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A young man develops when he catches the eye of a body shaper. |
B.D. This morning finds me at Burger King near the high school checking out the morning patrons for my next project. My projects might seem ambitious. I improve people. Many people fall short of their potential. I can help. Quite by accident, over ten years ago I discovered that I could change myself. Not my personality or intelligence although sometimes I wish I had that ability as well. I can change how people look. I was a nerdy, pimple-faced beanpole sick of how people treated me just because of my looks. Nobody considered me worth their attention. I was just one more dweeb, ignored and alone. When I finished my transformation (I needed to do it slowly because I lived at home and was dependent on my parents until I could support myself and get out. By the time I finished I was a top model and had an international modeling career. Modeling isn't much fun but you do get to see the world and it can be quite lucrative when you have the look. I perfected the hollow cheeked, broad shouldered, narrow waisted look that made normal people want to buy expensive clothes in the hope of looking like me. I invested wisely and now I can do anything I want. I've also got enough money that it doesn't matter how I look. Being the best looking guy in the room gets old very fast. I've had it with the boney, starved look, all jaw and shoulder blade. More and more I favor the well-padded look of guys that like to eat and don't care if it shows. Today I'm enjoying a body most people mock-the over-fed, middle-aged blue collar man with a serious butt crack exposure. I'm perched today on a stool because right now I don't fit those little booths. Just for fun because I like the looks I get, I ordered four of the biggest breakfast sandwiches and those cubes of fried potatoes they sell. One of the pleasures of life is having a big gut and stuffing it with food although the gut I'm sporting today can take a lot more than what's in the bag in from of me. Maybe later, right now I have work to do. The pudgy counter guy rolled his eyes and stared at my belly when he brought the tray. I could tell that he would love to have the guts to eat four sandwiches and flaunt a belly as big as mine. “Takes a lot to fill this up.” I told him as I fumbled under my love handles to put the change in my pocket. My quivering belly had him speechless. He wanted to be me. Maybe he would be a good project but I'm in no hurry. Besides he looks like he is well on his way without my help. Lets see who else shows up. Derrick Everybody thinks its easy to dress sharp these days. They just don't know. Getting those baggy jeans to hang just under your ass and cinch them tight enough to stay up takes some finesse. Of course it is easier when you are straight up and down with not an ounce of fat anywhere. I' guess I'm a twink but at least I'm a twink with an attitude. 30 inch jeans belted in around maybe 26 inches of me make a pretty nice statement even though I have to move carefully with a kind of shuffle. It's a hassle but the chicks dig it and it bugs the teachers all to hell not to mention my parents. I've got some time to kill so I'm going to stop at Burger King for a Mountain Dew. Nothing like a caffeine buzz to start the day right. Maybe Jack's working today and he'll give me a large cup for the small cup price. “What up Jack! Gimme a Dew.” B.D. I picked him the moment he crossed the threshold, a skinny guy with the low hanging baggy pants that kids for some reason think makes them look good. He was maybe 5'6” and really scrawny but strutting like a bantam rooster. Suddenly, I displaced the pudgy guy behind the counter (Yeah I've learned how to do that too ) while my real self just went dormant on the stool. “Rick, you worthless scarecrow, you need to eat something.” I gave him a giant size cup and a couple of the potato slabs. “It's on me.” “Thanks, Jack.” he replied. “I guess you know the secret, don't you fat boy? That belly makes you a real chick magnet” “Maybe it does, my man. Maybe it does.” I jiggled Jack's baby belly in his face. “You'll find out, my man. You'll find out.” I thought as I watched his skinny ass walk to the beverage counter. Derrick, Jack is sure acting strange but no matter, nothing wrong with free. I filled the cup with Mountain Dew and took a deep drink. Then I topped off the glass and slid into a booth. I don't eat much but this was free so I stuffed down the potatoes feeling they way they blew up my stomach. Now I was stuffed. After a few minutes I finished the soda and checked my watch. Half an hour till first period. I decided to get going. Standing up, I had to pull up my pants and rearrange the folds. Feeling stuffed I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the Burger King. B.D. I waited until