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by Freak
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #2008135
Second chapter of the "Wolf's Legacy".
Roland and Rose were taking care of Alphonse, the only survivor of the raids. In order to protect him, they hide his past and says he is thier own child. They dont mind telling the truth until he is capable to accept it. As the time goes by, Alphones grows to a strong and smart man, he is about his seventeenth in those days. He is about 1,80 and 80kg, normal build with nothing special only his haircolor. His haircolor is gray, an uncommon one. He realy loves fighting and very talented in swordsmanship. He still knows nothing about his past and believes that Sir Roland and Rose arehis parents.

Its about afternoon, Alphonse walks around as usual. "Hey! Al!" shouted Marco running after him.
Marco was a tall and slim guy, short brown hair and green eyes. He reached Alphonse in soon cause his long legs."Whats wrong Marco? Why are you running for your life?" laughed Alphonse.
"Im going to watch Creed and Louis's fight. Are you coming?" said Marco tired from running. Marco allway knew all of those thing that was about to happen in the town.
"Why not, may they destroy some stuff again." laughed Alphonse and they both headed the arena.
Arena, its a small inn that's holding the fights downstairs for people. If someone have problem with someone else, they settle it there. And of course the people are going to watch and setting bets on them, like some fightclub.

When they arrived at the inn, the people were just usual, Martin was thrown out the main door by the bartender, Keen. "I told you Martin, don't drink that much if you can't fucking handle it!" shouted Keen.
"Ah, screw you Keen, kay?" said Martin and tried to walk away, not like he could.
"Hey Keen, how are you today?" asked Alphonse while stepped over Martin.
"Good good, hope you didn't came to fight Al, when you re in the ring somehow nobody want to fight!" laughs Keen.
"I can't help it, blame Sir Roland for training me too much, I only came to see whats happening between Creed and Louis today, you know what's thier problem today?" asked alphonse while took a place at the bar.
"Ahh, who knows ? They allways have some problems with each other." aswered Keen while filling a jag with beer for the boys.
"Why does this place likes so empty today Keen?" asked Marco, and took the jag and drank it all with one breath.
"Everybody is down, you know how it is little Marco." said Keen.
"You know I hate when you call me like that!" raged Marco
Marco's father is called Marco as well, so everybody calls him little Marco on order to differ them. "Its about to begin, lets go" says Marco.
When they came downstairs, they saw two groups of people, the one was holding Creed back from fight, the on was holding Louis from fight. They wanted to finish each other alredy, hoever the people couldn't hold them for much longer. They rushed to each other and after Creed got two hits, he took Louis and thrown up on a table. "Dammit Creed, behave your self a bit" said Keen worrying about the damage they can do to the inn.
"C'mon Louise" said the people around them, as well as "You can't loose Creed".
After several hits, kicks, and chairs, Louis fell to the ground and lost. Creed won as allways. Those two is fighting each day they can. They simply cant hold it next to each other. Nobody cared about it. They were just like that. "Its just like allways, Creed won as usual" said Marco.
"They are on a different level of endurance, even if Louis hits Creed many more times, Creed will endure it." told Alphonse expertly.
"I would like to see how much you can endure, Al." said Marco and hits Alphonse on his shoulder.
"Are you picking a fight, Marco?" laughed Alphonse.
"Agh, there is nothing to see anymore." said Alphonse and turned on, heading the door.
"Where you goin?" said Marco while followed Alphonse.
"I'm headin the forest for a round." said Aplhonse with a faint smile on his face.
"Oh, well. I guess I see you later then." said Marco and remained behind in the inn.
"Behave your self, dont crash the inn Marco." said Alphonse and walked away laughin.

