Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2010411-The-Invasion
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Reviewing · #2010411
Earth is thrown into turmoil when aliens suddenly appear.
The beginning of the end

It had started early on a Wednesday morning, the first wave was hard to describe. No ships had appeared and everything was normal until the children disappeared. It was so sudden that no one moved, all over the world children just disappeared: from the schools and day care centers, from the embrace of their mothers. Then the ships began to appear, just suddenly appearing in the sky, blocking out the sun. It was dinner time when the first communications came in, on every tv and radio station.
"Greetings, Earthlings. I would advise that you surrender; fighting will only make things worse. We have your children. A swift surrender will reunite you with your children."
After the first message a handful of smaller countries surrendered, in these countries all of the inhabitants disappeared. It was theorized that they were taken aboard the ship. The larger countries refused to give up without a fight, even at the loss of their children. In their defense, they said, they couldn't be certain that the children were still alive. The governments attacked the ships with all they had, but to no avail. In retaliation the aliens destroyed every military base in each country. The attack resulted in what those on earth believed were a lot of deaths, what they didn't know was that a moment before the bases were destroyed the people within them disappeared.

"Commander, we have their warriors. We were unable to save all, we were forced to destroy the ones who initially attacked us."
An alien in a dark purple suit stood at the entrance to what could only be described as a throne room. He looked very similar to humans, in that he stood upright on two legs. His head was slightly bigger than the average human and his eyes were grey slits. The nose was big, mouth small with thin lips and his skin had a yellow tint.
"A small loss, General, when compared to the greater victory. Have the children been fully assimilated?"
The one on the throne, however, looked very much like a human. Dark brown hair left fashionably long, just below the shoulder. His skin was pale, as if he hadn't seen the sun in a while. His eyes were brown and extra ordinary, gleaming with excitement. He wore a rather ornate suit, dark blue with gold accents and a cape. He lounged casually on the throne.
"Yes, they have been assimilated. We are beginning to assimilate the warriors."
"Soon, they will all surrender and we will have full control of the planet. Thank you for your report, General, and continue the good work."
The General bowed and left the room. Beside the Commander an alien, shorter than the General, appeared.
"Do you feel any empathy towards your fellow humans?"
He laughed and stood up, "I do not, Krai. If I feel anything it would be only hatred towards humans. I no longer identify myself as being human, even though I've been human longer than I have been the Commander, this is who I was meant to be."
"I am happy to hear that, Commander Val. I honestly wasn't sure about it when the former Commander chose you to succeed him, but every day you prove that you are more D'arjan than human."
Val moved and towered over the shorter man, "I honestly don't give a damn about your opinion."
When Val turned away he missed the smile on Krai's face. Krai had been distraught when Commander Sha'l had been assassinated, seeing a human boy with the Commanders powers had nearly killed him. It had been Sha'ls idea to take over earth. The planet had been ideal as a place for them to finally have a home, no more living in space. It hadn't taken him long to see the potential in the human boy. Val took to the Commanders power and position as if he'd been born with them. Even so, the officers had taken the time to train Val and listen to his strategies. So far he had been correct and they were moving along faster than expected.
Val sat back down on the throne and closed his eyes as he sent his mind out. In his mind's eye he could see all of their prisoners, could feel each new mind as it was assimilated. The power each new mind gave him was small, but they had assimilated over a thousand and that was a high all its own. He could feel the minds of the military personnel as they are being assimilated; he browsed through the memories of each one. Through the link he began to feel a push, when he focused on the mind he found a young man who was doing a very good job of resisting the assimilation.
It's rare that anyone can resist the assimilation process, but it has happened. The only reason that the former Commander had been able to transfer his power to Val had been because the younger man had accepted it willingly. Val linked up with the officer conducting the assimilation.
~Do not waste your time with this one, bring him to my quarters and bind him there.~
~Yes, Commander.~
It would give him something to do besides watching the invasion of earth.
"Are you certain that you want to try? It is usually best to kill a mind that won't assimilate. To force assimilation is a fate worse than death."
"I know, and I've seen how it can destroy the mind, but I grow bored just sitting here. You have your two wives to lift your boredom, I do not. Even watching the human's run about in fear brings little enjoyment."
Krai grins as he bows, "You are the Commander and may do as you wish. Maybe your boredom would be relieved if you took someone to your bed. In your time here you have not looked upon any of your people with desire."
Val sighed, "I've been too busy preparing for this day to take note of anyone."
"Maybe you will find one or two amongst the humans."
"That could be, Krai. You worry too much about me."
"Somehow you inspire a fatherly feeling within me, maybe it is your young age, or maybe it is that I have already lost one Commander."
"I cannot guarantee that the same will not happen to me, as it did to Commander Sha'l. I can guarantee that they will have to work hard for it. Now, I will bid you goodbye and see if I can't pull off the impossible and assimilate the unwilling."
