Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2010699-Overlooked-Pt-2
Rated: GC · Fiction · Sci-fi · #2010699
The world is not against the three shrunken students, they're just overlooked.
Beware: Excessive crushing and some vore/blood within


Darkness. It surrounded Josh with a suffocating grip. Was this death?

Sudden light filled the space, leaving Josh sputtering in shock. He could feel himself moving like he was flying. With a violent thud he was in darkness again. Reality slammed into Josh as he was once more blinded by light. He wasn’t dead. No, it was worse. He was trapped underneath Eric’s shoe!

He let out a desperate scream just before the shoe slammed down once more. As his world violently lurched up again, Josh started to feel sick. It was more than just the intense movement that was getting him. Eric was one of his best friends! And here Josh was, glued to the bottom of Eric’s sneaker like a bug. No it was worse than that. Eric had no clue of his presence, not even to mistake him for a bug. He was an unnoticed piece of dirt stuck in the shoe’s tread. Like nothing. He was nothing…

He tried not to watch the floor as it flew by in a blur, before rushing up to meet him with a thud that sealed him in blackness. Again and again. Josh wished he could just pass out. This was exhausting, terrifying, and most of all humiliating. It was more than even he could take all at once.

Josh had long since lost count of the thunderous steps Eric had taken. He had already unconsciously braced himself for the inevitable step forward that would send him soaring over the floor again. This was why he was so mystified when he remained in the darkness. Very quickly the smell of rubber mixed with whatever Eric had stepped in filled his nostrils.

Josh couldn’t help but wonder why Eric had stopped. Regardless of the reason he let out a deep sigh of relief. As he inhaled he started gagging on the smell that surrounded him. A new smell had permeated the air, one Josh recognized. Somehow Eric’s famous foot stink was here underneath the shoe. In an area effectively sealed by the thick rubber tread.

Josh suddenly realized he could barely breathe. There were too many stenches blocking out the oxygen he needed so desperately.

“Eric, why don’t you wash your fucking feet?!” Josh gasped. He started gagging and coughing, while his eyes teared up from the unbearable smell. He flailed ineffectually as he gasped and wheezed. His lungs burned for fresh air; it was all he could think about. It was all he wanted. But there was none. He couldn’t have it.

A sudden rush and thud leaves Josh exposed to the light, hanging upside down. This was the final straw and Josh heaved, his vomit dropping what appeared to be hundreds of feet down to the floor.

“Uh… Ahhhh!” Josh shouted in terror. He struggled to face upwards. He could see the tread of the shoe above him like a sheer cliff, the questionable mass of gunk visibly sticking out slightly from the shoe. Beyond that Eric’s thick calves stretched upwards into the billowing shorts, the small blond hairs barely noticeable against his fair skin. The t-shirt was pulled upwards and tight against his chest as Eric clasped his hands behind his head. His flexed arms showed off a casual strength that was also evident in his now very visible six pack. Eric was resting his shoe on its toe, so he could lean comfortably against the lockers.

He was having a conversation with another mutual friend, Michael. Josh imagined himself where Michael stood, and the countless regular conversations he had had with Eric. How massive and terrifying he would have seemed to any creature down at this level. How cruel and heartless he could be with a smirk of disgust at some innocent bug and the effortless shift of his shoe to crush it. Josh wondered how many insects had met their end beneath his shoes, with him as unaware of their presence as Eric was of his.

A booming laugh shook him from his thoughts. He stared up at Eric who was still grinning at Michael. Both their voices were distorted, as if Josh couldn’t understand properly at his size. It was strange to watch his friends carry on their simple discussion. Both very wrapped up in their worlds, totally unaware of their enormity and destructive potential. Totally oblivious to their tiny friend plastered to the sole of Eric’s shoe.

In spite of Josh’s continued struggles, he had made next to no progress in freeing himself. Michael and Eric were still chatting away. Josh wasn’t sure if he was skipping class or had a free period. And honestly at this point he couldn’t have cared less. He just needed to be seen, and that wouldn’t happen unless he was freed!

There was a lull in the conversation and the change got Josh’s attention. Michael was stuffing something into his backpack, while Eric was checking something on his phone. They were done. Josh realized in terror that Eric would probably stop leaning against the lockers soon. He was about to his loose his chance at freedom!

“HEY!” boomed Michael suddenly. Josh stared upwards again; he could see Michael’s eyes locked onto his very form. Josh laughed in relief. “YES! HEEEY! RIGHT HERE!!” he cheered, waving his free arm delightedly.

