her again, until she brought him before the disciplinary committee. After the committee placed him on probation he let Jill be until the end of the semester. He pursued her again, which led him to join her in Mike's alternative life style. His original goal was to destroy the group from within, but he finds himself intrigued by their alternative ways.

Support Characters

Name: Jacob Wind
Age: 38
Physical Description: 6' 2", 230lbs, wavy black hair that stops just below his shoulders, and brown eyes.
Occupation: Professor of Business at USF. Owner of an establishment called Jakcob's Den; a sports bar in front and a BDSM club in back.
Relationship to Main Characters: Jacob is Mike's closest friend. He rescues Jill from Aaron's abuse. He is the one who pulls the strings to get Jill into Mike's class even though it is full for the semester. He also takes it upon himself to guide Jill through the disciplinary hearing, and properly introduction to BDSM and his club.

Name: Karen Schaeffer
Age: 32
Description: 5'10"; 140lbs; curly blonde hair that covers her upper back; and blue eyes
Occupation: Professor of English at USF
Relationship to Main Characters: Karen is Jacob's life partner, and the mother of his child. She assists Jacob in introducing Jill to BDSM, and participates in various extracurricular activities hosted by Mike, that she and Jacob are invited to.

Name: Martin Chalmers
Age: 55
Physical Description: 5'8; 200lbs; steel grey hair and beard, and wizened blue eyes. He has wrinkles around his eyes that add a stern look to his face.
Occupation: The Dean of Political Science
Relationship to Main Characters: Martin is a conservative professor who after losing a family friend's child to Mike's way of thinking is determined to not only have him fired, but black listed from teaching. After Jill publicly humiliates his protAaron in a disciplinary committee hearing, Martin makes it his business to ruin her as well.

Name: Laura Jones
Age: 30
Physical Description: 5'10"; 130lbs; blonde, curly hair that hangs down her back and over her breasts. Her eyes are deep blue, and she always has them framed with smoky eye lids, dark liner, and thick dark lashes.
Relationship to Main Characters: Laura does not work. She lives with her parents and waits for a man to propose marriage, and take care of her. A year after Michael Lancing sends her packing she returns to get her hooks into him, and the fortune he has inherited from a deceased relative. After Mike chooses Jill over her, Laura works in coalition with Aaron to destroy the couple.

Name: Marcus Anderson
Age: 23
Physical Description: 5'11"; 200lbs; dark brow curls that cling tightly to his head; and dark brown eyes. Light brown skin tone denotes a mixed race background.
Occupation: First year psychology graduate student. Works as a graduate assistant in the psychology department.
Relationship to Main Characters: Marcus lives next door to Mary. He tries to get Jill's attention during her first semester, but gives up when it is quite clear she is caught up with Aaron. When she returns for her second semester, unattached, he attempts to kindle another relationship with her, but can't seem to get anywhere beyond a physical relationship. He contents himself with a casual relationship until he has to go home for the summer. He acts as a barrier between Jill and Aaron.

Name: Alyssa Shugawa
Age: 18
Physical Description: 5'3"; 105lbs; straight, shiny, black, waist-length hair; and hazel eyes.
Occupation: Freshman Pre-Med major
Relationship to Main Characters: Alyssa is experiencing her first time away from home. She is prompted to take Mike's class by a friend, and does poorly. She takes his remedial class in the summer, and does much better under the tutelage of Jill, Mary, and Amara. While taking Mike's class she develops a close bond with Scott Baker, and decides to switch her major to English.

Name: Scott Baker
Age: 21
Physical Description: 5'8"; 140lbs; short blonde hair; and blue eyes.
Occupation: Junior accounting major
Relationship to Main Characters: Scott took Mike's class to satisfy a social science requirement, and his own curiosity. He does not do well, so he takes the summer class to improve his grade. During the summer he forms a relationship with Alyssa Shugawa, but he also wants to explore other types of relationships. He also switches his major to English. He hopes to explore all that Mike's class and the subsequent extracurricular activities have to offer.

Name: Jessica Mason
Age: 19
Physical Description: 5'4"; 110lbs; curly, brunette, waist-length hair; and green eyes.
Occupation: Sophomore zoology major
Relationship to Main Characters: Jessie gets taken in by Aaron's charm, and acts as his spy in Mike's world. She finds herself attracted to Brian and Jill. She becomes unsure of her role when Aaron manages to work his way into the group as well.

Name: Jurgen Marx
Age: 27
Physical Description: 5'11"; 150lbs; red, short cropped hair; and green eyes.
Occupation: Independent Communications Consultant
Relationship to Main Characters: After encouraging Brian to take Mike's class, Jurgen is sent off to Germany on business. While he is away he enlists Sarah to give his little brother the confidence he needs to strike out on his own. He returns to the states for a short while to attend the wake and funeral of a college friend. While he is home he checks on Brian's progress and attends some of the events Mike hosts that particular weekend.

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