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going out with Aileen, everything could happen |
H: Helena (me) A: Aileen Today will be a good day, I woke up early, while I was under my shower I imagined how will be this special day. Today I'll go to Aileen's flat and go out with her for the first time, just me and her. I'm so excited, it'll be awesome, just me and her, doing some shopping and walk in streets together. We are lucky, today is a sunny day, maybe we can going to the park and lie down on grass, looking at the sky and ask each other what she imagines about the shapes of clouds. I hope Cleodine won't be jealous if I spend some time only with Aileen. Then, I go out of my shower, dry myself, brush my hairs, tie them in a bun, apply some perfume and go to my room for dressing up. I put on my undies on and looking at myself on the mirror, I'm pretty cute in them, I take a black jeans and a white shirt and put them on, I look a last time at myself, perfect. My shirt is maybe a bit see-through but it's a very hot day, I won't wear something under it, anyway I'm wearing a bra, my breasts won't be on display. I go out, and take the bus to go to Aileen's flat. In the bus, my ticket fell to the floor, I bent down to retrieve it and noticed that some people looked strangely at my butt, I looked down and saw that I forgot to put my belt on and the light-pink waistband of my panties peeked out of my jeans, I pull up my jeans and hold it for the rest of the travel. I arrived in front of Aileen's building and I push the button of her intercom, I hope she's here. "A: Yeah? Who is here? H: It's Helena, can I come in? A: Ho, yes, of course, I'll open the door, did you remember my floor? H: Yes, seventh floor, right? A: Yes, apartment number 11. A: Ok, thank you." I climb the stairs and arrive in front of her door, I knock, she opens, I see her, she's wonderful, like ever, her red hair are tied in a ponytail, and she is dressed in a cute light blue, and down, she choosed to wear a light-blue cotton tiny shorts and she barefoot. "A: Hello, it's a pleasure to see you, how are you? H: I'm fine, thank you, what about you? A: Me too, can you remove your shoes before come in, I just clean up my flat. H: Yes, of course." I remove my shoes and come in, she has a very nice flat, very luminous. "A: So, what bring you here dear friend? H: I have a free afternoon, and I wanted to spend some time with you, what do you think about doing some shopping? A: Hum, I'm not sure that's a great idea... H: Why? A: Hum...I think Cleodine will be jealous if we do this without her... And we already have a lot of clothes... H: Don't worry, Cleodine is at her job, and even if we don't buy clothes, we can already try them, it'll be nice and maybe funny. A: I'm not sure, I would have preferred another day... H: You're strange...there is something wrong? A: N...No, everything is alright...Why do you ask? I have say something strange? H: You seem very nervous, you won't go out with me but you don't dare to tell me? A: No, no, it's ok, we can do that, just let me change my clothes, I won't walk in streets dressed like that.” She smiled, looked at me and blushed. “A: Hum, I'm sorry, it's a little embarrassing but, do you want me to give you something to wear under your shirt? I can nearly see the hearts printed on your bra through it...” I looked down and saw she was right. I didn't noticed it in my room, maybe because my flat is darker than hers. I blushed and cover my chest with my arms. “H: Yes, please, it'll be nice, sorry for that, I didn't noticed it. A: It's ok, I'll cange my clothes and bring you a tank-top.” I sit on her couch and waiting her, 20 minutes later she came back, dressed in a cute grey tank-top and a light-blue jeans with a belt. She gives me a white tank-top to wear under my shirt. “A: Sorry for being so long, I searched something in my room, but I didn't find it... H: What did you searching? Can I help you? A: N...No, no, don't worry, it's not important, so, are you ready? H: Let me just put on this tank-top. A: You can go change in my...” Before she can finish her phrase I had taking of my shirt, then I put on this tank-top and put my shirt back on, but just half closed. “A: Ho, it was a little embarrassing to see you in bra... H: Come on, you're a woman, and with breasts like yours I'm sure that you had already saw a bra.” She blushed “Y...Yes, you're right...” She blushed more and more “By the way your bra is very cute, I like those hearts printed on it.” “H: Thank you, I'm sure that yours is cute too. A: Thank you, but I won't show it to you, sorry.” She cross her arms against her chest. “H: I know, I know, I didn't asked you to show it, it was just a intuition. So, we can go out now? A: Yes, we can.” She smiled and we go out. We taking the bus, we arrived downtown and we have gone to the mall. We found a great clothes store and enter inside it. We walk between selling shelves and see a lot of interesting things, skirts, shirts, dresses, I took a black silk skirt and she grabbed a dark-blue strapless dress, and we go to the dressing room to trying them. “H: So, who go first? A: You can begin, and after I'll try this nice dress. H: Ok, I'll try this tight silk skirt.” I winked her and go inside the dressing room, I took off my jeans and put on the black tight skirt...It's maybe too tight for me but I managed to put my butt inside. Crap, pulling on it like that making my panties rise between my butt cheeks. So, I grabbed the hemline of the skirt and pull it up, and then I tried my best to put back the bottom of my panties on my butt cheeks. then I pull down the skirt back in place. I looked at me on the mirror, yes, this skirt is too tight for me, but I want Aileen's mind about it. I go out of the dressing room, turn around and asking Aileen. “H: So, what do you think about it? A bit too tight no? A: -Yes, maybe...” She blushed “I can see the shape of your panties through it. H: -Ho...hehe, at least it's the proof that I have a panties.” I said with a huge smile. She blushed more “Yes, you have one...” “H: -You are very strange today...So, now I'll take off this skirt and put my jeans back on. A: -And after, it's my turn to try my dress.” I go back to the dressing room, unzip this skirt and... “H: Hum, Aileen? A: Yes? What? There is something wrong? H: Yes, the skirt is stuck on my hips, can you help me to pull it down?” She blushed “Are you sure? If I do that it's means I gonna see your panties... H: It's ok, come on, I don't want to still stuck in it. A: O...Ok...” She joins me in the dressing room and kneels behind me, then she grabs the two sides of my skirt. “H: Ok, when I say “3” we pull down together, ready? 