Michael’s eyes flicked back to Eric. Surely to tell him that Josh was stuck to his shoe. “Hey Eric…” he began. Josh laughed again, closing his eyes in utter joy. The nightmare was over!

“… you have some shit stuck to your shoes. You should watch where you step!” Josh felt his heart skip a beat. “No…” he breathed. He had been seen! Hadn’t he?

A rumbling grunt from Eric grabs Josh’s attention causing him to crane his neck upwards. He stares pleadingly at Eric whose eyes seem to be focused right on him.

“ERIC!! PLEASE HELP ME!! I’M RIGHT HERE!!” Josh begs, waving his free arm frantically. Eric’s face remains blank, without a trace of recognition. Josh’s wave falters, his hope quickly flowing away.

Without warning Eric lifts his shoe, rocking Josh to the core. He lets out a surprised scream, before seizing the opportunity. He starts screaming and waving hysterically in a last ditch effort to be seen.

The shoe levels itself so that Josh is laying on his back staring up at Eric’s towering form. His arm reaches down to grab the shoe and hold it in place. The strength in his incredibly huge arms is evident in the rippling muscle.

Josh is still screaming and waving when Eric opens his mouth to speak “What is that… a bug?” Eric starts to lean in, his eyes still locked on the squirming speck. He stops short, abruptly remembering this was just the bottom of his shoe. “Whatever, I don’t care. It’s more effort than it’s worth!” he says dismissively, his eyes flicking to Michael. Michael shrugs as Eric lets go of the shoe.

Josh is so overwhelmed by crushing disappointment he becomes unreactive to his surrounding environment. He merely flinches as Eric’s shoe slams into the ground. He allows himself to dangle and shake loosely as Eric is on the move again, once more treating Josh to violent and rhythmic abuse.

Josh however couldn’t forget the dismissive voice accompanied the unconcerned expression on Eric’s face. He had been so close, only to be dismissed as “more effort than it was worth!” Josh knew if Eric had actually seen him, things would have gone much differently. But he was quite simply too small to be noticed. He was so insignificant his friend could overlook him as nothing.

With these thoughts bouncing around his mind, Josh heard a sudden crunch when he emerged from darkness as Eric took another step. Almost like gravel. Before Josh could put every together, the boulders were surrounding him. Josh screamed in pain as he was stabbed from all over by the jagged surface of the gravel. By the second step a particularly small and sharp pebble wedged itself deep into the tread.

If Eric were to look he probably wouldn’t notice the pebble that had blocked where the little “bug” had been. He also probably would not notice the red staining the pebble’s edges. But then he probably wouldn’t ever look at his shoe sole and see what various items were stuck in the tread unnoticed and overlooked.


Jared struggles ineffectually against Nick’s foot as it slowly smothers him. The sole of his foot, exposed by a hole in the sock, was directly resting on him. The smell of Nick’s foot surrounded him. He could taste it in every gasping breath he took. He could feel it in every layer of sweat bathing him.

In spite of his vigorous struggles, Jared quickly realized that if he didn’t figure out something soon the last thing he would see would be Nick’s wrinkly sole.

An idea pops into his head and for a moment Jared thinks it’s too crazy. Then he thinks it’s too dangerous. Then he thinks it’s too disgusting. That is, until he remembers the situation he’s in is crazy, dangerous, and disgusting.

Not allowing himself to mull over it another second he opens his mouth and bites Nick’s foot as hard as he can. He immediately gags on the taste of sweat clinging to Nick’s foot.

The foot suddenly lifts, much to Jared’s relief. He had been nervous that Nick would drag his foot backwards and smear him. Jared smiled; no matter what happened he knew he could count on Nick!

He sucks in a deep breath of fresh air and stares upward. He can see Nick’s gaze locked directly onto him. Jared laughs happily.

“Nick!” He shouts. A sock-covered toe rams into him, sending him sprawling. Nick settles his foot back into place atop Jared. After recovering the initial shock and pain, Jared roared in frustration.

“That fucker didn’t see me!” he raged. Without a moment of hesitation Jared took another savage bite of Nick’s foot, this time prepared for the potent taste.

The monolithic foot jerks away, and Jared glares upward to find Nick leaning down for a closer look. A sunbeam shines across his face, giving him a god-like appearance. Jared fights off the sudden urge to run from his enormous friend.

Nick’s face is twisted into an expression of annoyance as he searches for the source of the nips on his foot. Jared flies him the finger and then starts to jump and wave while shouting.