"Good luck."
Krai bowed as the Commander left the room and wondered, not for the first time, at how fortunate they had been to gain Val as their new Commander.
Val knew that Krai's words were true, that he had been with them too long to still be alone. From what he had learned, each Commander had been surrounded with servants and advisors, even a wife or two. They had lamented the fact that the former Commander had taken no wife, leaving them without a heir.
He had lived so long alone that it was hard to be around more than a few people without having a panic attack. Sometimes he wondered if it wasn't a reminder of his time at school, all those people, either tormenting him or ignoring him. He had hated every single one of them, still hates them as a matter of fact. His life on earth had brought no joy, only pain.
When Val stepped into his room the man chained to his wall looked up and let out a gasp, rousing him from his thoughts. Since moving in he had thought the chains unnecessary, but now he could see the potential.
"You're human."
"Maybe, though it's been so long I really cannot remember."
The small spark of hope that had shown in his eyes died like the flame on a candle. Val walked up to him and took in the military uniform and short hair.
"A warrior? No, something softer, maybe behind a desk?"
Val touched his face, more of a caress than a simple touch. "Ah, yes. Some combat, but then you were injured and could not be a soldier. That must have been hard, forced to work behind a desk when your heart cries out for battle."
He tried to look away but Val held his head and forced him to look.
"Yes, everything is there for me to see, Louis."
When Louis started to struggle and fight against his hold Val did the first thing that came to mind, he kissed him. Louis froze; he didn't know what to do.
Val took advantage of the confusion and sent his mind deep within Louis
"Relax, let me take over your mind."
"I can give you back your leg, just like it was before the accident. I can give you so much if you'd only open yourself to me."
Louis fought back. He had always had a strong sense of self and refused to be taken over.
When he came back to himself it was to the sound of someone laughing. When he opened his eyes he found himself laying on the bed, half naked, with the unknown alien straddling him.

"Who are you?"
"I am Commander Valentine, Val to those on the ship. I am the one who controls all, the one who commands all. I am the one who leads the invasion of earth, and with much glee I might add. I might have been born a human but I lost that long before I came aboard this ship.
You can fight me all you want but you will give in. On this ship there are only two options, death or assimilation. I find that most would rather not die when the moment is upon them."
"I would rather die. I saw what assimilation did to my friends, saw how they lost their will."
Val leaned in close, close enough to kiss Louis again. "They did not lose their will, they were merely given new direction." And then Val kissed him, slow and sweet. Louis found himself kissing back, relaxing with each touch. It had been too long since he had been touched like this.
"I can feel your hunger, your desire. I know that it's been a long time for you. Hell, it's been longer for me than I care to admit. Life gets too busy for the little things." Val nibbled at the base of his neck and felt him shiver. "Just relax and let me in. Let your desire become my desire."
Louis wanted to give in so bad. The feeling, it had been so long. His last relationship had ended badly. They had been together all through high school, but the moment that they had graduated the truth of Connors betrayal had become known. Right there, in front of his friends, Connor had paraded his pregnant girlfriend.
All the plans that they had made were little more than a lie. Louis hadn't gotten close to anyone since then. The first thing he did was join the army, something that had taken him far away. Now the world is being invaded by aliens and the one who claims to be their leader is asking him to give up his freedom, his will.
"Don't be afraid. There is comfort in assimilation, there cannot be a separation."
Louis lost sense of the reality around him when Val spoke to his mind. When Louis came back to himself he was completely nude, as was Val. Louis found that he was giving as much as Val was. Val slid a finger inside him, then a second one.
"Say yes and you will no longer be alone."
Louis wanted to say no, but everything in him said yes. He had isolated himself from everyone, family and friends, for nearly five years. Even if what Val offered was a lie, in this moment it was real and Louis was starving for the intimacy.
"Yes." He said in a whisper, tears falling down his face. Val positioned himself and with one motion trust himself deep inside. Louis cried out, but not in pain. It had been so long, too long. Louis let go, he gave in to the sensation and gave himself over to Val. Val slipped into his mind and connected them. They found their release together and collapsed onto the bed. Louis came back slowly, voices all around him suddenly filling his mind. It became almost too much to bear. Then, just as sudden, it all disappeared.
"I'm sorry, the link was deeper than I had intended. I've pushed it back for now but you'll have to learn how to control it yourself at some point."
Val lay on his side so that he could see Louis, one hand idly tracing along Louis' chest.
"You're assimilated now, part of the link. The voices you heard were those who have been assimilated. Right now there is a lot of confusion with so many newly assimilated. I suppressed your link because I don't think that you are ready to experience the full force of it. As long as you are in close proximity to me I can continue to keep it suppressed."
Louis took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "So I gave in after all?"