young Derrick was seated in the booth to start the transformation. I planned to stage this transformation over the day so I could savor each delicious added bulge and curve. I had briefly considered transforming Derrick into a muscle-bound jock but when he called Jack a fat boy, I knew that Derrick was destined to be the fat boy to make Jack look like a twink. It doesn't take much when you start with a little guy like Derrick. He probably didn't weigh 110 pounds. While he ate I distributed 15 pounds to his belly and ass. I watched him stand and adjust his baggy jeans under the fuller ass and a small bulge of belly. Derrick didn't notice a thing. He was still a twink. I got up to follow him but first I had to make my own adjustments. Without suspenders at my current bulk just about any activity causes my pants to ride down. I get a kick from watching peoples reactions to the fat man who can't keep his pants where they belong. I always make sure to give them an eyeful of quivering belly. I strode (well maybe waddled) out the door after the plumper Derrick. Derrick, I don't know what possessed me to head into the 7-11. I'd just eaten. Still there I was grabbing four Twinkies and two giant candy bars. I paid the clerk and jammed them in my backpack. Then off to school. First period was fine. I liked the teacher and I'd even done my homework. But by second period, I started remembering those Twinkies. I raised my hand and asked to be excused to go to the bathroom and by the time I got there, I didn't care how disgusting it was to be eating in the toilet stall. I just stuffed down the Twinkies and both the candy bars. Funny, I could feel my belly bulging, unusual for skinny me. I had to adjust my pants again and cinch them in under a little bulge of softness around my middle. Good, I thought. I can stand to gain a little weight. I got back to class and settled in just in time for the bell. B.D. I parked my fat ass in a park across the street from school. Nobody would give a second thought to a fat man snoozing in the sun. I picked a nondescript kid to borrow and followed Derrick to class swapping with a girl sitting behind him when I got to his class. When he came back from his bathroom break Derrick was clearly loosing hie lean and hungry look with another 15 pounds I had packed on him. Now he had 30 extra pounds concentrated in his middle. Derrick looked like one of those snakes that swallow a big egg. He was clearly oblivious to the changes in his body but he seemed to like how it felt. He kept stroking it. Derrick Gym class was third period. I hate gym. I'm still bloated It's kind of strange to have a bulging belly. Well, not exactly bulging but looking a little full for a change. Getting back into my school clothes seemed to take some adjusting. The belt which had always hooked in the smallest position leaving a long tail, now fit two holes in. and my T-shirt wasn't so baggy. Maybe I'm getting buff. B.D. It's time for a bit of mental adjustment for my growing friend. His clothes are now adjusted to fit the 60 pounds I've added to his bulk. Derrick now has memories of being his old skinny self but I've made him think that the new weight packed on over summer vacation. He's looking better and better with a flabby belly starting to stretch his T-shirt and peak out, some perky moobs and a flabby ass that jiggles when he walks. Now it's time to see that my boy gets a healthy lunch. “Yo, Derrick, lets get some lunch.” I've taken over the biggest of Derrick's classmates to see that my boy gets fed. Derrick I like not being so skinny. It feels good with some heft to swing around. Nobody calls me a twink any more. It's not like I am a chick magnet or anything but now I feel more confident. I am feeling hungry though. Good thing it's lunch time because I ate all the Twinkies. These days, I feel like I belong. Like going out for lunch with Dave. Never would have happened before but now we're on the way to lunch at the pizza buffet. Just in time! B.D. My growing boy did himself proud. With a little encouragement from me, my new friend stuffed himself with 10 big slices of pizza and a gallon of Mountain Dew. I dared him to top it off with a tub of soft serve ice cream loaded with toppings and he passed with flying colors. Then we stopped for some snacks to last the afternoon before getting back to school. My boy got four more Twinkies, four pies and two big candy bars and acted like it was just the normal snack. He was 230 by now, over double what he weighed this morning. His skinny face was more like a moon with a nice double chin and was almost a twin of the fat bodied teen I had borrowed. We separated. I watched my creation waddle to class and then I took the afternoon off. Derrick. Funny, I used to think Dave was so fat. He's not so fat. In fact we are about the same size. I matched him slice for slice too. Man I