Nick noticed the strange movements. Originally he had thought it was an ant below his desk, but that didn’t seem to be the case now. Curiosity getting the best of him, Nick squinted his eyes to get a closer look.

“Oh shit!” Nick cried out suddenly. He bumps his head on the underside of the desk, grunting in pain. Sitting up, he finds everyone in the room staring at him, including the teacher whose face is twisted into a disapproving frown. “Sorry!” Nick says hurriedly, dropping his hand over Jared. “A bug bit me!” Making a fist around his minuscule friend, Nick stands up and slips his shoes on. “I need the bathroom; I think it’s eating me alive!” Nick says, already approaching the door. At that moment the bell rings, signaling the end of class. Without a glance back, Nick sprints out the door and into the hall.


Freddie stares into Brandon’s massive eye as it blinks rapidly. The deep blue pupil and watery surface of it constantly remind Freddie of a pond. He waves again “I’m real Brandon! Please you have to help me!” he shouts. The eye strains as Brandon squints. Freddie continues to wave, this time choosing not to say anything.

An earsplitting ring causes Freddie to recoil his arm in fear before suddenly recognizing it as the bell. He watches as the behemoths who were his classmates stream past Brandon. Mere seconds later and the room is deserted. “Turn off the light on your way out!” the teacher says dismissively as he exits the room without a glance back.

“FREDDIE!?” Brandon finally booms. “Yes! Yes!” Freddie cheers in elation at officially being recognized. “WHAT HAPPENNED??” Brandon’s voice rumbled.

Freddie took a deep breath, “I was showing Josh my experiment when Jared came in an—“

“I CAN’T HEAR YOU!” Brandon’s thunderous voice cut him off. Freddie sighed unhappily. “Ear! Ear!” he shouted, earning him a confused look from Brandon. Continuing to shout, Freddie started punctuating his movements by pointing dramatically at both his and Brandon’s ears.

Finally Brandon got the message, letting out a sudden “OH!” as he brought his finger to his ear. Freddie grimaced, seeing piles of ear wax many times larger than himself. Knowing that wasn’t important he cupped his hands around his mouth to start yelling.

“I was… “Freddie remembered Josh, unsure of what had happened to his friend. Even Jared, though the guy was an ass would probably need help as well. “Well… There’s no time to explain, but I need you to get help! Get the chem teacher Mr. Rey! He’ll be able to help!” Brandon nods furiously and moved his hand from his ear.

“OKAY FREDDIE, I’LL GET HIM!” Brandon says, flashing his winning smile. Freddie shuddered, not wanting to get that up close and personal with someone’s mouth again.

“BUT I’M GONNA LEAVE YOU HERE! THAT’S PROBABLY SAFER THAN CARRYING YOU, RIGHT?” The question however it seemed was rhetorical as Brandon immediately lowered Freddie to his desk, giving him a moment to fall to its surface. Freddie looks around worriedly. He really didn’t want to be left alone.

“BE RIGHT BACK LITTLE BUDDY!” Brandon says, chuckling at his own pun. Freddie watches unhappily as Brandon pounds out of the room. After the door slammed shuts and its echo faded Freddie sighed deeply. This insane adventure was almost over! He had never been more relieved in his life.

The door suddenly swings open again. “Whoa that was really qui—“ Freddie stops short realizing that the two people entering the room were neither Brandon nor Mr. Rey.

Freddie backs up against the notebook Brandon had left on his desk. “No reason to be scared… I’m safe on the desk “ Freddie told himself as his pulse quickened. “They probably won’t come this way!” The two giants looked directly in his direction. Both smiled as they approached the desk, each footfall echoing across the room. “If they do they won’t even notice me!” Freddie reasoned desperately as the two titans stop at Brandon’s desk.

Freddie whimpered instinctively, staring up at the titans who towered over him like skyscrapers. Both had their backs to the window so that their faces were in shadow. It gave them a significantly more sinister appearance.

“YEAH IT IS BRANDON’S STUFF!” boomed the blond one, whom Freddie recognized as Ryan, who was really more of Brandon’s friend than his. He was known for being quite the prankster. His hair was a direct contrast to the black t-shirt he had on with some band logo on it.

“YOU THINK HE’S PLANNING SOMETHING?” asked his brown haired friend. Freddie stared up at this colossus. The face seemed familiar, though he looked too young to be a senior like Ryan. Nate. His name was Nate. Freddie remembered him as the kid who challenged everybody to do ridiculous things, though Ryan was usually the only one to take him up.