"I wouldn't call it that. Half of your world is already assimilated. I figure that a week from now the whole planet will be assimilated. That's when we'll start to integrate those from earth with my own men. I have so many ideas on what to do next. We will start with destroying all large buildings; we have already destroyed all weapons on earth."
"Why are you doing this? Aren't you human too? I saw things, you when you were younger..."
Val's lips became thin lines and his face took on a dark look, the hand on Louis chest became a fist.
"Don't ever bring up my human past. You should have never seen any of it, our link was too deep. All you need know is that I once was human. I am now the Commander and am no longer human."
Val turned Louis's head to face him, "Do you understand?"
Louis had the feeling that anything else would be bad for him. A smile returned to Val and he released his hold on Louis.
"Good. Now, let's get cleaned up and rejoin the others. I have a feeling that they will need me soon."
Val came off the bed and stood, offering a hand to Louis. Louis hesitated a moment before taking the offered hand. He was a little unsteady on his feet, his legs shaky and weak from his recent activities. Val laughed as he led him to an adjoining room.
"I think I got a little too into it but it's been awhile."
Louis blushed, "It's been a while for me, too."
The bathroom was awe inspiring, a mix of alien and earth architecture. A claw bath tub and traditional sink, the toilet was almost unrecognizable. The shower looked normal until they stepped into it. There were nozzles above them and a panel to one side that controlled them.
"I found this the most fascinating."
Val pushed a button and foam fell down, surrounding them. Then a spray came down that was almost like water that cleaned away the foam. A burst of wind hit them, when it was done they were dry and clean, the cleanest he'd ever felt.
"You'd think it would miss something, but it gets every inch clean. The bathtub and sink are my additions. I enjoy a good soak every now and then. It has actually caught on and some of the others have started to indulge in a bath.
When they returned to the room clothes lay on the bed. One set was dark blue, the other was purple.
"We have such good service here." Val laughed at his joke, though it was lost on Louis. "This should fit you. Usually neophytes wear a dark green suit and the oldest of us, the Advance Guard for example, wear the purple, but I felt this color was more appropriate for you."
Louis gave it a long look before slipping it on. There were no under garments, just a shirt and pants that fit like a second skin. Also a pair of black boots that adjusted to his feet the moment they were on. When he turned he caught sight of himself in the mirror and let out a gasp. Aside from his obvious human features, he looked just like the aliens who were assimilating the humans.
Val came up behind him, dressed once again in a dark blue version; his arms came around to embrace Louis.
"You look good in your new uniform."
"I don't look like me anymore."
"You are still there, under all that, nothing has changed inside. Do not concern yourself with a change to your outward appearance."
"Somehow you manage to be threatening and comforting all at once.
Val laughed and stepped away. "That's because I am willing to hold your hand and guide you, but at the same time I don't have a problem punishing you severely if you step out of line.
Louis sighed, "Comforting."
"I wouldn't be me if I were any different. Come, it's time I got back to work. Stay close to me, I think I'll peek in on the newly assimilated before I check on earth's status."
Louis followed closely behind Val, observing everything as they went. He noticed that there was more than one type of alien. Some were humanoid, some fish-like, some looked like something out of a horror movie. He also noted that there were more than the three colors that he had become familiar with.
"We do not discriminate against race or breed, here we are all the same. The uniform colors denote your job. Purple is only for the Advanced Guard and those closest to the Commander. Lower troops wear a different color. You'll see pink, those are the ones who will be caring for the children, primarily the youngest. The older children will be given jobs. All newly assimilated wear the dark green to make it easier on the rest of us. And yes, I was reading your thoughts."
Val stopped and turned to face Louis, "I'm the only one who has the power to hear the thoughts of all, no matter what. After a time you'll be able to block all but the strongest of thoughts and emotions from the whole, with the exception of me. I am the Commander, after all."
Louis thought very hard about how he felt about the lack of privacy. Val just laughed and continued his walk.
They walked into a room filled with children, none of which were much older than five or six. In the room were several aliens in pink and light blue. Another room held older children. One room they went into held humans in dark green uniforms. They were obviously military based on their haircuts and build and were very confused. In the room were two purple uniforms and five of the lighter shade, almost lilac. The two purple uniforms came up to them and bowed.
"How goes it?"
"All is well, Commander. The warriors are having a harder time adjusting than the children, but in time they will."
"Good job. Everyone is doing their part and we are making steady progress. Soon we will be able to step foot on solid ground."
To Louis it felt like Val's words were directed at a bigger audience than the two in front of them. "That's because it was, my people need encouragement just like anyone else."
The two bowed again as they left.
"Our military structure starts with the Commander, me. Then it moves down to the Generals, of which there are eight positions. Under each General are ten Captains. Each Captain controls lower troops ranging in its numbers from twenty to fifty. It's nothing when compared to earth's troops, but we're also not fighting fair. I estimate that we've taken a large chunk out of earth's warriors. Between the ones we've taken from the military bases and the few we've been forced to destroy, we are trying to keep the casualties down to a minimum.