1...2...3...Go!” It worked, maybe more than I could expected...My skirt is to my ankles, but it was very thight on my hips, and pulled it down like that caused my red panties with big white hearts printed everywhere on it to roll down to the middle of my thighs, exposing my naked butt cheeks to Aileen. She was so embarrassed for me. "A: I...I'm so sorry! Let me help you." She grabs the hemline of my panties to pull it up... "H: No, no! It's ok! I can do it alone! A: Ok, sorry, I'll waiting you outside of the dressing room." She goes out and I pull my panties back on, then I put on my jeans and go out of the dressing room. I saw that Aileen was still very red of embarrassment. "H: So, it's your turn...Are you ok? A: Heum, yes, it was just so embarrassing what happened in this dressing room...I'm so sorry about that. H: Don't worry, I'm the most embarrassed in this story, forget it" I give her a big hug to reassure her, and then she goes in the dressing room with her dress. 5 minutes later she came back. "A: So...What do you think?" She turns around to show me her back too. "H: You're wonderful! It was a good idea to wear a strapless bra, so no bra straps are visible. And even if it's a bit too tight for you too, you haven't any pany-lines..." She seems very embarrassed about what I said "Ho, really? It's a good thing, I think I'll buy this one, mainly if you say that I'm wonderful in it, but I think that I'll take a size bigger." "H: Yes, you're so right. A: So, I'll put my clothes back on and buy this dress, thank you Helena. H: You're welcome my dear." She goes in the dressing room, and closes the curtain. "A: Ho no... H: Something wrong? A: N...No, it's alright" I hear her whispering. "Ho, no, no, no, fu..ing zipper, why you don't want undone yourself?...Please, I can't ask Helena's help or she'll see my..." I slowly open the curtain. "A: HAAAA! Helena! What the hell are you doing??? H: I think you need some help with your zipper... A: No! No...It's ok, don't worry, I can manage to do it alone. H: Why are you so nervous? Let me help you... She blushed more and more "O...Ok, help me please, I think the zipper is stuck in something." "H: Ok, let me see that...Yes, it's stuck in your bra's clasp. Ok, Don't worry, I'll unhook it and the zipper will come down easily. A: Please, be careful, I don't want to be exposed... H: Don't worry, I'll do it carefully, nothing will happen to you." So I unhook her bra through her dress and the zipper is free to be pulled down. Then, to help her more I decided to unzip her dress (yes, sometimes it's not easy to undo a zipper on the back). She grabs the top of the dress to prevent it to fall off her chest, and with her other hand she hide her butt half-covered by her dress, certainly to hide the waistband of her black panties...She shouted. "A: HEY! What are you doing???" She steps back, walks on my foot... "H: Ouch!" She tripped and fell through the curtain and lands on her butt out of the dressing room, in the middle of the store. By reflex she has put her hands on her sides to cushion her landing. The top of her dress, now free, fell down with her unhooked strapless bra. She screaming and hides her naked breasts as fast as she can. She stood up to come back to the dressing room, and her unzipped dress started to slide slowly on her perfect legs. She began to cry "No; no; everything but that..." She ran to me, her dress fell on her ankles, she tripped on it and fell to the ground, exposing the back of her...Black thong! I grabbed her arms and help her to came back in the dressing room. She was red like a tomato... "H: Ho my God! I'm so sorry about what just happen to you my dear, it's my fault, I just wanted to help you. Wait me here, I'll bring you back your bra." I go out of the dressing room and pick up her black bra on the ground. Come back to the dressing room and give it to her. She is still crying. "A: Thank you, I'm so ashamed, you were not supposed to see me like this... H: What do you mean? A: My thong, usually I don't wear this kind of undies, I wear only panties, but today I haven't any clean panties to wear, that's why I put this thing on. H: Hey, it's ok, don't worry about that, by the way it explains a lot of thing, why you didn't wanted to do shopping with me, why you took so much time to search something, a panties I guess, in your room... A: Yes, I didn't wanted you to see me in this "slutty" underwear... H: Hey, don't say that, I know that you're not this kind of woman...I have an idea, we are in a clothes store, why not buy more panties for you? Like that you'll not have to wear this thong anymore. A: It's a good idea, will you do that with me? H: With pleasure my dear." After putting her clothes back on, go gone to the "undies floor" to found some news panties for her. She has preferred to choose "classy" panties, I mean lacy, silk or sheer (a bit transparent) panties. She is a tastefully woman, she chooses them in bright colors, light-blue, white, light-red, and a black too, not very bright but very nice. Then she takes a candy-pink cotton panties and looked at me. "A: This one is soooo cute! Don't you think? H: Yes, it is, I think I'll take the same." We smiled and go to buy those panties, and her famous dress. When we came back to her flat, she directly goes to her room. "A: Wait me in the living room, I'll come back." So, I sat on the couch and waiting her. When she came back she was dressed in her famous dress. "A: Haaa, it's better like that, I feel wonderfully better. H: Finally I can see that this dress fit your gorgeous body perfectly." She blushed "Hihi, thank you very much Helena, and, about the backside? Have I panty-lines?" "H: Don't worry, we should look very closely to see them...You're perfect! By the way, I still so sorry about what happened to you in the mall... A: Don't worry, I'll try to forget it, anyway I have pass a very good afternoon with you if we forget this incident... H: Glad to hear that! We can do the same when you want, maybe the next time we can spend some time to the park, lie down on the grass and look at the sky... A: It's a great idea, I'll love doing that with you." THE END |