“NAH! IT’S JUST HIS NOTEBOOK.” Ryan stated dismissively. “LET’S JUST GO ASK HIM WHERE HE WAS RUNNING OFF TO.” With that, Ryan turns to leave.

“Yes! Just leave me alone so Brandon can hurry up!” Freddie pleaded to the giants. Nate had yet to move though. Freddie looked up and gasped to see Nate’s eyes locked onto him. His face contorted into a mischievous smile.

“HEY RYAN, WAIT UP!” he called after his friend. “What was he planning on doing?” Freddie wondered silently. He felt he should run for cover, but could not bring himself to move a muscle.

“CHECK IT OUT, IT’S A BUG!” Nate says pointing a tree-trunk-sized finger directly at Freddie. Freddie flinches as the dirty digit hovers over him.

“SO? JUST SQUISH IT!” Ryan says uninterested. “No!” Freddie wailed, still frozen in terror.

“NO, NO, NO…” Nate says with a tormenting chuckle. “THAT’S TOO EASY!” Ryan gives him a knowing look.

“EAT IT!” Nate utters those words with a cruel indifference. “NO!” Freddie bellows, finally bolting, trying to escape these giants, trying to get away somehow!

Ryan follows the speck’s progress with his eyes. “It heard you!” he says to Nate, and they both start laughing. “What is it anyway? He adds.

“Who gives a shit? You too scared to do it?” Nate challenges.

Ryan snorts “Fuck you!” He reaches down, and in spite of Freddie’s quick progress across the desk, doesn’t even have to stretch in order to pluck the fleeing bug from the desk.

Both enormous boys are deaf to the Freddie’s screaming and pleas for help. All they see is a bug, whose life and very existence was worthless. So worthless Nate could nonchalantly request his friend to kill and eat it and Ryan would oblige without a second thought.

Ryan roughly rolls the bug between his thumb and finger giving it a passing glance. Freddie’s shouts are muffled by the thick skin, the salty taste of sweat causing him to gag. For a second he sees Ryan’s cold gray eye focused on him. There is no compassion. Ryan didn’t view him as a creature with life. No he was a pesky bug that was being disposed of for a moment of entertainment.

As he is rolled between the fingers again, Freddie hears something in his leg snap. He howls in pain as Ryan lifts him up to his mouth that is spread into a smile showing off a wall of massive teeth.

As they part Ryan’s tongue slithers out of his mouth like a mythical monster. Freddie whimpers at it extends to its full length. Ryan laughs a bit, slamming Freddie with a wall of his sour and humid breath. Beyond the rows of jagged molars, the uvula hangs in stark contrast to the blackness of the throat.

Knowing that beyond the throat would be Ryan’s stomach filled with powerful acids that would digest him easily, Freddie started screaming again. However instead of begging for help he raged against his captors. “YOU BASTARDS! YOU’RE MURDERERS FOR NO DAMNED REASON!”

Just as Ryan releases him, allowing him to land with a splat on the writhing tongue, Freddie admits deep down that it was partly his fault. Josh had been right. He shouldn’t have spent his free time before graduating in a classroom.
It gets harder to see as Ryan withdraws his tongue back into his mouth with its passenger. Freddie looks out beyond the towering teeth to see Nate staring at his form, a grin plastered to his face. Freddie started sobbing “If only I had spent more time outside maybe I woul—“ His final sentence was cut off as Ryan’s tongue heaved him onto a molar and without warning, his jaws came together.

Both boys heard the surprisingly loud crunch as Ryan chomped on the bug. “Oh! Ew it’s all red in your mouth!” Nate said. Ryan laughed and stuck out his long tongue, the mutilated bug’s body clinging to his tongue. “Nasty!” Nate laughed as the door opened.

“He’s in here…” Brandon trailed off when he saw Ryan and Nate at his desk. “Well?” Mr. Rey demanded impatiently, glaring at Brandon.

Brandon’s face had lost call it’s color. “What are you guys doing in here?” he asked his friends quietly. Mr. Rey sighed “I knew this was a waste of my time! But honestly, A for creativity, Brandon!” Mr. Rey said in exasperated tone as he marched back down the hallway.

Brandon ignored him, remaining frozen in the doorway, still staring at his friends.

“We saw you walking out of the room, figured you were planning something and we wanted in!” Nate said happily.