"How can you guarantee so few losses?"
They turned a corner and Val took him into a room filled with machines and aliens in cream colored uniforms.
"Ever watch old scifi movies?"
"A few."
Honestly, Louis is a nut for a good science fiction movie.
"We simply beam them aboard. We can transport organic beings and destroy inorganic. What this leaves us with is transporting humans here to be assimilated and destroy all the buildings we deem unnecessary."
"Humans don't really stand a chance."
"No, they don't. We take out their weapons, with the exception of small handheld ones. We've taken away a giant chunk of their military force. There is no other option than to surrender."
"And you've taken all the children."
Val grinned as they left the room and moved further down the hall.
"That was rather genius, if I do say so myself."
"Your idea, I assume."
"Of course, my knowledgeable background gave us a leg up on earth's weaknesses."
"I suppose. Some would say it was heartless to target the children."
"I've been accused of worse."
Louis sighed and stayed quiet the rest of the way. At the end of their tour they walked into a room that could only be described as spacious. It was so big that Louis was certain it could hold every one of Val's troops.
"Awe inspiring, isn't it?"
Louis just nodded, unable to find the words to speak. They walked across the large expanse of the room towards the only seat in the room, the throne. "As they came close Krai stepped out and gave Louis a scare. Val laughed, he couldn't help it, the sight of Louis jumping was too much.
"Greetings Commander, did you get enough rest?"
"I did Krai, thank you for asking." Val winked as he spoke and Krai smiled in return. Krai had an inkling of what had gone down by the relaxed feel he was getting from Val.
"Krai, I'd like you to meet Louis. Louis, this is Krai, my most trusted advisor."
"And pain in the ass."
Val laughed, "I have called you that a few times, though that's not the strongest word I've used to describe you."
"Certainly not, Commander."
Val picked up the red cape that was laid across the chair and put it on.
"I do so hate this thing, but it comes with the job." Val sat down and motioned for Louis to stand to the right of the throne, Krai stood to the left.
"Are we ready for visual communications?"
"Almost, Commander. The Generals are almost here."
Louis felt himself panicking. He wasn't ready for the world to see him, not like this.
"You shouldn't worry so much, Louis, you stand at a position of honor. What the humans think has no sway. Do you really think they'll care that much about you with what I'll be telling them?"
Louis lowered his head.
"Come, kneel before me."
Louis did as commanded, kneeling before Val sitting on the throne. Val reached a hand out and caressed his face.
"The only one who's opinion matters is mine and I don't honestly believe you give a damn about my opinion."
That brought a smile to Louis lips, "No, I don't."
"Then it doesn't matter what some humans might think." Val leaned over and kissed Louis and the two of them were lost in the kiss. It was the sound of Krai clearing his throat that brought them back. Val pulled back with a grin, "The Generals are coming and it's almost show time. We should behave ourselves until after the show."
Louis blushed, but couldn't help but smile himself. The world as he knows it is about to end and he's never been happier.
Louis was standing back at his place beside Val when the eight Generals arrived. The Generals brought with them a handful of humans, some teens and some were military personnel. One was Louis commanding officer who had been assimilated after they had dragged Louis away.
They all stepped up to the throne and bowed, most of the green shirts were forced to bow.
"You won't get away with this, we'll never surrender."
It was Louis's old boss that spoke up. One of the Generals smacked him hard enough that he fell to the floor.
"You do not speak to the Commander unless asked."
"I appreciate the gesture, General Liu, but we cannot have our human looking bruised on tv."
General Liu bowed, "Forgive me, Commander."
"Human. Ah, Roger of the American army, I will give you tolerance this once since you are new. As a neophyte you are not allowed to approach or speak to the Commander. Honestly, you are not allowed to go near anyone of the Advanced Guard without going through your mentor first. The rules change as we find positions for each of you. While you wear the green uniform of a neophyte you are nothing. It is wise that you remember that. Now, for the duration of your time in my presence you will remain silent. Any deviation from that order will be met with more than just a slap from General Liu. Now, positions everyone, it's about time to say hello to earth."
Louis hid his emotions as best he could on the outside, but on the inside he was a mess of emotions. The biggest was sadness at how Val had treated Roger, and then confusion at why he was wearing purple instead of green.
~It is the way we are. You are nothing when you first assimilate, too much of your old programing remains. It is only through this that all learn to work together. Your wearing purple lets everyone know that you are with me. You hold a position of honor amongst us.~
~You've said that before, why is it an honor?~
~I have chosen you as my wife. We are in essence engaged as we have yet to perform the ceremony that will officially bind us forever. That's why your link was so strong."
