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still not done but tell me what you think |
Out to sea chapter 1 lets begin In 1492 I was told that some Spaniards are going to try and prove that the earth is round and attempt to go around the world. I believed the man who made up this bizarre theory, mostly because I'm the adventurous kind of guy. My name is Pinto and I guess its this trait that is a blessing and a curse of mine. I chose to follow this man named Christopher Columbus to have the adventure of my life. I walked up to the giant ship and basked in its glory. little did i know that my life was about to change right then and there. When I first stepped onto the ship I knew that there was no turning back. As we set sail I was able to meet the captain of the ship. He was the serious type he looked like he has been at sail plenty of times and looked like he knew what he was doing. When we got to the point that we could not see any land and nothing but water the journey was just beginning. I never actually been on a ship before so I wasn't prepared for what was to come. The waves caused the ship to redundantly rock the ship, at first it was quite relaxing but then it got annoying, than sickening. The captain of the ship hired me as a cabin boy, when you're on these kind of journeys you cannot choose who you want to be, the captain of the ship or the first mate does. I was told to clean the storage area, eventually someone is prone to being sea sick and I am prone to being the person that cleans up the messes. On the ship I, can't even walk a straight line! There is no medicine, if you become sick all you can do is hope and you have to work until you can't work no more. Conditions on the ship was horrible and disease spread quickly. The constant taste of fish and biscuits has haunted me since the beginning. There was water everywhere and nothing to drink other than that is what is on the ship which was very small rations, but my thoughts of actually making a legend and being one of the first to go around the world. Something amazing happened, one of the watchers said land ho! I was so happy we have reached India! As we landed we realized that it wasn't India, everything was different, the indians did not speak the original language and no spaniards were there to meet us. This was a new world. The captain claimed this land as spain's country. We went exploring and the food was different the first thing I tried was something the indians called corn, they taught us how to plant it and everything. But when something goes wrong ,then captain Columbus claimed this land as spain's land but it already has people that thrive and live in it, how can we claim a land that is already inhabited by other people? Out to Sea: chapter 2: Flash Back It has been an entire year since the whole ordeal with finding this new world. I think about times before I went on this land. My family was not the richest of folks but somehow we managed, my little sister Briana was watching me with the family as I set sail. We couldn't make our own money at the point I left, that is why I came on this job, they said that if we get a fair trade I would get a slice of the pay. My mother was very ill when I left, while my father was working hard so we could keep the house, leaving Briana to herself working on her homework. As I left on the boat I looked at her eyes, oh her pitiful looking eyes, looking back at me with sorrow on her face. I was the only one that would spend time with her if I wasn't with my father working. I would help her with arithmetic and spelling. She had curly blond hair like her mothers, while I had brown hair from my father. The more I thought back, the more I have gone deeper in thought I became. I thought again of my poor mother in her bed with her eyes closed only to be opened to get a sip of water or to cough. My father is getting older and older and can't keep up with the work he has to do. My sea of thought has been lost when I heard a man behind me saying " hey Pinto help us out with this barrel its a bit heavy". As I walk to the group of people to help them out I think of the future instead of the past, because I believe that the future has something in store for me. When we unloaded all the cargo to stay for two days on this island the captain said that we needed a small shelter before sunset. Again i had the dirty job of cleaning up after a sewage spill on the already made plot for the shelter, when I was almost done with the mess I heard something rustle in the brush behind me. As i turned around and backed away slowly it looked like it wasn't going to be that big of a creature but you will never know when you are on a land that has never been discovered by men like us before. All of a sudden something ran of the brush, it was a little girl?!? The girl didn't look like she was from any of the tribes that we have visited on our first moments of being here, she spoke of a different tongue. when she looked at me i realized that she had a blue crescent moon on her fore head. I turned to call the men over but once I turned back around she was gone and when the men came around to see what was going on a little bird that i have never seen before came out of the brush and the men just laughed at me while the captain just looked. shelter was finally made and sun was about to set, again we had biscuits and fish for dinner and i didn't eat much of it, i was thinking of the small girl and why she ran away. chapter 3 its too late It has been two days since we set up camp and we where unpacking to set sail to home. The captain told me to go put out the small camp fire that was for the watch outs in the other side of the camp. As I walked to the fire with the full bucket of water again i heard another small rustle in the brush beside me and again the strange girl ran out. I made sure not to alert the crew about the occurrence again because of what happened in the beginning when the girl ran away. She looked like she was trying to get me to follow her. It seemed to be ok because we had about an hour till we set sail to England to alert the king about the great news of the new world. so i dropped the bucket and she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the brush with her. I followed her into a trail that led to a small open field and she turned to me and looked up, i looked up as well and i saw a small bird that looked like the one that came out of the brush the other day. It landed on the little girls shoulder and seemed as calm as it could be. Again she grabbed me by the arm and pulled me toward a small hut that had markings all over it. The marking are all of people that seemed to have a story behind them. All of the pictures seemed childish and scribbled on to the walls, but they where easy to know the meanings of. on of the paintings had two large humanoid figures with one small one between the two. in the next painting it showed a figure that seemed beastly and evil, and in the last painting it showed the small figure all alone with a small hut that seems to be called her home. it seemed clearly now, this little girl was orphaned by this beast and now she survives all alone in this small hut. I looked in the hut and there wasn't much to see but a small little doll in the middle of the room laying in a small make shift bed made from straw and grass i picked up the doll and saw that there was a rip in the fabric that made the clothes. i turned around to see the girl looking at me from the entrance to the hut with an almost sorrowful face as i saw a tear coming from her eye to her cheek. i walked to her and knelt down to her level, she looked and spoke in the same unknown tongue as before. i saw my reflection of myself in her watering eyes and i pointed at myself and said Pinto, she pointed at me and said the same thing. i pointed at her trying to say her name but she didn't say a word. than it dawned at me i was supposed to be at the ship soon and i got up and ran towards the woods at the other side of the field. i found the trail and followed it to the beach, i saw the large ship in the middle of the ocean, i was too late, how was i supposed to help my family through this financial crisis now that i am on the other side of the ocean. i screamed at the top of my lungs and fell to the ground weeping and praying that i will be able to see my family again. as i laid there i felt a small hand on my back and i looked up and saw the small girl with the blue crescent moon on her fore head and i herd her say "Pinto" i just got up and looked into her eyes, I realize that we are both feeling the same pain of loss of the ones we love chapter 4 what now. As i say the ships sails hide behind the horizon i thought of my family, my sick mother, my hard working father, and my loving sister. i look at the small girl and stared at her blue moon on her head and as the looked back at me the small bird landed on my shoulder and looked at me. i smiled and reached into my pocket and grabbed an old biscuit that i have been saving for later and gave it to him, he grabbed the old hard biscuit and flew off. i felt a hand holding mine and as i looked down the girl was pulling me toward the woods and to the trail, we entered the small hut and sat down it was becoming dark now i was feeling very tired and as i looked at the mysterious girl she was yawning grabbing her doll that she loved so dearly and fell asleep, i fell asleep soon after. when i woke up i saw the small girl still asleep in her corner with her doll. i still saw the rip in the fabric so i used my knowledge of what i learned with my little sister of fixing torn clothes because she would do it a lot with her dolls. i found a needle in my pocket and pulled a piece of string from my own clothes and mended the rip together |