Ryan, who had been standing with his tongue out the whole time, stood up straight. He paused for a second to swallow before adding “But we didn’t find anything until Nate got me to eat this weird bug on your desk! Just gulped it down!” he laughed.

Brandon’s eyes widened in shock before he murmured “You…”

He didn’t complete his sentence. Instead he spewed violently all over the floor.


Jared was curled into the fetal position within Nick’s cramped and hot fist. Though he was happy he had been saved, Nick could have at least tried to make this part less miserable. Starting to break into a sweat Jared roared upwards “Hurry the fuck up Nick!”

The fist remained curled around him, light streaming between the fingers. It was quickly starting to feel like a sauna! Each jarring movement of Nick’s hurried footsteps caused Jared to shake against the rough callous of Nick’s palm.

Jared was still glowering within Nick’s fist, when he suddenly realized he could barely breathe. As he struggled to suck in a breath, he realized he had run out of air. Nick’s fist was too tight! He beat against the thick skin surrounding him, but Nick didn’t seem to notice. Jared could already see spots swimming in front of his eyes. He wheezed painfully, his body starved for oxygen. His struggles quickly weakened to mere twitching, not that it would have affected Nick even at full force given the size difference.

“This is it!” The thought punched through Jared’s foggy mind. “I’m gonna die in my best friends hand, just before I get help!” Though he was furious at the situation, Jared simply didn’t have the strength to continue fighting.

Just as he had resigned himself to suffocation, the palm spread open. Suddenly surrounded by fresh air, Jared took a deep breath too quickly. He started coughing until his eyes started to tear up. As he regained his composure he glanced up to see Nick intently studying his tiny form.

“About damned time you motherfucker!” Jared yelled, ending up in another coughing fit. Finally able to breathe again Jared glared upwards. He was slightly taken aback by Nick’s massive face, twisted into what almost looked like disgust.

Ignoring that, Jared yelled, “Hey! That punk Freddie did this! We need to find him so he can fix this and I can get back to normal and beat his ass!”

Nick half-smiled, as though amused. “I can barely hear you!” he stated, still grinning. “But you said Freddie did this?”
“Don’t make me fuckin’ repeat myself! You obviously heard me the first time dumbass! This is fucking ridiculous, I need to get back to normal! Help me!” Jared yelled angrily.

To Jared’s surprise, Nick chuckled. “You’re not exactly in a position to make demands, little man.” Jared took a step back, suddenly fearful of his massive friend.

“H-hey, this is no time for j-jokes!” Jared called out, his voice now drained of its previous anger.

“Even when you’re begging for help, it’s impossible for you to be a decent human being.” Nick said angrily. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting for some kind of opportunity to take you out?”

Jared gasped, and took another step back. What was going on?

“You’ve always been such an asshole! And a dumb one too! Why the fuck would I want to be your friend? After the hell you put me through freshman and sophomore year?” Nick paused a second to inhale sharply.

“I mean, how did you never notice all the shit I said? I mean I could barely contain my anger and hate for you and you still never noticed, you cocky son of a bitch!” Nick was hissing at this point clearly trying to keep his volume down. Jared meanwhile was frozen in shock; he had never seen this coming!

“And I’m not the only who will be glad to see you go! You torture everyone around you and contribute nothing! You’re a waste of space and a pain in everyone’s ass. We all hate you!” Jared grunted as though the last word had struck him. He whimpered. He had to get away! Nick was clearly insane and would be no help.

Nick’s breathing had become labored in his fury; each one he took hit Jared like a gust in a storm. He glared down at Jared as though waiting for a response. Jared stared up at him silently. Without warning he took off sideways.
Nick laughed coldly, as he tilted his palm so that Jared was sent tumbling back to its center. Jared grunted as he rolled to a stop between the wrinkles of Nick’s expansive hand.

“You’re not even sorry!” Nick boomed. “I don’t know why I’m surprised.” He added with a sigh.

“Well I certainly won’t waste this opportunity! I never in my wildest dreams imagined it would be like this! The possibilities are almost endless…” Nick trailed off as though deep in thought.

“Possibilities?” Jared wondered, cowering in Nick’s mammoth hand. With a deep chuckle, Nick looked down at Jared, his eyes cold and menacing. “I’m gonna have to thank Freddie some time!” he said mysteriously as he started to close his fist around the minuscule teen.

“I’M SORRY!!” Jared bellowed, tears streaming down his face. Nick stopped, a look of genuine surprise on his features. “What?” he asked gently, bring his hand to his eyes.