Louis wasn't sure what to think about that. It had been nearly five years since he had been in a relationship and now he's engaged. It was almost too much. He didn't have time to say anything further as Val had gave the signal for communications to begin. A screen had suddenly appeared in front of them, a reflection of what those on earth were seeing. It was a sight. Val sitting on the throne wearing his cape with Louis and Krai to either side, across the front of the throne the humans knelt facing the camera. The Generals were frightening, only two were humanoid. The other six were the things of nightmares, more than two eyes, extra limbs, skin like reptiles. If you saw them first it was nothing to look at their Commander.
"Greetings, people of earth. First, let me start by expressing my sympathy for those you have lost this day. It is not our wish that any humans be harmed. Those that did not die in battle are safely aboard our ships. I have brought a few for you to see and be reassured."
Val pointed to the humans kneeling in front of him. "Your best course of action is to surrender. Any who wish to be reunited with their children need only to come out. I will happily see to it that you can become a family unit once more. As this is the morning of the second day, I will give you until tomorrow morning to think about it. Tomorrow morning we will begin to destroy what you refer to as sky scrapers. Any buildings that we deem to be too tall will be destroyed. All day should give you enough time to evacuate any humans from the buildings."

The video ended.

A fragmented utopia

Earth was in an up roar after the message from the aliens. More countries surrendered but just as many countries still refused to surrender. Governments did take to heart the warning about the buildings and evacuated anything larger than a house. Even the White House was evacuated, just in case. Several individuals came out into the streets after the video. They were taken aboard the closest ship, though it would take at least a day for them to be reunited with their children. Val forgot to mention this bit of information. After the video the Generals left, taking the humans with them.
"I think that went well."
Krai spoke, after a minute of silence. Val shrugged and threw a leg on the arm of the chair and lay back with his eyes closed.
"They're going to try something. They are limited on weapons and are backed into a corner. I can see the larger countries, the ones who haven't surrendered, grouping together. Most likely they'll try something before we start taking out the larger buildings. They will do that to try and stop the destruction in the morning."
Val grew silent. To Louis it looked as if he were taking a nap, though he doubted that was what he was doing.
"They have enough weapons to fill them with confidence. It won't be enough, though. The Generals and Captains are ready for the human's next move. I'm hoping that there will be no casualties, not that a few dozen less humans will make a dent in the number we assimilate."
"Their warriors are primarily male anyway. It's the female and offspring that are top priority."
"Isn't that a little cold, talking about people as if they're objects?"
Val opened his eyes to look at Louis and Krai turned to look at him, both with the same blank expression.
"Haven't you been paying attention? If neophytes, those in green uniforms, are nothing. What do you think we consider those not assimilated?"
"Less than nothing."
"Exactly! Once they're placed into a job and start contributing, then they'll be someone. As the Commander I don't have to acknowledge anyone but the Advanced Guard, and even that's up to me."
Louis just couldn't understand their thinking; it was enough to know that their culture was vastly different than his. It would take a while to get use to his new surroundings. Considering the fact that he had no option made his adjustment all that more crucial.
"I'm getting hungry. Krai, I think that it's time for me to run off and eat, maybe be lazy for a while."
Krai laughed, "It's not like there is anything for you to do at this stage. Tomorrow will be the busy day."
Val stood and motioned for Louis to follow. Krai bowed as they left, the two mentally saying goodbye. The route they took back to Val's room was shorter than the one they had taken previously. As they approached the room Louis made a point of looking around, a little was to try and calm his nerves. As they first stepped in Louis found himself standing in a living space. Two chairs and a love seat circled a small table. All three seats faced a large screen tv. There were no pictures on the wall, no personality at all in the room. The walls were stark white, the furniture pitch black. Louis didn't have a problem remembering the bedroom. Bare white walls, silky black bedding, with one bedside table and chains on the wall. A small door led to a closet and another door to the spacious bathroom.
A minute after they arrived there was a knock at the door. The door opened to reveal an alien in a red uniform carrying a large tray of food. She placed it on the table, at least he was pretty sure it was a she, and then bowed as she left.
"No one speaks much, do they?"
"We communicate primarily through telepathy. Once you've been here long enough verbal communication just doesn't mean the same. I ordered a variety of food since I wasn't sure what you liked."
Val motioned to the tray. A lot of what was on the tray was unfamiliar. The pizza was familiar, but not at the same time.
"They aren't very good at replicating human food, though I've tried. We need a real chef here to teach them. The pizza is close and you're ok with everyone on the tray as long as you don't ask for any details. I made the mistake of asking once, never again."
That did nothing to reassure Louis but his stomach over rode his good sense and he took a slice of pizza. The oddest part of the pizza was the shape and cut. It was almost a square shape but cut like it was a circle. Louis sat down on the love seat and took a bite of the pizza. It tasted odd, not bad just odd.
"See, not quite the same. I do give them points for trying."
