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a distance is a distant |
the distant is the distance memory bring pain,pain to a distance the distance of a memory is the distant of a memory to vision is to vision the pain in our memory the distant of a memory is the pain in our memory the pain in our memory is the vision in our memory the distant is the pain and the pain is the distant a distance of a pain is a distant of a pain pain is pain,distant is distance the distance of the pain is the distant to vision is to distant our memory vision is a quest,quest of a memory to vision is to quest the pain of a memory pain is quest,pain is vision the quest of the memory is the pain the quest of the vision is the memory to quest is to distant,to quest is to pain our distant of a memory is our quest of a memory the distant is the distant,the quest is the quest a quest of a memory is a distant of a memory to vision our quest we distant our memory to quest is to distant,to distant is to quest pain is a distant of a memory memory is to pain,pain the distant the pain of the memory is the distant of the memory time is to pain,pain the memory time is to quest,quest the pain |