Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2010474-Bubbles
Rated: E · Other · Emotional · #2010474
A story about child trafficking
Her torn and tattered rags rustled to the light breeze as she lay motionless on the moist earth. No more than than 21 she was too young to have ended her journey of life. No energy in the body and no strength in the soul. She chose to free herself from this sinful world in painful starvation. The last tear that left her eyes was still wet, tainting her cheeks. Probably that was all she could leave for her 6 year old child who lay on her chest calling out to her in innocence.

He nudged his mum continuously, his little fingers softly sliding along the edges of her hairline. He sat there as a figure of confusion. Why did she choose to sleep in the day? He was feeling hungry. She had never done this before. Little did he know that his mother has fallen into a permanent slumber as her passing soul sang the music of melancholy. He lay on her chest for some time. Realizing she was getting cold, he took of his crumpled shirt and put it over her. He told her not to worry as he assured her that he will get food for the day. Instructing her to stay warm and rest well till he came, he went off on an unknown search.

Was this another game of god? What wrong did this poor child do to face such a trial at such adolescence? Unarmed to face this evil world he had taken off on his own. He ran as fast as his feeble legs could take him. Breathing so hard that his chest might split open. Nevertheless, nothing stopped him because he only wanted to get back to his sleeping mum back at home.

Finally he reached the busy town. He searched back and forth. He tugged on the shirts of well dressed men and woman asking them to give him some food as they walked past in ignorance. Some even pushed him away. That did not pull down the small child's spirit. He kept asking and kept trying. Hours passed but he was left standing bare handed, his little feet falling victim to the Sun's ruthlessness. Finally as exhaustion overcame him, he sat at the corner of the street with eyes full of disappointment.

Just then an old man stood in front of him with a piece of bread in his hand. He handed the bread to him with a warm smile. Hope was restored in his little heart. The child rejoiced as he quickly grabbed the bread from the man's hand. Splitting the bread he had into half he put one half in his pockets saving it for his mum while he gobbled the other half. He looked at the man thankfully. The man promised him to give him more bread if he wants which he had kept at the back of his car. What more could the poor child ask for as he gullibly agreed followed the man. The young lad took the hand of the man as he directed him to the car. Little did he know that the man was no more than an impostor. A heartless vulture waiting to feed on his helplessness. He was going to be sold off as a slave to beg on the streets and spend his life in misery. He was not the only one. There were hundreds of them like him. Their lives afloat on the sea of agony, crying for mercy with no door to escape.

Oh lord do you not see this injustice? Has all humanity failed? Is there no more room for grace as cruelty pours in like an endless rain? Is the world shrivelling by the existence of cold hearts?   Do you turn away your sight as the world conspires against this tender child? His limbs bounded by invisible chains. His eyes shadowed over by darkness, reduced to nothing more than a mere prisoner of circumstance. All his hopes and dreams vanished as he was taken away. Just like bubbles in the air which vanishes even before it comes within reach.

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