Louis nodded his agreement as he continued to eat. On the tray was a silver pitcher and two cups. Val poured them both a cup and sat down beside Louis. Val's choice of food looked nothing like anything Louis had ever seen. The thought crossed his mind about asking what Val was eating but then he remembered what Val had said and continued to eat in silence. Louis gave the liquid a try, it was far better than the 'pizza'.
They ate in silence, Louis nerves were on end. He wasn't sure how it would go. Val had told him a lot, made a lot of promises, that Louis just wasn't sure were meant as anything more than Val getting his way. Val could hear Louis doubts, his nervous emotions. Val understood his distrust, and he understands that to those who don't know him he doesn't inspire trust. He also remembers the glimpse into Louis life and the heartbreak he received at a young age.
Val had never had a broken heart, not like that. In his life no one had ever given a damn enough to get close. All of his sexual encounters had been fleeting. Louis was pulled from his thoughts to find Val straddling him as he sat on the couch.
"What are you doing?"
Val just grinned, he kissed Louis and it wasn't gentle, it was demanding and left no room for argument. Val released Louis lips and moved down, taking Louis pants as he went. Louis shuddered and closed his eyes when Val's mouth enclosed around his cock. The sensation was almost too much for him.
"Not yet," Val said as he pulled back. Val took his time and brought Louis a level of pleasure he hadn't known possible. It was late into the night before either fell asleep.
The next morning Louis woke up, his brain foggy, and looked around. It took him a minute to orient himself and remember where he was.
"Sleepy head, I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to wake up."
Louis turned over and saw Val, head propped on his hand, watching him.
"I got a good work out last night."
"Mm, yes, we both did."
Val moved closer and kissed Louis, taking his time before ending the kiss.
"I think I'm too sore to do anything this morning."
"Too bad. Why don't you run off and get cleaned up, by the time you're out we should have food. We have an early day of destruction."
Val laughed at the look on Louis face.
"In time you'll get used to it all and to me."
"I think getting use to you will be the hardest part."
Louis said with a wink as he got out of bed. The sound of Val's laughter followed him to the bathroom. The shower didn't take long, the technology of it got the job done quickly. Louis found himself missing a regular shower. He liked to stand under the pouring water. When he stepped back into the bedroom a tray of food was on the bed. Val sat on the edge of the bed, unbothered by his naked state, eating.
"My turn." Val sat up and made his way to the bathroom, pausing a moment to kiss Louis. "Your clothes are in the closet."
When the door closed behind him Louis moved to the closet. He got a shock when he opened the closet door. The clothes were separated by color, dark blue on one side and purple on the other side. The sight of the closet made everything seem real, the invasion, Val, everything. Louis found himself crying, on the verge of a panic attack. It lasted only a moment, Louis knew that he couldn't indulge himself in so much emotion for too long. Taking a deep breath, Louis took his clothes from the closet and got dressed. By the time Val came out, Louis had fully recovered. Val started getting dressed as soon as he came out.
"The humans attacked yesterday, early evening, just as I had predicted."
Louis finished his bite of food before speaking, "How did it go?"
"There were casualties, on their side, of course. We were able to keep it as minimal as possible. We transported a few humans right out of their jets."
Louis found it interesting how Val always used 'we' when referring to what his people had done. He had to assume it was because of the link, he had been with Val all night.
"Doing that would lead others to think that they were casualties."
"I do have some good Generals."
"You're not very humble."
"You talk an awful lot."
"What, is there some kind of rule that says I can't talk?"
Louis set the rest of his food down, no longer hungry. Val walked up to Louis and pressed him up against the wall. Louis felt a surge of fear run through him.
"Should I? Though I doubt that you'd listen, you are opinionated, obnoxiously so, about everything I do. You forget that I can hear your thoughts. You are not very agreeable, I know you complained about the food. You complained about the uniform, and for some damn reason, I'm enjoying every minute of it. I'm sure you've already noticed, but I'm not the easiest to get along with. I'm conceited, have an overly inflated ego and am very bossy.
Louis snorted, "Very bossy."
"See, there you go again. You just can't keep your mouth shut." Val leaned in and kissed Louis, effectively cutting off a reply. Val leaned his whole body into the kiss, his tongue demanding entrance. Louis relaxed and opened his mouth, deepening the kiss. When they separated both were breathing heavily.
"Damn, but you are a distraction. I really need to get to work. As a leader I have to at least make an appearance."
Val started to walk away but stopped and turned to look at Louis. "We're not a democracy where you have the freedom of speech. There will be times where I'll out right tell you to shut up, but until that time you're free to speak your mind. God knows Krai does."