stuffed that pizza down and I'm feeling a little bloated. My belly seems bigger but then what can you expect when you eat so much. My this desk is cramped. Don't remember it being so small before. “Derrick. You sit over here. Quiet down Tommy.” Mrs. White noticed my trouble getting into one of those little desks and let me sit in her chair and shushed Tommy up from snickering at me. Not that I cared. Tommy was a scrawny skank. That pizza must have bloated me up because my belly seemed like a shelf after I sat down. Felt kind of good. Next class was study hall with chairs so I didn't have any problems except my stomach started to growl. I thought I'd never need to eat again but I was wrong. A trip to the bathroom gave me the chance to calm it down with my stash in the backpack. Maybe I should have bought some more. Then my last class- a science lab. Funny I dropped my pencil and couldn't bend over to pick it up. I wonder how long before that belly bloat goes away. My gut kept knocking over the experiment and Jinny kept giggling. I like Jinny but I didn't need her poking a finger in my gut and asking how I got so fat. I tried sucking it in but it isn't so easy. Finally the bell rang and would you believe it, I was hungry again. Good thing the Burger King was on the way home because Mom won't have dinner on the table until 6. B.D. You might not think it but it takes a lot out of you performing all these transformations. Gotta eat big to keep my energy level up so when I left big Derrick to his own devices for a couple of hours, it was time for me to unwind and refuel. When I'm doing the fat blue collar look, I like to hit some seedy bar with greasy food and a pool table. I like to flaunt my bulk among guys that can appreciate it. My work with Derrick was almost done. It was time to treat myself. Early afternoon is not a busy time for bars but there were a few guys at the pool table. I parked my big butt at a table and enjoyed a big cheeseburger. And a pitcher of beer. Then another burger because there isn't much point having a big tank if you can't fill it up. Thought about one more but it was almost time for school to let out and I needed to make sure that Derrick got the full treatment. I stayed my fat self and followed the bulky lad when he left school. He was a waddling bundle of curves and bulges at 260 pounds, just about perfect and nothing like the 110 pound twink from this morning. I wasn't surprised to follow him back to Burger King where it all started. My new creation really loved to eat- and it showed. Derrick You wouldn't think I'd be hungry but I guess I'm just a growing boy. Had to chuckle at myself but I was bigger these days, not the skinny guy from last year. Now what do I want. B.D. I couldn't resist getting up close and personal with my project one more time so I projected myself into the chubby counter boy. Trying to puff our my gut I asked. “What'll it be, Big Guy?” I thought the former twink would bust a gut. He blushed and looked down at the sack of fat around his middle. Grinning, he said “Two Double Whoppers, and fries – super sized, one large drink and one large vanilla shake.” “You sure that's all? You've got a lot of room there.” I poked a finger into his doughy belly making him grin like the Pillsbury dough boy he had become. “It takes a lot of food to keep fueled when your tank is that big but then a big guy like you knows that.” He rubbed one hand over his belly and looked over at me solemnly. “I do.” he said. “This is just a snack to hold me until I get home.” I made change and picked up his order watching him in the corner of my eye. “I hope you don't have far to go. I'd hate to learn that you collapsed from hunger on the way.” Derrick The counter guy was taller than me and trying to look big as he took my order. He called me Big Guy, then poked my belly and asked it I didn't need more. I guess I am pretty big, bigger than him for sure. I like that. Funny, I never noticed how tiny these booths are. There isn't much room for my belly. Wonder why I never noticed it before. I'm probably still bloated from all that pizza at lunch. I wonder how fat I'd have to be before I couldn't fit at all. Like that fat guy over there on the stool. What a belly. Wonder what it would be like to be him? B.D. I watched my fat boy squeeze into a booth and inhale his food. He was beyond taste. It was all about packing his gut. Quite a different boy from the skinny skater he had been this morning. I saw him looking at me and knew he was thinking about being my size. I got up and adjusted my pants to let him have the full spectacle of my luscious 360 pounds of quivering fat. Then I strode (manfully waddled) toward the door swinging my belly from side to side and feeling the quivering flow of my ass cheeks. I could feel his envy as I continued down the sidewalk and back to my truck. It was a great day. |