“I said I’m sorry!” Jared sobbed. “I don’t know why I do it! It just feels right! I never meant it as bad as everyone took it! I’m sorry, please just help me!” he begged.

Nick’s enormous eyes studied Jared, who had curled into the fetal position.

“Oh Jared, I’m glad to hear you say that!” Nick said gingerly. Jared chocked on a sob and looked up slowly.

Nick lowered his hand to his lips, so that Jared was close enough to touch them. “That makes this so much better you prick!” he whispered viciously.

“Wha-“ Jared gasped in surprise. He had been genuinely sorry! He had meant every word.

“Too little, too late!” Nick hissed. “Now, you are nothing! You’re not a person; you’re not even a bug! You are a crumb!” With that, Nick closed his fist around tightly around Jared’s body. He smiled, barely feeling the tickle of his struggles.
Within the fist Jared punched and kicked all while screaming in fury and misery. Maybe he had been an ass, but did that mean he didn’t deserve Nick’s help? And what had he meant he was a crumb? What was Nick going to do?

Nick bounded through the halls, heading for the cafeteria. He couldn’t believe what was going on. He couldn’t believe what he was about to do. He almost felt sorry, until he remembered that he was doing not only himself a favor, but the entire student body as well.

He walked through the doorway, his ears being assaulted by the thunderous mix of students’ voices at lunch. A few tables away he spotted his cousin Trent sitting down with a tray of food. Nick strolled over and sat down across from him.

“There you are! Dude what happened at the end of class?” Trent asked as he dropped his backpack to the floor.
Nick shrugged, “Eh, just some insignificant bug. I took care of it!”

Trent nodded and then pointed at his tray. “Check it out, it’s nachos day!” he said happily. “Aren’t you gonna get some?” he added. Nick shrugged, “Yeah, probably when the line goes down.”

Trent shrugged and started texting on his phone. Nick however studied his tray. As Trent had said it was nachos day, and there was a heaping pile of chips smothered in bright yellow cheese sauce, sour cream, jalapenos, among other odds and ends. Next to it a pile of greasy rice, a cup of refried beans, and a single soft taco with what looked like beef. Trent always had quite the appetite, and was clearly going to enjoy his Hispanic themed meal.

Nick flicked his eyes up at Trent. His blue eyes were intently focused on his phone as he typed out text after text. Nick’s fist was still clamped around Jared, though his struggles had become noticeable weaker. Nick decided not to waste another moment.

He reached across the table, scraping his fingertips against his palm as he opened his fist. He snatched Trent’s phone out of his hands. “You have the S3 right?” Nick asked, feigning curiosity.

“Hey!” Trent snapped, as he snatched his phone back. “Yeah I do, how about you hold on for a second, dickface!” he said irritably as he resumed texting. “Sorry!” Nick muttered, distracted. He glanced down where a dark speck squirmed in the sea of cheese sauce. Nick looked back up at Trent. Perfect, he hadn’t noticed the little addition.

Jared struggled in the confines of a warm, thick liquid. He was still reeling from the happenings of the past few minutes. After Nick’s angry speech, he had been sealed in the dark fist once again. This time he didn’t run out of air. Instead he had been roughly rolled between the fingertips and palm sending him into a free-fall in blinding light.

Now he struggled to surface and breathe, while the strange liquid coated him. Finally upon feeling a breeze of fresh air, Jared took a grateful breathe. Bringing his hands to his eyes, Jared did his best to clear them of the gunk he had landed in. As he continued to breathe heavily, some of it dripped into his mouth. Jared spat it out instinctively, though he was pretty sure he recognized the taste of… nacho cheese?

Swiping his hands together to clean them off, Jared wiped the last of the yellow gunk from his face, blinking rapidly as his eyesight adjusted. A lake of yellow stretched in every direction, broken at random by jagged off-white peaks, mounds of white, and islands of green. It all smelled a lot like…

“HERE, YOU WANT MY PHONE NOW?” a voice boomed from above. Jared gasped, looking upwards to find its source. He could see the underside of a chin, lined with stubble. A monolithic hand grasped a massive phone, which at this size appeared more like an alien ship.

“Nah, nevermind” rumbled a distant voice. Nick’s voice.

“ALRIGHT, WHATEVER” thundered the giant directly overhead. His hand lowered the phone out of sight, simultaneously looking down.

Jared gasped, seeing a pair of light blue eyes beneath clean cut brown hair. The chiseled and handsome features were instantly recognizable.