The last part was said as he walked off. In spite of everything Louis found himself smiling as he followed close behind. Yesterday he had seen Val put a human in his place. He had made it very clear that the man had no voice. Yet he had just told Louis the opposite. Val was a hard man for Louis to understand, so full of contradictions. He knew he had little option than to follow along or risk being a green shirt with no options. At the moment he could live with that. Val took him to the throne room, waiting there were all eight Generals and Krai. Louis suddenly felt embarrassed, with the link he was certain everyone knew about what had been going on. What he didn't expect was their indifference. He had the feeling that they had simply been waiting for their Commander to appear to start. Louis stayed off to the side while Val went to talk to the Generals. He didn't realize that Krai had come to stand by him until he spoke.
"Greetings, Louis, right?"
"Are you adjusting well to the assimilation?"
Louis glared down at Krai, searching his face for any hint of malice but came up empty.
"I can't honestly say. Val, er, Commander Val, is keeping me isolated from it. I didn't take it so well when I first linked up."
"I see. It's an adjustment, having someone other than you in your mind. It took me a while to adjust. I'll admit that I'm having a rough go of it at the moment, many of us are with all the newly assimilated."
"I'm sure we'll work more on it when things settle down, for me it's enough to just deal with Val."
The words slipped out before he realized who he was talking to. Instead of getting mad, Krai started laughing.
"Val is a pain in the ass and he knows it. He gains much pleasure in pissing off those around him."
Louis couldn't keep the surprise off his face, which made Krai laugh harder.
"That being said, I'm about as close to a friend as he'll admit to having."
Val called before Louis could say anything, and honestly, he wasn't too sure what to say. Krai waved him away.
"I think its show time."
As Louis stepped up to Val the screen on the wall turned on. On screen was a multi split view of different cities and everyone had a high-rise.
"I sure do hope they cleared out any important staff." Val laughed and waved his hand in the air causing a computer keyboard to appear. Val pushed several buttons and one of the smaller screens blew up to cover to whole screen.
"First, we'll scan for any bio readings."
A light blinked on the keyboard then there was a beep.
"And then, we flip a switch." Val pressed a red button. "Then, just sit back and watch the building disappear."
And, indeed, that's just what happened. A red glow surrounded the building and then it was no longer there.
"That is how you scare the piss out of an entire planet!" Val laughed at his own joke, so hard that it brought tears to his eyes. The rest of the room remained quiet. "Ten other people in the room and I'm the only damn one who thought that was funny."
"I think that's a sign that you enjoyed yourself way too much."
"You're just jealous, Louis, that you don't get to push the buttons."
Louis just shook his head. It's not what he meant but he had a feeling Val knew that and didn't give a damn. Val went through the process on over a dozen buildings before deciding to quit.
"I do believe that's enough for one day. I think that it is time to personally address the heads of the countries that are still holding out."
"After losing so many large structures I'm certain they will be ready to surrender."
"That is my hope, General Zu, but humans can be stubborn creatures."
Everyone moved into position. It all felt a little surreal for Louis, watching Val destroy so many buildings with glee, involving him with everything. Val used his computer to send a call to the remaining leaders, of which only five were left, one of which was America. Slowly, screens began popping up, a worn out, shell shocked face filled each of the five screens. Louis could tell that they'd had a rough couple days and wondered how many had children. Something told him that most of them did.
"Greetings, leaders of earth, did you enjoy the show this morning?"
There were looks all around that said they had been watching, and had not enjoyed it.
"I wait patiently for your surrender."
"It would seem that there is little choice in the matter." The President of America spoke up, a woman with gray hair that was pulled up in a crooked bun.
"You could continue to send out attacks, losing people little by little. I have the power to take everyone by force, though it takes something from you when there are no choices."
"I don't see where we've been given a choice from the start. Our children certainly weren't given a choice."
She nearly came to tears when she spoke of the stolen children.
"I can assure you that your children are well and await your reunion.
"President Harding, your son stays close to his younger siblings. He refuses to allow our caregivers to hold his baby brother."
Louis couldn't stand it anymore; the looks on their faces were making him sick. He placed a hand on Val's shoulder and sent him a look. ~Please, no more.~
"I would like you to meet Sergeant Louis of the American army. He came to us when we took out the planets military bases. He seems to think that I'm too cruel in my communications. Do you have something to say that sounds better than what I've been saying?"
It threw off his guard to be called out like that. He should have known that Val would make him pay for interfering. Louis bowed his head for a moment as he took a breath to clear his mind.
"It's not as bad as it seems. The assimilation process is relatively painless. It's adjusting to a different way of living that's the hardest."
Sometimes you have to give in, sometimes surrendering is the only way. Louis couldn't even guarantee that their suffering would be over once they were assimilated. He couldn't find it in himself to lie, hollow promises would do no one any good.
"I've lost the will to fight. I hate to admit it, but it's true. I'll officially announce our surrender, though not all will agree."
The other four nodded their heads in agreement. It had only been a couple days since the invasion had started but it had felt like an eternity. Val made preparations with the leaders to take up their people. By dinner all of earth's inhabitants would be assimilated. Communications to earth were ended and the Generals went off to coordinate the final steps. Krai bowed and left them.
