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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #2007796
Something is rank in a big way.
Sleep has not come again, without that dream. It is reacurring dream, dream! Nay! It is a nightmare. Even where the dead do not rest. The monster who held the dagger calls the dead from their eternal rest.

I have seen the tombstones, watched them crawl, claw theri way out of the ground. They have risen why because the dagger has been used to craete them. I have grown afraid. I have pushed nad prodded my editor to send me, there?

Slamming my meaty forefinger into the map, he has decided to let me go, there. Where it came from. To find it origins. To help Sandra be able to sleep again. Maybe he did not enjoy me calling him, every hour on the hour to tell him, how she was doing. Mind you, he only gave me a ticket one way.

I was not impressed. But I would go there?

Taking a plane was more inexpensive than a ship.

It was a day, thta I will not forget.

That day, stepping out onto the tarmac, climbing the stairs to my seat. I suspected I would be flying in a crate considering what he thought of me presently. I got a surprize, first class.

The plane arrived there it was a community with sand scarred buldings, people looked at me, with disfavor. Perhaps it was , because I am white. That could be it.

The majority of the people here were african. It was after all africa where I was sent. I knew of an old antiques dealer, that Jacab told me, about he lived in this region. Just where I did not know.

I wondered why allthe women wore veils. I had not thought to bring one, would i be in trouble.I did not wish to find out, My skirt was thigh high, I was walking in hi heels. On my shoulder was my lap top. Suit jacket, and sheer blouse. I knew it woudl be hot here, taht was why I choose what I choose.

I felt as if I was being watched, I was unabel to shake that feeling. I saw, what Jacab showed me on his card what the symbol was that I soudllook for in order to find him. The door was a jar.

I inched my way inside, I did not know as to what I was to stumble upon. I knew I had to be careful. I knew he liked, woman for his personal pleasure. I could ill aoofrd to give him this.

Th ehouse was dimly light, sunlight was barely able to peek beneath the heavy curtains. I felt something brush against my calf, as I drew past a chair that I coudlbarely make out in the subdued darkness. There was a rug beneath my feet which concealed my hi heels pounding on the floor.

This something brushed againt my leg lower this time, about my ankles hieght. I screamed, loudly,"Do not touch!"

A door slammed open.

A light exploded into the foyer where I was. I leapt into the air. in abject fear. My mouth had grwon so dry a catus would seem like a jungle's fauna in comparison. The light illuminated me. I was as white as a sheet, accepted where my blood vessels were, they were thick blue lines. I felt faint.

When I woke, I felt that craeture that had touched my calf and ankle laying on my abbundent cleavage, looking at me. It ears were pulled back, its triang;e of a nose was before my eyes. It was a cat, a huge cat.

An elderly man reached down to take my arm to help me, to my feet, apologizing fr his cat's reaction to me, being here. "Stupid cat! What do yo think you are doing comeing in here unannounced."

'jabac told you about em. Coming here!

He did no such thing, why are you here?

IN regards to a dagger!

A dagger. |I know noting about a dagger.

He told em, to come here. He told me, I could make it worth while to tell me, what you can. about it.

How do you propose to do this?

We shall ahve to see, won't we?"

I you go to bed with me. Yes! I will tell you all!"

That is a price, top high for me! Sorry, but thank you and no thank you!


I was on my feet heading for the door.

I will tell you want I know.

You will?

I willl!

He handed me , scroll. It was written I suppose in blood and human tissue or so he reassured me.

I was afraid to breath on it. It might just crumblke to nothingness.

I have walked over the rise, to see in the depths of this vast dune, A male figure driving a dagger intio the chest of a boy for hsi sacrufice to his god. Idid not have anything to stop him with. So, I sat there like a damn fool.

Sisteast has gone to speak with her spirit guide. Her spiit guide told her, to go to the east across the waste land and she would find what she is seeking. How I prayed she would. I was afraid so=he would not find what she was seeking.

Anothe rhand wrote the next part it is in a similar style as that of a woman. I ran as though my life depended upon it. Th e slavers pursued me, into the quiremire of the swamp. Tearing riupping through the brush and bull rusjhes and bamboo taht slashed and tore my flesh like it was but air.

I heard the horses burst into the swamp, Their hooves ripping through the surface of the lagoon. The slavers screamed, STop. The horses woudlnot listen.

I crawled up on an embankment in the muck..Finding bodies and falling. Praying I had not been seen.

Hearing the slavers drawing closer to where I lay. I looked into teh face of one of the dead bodies a worm slithered outof its eye. I almsot screamed, but foughht to remain quite/ My bladder did not do as my resolves meant for it to do. I pissed. My stomache heaved.

The slavers were very nearby. I heard a crunchand one of them stood over me. I slipped further into the hole, whre I lay. My hand felt something hard, and layered with soemthing, it was sharp. I felt something tear my flesh on hand that was there.

Th eground shuddered and shook. The ground was ripped open. A knight rose out of the hole, Dressed in platemail and helm, in his one hand he held a mace and the other a sword.

Th eknight vanished the slavers, When they fell. He vanished. Beside the sword and mace was a suit of armor rusted through. There were two bodies up where I lay, both had been slain. One had a scroll bound in parchment. the seal was one that I knew I must not break.

I drew the swrod and the mace from the armor and the scroll whcih I brought with me. To Teekas.

The othe rhand was writing there.

The scroll suggests, That when she is in trouble and she touches the sword, he will apear and destroy the foe. The sword has on it etchings of a woman, in silk holding a babe in her arms. The sword is only good in teh hands of a virgin. It is made from a woman upon the first day of her cycle. and teh body of an infant.

It is waht the lord has provided us with to despose of the foe.

That explained the nightmars, or did it. He handed me the sword.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2007796-The-edge-of-darkness