“TRENT!!” Jared screamed, attempting to wave his arms, though they were still covered in cheese sauce. Trent however didn’t seem to notice the plea of desperation or Jared’s frantic movements. His eyes flicked away casually as he started conversing with Nick. Without looking down, his hand descended over the nachos. The huge fingers deftly grasped one of the protruding nachos and lifted it skywards.

Jared watched as a part of the landscape was easily lifted, taking with it a couple jalapeno islands and a hill of sour cream. The strands of cheese stretched and stretched before finally snapping as Trent brought the nacho to his mouth. Jared watched with bated breath as Trent finished speaking. His mouth quickly yawned open, his tongue spilling out like a monster. The nacho hit its surface and a second later it had disappeared into the mouth followed by an incredibly loud crunch.

Trent appeared to be smiling as he chewed while listening to Nick. Jared started to panic. How ironic that he had inadvertently save him from that bug, now he would unknowingly take his life!

Trent, still listening to Nick, reached down absently, snatching up another chip. “No!” Jared screamed trying desperately to move, with little success. He was unable to keep his head from snapping upwards following another ear-splitting crunch as Trent’s jaws closed around another nacho.

The removal of two chips now had already significantly altered the landscape that was Trent’s lunch. Jared searched around desperately for something to help him. Unfortunately he found nothing that was readily helpful, instead being met with an unsettling sight.

Nick’s eyes were locked on Jared. His voice boomed above as he continued his conversation with Trent. A satisfied expression flashed across his features. He knew right where Jared was and was clearly enjoying watching him struggle in Trent’s food.

Nick absently listened to Trent speak. If he did look at his cousin it was to stare at his mouth ate. He lifted a nacho to his lips, his long tongue flowing out of his mouth. Trent chewed with his mouth open, a bad habit he had never shaken that he didn’t seem to notice. Nick imagined Jared trapped within Trent’s maw among the rows of teeth and chewed food. Nick couldn’t stop watching Jared’s minuscule form struggle through the cheese trying to avoid Trent who continued to obliviously stuff his mouth, unaware that with every bite he was closer and closer to downing the tiny bully.

Jared, still watching Nick, sensed a disappointment briefly flicker across his face. He realized that Trent had started spooning refried beans into his maw. “That fucker!” Jared raged, “He’s just waiting for me to be eaten!”

Not wanting to give Nick the satisfaction of his defeat, Jared fought even harder, roaring in combination of fury and effort.

Above him Trent started on the taco, while he spoke with Nick. Down below Jared had had enough of the raining crumbs. “Chew with your fucking mouth closed!” he bellowed upwards. As if in response, Trent chuckled, sending a large chunk of chewed food shooting out of his mouth. It landed with a splat, right next to Jared.

Jared stopped fighting and stared at the soggy chunk. It was unrecognizable. Its short time in Trent’s mouth had dulled the color, and it had become misshapen from the thick saliva and violent chewing. Jared vaguely remembered biology. The mouth was only the beginning. The real terror awaited him deep within Trent’s body inside of his stomach.

“But I won’t be goin’ there today!” Jared shouted. In a cruel twist of fate, Jared felt a jarring quake. Looking sideways revealed that Trent’s fingers had closed around another nacho peak; one that curved down underneath Jared.

“Noooooo!” Jared screamed as he was lifted skywards by the massive fingers. Before he knew it he was hovering just in front of Trent’s thick lips as they smacked together. Without warning Trent’s mouth yawned wide open, revealing an awful sight.

What appeared at normal size to be a set of perfect, straight, white teeth now looked to be rows of gigantic, jagged boulders poised to tear into the incoming food. Compacted remains of chips were compressed into each crevice of the molars. Long, thick strands of saliva glinted where they stretched between tongue and teeth. The tongue flowed forward, the light illuminating its undulating surface. Spread across it at random were splintered chunks of chewed nacho chip and tortilla amongst smears of cheese, cream and the occasional jalapeno chunk or refried bean. The gruesome piles of chewed food were more evident further back in the mouth where the tongue sank into darkness beneath the long uvula as it swayed ominously.

“TRENT! I’M RIGHT HERE! PLEASE DON’T EAT ME!” Jared begged, all dignity forgotten. Though the moment only lasted a fraction of a second, the stress of the situation caused time to almost stop for Jared as his mind raced.
Trent’s mouth is so huge! And he’s probably going to chew me up and swallow me down without even noticing. He’ll never know because Nick is right… I’m nothing. I’ve literally become nothing!