"So, it's over then?"
Louis felt sick to his stomach, there had been a small part of him that had held out hope for earth.
"Not really. Now starts the hard part. We will reorganize earth, and send the humans back after full assimilation. All of us will go down to earth. For some of my people it's been a very long time since they set foot on solid ground. Many have been in space so long they don't know any other way of life. I know that to you it feels like an end, but it's only the beginning."
Val stood and moved to stand in front of Louis. He drew in close and kissed Louis. Their foreheads touched and Louis found himself looking inside Val, at his emotions, his very being. It was filled with hate and anger, but deep inside he was almost certain he saw a little boy crying. The boy seemed lost and alone. Scenes like a movie passed through his mind of what he could only assume were Val's childhood. It wasn't the fun childhood that Louis had experienced, what he saw had too much pain and blood. Val pulled away before Louis saw too much, his face pale.
"Really have do something about that link." His laugh was a mere shadow of its usual joy.
"Why can't you let me see? You know everything about me, I felt you in my mind and know that you've seen it all. I'm starting to think that's the only reason your shutting me out completely."
"You're damn observant."
Val ran a hand through his hair. As the Commander he could keep his thoughts, his memories, to himself. It did seem almost unfair, the fact that he could see into the minds of those who've been assimilated but they couldn't see anything of him. Not that he gave a damn about what any of them thought. He couldn't allow a squeamishness over his past continue to keep Louis out of the link.
Louis followed after Val, worried that he had crossed the line and was going to be punished.
"I can, if that's what you desire. I know that some humans desire pain and to be punished."
Val sent him a dark look. "Stay out of my head, pervert."
Val laughed and Louis couldn't help but smile in return. There have been moments when Louis wasn't sure about Val, whether to be scared or not. There have been more than a few moments when he wanted to punch Val and call him cruel. Louis couldn't help but wonder if having the link between them open would help shed some light on where he stood with Val. Back in their room, Val had Louis sit on the bed after having him strip.
"If only for the fact that we're both weakened by my keeping the link between us closed, I will open the link. I keep my past tucked away for a reason, my thoughts to myself. Don't expect a sudden change in my personality just because I let you inside my head. I'm not going to change who I am for anyone."
Without another word, Val stripped his clothes off and shoved Louis back onto the bed.
"In the meanwhile, I'm going to fuck you until you can't move."
**add more detain**
Together they found their release, as they did, Val let go of the shied he had put up between them. One moment Louis was lost in a sea of pleasure, the next he was watching a young Val. He was little more than five and his father was beating him.
"My father was an alcoholic and abusive. He took great pleasure in beating me and did so frequently. I spent too many days in the hospital because of it, but we moved around too much for anyone to notice. To be honest, I don't think they cared. My mother spent her time getting high. I don't remember ever having my parents not drunk or high."
Images flowed through his mind as Val spoke, of the beatings, the verbal abuse.
"My mother sometimes used me to pay for her drugs. Because we were poor the kids at school continued the abuse. I was fifteen when I ran away and lived on the streets, doing what I had to to survive."
Louis saw it all, every dark event.
"Now, hold tight, here comes the full link."
Louis felt like his head was going to explode as a million voices suddenly filled his mind. Just when he didn't think that he could handle anymore, he felt a sharp pain at his neck. The pressure in his head cleared enough that he could think. ~Relax, let it flow as it wills. Now, focus on your breathing, breathe in and release. In and release.~
As the noise in his head settled he became aware of his surroundings. Val was kissing along his neck, hand stroking his cock. Val kissed his lips, tongue demanding entrance. Louis opened his mouth and submitted to Val's demands. He was too worn out to do anything more than lay there. His body didn't have a problem reacting to Val's touch and his release was soft, like a whisper.
"You're past the worst of it. Just think, that wasn't even half of what it was like when the Commander gave me his power."
"At the moment it's not that comforting. How was your side different from those who are assimilated?"
"You're hooked up to the link, rather like a digital camera is hooked up to a computer. I am the link, the computer. You'll hear voices, thoughts. I get everything from everyone."
"How do you do it? I saw it, saw you all alone."
"It took them almost twenty-four hours to find me. Krai told me once that if I had been too weak to handle it that it would have killed me. I was sick, sicker than I'd ever been, but somehow I pushed through and here I am."
"Here we are."
Val laughed and lay down beside Louis. "I'm seriously fucked up, Louis. Nineteen years of seeing too much, but I am who I am. I couldn't be the Commander if I were nice, if I cared."
"Let me be your conscious."
"I can't give you love or tenderness. I'm not even sure if I believe in love. I'll be cruel more often than I'll be kind. I'll hurt you, make you doubt yourself and me, doubt us. This is who I am."

© Copyright 2014 Rachele K. Lee (aimitsukai at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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