Alphonse loved to take a round in the nearly forest, the only unfortunatley thing was about its the Thieve's forest. Its named because there are Thieves made thier camp deep in the forest and used it to hide. There was even traded with stolen thing, sometimes even with slaves. Alphonse liked that forest because of it looked nice, and he could get some easy money in there. As he arrived at the forest it was pretty quiet yet, but he knew there could be a suprise from anywhere. He walked half way into the depths of the fores and decided to turn aroun when he saw someone in front of him. A slim shape of a women appeared in the distance. Alphonse kept waling forward, and as soon as she got closer to him, he noticed it was Violet. They know each other for long now, altrough Violet was allways a silent type and Alphonse was the center of attention at school, Alphonse is used to be a friend of her. Sometimes they spend days at the riverside and were talking about all they could talk about. Violet was a slim girl, has black hair schoulder length.
"Violet, what are you doing out there, its about getting dark." said alphonse as they reached each other.
"I can ask the same to you, Al. By the way I was just walking around." answered Violet.
"Ehh, the same here. I just wanted to clear my mind." said Alphonse trying to hide the aim of the walk.
"You weren't looking for trouble again, are you?" asked Violet and covered her face from the smile.
"Im never looking for trouble, that thing last time with the thieves was an accident..." said Alphonse trying to save his self.
"Sure, if you say Al." laughed Violet.
Alphonse's face became serious and looked for the trees.
"Is something wrong, Al?" asked Violet a bit scared.
It was not uncommon of thieves attacking the people walking in there. The most people weren't even going into the forest. For the luck of Alphonse, it wasn't a crime to kill thieves. Altrough he came there to pick a fight with thives, he wished that there was nothing behind that tree. He din't realy wanted to kill anybody in front of Violet because she couln't stand the sight of blood, but there was. A blakc hooded man comes from behind the tree. A small dagger in his hand and a smaller bag on his back. The man wasn't a small one, large built body he has. "So you noticed me, not bad boy. Lets see how you can handle your sword." said he with a deep voice.
"If I got his attention slowly get away, but don't let him notice it." whispered Alphonse for Violet.
"I'm not leaving you here, there is may be more of them." said Violet.
"Even if there is more of them, you can't do anything about it, just go." said Alphonse.
Violet has stepped behid and Alphonse was heading the Thief that was slowly heading to them. The Thief puts his small dagger back to his belt and takes a bigger and heavy sword from his back. Alphonse takes his thin made but strong sword from his left side, and stops walking about five feets from the thief. As Violet was runing and passed the bend by, she heard sword meeting each other, once, twice, but not third time. She stopped and waited some seconds and ran back to Alphonse to see he's allright. Right before the bend, Alphonse stepped in front of her, with his right arm covering his left side. "You don't have to see this, lets head back" said Alphonse.
"You're bleeding, let me see it." said worrying Violet.
"No, its okay. Its just a scratch. Lets head back before we get company." tried Alphonse to calm Violet.
"You just sit donw now, rest a bit." said Violet and pushed Alphonse down with his back against a tree.
Violet slowly unwrapped Alphonse's wound and saw that it wasn't just a scratch. "It was a deep scatch, seems well serious." said Violet.
Alphonse wrapped it around with his shirt and took his jacket back, stood up. "It'll be okay" said Alphonse and picked a small bag from his pocket "The frist round is on me today." said he smiling.
"You stupid, you realy came for some trouble, didn't you?" said Violet and tried to grab Alphonse to pull down back to sit.
Alphonse picked Violet from the ground into his lap and began walking. "I'm okay, there is nothing to worry about, you see?" laughed Alphonse.
"You stupid, take me down! You're going to push your self too much!" shouted Violet while hitting Alphonse where she could.
"I'm olny going to take you down if you stop complaining about my small scratch, would you ?" said and stopped Alphonse.
"Okey okey, just take me down before you fall. I can't belive you." sulks Vioelt. "You realy gona be okay?" asks she.
"Ofcourse, its not the first time scratched. You know, it happens sometime. The most of it was in this forest ofcourse." jokes Alphonse.
While they reached the town, they headed to Violet's place. She wanted to take care of that scratch. When they arrived, Alphonse sat down on the bed and Violet was gone to take some bandage. "Sorry, I got to go, I forgot something important" shouts Alphonse and rushes out the door.
While Violet is back, Alphonse is gone already.Alphonse was going home, as soon as he arives,goes into his room and fell into the bed. Not caring a second about his wound. He was all tired of the day, the fight, that he took Violet and ran with her and the walking so much.

The next morning when alphonse awakes, he takes a look of his wound. It wasn't too serious but it was bleeding well. When he takes his shit off, he see almost no mark of the wound. It was not that light wound. Its healed too much. As soon as he is done with thinking, he gets out the house. Its still dark, nobody is this time on streets. He was heading the docter. He may can give a reason to this. Almost the sun is about to rise, heavy knocks on the door. "Who is it this time? I hope its an emergency." says the docter.
The door opens. A white jacketed long bearded old man opens the door. "I hope its some emergency my boy."
"I hope you can thell me what it exactly is doc." answered Alphonse.
They both went inside and Alphonse took his shirt off and showed the doctor his scar. "You should come with it when it was taken, not a week of two later. Now I have nothing to do it" said the docter.
The scar is much smaller now. "No, I got this yesterday afternoon. It was a deep wound then." said Alphonse. "I think its healed too much a day?"
Did a witch saw this scar?" asked the doctor with intrest. "some skilled wiches are able to heal whole limbs of people." said he.
"No, nobody saw this wound before. A thief made it with his sword." said Alphonse.
"You were looking for trouble again? Now now, hoever its okey, my boy.Go home and rest. I'm still sleepy as well, I'll look for some reason of faster healing then usual." said the docter while taking some old books from the cupboard.
Alphonse took his jacket back and took a look of the books that the doc has taken. All of them old like some anchinet books with a load of dust on it, looks like didn't used for years now. Hoever, the doc will look for reason, Alphonse headed home after that, still wondering what could it be. While Alphonse headed home, the doc was going to the basement of his house. The doc has taken the books about werewolves and other supernatural creatures. He was old enough to figure it out. Sir Roland and Rose couldn't carry a child. Rose was never pregnant. The last time a village was attacked and the same day Alphonse has arrived. Those things are linked to each other somehow.
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