The nacho touched down on the tongue as it withdrew back into Trent’s mouth. Jared was hit with a wall of stench and humidity as he entered the shadows of Trent’s cavernous mouth. Gagging, Jared turned around once more to catch his final glimpse of the outside world.

He only saw it for a second: Nick’s face with a victorious grin. Jared couldn’t control his final jolt of fury.

“NIIIIIIIIICK!!!!!!” he howled in pure rage. Jared knew he could never forgive Nick for this kind of betrayal and excessive act of revenge. Not that it would matter for much longer. With that final thought, Trent’s lips close around his latest bite of food, sealing Jared and the nacho in darkness.

As Trent begins to chew and the world around him erupts into utter chaos, Jared is unable to suppress his screams of terror.


Trent’s words about the insane sub in his English class are lost on Nick. As he chews, he fails to notice that Nick is fixated on his mouth. Each time Trent’s jaws part, Nick is able to see flashes off the soggy food as he chews. Nick is amazed by the fact that Trent doesn’t even know that Jared was in there.

Trent meanwhile, barely seemed aware that the anything was in his mouth at all as he carelessly obliterated the food. Chewing with his mouth open gives his tiny passenger terrifying glimpses of the massive piles of food and glinting teeth. Coupled with the knowledge of his impending doom, the gruesome view pushes Jared over the brink. His howls of rage immediately turn into tortured sobs. Meanwhile, Trent certainly could never comprehend that his meal might contain a tiny person.

Still staring, Nick tries to imagine Jared buried in the piles of soggy food in Trent’s mouth. He can’t help but jump when Trent abruptly swallows his mouthful. Without hesitating for a second he lifts another nacho to his mouth, stretching his long tongue towards it. Soggy chip bits and smears of cheese dot it’s slimy, undulating surface. Nick can’t believe he had just witnessed his cousin devour Jared without noticing!

As Trent closes his mouth around the chip with a shattering crunch, Nick flicks to his gaze to Trent’s chest. Behind the toned six-pack hidden by the t-shirt, Nick tries to imagine Jared amongst the pulverized piles of food. However it just doesn’t seem possible. He imagines he ought to feel bad for what he had done, however all Nick feels is a rush of power. He had single-handedly controlled Jared’s ultimate fate! That thought combined with his utter hatred of Jared removed any trace of remorse from his mind.

Behind Trent’s wall of muscle, deep within his stomach was Jared who had landed amongst a growing mountain of chewed nachos. Trent continued to down his meal, adding nachos, beans, rice, and the taco to the contents of his stomach. He never imagines the growing mountain inside his belly or the hellish conditions within his own body. As he gulps down a soda, he cannot feel the tsunami that levels everything. Walking to class creates a storm amongst the pulverized food floating in the now warm soda.

In biology Trent’s class learns about human digestion where their teacher calmly explains that the food they had just eaten now sat in their stomachs to be digested so that the nutrients could be absorbed and the waste could be disposed of. Trent glances down at his stomach and pokes it, finally trying to imagine what might be inside his body. When the teacher shows them a picture of some stomach contents all the students grimace and Trent decides he is happy not seeing the inside of his stomach. Poor Jared deep within Trent awaits digestion, alternating between rage and despair during the unbearable wait.

As Trent boards his bus to go home, the stomach finally kicks into full digestion. It gurgles as peristalsis starts and acids flood the cavernous chamber. Trent fails to notice this as he loudly carries on a conversation with his friend. He is deaf to the screams of pain the echo through his cavernous stomach.

By the time he reaches his home, Jared’s unconscious form is floating next to the slowly breaking down chunks of food. Trent works on some homework, watches some TV and has an uneventful night as his stomach makes quick work of Jared.

By the next morning Jared’s nutrients have been absorbed by Trent’s body leaving only the unneeded waste. Trent squats over the toilet soon after waking up to relieve himself, never glancing down to see the bones embedded into the turd. Simply because this was his waste… and it was worthless.

Less than an hour later, Trent meets up with Nick at their bus stop. Eventually Trent ends up mentioning his morning dump. This elicits a loud laugh from Nick. “What?” asks Trent, thoroughly confused.

Entertained by Trent’s obliviousness Nick replies, “Nothing, nothing, it’s not even important,” Unable to remove the smile from his face Nick continues, in barely a whisper “It was never important…”
© Copyright 2014 silverwood34 (silverwood34 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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